Appropriations 101 with Rep. Valadao!
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Appropriations 101 with Rep. Harris!
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Appropriations 101 with Rep. Dave Joyce!
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Appropriations 101 with Chairman Cole!
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Budget Timeline
4 месяца назад
What is discretionary spending?
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Idaho Falls Veterans Day 2018
5 лет назад
Simpson Defends Wolf Delisting
10 лет назад
@CarolSmith-k2b 2 месяца назад
RINO Traitor!
@CarolSmith-k2b 2 месяца назад
Simpson is a worthless traitor. Pres Trump kept us all safe by Preventing Wars, Securing Borders, Energy Independence for low prices.
@masi16r 2 месяца назад
Mr. Simpson, thank you for your work in our behalf. Thanks especially for your efforts at transparency in government.
@lisamryne 3 месяца назад
12:30 a.m. 14th June. Mr. Simpson you are an excellent speaker and a Great Man or I would not back you, Keep up the great work and be safe
@prepper4godgbee328 4 месяца назад
I am 💯 % Against the wind project in Lava Ridge. Gov. Little just made a deal with the devil (Bye-done) for 6 billion $ for Enron. What chains did he just bond Idaho to?
@suepage7839 4 месяца назад
Please, stop the BLM from allowing this destructive construction from destroying our aquifer. There has not been any geophysical testing on-site to prove the infrastructure of the Volcanic Lava strata can withstand the constant vibrations from heavy equipment to the daily vibration of the turbines. Stop the death of wildlife, their habitats, and migratory paths before its too late.
@ctwatcher 11 месяцев назад
See you're grooming RU-vid kids these days, scared of adult comments are ya? Get out. Get a real job in the spy dept.
@st3v3n60 11 месяцев назад
You publicly states you would support the conference nominee. Liar.
@justmeinidaho777 11 месяцев назад
@gloriav1236 11 месяцев назад
I swear if Mike Simpson votes against Jim Jordan for speaker his done in this state. We the people don’t want Rinos here in Idaho!
@justmeinidaho777 11 месяцев назад
Me too. Many have contacted him via email and phone calls. His response on Facebook is "your threats and intimidation wont work". Since when is calling your rep to tell Jim what you want intimidation. Hrs been told that if he continues to ignore the WILL OF THE PEOPLE of his constituents in District 2, then we'll primary him. I guess he sees that as a threat. I guess he's been in office so long that he has forgotten WHO he works for.
@aof13 11 месяцев назад
Mike, Kevin McCarthy had his chance as Speaker but he turned out to be another RINO like Paul Ryan & John Boehner. I look forward to voting you out of office.
@justmeinidaho777 11 месяцев назад
Me too.
@GoBears33 Год назад
This guy thinks he is royalty. He never campaigns or holds a town hall in major cities in his district because he's afraid of having to answer tough questions from independent thinkers. He just hides away from major issues and knows idahoans will vote for him because of the R behind his name. We need to expose repu lican frauds like this all across the country. If they don't work for the people they represent, they need to be thrown out!
@GoBears33 Год назад
Hey Mike, I'm a constituent of yours. you need to quit hiding, and do your job on the debt ceiling. You and your friends racked up 25% of the national debt during Donald Frump's term for tax cuts to the rich, and raised debt ceiling 3 times. The GOP is the party of giveaways to billionaires. Democrats and Joe Biden have decreased spending by Trillions of dollars and slowed the debt to only a 3% increase during his term so far. Those are the facts. You fled washington DC for memorial day weekend leaving the country in peril. You are a disgrace! Pay the bills you racked up, fool! Get off your high horse, get back to DC and do your Job. You only have 1 house of congress. Your job is to negotiate a deal. Republicans and Donald Frump want to the country to default for political gain. If you disagree with the actions of this fool, continue comments below.
@michaelchristensen5965 Год назад
Put a nuclear power plant in central Idaho. Smaller footprint. Much more power.
@timferguson593 2 месяца назад
Makes to much sense.
@michaelchristensen5965 Год назад
California can build nuclear power plants and hydroelectric. They can also desalinate the ocean. That state needs to get its act together.
