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@jwpulliam1 4 часа назад
With all of the new observations going back to "for ever it seems", is the Big Bang still a relevant term. It seems the universe has been here forever and is forever changing and there wasn't a Big Bang billions of years ago. Or possibly a local Big Bang!
@lamontharden6649 12 часов назад
With these galaxies that James Webb discovered that weren't supposed to be there is it possible that galaxies collided and went in the opposite direction. Maybe they started out smaller than what they are and then grew after they went back in the opposite direction. 8:05
@richardknott2021 17 часов назад
I think this theory is the closest to the truth..
@jerrypolete5258 17 часов назад
How can we still communicate with them billions of miles away but yet when I walk into the house my cell signal drops to 1 bar. 😂😂😂 or I go in the bedroom and lose WiFi connection from the living room. 😂😂😂
@RealQinnMalloryu4 18 часов назад
What is terrifying a about what happened befor the big bang. Is it because singularity .
@indigoblue998 19 часов назад
I love science, it can be spiritually progressive, and it's God created, just like man. I find it hilarious when people put all their faith in science, and not God😂
@thekingofmojacar5333 20 часов назад
Thank you EYES-200M for the effort and the many information in this video! 😉 So what happened before the big bang? How can the JWST see that if it has a maximum visibility of 13.5 billion light years? In my opinion, there are many wrong predictions, there was no singularity at the beginning of our current universe, no big bang and most likely no dark ages either... Yes, what was there? There are currently much better and more credible ideas and theories (multiverse / cyclical universe - big bounce etc.), although we will only be 100% sure when there is a more far-sighted successor than the excellent JWST, from about 15 billion light years onwards it will become particularly interesting... 🤖
@courrierdebois 20 часов назад
Beautiful video about our home.
@analogman9697 23 часа назад
Demons are among us. If we could see into the 4th dimension, we'd be horrified. THe government will hide/destroy all evidence that supports the Word of God.
@mattlirot2427 День назад
Someone actually dug a hole to china and there’s some kids on the other side pulling the fising line😂😂😂
@konstantinpavlovich5253 День назад
very interesting... Big bang, dark matter, dark energy and other inventions are the grossest mistakes of cosmologists. Such elementary mistakes made by these so-called "cosmologists" are not permissible even for middle school students of the most mediocre school. These errors are analyzed in detail on a solid foundation of physical laws (without any scientific delusional fantasies of cosmologists) in the book "Big Bang of Scientific Idiocy", author Pavlovich Konstantin. The book can be downloaded from аmаzon. You don’t even have to download the entire book, you just need to watch “Read sample” in a few minutes and everything will be clear.
@konstantinpavlovich5253 День назад
The real picture of the world is... Dark matter, dark energy, the big bang and other inventions are the grossest mistakes of cosmologists. Such elementary mistakes made by these so-called "cosmologists" are not permissible even for middle school students of the most mediocre school. These errors are analyzed in detail on a solid foundation of physical laws (without any scientific delusional fantasies of cosmologists) in the book "Big Bang of Scientific Idiocy", author Pavlovich Konstantin. The book can be downloaded from аmаzon. You don’t even have to download the entire book, you just need to watch “Read sample” in a few minutes and everything will be clear
@MariaGavris-xl6ul День назад
@MariaGavris-xl6ul День назад
@user-jgn1944 День назад
It looks like a giant Cucumber
@user-jgn1944 День назад
Like the body of a beetle. From Beteljuice perhaps?
@smokey7142 День назад
Who named this ridiculous video
@peterbauer7271 День назад
Every few hundred years a Newton or Einstein will come along to develop a new theory to displace the prior one. Newton said he stood on the shoulders of giants. This could have been him being humble or a dig at Hookes…
@user-ns9ej6nr8w День назад
answer: physicists tried to put a limit(13+ B.) on reality(time ,space...spacetime) and found out that being correct 100% is not reality. Question, If the universe didn't start from a certain point,but expands from a big bang equally,everywhere at once...how do we say that the early universe is 13+ B. from us?...If some physicist existing in one of these earliest galaxies that JWT can barely detect has the same technology and can barely detect the milky way galaxy, would he also assume it is 13+ B., and say it occured that much earlier than his home galaxy? Finally,(for now) how is this information useful in a practical sense other than trying to sooth some physicist's self induced migrane?...I'm not perplexed one bit, JWT and for that matter, HST are just very expensive pieces of a hobbyist's kit that we all paid for...to get kewp pix of glowing photons and dirt.Theories are much more entertaining than facts.
