Talking about stuff.
@marcymarblez 10 дней назад
What is the font? I've been looking for it forever
@k.dhiyaah.2096 15 дней назад
I always remember 1 line that phos utter that hit me so fricking hard: "I envy my old self" :")
@HeavyMetalMayhem 15 дней назад
Silent Hill 2 is a good game but it is so overrated man. Seriously, a lot of people didn't even play the game when it came out, they waited 10+ years later after reading all these stuff and they already got it in they heads of what the game is. The game is a very good game, I played it back in the day, but it has a ton of flaws gameplay- -wise, as well as structure. There is a lot of jank, and the game has aged. Hopefully the remake will do it justice (but I don't know, those trailers....)
@nycbaby_8743 17 дней назад
I just finished 2 and origins I’ll tell you this Silent hill 2 story has to be the best in the series other then 4
@Ridley_Cooper 17 дней назад
I challenge anyone to play SH1 in a dark, quiet room first and THEN do the same with SH2. I promise you will no longer find SH2 “scary.” Creepy, thoughtful, and symbolic yes, but not scary.
@TheMightyPika 19 дней назад
It never dawned on me to think of Maria as some AI-type of thing, mashing together everything it can telepathically know about James and Mary and present itself as a passable human made for him. Think about it - everyone sees things directly related to themselves because the town is like an AI - it takes prompts from you and only you to create a place you think you deserve. Because you only see things drawn from yourself, what you and another person next to you are experiencing are totally different things. Like wearing headsets in the same room. Silent Hill 2 captures this SO PERFECTLY and I think THIS is that the copycats afterward fail to understand.
@gerniyy5579 20 дней назад
You're message in the intro is touching. Thank you for that
@carparked 20 дней назад
Easily one of the most uncomfortable experiences I’ve ever gone through. You feel absolutely confronted, cornered and overwhelmed. The word “horror” doesn’t quite cover the despair this game smothers you with
@therabbitthing 20 дней назад
Please do more Silent Hill! ❤
@1Synner 20 дней назад
I think I'm one of those bizarre anomalies that doesn't find Silent Hill 2 scary. Don't get me wrong, I DID once upon a time, and as an adult I understand extremely well WHY, but these days... I personally don't find it scary anymore. If anything, my weird ass finds it... comforting. Despite the decay, despite the horror, despite the misery and depression... Playing this game? Walking through those empty, foggy streets, listening to the haunting music and the buzzing radio of some distant monster shuffling through the fog, exploring every nook and cranny of the town and surviving it's most harrowing locations? It comforts me. It's like a chilled blanket on a hot summer day. It's like the calm after a storm. It's like no matter what happens, everything will be fine if you persevere.
@Ridley_Cooper 17 дней назад
It’s not scary. Creepy, thoughtful, and symbolic yes, but it ain’t scary.
@1Synner 17 дней назад
@@Ridley_Cooper I think it WAS scary at some point for most of us. I remember being proper terrified and having nightmares because of it, but that was quite a long time ago. Multiple playthroughs and playing other horror games had since tempered and dulled my sensitivity to being "scared". But, again, that's just me. Like I said, though. These days, I just find this game comforting.
@-EndlessHorizon 20 дней назад
You should put the time aside to play born from a wish it really gives perspective on maria as a character. Shes a throwaway thought in the back of James mind. She wakes up in a strip club with a revolver presumably meant for suicide and cant remember who what or where she is. She finds herself in the ernest mansion later and starts to talk to ernest and the back and forth between her and ernest is so fucking good. Two ghost grappling with they're existence is extremely facinating. Also ernest is like the parallel of maria he knows hes not real and knows exactly how everything works hes deeply entrenched in the esoterica of silent hill in fact hes used his wealth specifically to use the power of silent hill and study it he may even have a connection to the cult. He uses the power of silent hill to exist by his own will while maria is used by the power of silent hill to exist for someone elses will. Its truly a fascinating parallel between perspectives. People sleep on born from a wish because it's short but its stuck with me so much. Especially when the door to ernests room opens up. Ive never ever felt more alone than that moment. It sent chills down my spine unlike no other piece of media. I tried to be spoiler free as much as i can but i can write paragraphs upon paragraphs about just the born from a wish story alone let alone its connections to the main story and how they meld together so astonishly.