@galeogle Год назад
Has congress declared war on any country? I am asking because it is against the law for the President or the Vice president to declare war on any country. And if congress hasn't declared war on another country, then please stop the wars. And then recover the money from Ukraine. But if congress wants to declared war then do it! If not then bring all of our military troops home, and then close all of those military bases in other countries. And one more thing, just how many human rights violations has the climate change activist and congress committed against the citizens of America and the world? I am asking because, they have found 32 climate change hoaks so far. A hoaks means to deceive, a deception is a lie. And it is against the law to force our beliefs and our ideologies and our agendas on anyone. And it doesn't matter if it is this global warming and climate change and carbon border and carbon footprint and green house gases and net zero or the green new deal ( green energy), and those electric vehicles and electric tractors, and electric trucks). So why has congress been paying billions of dollars for fake science? And pushing green energy on everyone? This global warming and climate change and carbon border and carbon footprint and green house gases and net zero. Seems to be just like the story of chicken little and the boy who cried wolf. Eventually people stopped believing what they were saying. I have figured out that the government has been using the terms global warming and climate change just to get control over the people. And also to scam them out of billions of dollars just to keep the money coming. Remember back in 1991 when former Vice president Al Gore started the climate change alarm? Well it didn't scare the people into submission, until he had that movie made. And that did it, it scared the people into submission. And then congress took over from there. But remember all of those predictions Al Gore made? Well they didn't come true and neither did the ones anyone else made. So how do you in the government get away with lying to everyone about global warming and climate change? And now they have come up with carbon border and carbon footprint and green house gases and net zero, is there anything else that we need to know about? So far it has been just to keep the money coming. But all of the money and all of those predictions has not stopped the storms and fires and earthquakes and Volcano's and hail, like Al Gore predicted has it? All Al Gore and congress has done is to put a greater hardship on the poor and needy citizens, Why? Why is Washington DC intentionally bankrupting and destroying America and the world by their beliefs and their ideologies and their policies on climate change? Just why are they destroying the environment all for the sake of climate change? It seems to be a contradiction of the environmental protection agencies. Because they are not protecting the environment are they? And what about all of those children in Africa and Indonesia that are dying from the minerals that are used for the batteries for the electric vehicles. Who is going to be arrested and prosecuted for this, and then imprisoned for it? And what about the war crimes of Washington DC and NATO? Since congress hasn't declared war on another country. Because it is against the law to kill another person ( the coup and the wars), that's been done to remove a leader of another country. Just so they can put someone in office there that will favor the west. The war crimes of Washington DC and the European union countries and the United Kingdom. Just when are they going to be arrested and prosecuted for this and then imprisoned?
@galeogle Год назад
It's time to stop the human rights violations of climate change and carbon border and carbon footprint and green house gases and net zero. And the green energy agendas. They have already proven that climate change is a fraud and a hoaks. A hoaks means to deceive, a deception is a lie. They have already proven that there is 32 climate hoaks. And when did congress declare war on any country? Because it is against the law for the President or the Vice president to declare war on any country. So it's time to stop the war in Ukraine and in other countries. Unless congress is going to declare war on any country. And to recover the money from Ukraine, and to shut down all of the military bases in other countries, and then bring all of our military troops home. So Stop the wars, or declare war! Which is it? And don't ever start a war based on lies. This is not becoming of any government officials. But it is a sign of weakness and Cowardice.
@USMADE-bb9ht Год назад
This crap is gonna be worse for the planet, then the plastic over paper debacle. There's a time and place for everything,we're not there yet. Climate change activists are climate change deniers.
@lonniehill3455 Год назад
Simpson will go for it. Bet he already has lobbyist money in donations. He is idaho good old boy, always has been. Could care less about impact on wildlife and or citizens. But idaho strong repub so has lifetime job to get rich while screwing its citizens.
@peterbaruxis2511 Год назад
Funny that you should make that joke because with enough development in Idaho Utah will no longer suck. Nothing is free or limitless- not even the wind. It will be easy to compare the energy production of wind power in texas now to Texas' capaciy after Idaho is overdeveloped but then it will be too late. 3:53
@lonniehill3455 Год назад
Looks as though you need to lay of taters buddy.
