Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle
Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle
Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle
The official RU-vid Channel of the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle. Bishop Michael Kennedy is the pastoral leader of more than 150,000 Catholics in the areas of Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Hunter and Manning.
2023 Christmas Message - God is with us
9 месяцев назад
Christian Formation Course
11 месяцев назад
aMeN caMiNo Q&A
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aMeN caMiNo
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World Youth Day 2023 - Lisbon
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Pastoral Placement Program
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World Youth Day - Days 3 to 9
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World Youth Day - Day 1 and 2
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National Volunteer Week 2023
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Easter Message 2023
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Way of the Cross 2023
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@PerformerFocus 3 месяца назад
@brendanieuwstad8850 9 месяцев назад
Thank you. 🙏 God bless you. 🙏 ✝️
@petermogalmarandi2295 Год назад
Amen, Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah 💥💥💥🔥💥💥🔥🔥🔥💥🔥🔥🔥💐💐💐💐💐💐🪴🪴🪴🪴💐💐💐
@suzannenorth9291 2 года назад
Hello,is there something similar for ladies.I’m at home most of the time and I miss the House Of Our Lord and the friendship and support of other people of our Lord.If there’s anyone out there please write too me.I’m in my 60’s and I’m a medically retired Aged Care RN.
@grazynawojcik5549 2 года назад
Beautiful Mass
@claudeleblanc4707 2 года назад
Who is the composer of the psalm?
@marytobin4893 2 года назад
FAMILY The Very CORE and HEART of SOCIETY Together we Need To Unite And Focus On Our Faith Our Participation As A Community Sharing The Lived Experience of Our Faith Serving The Lords Way of LOVE AND MERCY By The Outward Expression of Action PARTICIPATION in the Holy Mass and Going Out to The Gospel By SERVICE to. LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS the Lord Decreed In Addition By Family Prayer As Fr Patrick Payton Proclaimed when Visiting Our Diocese Around The Mid 1950s I Remember It Well At The Age If 8/9Tears Old At Broadmeadow Showground One Night His Words Resonating out Across The Loud Speaker . "The Family That Prays Together Stays Together " I Still Have The Pamphlet And Rosary Beads Given Out That Night Unforgetable. I'm Now In My Mid 70s It Is So True although Oyr Family Are Scattered around The Country We are a UNITED FRONT With Reguard To our Faith and As A Family Yes We Grew Up With ATTENDING Daily Mass And Daily Recitation Of The Rosary The Family Unit Matters and Our Parish And Diocesan Family Need To be ONE in Faith Hope and Love
@adamo1827 2 года назад
Thank you for sharing 🙏
@cwalpole3787 2 года назад
Thank you for live streaming for those of is unable to attend in person.
@johnlatham7092 2 года назад
Thanks for your Easter message of peace, Fr Greg
@marytobin4893 2 года назад
Thank You For Sharing And Revealing How Inclusive We Can Become Involving All Who Wish To Contribute A Positive Outcome For the Future Of Our Diocese Best Wishes To All as We Walk Together Hand In Hand With The Lord Spreading His Message Of LOVE and MERCY May God Bless You / Us .. all With Peace Harmony And Healing As We Journey On Together .. Remembering Always ..In Our SERVICE To LOVE one Another PEACE Be With You Amen
@anndaley2638 2 года назад
@mariaseara8069 2 года назад
What are the specifics questions that we suppose to be asking and discussing, besides listening or discerning.please do not speak in parable’s be specific.what is what Pope Francis wants for our discussions? Please respond.Thank you
@terryfernando2030 2 года назад
A Synod for what? In the Acts of the Apostles, the early Church gathered to resolve specific issues at hand on faith, morals, discipline etc. The Apostles took the lead with Peter as head when it was time to make a decision. The Synod that Pope Francis has begun with the bishops does not envisage any objectives like that for there is no agenda to talk about nor listen to like what the early Church had to deal with. Instead, it is a bizarre open process to enable the Church to be taught and led by the world. It is as if the Church has lost its mandate to teach and lead. LOL!! The extent to which these prelates are misguided, nay worse than heretics, can be seen from what Pope Francis himself said in calling for another (5th?) Synod. He said, "There is no need to create another church, but to create a different church." What?? How does the Pope or anyone do that? A different church IS another church. What is wrong with the Church of 2000 years which produced all the saints of heaven that it has become necessary to make it different? What are these people talking about?? Why do we have utterly incompetent bishops who do not know how to lead the Church that they must have a Synod, a two-year global consultation process where anyone, even non-Christians, can give suggestions as to what reform the Church needs? Really? Do we need to consult all and sundry to teach us how to live our life of faith? Obviously, this shows that the bishops have long ago lost their faith and therefore the conviction that the Gospel via the Church is the ONLY means of salvation. Bah Humbug! Let me tell these apostate bishops that no Sorcerer's Apprentice from among them is going to tell me, how to live my faith beyond the teachings of the Catholic Church on faith and morals which are unalterable to eternity. Away with these evil doers who are simply wolves in sheep's clothing leading the flock astray! Mr. Richard Lennan with shirt and tie because