Hi, I'm Andrew Sage and I'm tryna learn and explore as much as possible.

based in 🇹🇹 • he/him
How Globalisation Fails Us
Месяц назад
How Anarchy Works
2 месяца назад
Why States Fail Humanity
3 месяца назад
We Need A New Culture
4 месяца назад
The Psychology of Political Cults
5 месяцев назад
Should We Be Luddites?
6 месяцев назад
Can This Book Save Us From Dystopia?
7 месяцев назад
Are These The Seeds of a Solarpunk Future?
8 месяцев назад
Are You An Ethical Tourist?
9 месяцев назад
What Our Cities Are Missing
10 месяцев назад
What Does It Mean To Live A Good Life?
11 месяцев назад
How The Barter Myth Harms Us
Год назад
We Need To Rethink Justice
Год назад
Rethinking Parenting
Год назад
How To Build A Solarpunk City
Год назад
Do We Still Need To Decolonise?
Год назад
How To Start A Revolution
Год назад
How Degrowth Can Save The World
Год назад
We Need A Library Economy
Год назад
The REAL Tragedy of the Commons
Год назад
How Britain Sabotaged The Caribbean
2 года назад
The Problem with Hierarchy
2 года назад
The Broken Mythology of Great Men
2 года назад
Humanity Is Not A Parasite
2 года назад
A Quick Guide To Especifismo
2 года назад
@Anarchowolf 16 часов назад
8:10 I think the anarchists that conflate authority and expertise are probably confused by Bakunin because he was being playful in his "bootmaker" essay. I usually distinguish between epistemic authority (expertise) and command authority when describing what he means in this context. For some non-anarchists, that actually helps them to understand the difference as long as they're aware that anarchists are primarily concerned about criticizing command authorities, not epistemic ones. EDIT: I would also add that there's some confusion I feel in liberal democracies because there's this idea that politicians are supposed to be 'experts' or we should always sacrifice our own judgements for that of expert's. If we don't understand that expertise/epistemic authority should always have the caveat that those judgements can be rejected, then we're not really dealing with expertise.
@ChangTheDestroyerOfficial 18 часов назад
Got 83.52%, the test is ridiculous and forces people who believe in righteousness and god into an "authoritarian" camp.
@nellym46664 22 часа назад
The idea was born during a time when all Africans faced oppression everywhere & from a common enemy. This idea was pushed by imperfect leaders who often fused the idea with their own beliefs hence we can't really describe the idea today. The vices of these leaders often fused with the corruption and greed that came with the sudden power they obtained when the original oppressor was removed, and thus the idea began to die amongst the leaders. With corruption and greed being the leaders' new masters, the idea fully died alongside the OAU, because the latter had the real ability to enforce the idea upon its members (against the wishes of the now corrupt leaders). Today, the masses have moved on from the idea and see it as something that is unattainable (deplorable in some cases), & instead opt for ideas that are more relevant to their own individual issues. As more Africans across the world continue to develop & uplift themselves out of hardships, only time will tell if the idea will regain prominence or if a better idea will emerge.
@viktorherald9868 22 часа назад
I feel such deep grief watching this. We could all lead such beautiful lives, and learn so much about our world, and do truly good work... Profit and control always get in the way. Thanks for the vids, man. Even though I grieve, they help my heart. There is a better way.
@Robier1447 22 часа назад
This is such garbage.
@seanzibonanzi64 23 часа назад
The barter myth is capitalism's ahistorical origin story, it exists only to justify and serve current day realities. The ruling ideology demands money's foundation be the individual and not the state.
@heroflygon День назад
Damn I needed to hear that last bit today. The election has been draining my time and focus like a vampire, and it really helped me put thinks back in perspective. Thanks for that!
@jakemidnight7458 День назад
The left, in it's quest for equality, ignores one important fact: human nature. Some people are more ambitious than others. Some work harder. Some are smarter or wiser. Some are greedier than others. People ARE different! Trying to force equality, or worse, equity, on people when some will put in great effort and others will put in very little effort, or even self-destructive behavior, just naturally won't work.
@ionageman День назад
Are schools teaching or delivering information . ‘ you wearn’t able to receive your information ! . You have failed life ! ‘
@middler5 День назад
The "delearning" falls within the scope of free choice?