@lonniehill3455 Год назад
He only does things for elites in Idaho. Piece of crap he is.
@lonniehill3455 Год назад
Simpson is a complete piece of dodo. Has been for some time. He needs retirement money in his campaign kitty.
@lonniehill3455 Год назад
This is not a climate crisis, it does not have to be built, let alone pushed thru with such speed.
@lonniehill3455 Год назад
What a third class snow job this crazy liberal gives.
@fredstevens8681 Год назад
These people are ideologues. Mr. Simpson should be VERY concerned about keeping his seat with his lousy position on Dam breeching and this lackluster thespian committee dance shown above. Idaho appears to be for sale and our political class is pocketing the commissions. Stand up for the people of Idaho or vacate the seat Sir.
@lonniehill3455 Год назад
Idaho is already sold. Malleluca magnate has bought up most of it already, roads forever public now no trespass. Without any posting or hearing on same. Our land, but in many cases we cannot get to it.
@johnmerritt7263 Год назад
Don't destroy Idaho's lands and wildlife to generate power for California. California is a big state, let California generate it's own power.
@awakened5574 Год назад
Actually, I am listening about "renewable energy" and I find it interesting how these fools think we're stupid. I feel that there was a trial on using the water ways, building dams, putting in turbins and bingo have electricity.....that is free to manufacture. The water turns the turbines, the power goes to a station, then down a line into the home....really short version. BUT what isn't said is those dams stop the natural water flow, people below the dams can lose water and the electricity isn't free to the people and it keeps going up and up. Now they want to put in wind turbines. They start putting them in southern Idaho which now takes away from the natural beauty of this state, but they are a blemish to us. We don't need renewable energy...that is a cost the tax payer has to absorb and it is unnecessary. I would vote against this project over and over. Secondly, ANYTHING that the government says is great, I know immediately that we are going to have to pay out the nose of their decisions and the crap is like a walmart toy, wont work very long, so the cost keeps going up and up to fix it. I say leave Idaho the way it is, and stop thinking that the Idahoans are going to support this, especially with the monetary issues and thieving our money....talk to Biden about some of that china money he has!
@robertellis6528 Год назад
This is very clearly an attempt to provide power to the Western Power Grid, which primarily supplies the west coast (read "California") which has shut down wind farms ever since 1980 (the Suisun Gap wind farm comes to mind) because "...it was killing birds." We have birds in Idaho, too. Further, I can envision, I suspect with some accuracy, a move in the future for California's brain-damaged governor Gavin Nuisance, to make claim on the water from the Snake River, that it should be diverted to Northern California, since, by that time, Idaho "...will no longer need hydroelectric generating capacity provided by the dams on the Snake because of the claimed 25 Gigawatts provided by Lava Ridge." If California needs power, use their own decommissioned wind farms and DO NOT californicate Idaho!
@eugenesant9015 2 года назад
End all subsidies.
@packjim56 3 года назад
One of the 35 Rino traitors voting for Pelosi's January 6th commission. Primary him out.
@pollywalrus 3 года назад
tell that to Louis Gohmert 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@Jasondirt 3 года назад
This man that is fighting to keep idaho water clean a few years later dumpped chemicals inn the drinking water with one excuse being he was a dental health enthusiast and said it may make teeth stronger while avoiding negative side affects. So he just didn't want the bigger goverment to get the money he was promised. Vote him out already
@Jasondirt 3 года назад
Mike Simpson made good money from approving chemicals and drugs in our water. I think the funniest about this entire thing is he said one reason for doing it is because he is a "dental health enthusiast" LMAO. I wish he would just say I get millions in kickbacks so I'm going to let them do this. Be honest
@jamieknight420 4 года назад
The Preventative Policing Act should be supported. This act will force Federal Agents out of Portland and other cities they are causing havoc in and it will prevent more citywide invasions from happening in the future.