@user-ns9ej6nr8w День назад
funny...It's probably a torroidal galaxy seen on edge.
@thekingofmojacar5333 День назад
Albert Einstein was an extremely intelligent, imaginative and creative personality for his time (100 years ago). Until his death in 1955, Einstein believed that the universe functions according to the principle of cause and effect and is structured according to laws that are understandable and recognizable to humans. But if he had had a JWST or Hubble ST at hand and our current cosmic knowledge, he would have been able to pass on much more advanced and realistic theories and ideas to us. In the same way, we can assume today that there was no big bang (as the beginning of cosmic expansion, so to speak), and that the emptiness (or nothingness) mentioned in this video cannot be made visible in any way, because it did not begin with a singularity and big bang. Rather, there was a predecessor universe that then collapsed in its last cycle and then renewed itself (to be our current quiet advanced universe). We can also assume that galaxies and stars existed long before 13.5 billion light years and that our entire cosmos (the current universe and its predecessors) itself according to these cycles, refining and perfecting its functionality and quantum mechanical and physical processes. It's a shame that Albert Einstein wasn't born 100 years later; with his ideas it would have been really spectacular...
@naganadipuram7176 День назад
@CAN2012Leadership 2 дня назад
I’m a Christian, and it’s important to share the truth. The tunnel under the Euphrates was discovered in the 1840’s, and it was simply a tunnel built by an ancient queen to allow for underground travel across the river from one palace to another. It wasn’t a prison. Yes, the Euphrates is drying as indicated in Isaiah, but we must be honest in our presentation of things. God does not need us to over-dramatize or create conspiracy theories to get people to seek Him. His Truth stands on its own without fear mongering.
@BobbyCole-nu7tq 2 дня назад
This stuff u. C. Is floating in so.ething we call space
@chemmii 2 дня назад
???...Just what is it your trying to find out..??? What good is going to come of it, if you do..??? How is any of this, helping our own planet and existence..?? To put it bluntly, none of your questions will ever be answered, because this entire premise is based on a faulty beginning..!! For any theory to work, it has to start with what came first, any none of this is based on that foundation..!! First and foremost one would have to find out where "" MATTER"" came from..!! And since you can't do that, all of the science is built on deceptions, not reality.!! Until you realize that nothing is knowable, unless you first admit that you don't know anything at all about the true nature of existence itself, any efforts you make trying to understand built upon something that existed for you to make your assumptions about is foolishness.!! Matter itself is not what you believe it to be, but your to stupid to realize that..!! And all the time and effort and money you have put into trying to find anything out about cosmology, has been futile..!! Though science can be helpful in some important areas, mainly dealing with life here on earth, it surely has no business wasting its time on Cosmology..!! Until you realize the state of matter is either bound or unbound and not something that can be understood by science, you will never have any sound explanations on anything that your sick little minds come up with as possible answers..!!
@chemmii 2 дня назад
The entire red shift theory is wrong, Hubble made a big mistake on that point..! Red, and the other colors do not represent age, they have nothing to do with age at all...!! Secondly "TIME" only works for us here on earth..!! Beyond our galaxy, time does not exist..!!
@Bigbudda12 2 дня назад
The Big Bang theory is a crutch. Where was the bang. Where is the evidence. Big bomb theory.
@thekingofmojacar5333 2 дня назад
It's a pity that our JWST doesn't have a button you can press if you want to detect extraterrestrial life... that would be something special. But until then we have to make do with speculation, even if Proxima B really is like a neighbor across the street, the planet is far too far away to take a clear photo of it and analyze it in detail...
