The Swegle Story
The Swegle Story
The Swegle Story
This is a channel documenting the story and adventures of my life on my path to success.
3/4/23 - Settling In
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2/25/23 - Germany
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2/21/23 - Travel
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2/12/23 - More Struggling
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2/4/23 - Transitioning
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1/28/23 - Good Steps
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1/23/23 - Good Starts
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1/14/23 - Adventure
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1/7/23 - Looking Up
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12/31/22 - Struggling
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12/24/22 - Experimenting
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12/17/22 - Memories
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12/10/22 - Idle
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12/3/22 - Backtracking
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11/26/22 - Steps
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11/19/22 - “Rock Bottom”
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11/12/22 - Moving Backwards
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A Portrait of My College Life
Год назад
11/5/22 - Gradual Progress
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10/29/22 - On A Better Track
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10/22/22 - On A Good Course
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10/15/22 - Small Steps
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10/8/22 - Looking Up
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10/1/22 - A Normal Week
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9/24/22 - College Life
Год назад
9/17/22 - Opportunity
2 года назад
9/10/22 - Overextending
2 года назад
9/3/22 - Moving Backward
2 года назад
8/27/22 - Changes
2 года назад
@davidharris241 Год назад
Hey, Traveler! I'm way behind on YouTubing replies, sorry. Please forgive me. 🌹 Glad to see you made it safely to Germany. So cool you're 15mins from a 13th century village. Love stuff like that. Hope you find an adequate bike soon, with so much to see and experience. I lived in Belgium for a few years (for my Dad's job) and never had a bike, but the mass transit was really good and went to a lot of places. Really wanted to see more of Germany, but I only remember Bonn...which I found rather disappointing because it was mostly late 40s architecture replacing what had been reduced to rubble in WWll. Maybe you'll find a thrift store there that has a bike, or maybe a plate and a fork. 😜Thanks for sharing your early thoughts of your new adventure. So excited for you! Ich hoffe, Sie haben einen tollen Tag! (Google translate, haha)
@SwegleStudios Год назад
NICE VID. Are you trying to steal my severe weather content?? 😉
@thesweglestory3767 Год назад
Thanks! As for the severe weather, I couldn't resist! Let me know if you ever want the clips!
@davidharris241 2 года назад
Hmm, my first comment 'disappeared'. I'd added a YT link to it, so maybe that wasn't allowed? I'll check again tomorrow, and if still missing...will try to recreate my comment. Kindest regards, Sam -David
@thesweglestory3767 Год назад
No worries here! I appreciate you commenting on my videos and I sincerely apologize for not getting back to you on them :(. I will work on communication from this point forward. I hope all has been well with you!
@davidharris241 2 года назад
P.S. Great video cover photo! 🤣
@thesweglestory3767 Год назад
Thanks! It's because of moments like these that I love living in the dorms :)
@davidharris241 2 года назад
Glad you had a pleasant Covid experience. So you missed a few goals, but it sounds like you've learned some valuable truths about yourself over the last few weeks. Maybe you'll be able to stay focused in spite of the adjacent temptations, but maybe not...Good that you're aware now. Your positive attitude is so refreshing. And... then...you gave me a shout out. Whaaa!? , I wasn't expecting that! Thank you for your kind words. No apology neccessary I feel kinda bad, actually. You've been so nice to reply at all, imo. My previous comment was so long. I write and it just flows out sometimes🙂 . I'll try to be a little briefer in the future. Thanks again, Sam! Wishing you the best.
@thesweglestory3767 Год назад
Thanks for the support David! No worries about the long comments either, I love to hear your story as well! It's simply been a discipline issue on my end with responding. I have the same issue with texting. I just responded to all of the unread texts I had on my phone, a couple were as long as a month ago! Even when I was being paid to communicate with people, I failed to do so! It's a bad habit I will work on fixing this week and onward. Thanks again for your support and comments! -Sam Swegle
@davidharris241 2 года назад
Hey, Sam. Really liked this video. I actually like how you've been changing the setting most times. Someone keeps a nice, tidy garage! Speaking of tidy, I set a goal (on my index card list, inspired by you) to deep clean and declutter my house. Grateful to have two friends who were eager to help me. My best friend is like the Energizer Bunny™️ and will easily work 11 hours straight...and the thought of enduring that was overwhelming for me. So, before we committed to the task, I set a boundary that we would not work more than 4 hours per day. Breaking the project into manageable 'bite sized' pieces made the process less daunting. I didn't have to play the martyr or become resentful. Took us 3 days, and we worked a couple hours over the limit yesterday, but the end was in sight and I was pumped by then! I've been an avid collector my whole life and have amassed a large collection of rocks, many of museum quality...as well as antiques and antique photographs (daguerreotypes, tintypes), and a possibly unhealthy array of shoes/boots. I did stop collecting any of those things a few years ago, and while I still appreciate them...I've committed to paring things down. I rented a storage unit and we put more than half of that stuff in there, and one of my friends is going to take on a side-job of selling my 'treasures', possibly on EBAY (I hope you