@ValÆon День назад
Great video! One part I didn't underdtand, though: why keep certificates/diplomas/the grading system? Isn't it a system meant to gatekeep education and higher paying jobs from the "wrong" (poor and marginalized) people?
@michaelfabulous 2 дня назад
Yes thanks for this one
@hwlovell 2 дня назад
I am only 1/2 through the video. It is well researched and makes good points. Western society in general needs an overhaul.
@welllll...ok... 2 дня назад
So, they are advocating one-to-one teaching? A teacher with 30 kids in his/her class doesn't have the time or ability to tailor classes to every student's individual needs. Good luck financing it though...
@SINTHEREBEL666 2 дня назад
Love your content
@Matthew.Hargis 2 дня назад
Keeps me up at night
@giamaroze678 2 дня назад
On point.
@enneaf1676 2 дня назад
Also, a well traveled acquaintance from church quoted st. Augustine to me, 'the world is a book and those who don't travel only read one page'.....I felt snubbed by this, until I looked it up, and realized Augustine lived in the FOURTH CENTURY. the world population was less than that of the united states in today's time. Of course leaving Algeria for Italy would feel amazing if there was more nature than people and capitalism wasn't in its terminal stage
@enneaf1676 2 дня назад
This is probably why I give weird looks to people who travel abroad these days. Everything is so americanized that cultures lost their uniqueness ages ago, and people basically toss thousands of dollars at tourist traps and seeing the trappings of their own western culture played out somewhere else
@lupemerrit 2 дня назад
Check PISA scores.. it compares education scores of all countries. US scores are dismal.
@lupemerrit 2 дня назад
Diploma Mill is what I call our education system. We’ve gradually lowered education requirements for those that teach our children.
@mirlindthedon 3 дня назад
Amazing video
@TheEverFreeKing 3 дня назад
Anarchy just ends up being totalitarianism with extra steps. I'll take my hierarchy thank you. Also if anarchism includes freedom of association you can't stop capitalism.
@Grundrisse 2 дня назад
Bait is no longer believable
@ssess5499 3 дня назад
Anarchism seems entirely dependent that everyone in society fully believes in anarchist ideals, and in that case, how can you ensure everyone becomes committed to the cause without having to coerce or threaten them, which is contradictory to the ideology?
@CORPCHGO 3 дня назад
Ain't NO land coming "back" cuz there is NO back for it to come to. We didn't steal it. WE TOOK IT! And the people of the first nations didn't do anything with it other than torture for entertainment and butcher each other. You gotta lot a nerve blaming your nonsense on White Men. The better men to this day! And to this day natives cannot take it back. You don't get dibs on land bichos. it's only yours when you can hold it. Ask Ukraine!
@aldeanblair9727 3 дня назад
U know this a great documentary video about schools you know schools is hush now days because they Change the system and changing people behaviour to not teach them how to think teach what to think
@uknownperson9048 4 дня назад
Would never work
@user-mf5tw5jy5h 4 дня назад
How disingenuous and deluded do you have to be in order to think that only Western civilization was responsible for colonization, indigenous peoples since time immemorial have raided raped kidnapped and stole from their neighbours, you make it sound like only so called civilized society oppresses others your so called noble savages are above this, rubbish you are simping for failed cultures if you think I'm going to apologise for the English winning that shit fight called civilization you can cry into your pillow. Adapt or perish.
@candicewelch1965 4 дня назад
I've been using a computer program to homeschool my son. He has been able to skip 2 grades so far this year. If kids were able to go at their own pace and only get extra work where they need it. Then, a public school education could be accomplished in a small fraction of the time it takes now. The busy work for no reason kills me. Stop wasting peoples precious time when they could learn the same information in a more sufficient way. They keep the system like it is so the parents will work long days and keep the economy going. All while training the brains of their young to be the next generation of workers used to the long work days and falling in line. I think if we trained kids to blaze through the work and get it done they would grow to do the same in their jobs. They would become more efficient in less time and have more time for life. Which is what we should all want. Our kids living a happy life with less work and more time with the ones they love. 💜
@Heothbremel 4 дня назад
@JH-pt6ih 4 дня назад
1:20 "... before the wave of social democrats swept into the US ..." Oh, lordy ...