@RealQinnMalloryu4 2 дня назад
What does this have to do with EIon Musk
@user-bh8wd8be3c 2 дня назад
Nasa always lie to human we all are alien 5$6 finger alien run the world 🌍
@user-bh8wd8be3c 2 дня назад
They never die
@user-bh8wd8be3c 2 дня назад
Nasa lie
@user-bh8wd8be3c 2 дня назад
Nasa is not saying the truth
@abundantYOUniverse 2 дня назад
@JessicaClemens1984 2 дня назад
So far I'm liking the video thank you
@DavidHall-x1u 3 дня назад
Also let me share that Dark matter evolves into Dark Energy I have all you need to see what I have shared and is mathematically TRUE
@DavidHall-x1u 3 дня назад
I figured out the age is 31.7 billion years old . I took dark matter and calculated the decay rate of a particle that was here in the beginning and the universe came into not a BigBang but let there be light yes a Whitehole is how. Thanks for the time have a good day
@davidseed2939 3 дня назад
oumuamua is a trail of debris. Originally a comet but broken up by tidal forces. it could have been anagglomeration bound together by solid CO2
@paulmillbank3617 3 дня назад
Religion makes people dumb. In the absence of understanding it must be God.
@user-gs4yj9oh2p 3 дня назад
they watched to many sf films, this is bullshit
@edstauffer426 3 дня назад
Math Confusion not a big bang and dark matter is the fabric of spacetime. The fascination with electrons began after reading a report about electrons moving faster than light. It seemed that electrons disappeared and reappeared at distances and time periods that meant that they had to move faster than the speed of light which physicists said was impossible. The most logical answer was that it was not the same electron. Vacuum energy appears and disappears all the time. It all had to come from somewhere. The obvious answer was that there was a soup of the building blocks of matter outside of spacetime. Unfortunately we have yet to figure out how to see it. Is it a wave or a particle? Quantum mechanics makes more sense to me if there are actually waves of particles outside of space time that pop in and out when we do a measurement . Outside of spacetime they could instantly be where they need to be, as there is no space between the pieces that fit so they can be there in no time. It was not a big jump to realize that these particles could be part of the missing dark matter. By definition waves move, flow and circulate. On our planet we have the water cycle, water runs downhill pools and accumulates. If it becomes warm enough it evaporates. It then joins other particles in the atmosphere and eventually falls back to earth restarting the whole process. The evidence suggests that like water, dark matter can phase transition. This phase transition would accelerate waves of particles that make up the fabric of spacetime and gravity would pull them back down, these would be the drivers of the motion in the dark matter cycle. I believe that the entirety of the universe formed as a pocket of spacetime all at once similar to a burst of vacuum energy. Once the dark matter fabric of the universe cooled most of it condensed and collapsed into swirling pools which pulled the baryonic matter into direct collapse black holes with the eddies forming the stars and galaxies. The fog of dark matter that is the of the fabric spacetime would have settled with an equivalent of 100% humidity in areas like the great attractor. The Milky Way however formed in a cloud high on the mountain top. Once the stars and AGN began to evaporate the fog of dark matter time in the Milky Way sped up. As we look around the fog thickens the further down the mountain we go. Light red shifts as it climbs out of a gravity well. Thus the thicker the fog of dark matter the more light is redshifted. This would leave everything the same with the exception of our perception that the universe is expanding. Also if a big portion of the redshift is from climbing out of a deeper gravity well then we are not looking as far into the past as we think. These fog of dark matter would only occupy about 0.1% of their former volume. The deepest gravity wells would experience time dilation and thus time would pass much more rapidly for areas not in them. Once stars and AGN formed they would begin the process of evaporating the liquid dark matter.. On average throughout the universe time would speed up from that point on while particle mass would slowly decrease as the average liquid dark matter content decreased. The altered ratio of dark matter to baryonic matter resulting from the vaporization process would then have influenced the formation and evolution of galaxies. Progressively smaller stars would have formed due to the shallower gravity wells. Larger diameter galaxies would also have evolved due