don't mind my lengthy comment, I think I might be journaling at the same time...in your RU-vid space!). I complained to my sister about the cost of the storage unit and she asked me "What price would you put on open space?". No surprise, she's a PhD! I woke to an immaculate home this morning. Feeling some aches and pains, but I have the whole day to myself. The homeless guy was invited to stay elsewhere for a few days. I've been letting him sleep in my garage and hiring him to do handyman work. He agreed to an allowance from that and for me to 'bank' the rest. He had a really nice job w/benefits until a month ago, but everything fell apart at once. He now has his temp, and in two weeks I'm taking him to take his driving test. He hasn't had a license in 10 years. By then, he may have enough saved to buy a vehicle. He'd have to commute 40 minutes, but his previous employer is eager to have him back, with no loss in seniority or benefits! Hopefully he'll be back on his feet before it gets cold outside. I related to your RU-vid "addiction". If I had to choose only one streaming service to keep, it would be RU-vid above all. Cool idea to schedule your viewing ahead of time. Not sure I could go that far, but I do enjoy it more when I reach my goals first. I'm a big fan of delayed satisfaction. I'd promised myself I would do no work today, but I just remembered I have a carload of donations to drop off at The Salvation Army. Also, my best friend just began demo-ing the walls in his kitchen, so I'm going to surprise him and show up to help him. I'll watch RU-vid later, haha. Thank you for sharing your story, Sam. Wishing you all the best. See you next week! -D
@thesweglestory3767 Год назад
Hey David! Seeing this comment (and finally reading it :P) is VERY motivating! Hearing these things you are doing, I'm both very happy you have been able to accomplish so much and in awe at how generous, loving, and positive you are. A carload full of donations, helping your friends, and helping a homeless man get his life back together, it truly is a beautiful thing to see. Thank you very much for all of the love you bring into this world! :) As for the decluttering of your house and sizing down your collections, I hope all has gone well with that! Things can be very hard to let go of, especially collected things. I haven't even considered getting rid of the things I had collected, and they aren't even close to museum quality! (And I have to say, a collection of rocks actually sounds REALLY cool! I've amassed a few of my own that I've found in nature over time. What is it like to collect them, especially to such quality?) I understand if you have moved on from my channel as I have stopped holding up many of the things I had been doing in this time period. Regardless, I appreciate your time and support on my channel, and I wish you all the best with your life ahead! Best regards, -Sam Swegle
@davidharris241 Год назад
@@thesweglestory3767 Hey, Sam. So good to hear from you! I noticed you replied to a couple other video posts, but to simplify things, I'll reply here. First, apology graciously accepted. ✔ Now I need to apologize for not replying sooner! I'm a little behind on some things too. Tis the season, I suppose. Sorry! 😬 As far as helping others, I'm trying. My natural default can be rather selfish, or sometimes I go too far and neglect myself. I recently read "You can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone." I like that. Good news on the homeless guy: He's not homeless anymore! He's living in a basement, but it's warm with his own bathroom, and the homeowner has hired him to remodel...which is what he's really good at and loves to do. Fingers crossed moving forward. I picked him up last night and we went to an early Christmas party. He hadn't had a social experience like that in a long time, so I wasn't sure how he'd fit in. Turns out, he probably 'fit in' better than I did...and didn't need my help. What a joy to behold. (Hope my writing isn't too uneven tonight. I'm keying on my phone and it's harder to 'tweak'.) Glad to know you have collected some rocks too. My favorite rocks are the one's I've found myself...mostly volcanic specimens of obsidian from California and Oregon. I did find some awesome Quartz and Mica pieces in Maine. Too bad I can't post pics here, or I'd show you some. The vast majority of my collection are from purchases. My favorite is Fluorite. I have many from China, England and the U.S. I also have some iron/nickel meteorites, Megalodon teeth & one dinosaur bone. I haven't "moved on", btw. I watch your new video every week! I plan to watch today's after I'm finished writing this. Hope you're doing well, but I do remember the title included the word "idle". 🤔 It really was good to hear back from you. Wishing you all the best, Sam! David
@thesweglestory3767 Год назад
Hey David! No need to apologize to me, especially as I'm here 8 days later again. And hey, better behind than lost! :) I feel the same way about my natural tendencies. It's so easy to simply be selfish! That's why it's so significant for me to see what you are doing because it truly is hard to say no to the easy way out of selfishness and comfort zones. I love the quote too! I'm very happy to hear that the situation with the (formerly) homeless guy is working so well. You probably already know this, but you played a major part in getting him to where he is today! Sure we all have the capabilities to get where we want to go on our own, but we owe a lot of our progress to those who have helped us along the way. You are that person for him. You have changed his life! That is such an amazing and inspiring thing to see, and I want to thank you dearly for being that rare person who goes out and helps people in need when most would just look the other way. Sounds like you have some really cool items over there! I'm no expert in rock specimens (sorry if I came off as that!) but I googled Fluorite and I love what I see. Cool stuff! I'm always fascinated to hear about historic/exotic stuff like fossils and meteorites too. Lastly, I am very glad to hear you are still watching my videos. It means a lot, and I hope you're enjoying them! :) Kindest regards, -Sam Swegle
@davidharris241 2 года назад
Very good and useful stuff, Sam! I really like what you say about habits and starting 'small'. I even put a few things on an index card for tomorrow. Thank you!