@1timbarrett 5 дней назад
Ever notice how much school architecture resembles prison architecture…? 🤔
@WeltonMelendres 5 дней назад
How to gets guns
@gerryboudreaultboudreault2608 5 дней назад
"ECONOMIC GROWTH" is the death of planet Earth!
@user-wr8sr9fe4m 5 дней назад
Traditional system is best for teaching math, China and Russia have great tradition with awesome results. But for other disciplines it is not so good.
@ZoDae6523 5 дней назад
He's homeschooled. How can this man talk about public school?
@gracchusbabeuf9868 5 дней назад
A new left is needed with no affiliation to idiots who think that they possess the absolute truth. These persons live in their own world of abstract ideas. They are damaging any effort for the creation of a broad movement for a better society. As Karl Marx once wrote: "Let the defeated of history to burry their dead. The revolutions wear the colours of the future."
@spicylemons8557 5 дней назад
On the topic of the ecology of cities As someone studying ecology I’m so glad to be living in a day and age where humans and cities are finally being recognized as living breathing part of the natural world and not as something separate.
@HypeXesk 5 дней назад
It didnt work for me, it taught me one thing, if you dont be like everyone else your left behind, your taken advantage of, your the joke for all to laugh at, ive learned more from a 2011 office pc i got for free in 2016 than my currently 11 grades of public school, its such a depressing and draining place if your not like everyone else, i simply do not fit into the norm, i have skills that school doesnt value, nor do my peers at school, I learned what I know of the world by looking around at it, in my country the US, I see mass mistreatment of humans, I see them on the streets, they lost everything but the body they have, the cost of living is at a all time high, you must work to live, if you don't you end up outside searching for scraps or you give up and find escape in drug abuse, and they don't help those people, they simply give them more drugs, and people that actually need the money get walked past by, while we all work for people that make unbelievable amounts of currency a minute, while we only make bare minimum an hour, and the law enforcement abuses power, and the government does too, stuff just plain sucks, and its all for profit and control, no god can save such world, there's no god, if there was one, itd be no god id worship.
@TheESMAT07 6 дней назад
Have you read for John Taylor Getto? If so, what do you think about his writings?
@elfuturomio 6 дней назад
Curriculum over gender studies
@RowenaSnow-px3jg 6 дней назад
Id like to see a not too greedy money economy that makes advanced healthcare possible, supplemented by local barter economy.
@RowenaSnow-px3jg 7 дней назад
Is there a board game or video game that ACCURATELY teaches how an economy works? NOT Monopoly pls I hate that game. I seek training in exonomic systems that work for a community and "crush all the others" ain't it.
@adriankoh4859 7 дней назад
Back in my days(year 1999) school rocked! Sorry kids😂
@johnoestmannmusic 7 дней назад
Very interesting! Thanks for making the video. As someone who has never really explored anarchism, would I be wrong in my assumption that anarchism already works at the individual level by simply refusing to obey authority, and anarchist society is simply a community of individuals of any size who follow this? As in, it seems you don’t need to overthrow anything to become anarchist, because you aren’t reinstating any form of government or law. As there is no state, there is no point where you become an anarchist country, rather it works as an organic spread of people choosing to reject authority?
@malakaistokes5741 7 дней назад
I know you touched on it I’m just still confused, how would murder rape theft and other “crime that infringes on others freedoms” be felt with in an anarchic society? And also how would undesirable things get done, who’s going to want to do that? Besides that I think I might be an anarchist now, I’m sure there’s a reasonable response I think I just didn’t grasp it because of my brainwashed belief that there needs to be leadership, authority, or democracy to decide things for everyone like laws and such things
@MikhaelHausgeist 7 дней назад
USSR already tried... This shit don't work in a way You wish it implement. This is clearly most WOKE bullshit I ever heard... Even if with some not numerous positions I'm not agree, but just take it as fact.
@SINTHEREBEL666 7 дней назад
Awesome 👍👍👍
@utvm6748 8 дней назад
When mr beast has more views than this video we know we are doomed