to the lower LDM concentrations Like the clouds of water that surround our planet, clouds of dark matter surround our galaxy. These clouds like fog banks can settle into the galaxy or if two systems collide actually rain down causing bursts of star formation. Anywhere in the universe can contain a deep pool of dark matter as well as any area can become a desert.. Dark matter is like the ocean it has currents and streams. It also has different salinities (concentrations of normal matter) depending on how much dust and gas has been accumulated. The distribution of dark matter in and around galaxies could also be explained by phase transitioning dark matter. The closer to the plane the higher the liquid dark matter content. As this dark matter encounters stars, planets and moons some of it is converted to gaseous dark matter and begins to rise away from the plane due to its phase transition acceleration. This causes it to circulate away from the plane until it encounters gas or dust and rains back into the gravity well. This whole process sweeps dust and gas back toward the middle of the galaxy. The plane of the galaxy would look like lake country with the flow from overflowing gravity wells streaming outward along the plane. This would be the (DDDM) double disk dark matter. Not necessarily a solid layer but more like a filamentary structure along the plane of the galaxy. The majority of dark matter that comprises the fabric of spacetime is movable. Mother nature was smart enough to ensure that wherever more material accumulated that the fabric that contained our spacetime bubble also accumulated more mass to contain it. Eventually solid dark matter (SDM) begins to form at the barycenter of the galaxy. It should be distinguishable from the stars and black holes that circle the SMB as it will not feed on gas or dust. The filaments of the cosmic web, like galactic halos are accumulations of dark matter, dust, gas and galaxies that collectively drain back to the depths of the gravity well to eventually feed galactic clusters. If not for the GDM and entrained LDM blasted out by the AGN and stars there would be considerably less circulation to move the gas and dust back to the depths of the gravity wells.
@moneyflow5766 3 дня назад
@kristianna276 3 дня назад
My belief is that space, time and matter are infinite, and that we are not the only universe in existence. Is there a beginning of time? No! Are we a merger of two distinct universes? Maybe. Are the galactic mergers a microcosm of evolving universes? Time is forever and is never ending, but our universe is not infinite and never ending. We are entering a new age of Enlightenment, and all of our old ways of thinking is coming to an end.
@cosimo7770 3 дня назад
The JWT segment ends at 34:26. The science content is a good summary but is not new. Narrator's voice is clear. The constant background 'music', although faint, is an insult to the intelligence of the listener. Do the JWT scientists have constant background 'music' when they give lectures, operate equipment or study images ? No, they do not. So why do they think the public is so stupid we must be attacked by noise to maintain our attention ?
@thekingofmojacar5333 3 дня назад
Thank you JWST project for finally shedding (more) light on the early cosmic history! To achieve this absolutely advanced evolutionary, almost perfect state and functioning, several generations of universes are required, several predecessor universes... This highest level overall evolution of our universe cannot possibly have come about through a simple singularity and a big bang; this is so logical that even a child can see it. The 60 year old "big bang fairy tale theory" is now definitely coming to an end...
@ManuelGarcia-ww7gj 3 дня назад
Are these "very young and early galaxies mostly population three stars? If no, there is still a great deal to find, or Eddington's speculations on the formation of stars and stellar evolution are dead wrong.
@thekingofmojacar5333 3 дня назад
In our current universe, there were certainly only population III stars at the beginning (in the 1st cycle of the then infant universe). However, since there is also the probability or possibility that these ancient cosmic structures are stars and galaxies from our predecessor universe, these stars could very well have come from another generation of stars...
@alcourtines4707 4 дня назад
Excellent content!
@richardknott2021 4 дня назад
You’re still only guessing..we don’t know anything ..yet.
@alexanderroos6899 4 дня назад
Where do people come up with this crap .time travel Does not exist. You can't go back and you can't go forward. People need to get off the meth pipe
@yunusjhon651 4 дня назад
Do you know that and agree ?