he must be embarrassed to be seen in clerical clothing, lest he be mistaken as a priest, certainly looks like a docile apprentice of his bishop. The Church is the repository of Truth. Its function is to teach the world, not the other way round. Proclamation of the Gospel AS IT IS - not as it ought to be as we hear these days - is why Jesus found a church. If the bishops don't believe that because they lack knowledge of the true Gospel, thus losing apostolic faith and zeal, they should resign from their office forthwith and go waste their time elsewhere: Some with their homosexual lovers! After all, have they not been 'waiting on tables' (Acts 6:2) for the longest time? Remember what Jesus said of the priests of His day: "You know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God." (Mat 22:29) Our clergy is no different for though claiming to be wise, they have become fools. (Rom 1:22)). Our Church has taken the path of embracing the world while invoking the Holy Spirit in pretense. How deceptive! I wonder what Mr. Lennan, the theologian, has to say about what happened just a few months ago when more than 230 German theologians protested the Vatican statement against blessings for same-sex unions while the bishops in their local but plenary synod voted overwhelmingly to bless same sex unions. Disgusting, moribund sickos have filled the ranks of the episcopacy as we find elsewhere too. They have lost the fear of God and turned the Church into a Synagogue of Satan. But God cannot be mocked! The Spirit of God will indeed respond, soon, with great wrath and fury on these faithless leaders and their lackeys with pathetic, incurable ulcers in their head who are polarized against orthodox church teaching. Ignorant of the justice of God, they do not realize that there is no further sacrifice to them who deliberately sin after receiving knowledge of the truth. (Heb 10:26) Woe, to these people who do not realize that it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. (Heb 10:31) Perhaps the laity can make use of this Synod to deal with immoral, corrupt clergy since such people ought not to have been ordained in the first place. But with faithless bishops in the episcopacy, one cannot expect an easy remedy. Note that in the Vatican document VADEMECUM, the theme of evangelization is proudly touted as the pressing need for a Synod. The bishops have been talking about evangelization for now more than a generation without any success. In fact, while their unending do nothing but keep talking madness goes on, Church attendance has declined drastically by over 70% while the number of bishops and administrators have gone up considerably! Shows how they have transformed the Gospel into an almost secular enterprise!! So now another Synod to figure out what to do, how to be functionally relevant to justify their role and existence in the Church. What a meaningless, waste of time and expense. But lay people like me know what the Holy Spirit has been saying to the Church for many donkey's years. Get rid of the too many faithless, homosexual, immoral, profligate, do nothing bishops who have turned the episcopacy into a comfortable well to do career, all the while bankrupting the Church. In 2007, Cardinal Roger Mahony, previously the Archbishop of Los Angeles, who now lives in disgrace having been stripped of all administrative and public duties by his successor, agreed to pay $660 million to settle claims of sexual abuse. This is just one example. According to the non-profit organization Bishop Accountability, the church has paid out more than $3 billion in major settlements and awards in the United States. Some groups believe this number underestimates by nearly $1 billion the actual cost to the U.S. church for covering up clergy abuse for nearly a half-century. That number is likely to continue to grow by another $4 billion and 5,000 new cases, per the Associated Press. Outside the U.S.? Try taking a count of the cost. There is no end to their extremely incompetent management of church assets and funds. Never mind their radical ignorance and disbelief of revealed truth. Who in the world accepts these men as worthy successors to the Apostles? Look, quite frankly, when was the last time we heard a bishop preach the Gospel with steadfast apostolic faith, boldly proclaiming that salvation is possible only through belief in Jesus Christ without which no one can be saved? (Acts 4:12) Even though God is Sovereign and can save anyone He pleases, He has ordained the Gospel as the only means of salvation because Christianity is not about being good though after becoming, one is called to do good works like even a Mother Teresa, but of forgiveness of sins, even the one, Original Sin, we have not committed. Christianity is inclusive in that it invites everyone to come to know the Gospel and be reconciled to God but exclusively through Jesus Christ and no one else. You see, if our bishops could preach the Gospel in such faithful fervor as the early Church did, the Power of God would manifest everywhere they preach and immense conversions through miracles, healings would have been taking place. But then, observe what all this means. Evidently, the end of the Age is upon us. It is the Tale of Two Cities. It is the best of times: It is the worst of times! The Church Age is over!! Truly, we are living in the time that Jesus prophesied when He said, "When the Son of Man returns will He find faith on the earth?" (Lk 18:8) Soon, it will be the Day of Judgement: Jesus told St Faustina that He will be coming soon, that the Day has been determined and even the angels know of it and they tremble! An accounting of the talents given will then have to be made! Is anyone trembling? Halleluiah! Maranatha!! Come Lord Jesus!! >>>
@dinawink6818 2 года назад
@sylvia54lobo76 2 года назад
@@dinawink6818 finally??? Typical V2 Satanist mindset. Hohoho.