@EnergyTalks 20 дней назад
I’ve played born from a wish and I agree that it’s such an underrated part of the game! I’d love to do a video talking about it sometime because I feel like a lot of people who are just getting into the series really need to be more aware of it! Thanks for watching!
@MrKrewie 20 дней назад
yet another one...
@EnergyTalks 20 дней назад
Another video on my channel, you’re right! Thank you for your engagement!
@konstantinoskoumas2211 20 дней назад
Great video brother
@EnergyTalks 20 дней назад
Thank you!
@ceej2110 20 дней назад
Greatest game ever made. Glory to Scotland
@mr.hashundredsofprivatepla3711 20 дней назад
Are you Sam Just Talks?
@EnergyTalks 20 дней назад
@stucoofoo 20 дней назад
At the the whispering part and I've heard people say he mentions laundry, but that's all. I want to take a guess before lookin it up. I can't make out the last bit, so I'll try to listen until i hear it or til i make something up in my head.. _______________ "It's a new time-line go home do some laundry, the evening news and see the new concepts in this haze." ______________ I doubt that's it but i listened to it like 20 times and I'm unsure of most of it. Lol.
@germanco93 20 дней назад
i loved the way you explained that in a way mary is part of james.
@a_panda_on_yt 21 день назад
yayy he’s back!!
@leviathoncannon 21 день назад
Anyone else heard the discord notification at 10:17
@EnergyTalks 20 дней назад
Angela forgot to put her phone on silent!
@sebhollywood4777 21 день назад
The remake will be astonishing
@Stigmatix666 19 дней назад
@vasilijejovanovic9910 21 день назад
At 2:43 I truly don't believe James had to gather courage, courage comes from overcoming fear. James is a man with nothing to lose. it's like he said: "I guess I really don't care if it's dangerous or not, I'm going to town either way." To me, it doesn't sound like he said it in a confident way, he just truly does not care about anything else except finding Mary, which is both commendable and sad when you think about it
@EnergyTalks 21 день назад
That’s why I mentioned it could be said out of nothingness! Because James feels nothing, and decided to use whatever steam he has left by putting himself in reckless situations because he simply doesn’t care
@BRANDOZ4Z 21 день назад
I love your take on this game. Especially the blandness. I feel you homie.
@EnergyTalks 21 день назад
Thanks! Happy you enjoyed the video!
21 день назад
Great video my man!!
@Grapey_Hanyuu 22 дня назад
So happy to see you back! Stronger than ever too 💪
@EnergyTalks 21 день назад
Happy to be back, and happy to see you!
@LosMSR 22 дня назад
At a first impression, you can feel that Maria is like IT, a trickster, later this isn't true, Maria is just like Walter, and Alex Shepherd, a sort of a manifestation of the town. My favorite part of the game is when the town was at night, this similar concept happened in Homecoming, the town OC will be more scary at night. Another great part is the prison, bc the town was explained the reason behind Angela, Eddie, and James.
@TensaShinra 23 дня назад
Great video as always Sam, glad to see you back!
@gokura 23 дня назад
Welcome back
@deandredukes95 23 дня назад
New Sub
@EnergyTalks 23 дня назад
Welcome to the channel!
@BrokenRonin 23 дня назад
New Energy video? Let's fucking go
@Steran 23 дня назад
@EnergyTalks 23 дня назад
@animextra9558 23 дня назад
Oh crap looks like your back
@EnergyTalks 23 дня назад
Got some new projects in the brain
@wisehat 23 дня назад
needed this
@EnergyTalks 23 дня назад
The reawakening will occur very soon
@wisehat 23 дня назад
@@EnergyTalks glad your back friend
@marinellaoneri6381 Месяц назад
I know I'm late to the discussion but has someone else noticed the red bridge Ruka crosses at the beginning of her adventure and at the end of it? These two scenes really reminded me of Spirited away when Chihiro crosses the bridge and she fully get into the "spirit realm" and then she leave that realm crossing the bridge again. I wonder if it's an explicit reference to Ruka crossing herself into the spirit realm since she's destined to attend the birth festival, and then she crossed it again after the cerimony it's completed before returning at her ""normal"" life
@ashleeramey 2 месяца назад
It's about time someone did a review in this beautiful movie. This film never gets talked about ❤
@juanalfonso7701 3 месяца назад
This movie is literally an ode to hermetism, the ammount of hermetic universal laws displayed in this movie is incredible
@natsudragon408 7 месяцев назад
I hate your voice
@stephysteph8558 7 месяцев назад
I recently watched Black Swan on Netflix, and the idea that once you get to perfection you have to stop, rings so true for that story. I see a lot of Phos in Nina , with both the striving to be useful (which means being perfect) and with the sense of self degrading as the peppy hero evolves into a person much more cynical through dissatisfaction with a roll. With Nina there is the implication (at least to me) that all the anger and the messiness Nina has repressed over the years to succeed in ballet and please her mom---all that is coming back with a vengeance as the image of the Black Swan., an image that confuses Nina until she realizes it's still herself. It think the story is truly sad because Nina still wants to say she's achieved perfection, but she has achieved so much more. She could move out, she could take on new roles, she could dance on her own terms --she's not just "perfect" - she's "Great."