@jamieknight420 4 года назад
The Preventative Policing Act should be supported. This act will force Federal Agents out of Portland and other cities they are causing havoc in and it will prevent more citywide invasions from happening in the future.
@jamieknight420 4 года назад
The Preventative Policing Act should be supported. This act will force Federal Agents out of Portland and other cities they are causing havoc in and it will prevent more citywide invasions from happening in the future.
@jamieknight420 4 года назад
The Preventative Policing Act should be supported. This act will force Federal Agents out of Portland and other cities they are causing havoc in and it will prevent more citywide invasions from happening in the future.
@jamieknight420 4 года назад
The Preventative Policing Act should be supported. This act will force Federal Agents out of Portland and other cities they are causing havoc in and it will prevent more citywide invasions from happening in the future.
@jamieknight420 4 года назад
The Preventative Policing Act should be supported. This act will force Federal Agents out of Portland and other cities they are causing havoc in and it will prevent more citywide invasions from happening in the future.
@jamieknight420 4 года назад
The Preventative Policing Act should be supported. This act will force Federal Agents out of Portland and other cities they are causing havoc in and it will prevent more citywide invasions from happening in the future.
@jamieknight420 4 года назад
The Preventative Policing Act should be supported. This act will force Federal Agents out of Portland and other cities they are causing havoc in and it will prevent more citywide invasions from happening in the future.
@jamieknight420 4 года назад
The Preventative Policing Act should be supported. This act will force Federal Agents out of Portland and other cities they are causing havoc in and it will prevent more citywide invasions from happening in the future.
@jamieknight420 4 года назад
The Preventative Policing Act should be supported. This act will force Federal Agents out of Portland and other cities they are causing havoc in and it will prevent more citywide invasions from happening in the future.
@jamieknight420 4 года назад
The Preventative Policing Act should be supported. This act will force Federal Agents out of Portland and other cities they are causing havoc in and it will prevent more citywide invasions from happening in the future.
@nicholasgermer5240 5 лет назад
So what is the compromise solution, Congressman? I’m ears.
@edwarddefeller2113 5 лет назад
Please Mr. Simpson Represent me By reading this in congress! Why can't the Republicans get a wall and give the Democrats what they want? The real question is : What do the Democrats want? No one has Said What The Democrats want. In My view the only thing they want is a Democrat President. No one is doing anything but trying to get stupid people to vote them into keeping their job so they can continue to vote themselves a raise. The Democrats historically do not Compromise and the Republicans historically give them the one or two votes Required (In the name of Compromise) to get past the impasse. And that is why we sit on the edge of a failed socialist state. Why can't we have what is best no matter what. Can we afford to give everything to people who do not or can not pay into the system enough to support the system and allow everyone in the world to unrestrictedly enter this country and get all the free stuff also? A one world government giving everything to everyone can only grant equal poverty for all, except for those with the biggest guns to control the masses and keep what they want for themselves. History has proven that gun control can not control hungry people. The best way to feed people is to let them fish for themselves. You can't feed people by stealing 70% of their fish. The Government that Governs the Least, Governs Best. See Tao Te Ching 600 B.C. Edward Phillips 1440 Alameda, Idaho Falls THANK YOU
@krazyswede11 9 лет назад
Spineless piece of garbage!
@joncolson5387 9 лет назад
BTW...your BS claim that DHS employees would go to work without pay is an outright lie and you know it. During other "shutdowns" not one federal employee who was required to work lost one dollar of pay. It might have been delayed temporarily, but the did NOT work without pay.
@joncolson5387 9 лет назад
Mr. Simpson...Please show me where the Constitution gives federal courts the power of judicial review. Do not go to Marbury v. Madison. Find it in the US Constitution. Good luck because it does not exist.
@mclane9813 9 лет назад
Despite what some misinformed anti-wolf campaigners might think, wolves are not killing all of the wests big game. m.magicvalley.com/news/local/wood-river/f-g-wolves-not-causing-most-elk-losses/article_64d3fe91-1afd-5794-b5a0-62129c6f11ca.html?mobile_touch=true.
@Rainbowdreampublishing 9 лет назад
Preach man! i love potatoes