PARADISE LOST 3: PURGATORY, the new installment of Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky's HBO Documentary Films series about the notorious 1993 "West Memphis Three" child murders, chronicles the 18-year fight to prove the innocence of Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin, and Jessie Misskelley.

Premieres January 12th at 9pm on HBO.
@emilyn12 12 лет назад
I knew Damien Echols was a very articulate person but, especially after watching Paradise Lost 3, Jason Baldwin really impressed me and (I don't know how he can do it) but he seems in peace. And his final speech in PL3 was a real questioning about the judicial system.
@billypfan 12 лет назад
no idea why... jasson baldwin reminds me of a guy i liked in hs. ... Well the young Jason. Anyway im glad the guys are free.. i hope it happend for my brother someday