@thesweglestory3767 2 года назад
Awesome to hear that this could be useful, and that you're applying it! I hope the goals go well!
@davidharris241 2 года назад
Progress, not perfection! Well, if you're like me... perfection feels better. 😜 Anyway, glad to hear your oral surgery went well and is behind you. I'm a little behind on some of my immediate goals too, but mainly because I'm helping someone else navigate through a homelessness situation. Glad to be helpful, but it's exhausting... though it is helping to prevent me from practicing my couch potatoey-ness. Kudos on your 100 mile bike ride! I enjoyed hearing your update and seeing the nature around you. Hope you're having a great week!
@thesweglestory3767 2 года назад
Haha, perfection always sounds better! That's awesome to hear you're helping someone navigate through a homelessness situation! I hope all goes well for them and for you as you help them. As nice as it is to keep up on our own things, sometimes it's good to take a break to share some love and generosity with other people, even if it's exhausting. What you are doing speaks a lot about your character, and you will definitely be remembered and appreciated for your help. And if it's helping you get off the couch, that's a win-win! I appreciate the good wishes, and I hope you are having a wonderful week as well!
@davidharris241 2 года назад
@@thesweglestory3767 Thank you, Sam. I appreciate your kind, supportive words very much.
@davidharris241 2 года назад
The outdoor setting is a viewing improvement by itself, Sam. Good luck on the wisdom teeth. Everyone is different, but I had all 4 out and was eating solid food that night.
@thesweglestory3767 2 года назад
Thank you for the feedback David! I'll be sure to continue improving different aspects as I move forward. I appreciate the good wishes too, hearing that you could eat solid food so early is comforting. I'm excited to see what it will be like!
@davidharris241 2 года назад
Hey- Put this in my watch later list, but there's no sound on this one. Really wanted to hear this one! That's ok, I've watched some other ones and will view more. How did I get here? I initially watched a weather video on another channel with your same last name. Your channel was in his subscriptions. Perhaps he's your brother. I also related to some issues you address: goals, motivation, sleep and energy. Anyway, wishing you well in your journey to success. Cheers- David in Cincinnati
@thesweglestory3767 2 года назад
Hey David! First of all, thank you very much for watching! I am glad you are enjoying my videos, especially ones this far back as I am not proud of the amount of effort I put into these older ones. You're the first person I am connecting with outside of my family on this channel so it really means a lot! And for Swegle Studios, that is my cousin's channel. I'm really glad to hear you have watched his content too! I am glad to hear I am not alone with issues such as goals, motivation, sleep and energy. My aim is be to as open as possible about both the good and the bad to show that I am far from perfect and that you don't have to be a perfect person to be successful. I am slowly working my way through these issues, and perhaps someday I can create some videos giving ways to help overcome them. Thank you for the good wishes too! Lastly, my apologies about the sound on this video! It seems that I can't get it either. I would love to repost it but I unfortunately don't keep my videos after I upload them. I will spend a lot more effort on quality control for my videos as I move forward. Thanks again! -Sam Swegle
@davidharris241 2 года назад
@@thesweglestory3767 Glad to meet you, Sam! I feel honored to be the first eyes & ears on your channel outside family. I did see low views/subs, so I just imagined this as more of a video journal. I did find the prospect of joining a channel early on in it's inception interesting. I also thought (and I hope this is not too presumptuous) that if you were aware that people were watching, that might be a motivator in itself. I am very impressed by your regular upload frequency. It reminds if a really great book that I'd recommend called "The Path of Least Resistance". I haven't read it again in over a decade, but I ordered a new copy a few days ago. It was really a life-changing book for me...and my Dad (who recommended it to me when I was in college). The biggest takeaway I remember from it was a pyramid chart with "Structure/Patterns/Events" for an at-a-glance guide to maximizing one's life. If anything, I hope you read the description and some reviews. Here's the Amazon link to it: a.co/d/6QvAqmj I was going to write more, but I'm suddenly needed elsewhere. Thank you for writing back; I really appreciate it! Take care, Sam. -David
@thesweglestory3767 2 года назад
David, I am glad that you feel honored about that (and that you're here!). And I do have to say, knowing that you are watching has indeed been a motivator. As soon as I saw your comment I was struck with inspiration and motivation to actually take this more seriously. Thank you for that! Now, that's not to say I haven't struggled with discipline to keep up on it every day (hence my late response), but regardless it is still helpful :). I'll continue working on the consistency part. Thank you very much for the book recommendation too! I'm always open for a good read and there's some truly valuable stuff you can find with the right books. I'll check it out! It's really nice to meet you David, I hope all is well! -Sam Swegle
@SwegleStudios 2 года назад
I'm all for the car RU-vid channel!!
@thesweglestory3767 2 года назад
We'll get on it! Maybe we could even do an electric car special! ;)
@grantk6435 2 года назад
😠 𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕠𝕤𝕞
@thesweglestory3767 2 года назад
Hello Grant, I appreciate you watching my video! My apologies for not understanding, but what does promosm mean?