@MrsTroniSs 2 года назад
Ave Maria and O Holy Night... these two were the most beautifully sung the christmas songs I have ever heard... thank you...
@johnlatham7092 2 года назад
Powerful video that shows us what can be done by volunteers in the area of social justice. I must also comment on the professional design, photography and editing of the video ... who ever did this knows what they are doing ! Well done !
@opusdeielbowgrab 2 года назад
It is so sad that so few people come to Mass in this diocese. We must pray for strong leadership - no more liberalisation. So sad to see.
@marykabura8477 2 года назад
Thanks, Fr . I hope every voice matters
@bernadettegibson8727 2 года назад
Great story and wonderful expression of reaching out
@cyndepollyanna9912 3 года назад
pvm8c vyn.fyi
@petercollins2729 3 года назад
A great plan.....well presented.... May we believe it will have good results....on going ....and open to a wide range of people who will believe they are valued for their individual contributions...... Pete
@Papa_Bludgeon 3 года назад
Not sure if you're aware of it, but the livestream isn't working.
@richardshortall5705 3 года назад
Dear Bill, From afar thank you for your message and images of hope. Christmas greetings to you and all my Maitland-Newcastle friends. Richard Shortall SJ (currently incarcerated in Aotearoa New Zealand).
@burgoyne5225 3 года назад
Why Richard, what a surprise to find you here! Incarcerated,eh? Then bring on the bubble. And Happy Christmas to you. Bill
@lisareibel2351 3 года назад
Beautiful. Thanks for sharing 🙂
@ellenhazelton8872 4 года назад
Looking forward to it!
@mikafranke2381 4 года назад
0:36 myhotsisters.com
@DuraiRaj-xd3nv 4 года назад
Good news...God joins religions as One by His believers before End so, We are requested by God to admire Him and be with sinless.
@joanprice4562 4 года назад
Thank you for a beautiful and holy Mass I feel as if I am with you all to-day I hope the good Lord sends his Blessings on you and all who are watching ......
@DuraiRaj-xd3nv 4 года назад
Good news...God joins religions as One by His believers before End so, We are requested by God to admire Him and be with sinless..
@1Hol1Tiger 4 года назад
www.theage.com.au/national/nsw/what-are-you-planning-to-say-pope-quizzed-whistleblower-priest-book-claims-20200819-p55n45.html - Conspiracy Theorists think you're dead
@emeliyac4299 4 года назад
Jesus I love u thank ujesus
@nanceschreiber8082 4 года назад
Bishop Bill you may never know what consolation this live stream Mass brings to those of us who cannot attend in person. Thank you so very much.
@delphinedurai580 4 года назад
Nice video
@reginaryan6191 4 года назад
Thank you so much for this. I have decided to take a virtual tour of the Cathedrals of this great south land of the Holy Spirit and began with yours. Being present and celebrating Eucharist together would be better, of course, but celebrating with you virtually was lovely. God bless.
@fallofmanbrand 4 года назад
amazing video
@pennyfolds3547 4 года назад
Wonderful to hear old hymns along with newer ones. Thank you all for an inspirational celebration.
@widyasantoso4910 4 года назад
Please do not respond to Liam- it is most likely a bot that will steal your personal details.
@lizzyjesus.9738 4 года назад
I receive all the gifts of the Holy Spirit in this Feast of Pentecost. Amen Amen Amen
@lizzyjesus.9738 4 года назад
First to comment
@juliewaddell4219 4 года назад
This is just beautiful! Congratulations Aunty Lou & Craig!
@amyvonalmen7624 4 года назад
Mark, Amy and Debbie, thanks so much for your continued service for us all. I appreciate you! Martin Von Almen
@matthewcruz1709 4 года назад
Thank you, Bishop Bill, for your encouragement this Easter. If I may humbly add my own reflection to yours: We've all given up so much this lent for the sake of others and for ourselves; some voluntarily, some involuntarily. Though unlike the lenten times that we each remember, we don't know when this will end. Certainly not by Easter Sunday. Come Good Friday, we will be deep in mourning and like the disciples, we will be sheltering in our homes, desperately asking 'what now?', and 'will our salvation ever come'? Yet in the midst of this disquiet and suffering, we hold a deep hope that the time will come when we will again say in triumph 'Christ is risen, He is risen indeed!' God's peace be with you.
@ellenhazelton8872 5 лет назад
Good clear summary on what we believe and why. Alleluia 🙏
@TheRedditKing1 5 лет назад
Hello... I go to one of these Catholic schools in the Diocese