@freierHimmel 8 месяцев назад
I want to point out that "Dark Matter" does not exist. The idea of it was invented by scientists to make their gravity based idea of the solar systems work. In their flawed (mathematical) theory, the solar systems where unstable. The planets always left their orbits. So they thought up Dark Matter and Dark Energy, which would provide enough force to make their calculations work. The Dark Matter maps they created, are basicly just static from instruments they ran through many computers and filters. It shows something thats not there.
@Ardeev_Murgan Год назад
It was an amazing clip that left me shocked ✨⛄
@yushen7492 Год назад
this is Akira sequel
@Ciiiiiic Год назад
hear me out , i havent watched the movie but from your analysis i can bet that cant be right , curbric and stuff in this shit
@a_peridox Год назад
I listen to video analysis and whatnot while I draw, but I ended up getting so enamoured with the analysis that I kinda stopped drawing.. oops! Great video, even two years later I'm surprised this hasn't blown up yet. I hope it does, especially when the final FINAL season is finished. Also, a random side comment: I can't help but also note that a lot of why Gabi is so hated is not only because she shot Sasha, but her dogmatic and zealous belief in Marley and how the island Eldians are "devils". Granted, we know the truth that this isn't the case and that she and others have been spoonfed pure propaganda, but it comes off as more annoying simply because she has yet to actually experience loss or trauma, unlike Eren (until the surprise attack). Idk just a thought
@immortals_void4711 Год назад
Great video man! Deserves a lot more recognition. Other than that, I hope you're doing alright man.
@Hakajin Год назад
Great video, wasn't aware of the influence of formal philosophy! One note: "observation" in quantum physics doesn't mean the same thing we mean colloquially. As in, it doesn't mean "perception" but means to take a measurement. Thus, does it exist if we haven't observed it? is a question about whether it exists without physical intra-action. Um... Karen Barad, who's in quantum field theory, says that reality is not composed of independent entities that then intra-act with each other, but entities come out of intra-actions. In other words, the most fundamental level of reality is relationships. Also! ...What was I going to say...? Oh, yeah, Barad, like me, comes from a panpsychic point of view. Panpsychism, if you're unfamiliar, is basically academic, philosophical animism: sentience is fundamental and ubiquitous in the universe. So... But still physical intra-action, entanglement, is necessary for experience. Because awareness without anything happening is basically non-existent; it has nothing to be aware OF. That having been said, I'm all for ideas about sentience "remembering" what's been or retaining molds. Basically my specific philosophy of mind (nondualism) leaves the door wide-open for all kinds of phenomena.
@FlutterSwag Год назад
this is so beautiful, and the cut at 14:18 its immaculate
@pastelsploosh8914 Год назад
Its honestly so sad. Once antarcticite was taken and phos got new arms, he began to be valued and geeked over, but I can sense the "what's the point" of it all honestly you lose something that big for as simple as being able to fit in. Its devastating, even once she was broken up and was told she was forgotten and went to the lumarians again, all she could think about is how absolutely nobody loved him, even the ones that did but refused to show it in front of him. God it made me begin to hate cinnabar because she kept her mouth shut just to fit in and antagonize phos.
@NessunDorma2 Год назад
@josephcharabin2641 Год назад
Thank you
@ajamid0145 Год назад
Such a well made video understandable and makes me feel self conscious ❤❤