Ecoy Jago
Ecoy Jago
Ecoy Jago
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@pgress1867 День назад
They stole the drive from „The Hitchhiker‘s Guide through the Galaxy“.
@sisko212 4 дня назад
Come on... it can't be hear... a spore drive engine... as if it were a pizza with mushrooms.
@antman8818 7 дней назад
I know Janeway would lose her mind at this because she chased down a captain because they were using lifeforms to boost their warp drive
@solsticeprojekt1937 9 дней назад
Animal Cruelty.
@drsreeramvenugopal1238 11 дней назад
Lorca could have been one of the greatest captains along Picard and Kirk. Shame that they killed the character for a silly reason.
@craigbrown5667 12 дней назад
We Are Starfleet.
@casbot71 13 дней назад
As opposed to just taking advantage of the suprise factor when they jumped in and opening fire with all their powerful conventional weapons.
@WilfredIvanhoe 19 дней назад
Why let the enemy almost shoot the ship to pieces and then perform such a needless maneuver when they could just have continued to blast them with phasers?
@Gruffydom 19 дней назад
Ripped off someone else’s IP.
@eji9617 21 день назад
I am soooooo, so happy that this garbage, masquerading as a Star Trek show, has finally been cancelled.
@sarcasticguy4311 23 дня назад
2:05 And they pay this chick to just stand here and look concerned? DAMN this show is SO BAD.
@sarcasticguy4311 23 дня назад
Explain to me how this is NOT Star Trek DEI. Explain to me how this scene is not them breaking the Prime Directive.
@escape_from_consent_city 27 дней назад
They cgi doctor culber in. Pretty cool
@johnjakson444 Месяц назад
when it was clear this ST show was being written by 5yr olds, with science that is just stupid, it was time to stop watching this woke piece oof garbage.
@cujoedaman Месяц назад
I've seen some ugly ships in all my years of watching Star Trek, but Discovery is by far the worst. I'll take an Oberth class any day. At least that was useful.
@ninjaraph Месяц назад
Ok, so star trek is into nipple play now. How the mighty have fallen
@bashbrannigan Месяц назад
Spore drive is easily the stupidest idea of Star Trek. As a huge fan of the show, I quit watching it after this.
@garlowe8565 Месяц назад
He may have been evil, but Lorca was one of the best captains in Starfleet.
@CA1978-x7v Месяц назад
Too bad Discovery turned to garbage after the first season
@mazdamaniac4643 Месяц назад
The spinny parts go spin spin spin weeeeeee and the ship does a barrel roll and drops off the screen! Such wow! Bestest visual effect ever! I'm, of course, kidding. It's total crap and the whole thing (including torture of an alien lifeform to make it all work) is not Star Trek in the slightest.
@Tbonyandsteak Месяц назад
To Woke for me, sry
@robertkensler2156 Месяц назад
It a freakin television sjow....
@BoopSnoot Месяц назад
I know we are supposed to hate straight yt guys but honestly he was the best captain. After episode 3 the show was unwatchable.
@frostbrown5397 Месяц назад
This is so stupid
@edwardbughiuc100 Месяц назад
that blonde guy is the gay dude that said kevin spacey raped him or something but he got the job on star trek through kevin spacey
@waynemclean1799 2 месяца назад
The show didn’t suck as badly in season 1.
@xaiano794 2 месяца назад
Spore drive is so stupid, you can just magic-teleport anywhere, why bother having any colonies or anything, you can just magic teleport everything whenever you need it
@michaeldoyle2725 2 месяца назад
He’ll let your command ship gets blown out from under you
@cameronwilliams3599 2 месяца назад
This isn't Star Trek. Anyone who thinks that it is is not a fan of true Star Trek.
@sarcasticguy4311 23 дня назад
This show is trash. I hate using that word but it's the only good descriptor.
@catsupchutney 2 месяца назад
I hated Michael Burnham.
@altoncapps 2 месяца назад
Lorca was a villain, and deserved to die, but did one thing right.
@skyeplus 2 месяца назад
"Who saved us?" Somebody who were erased from history.
2 месяца назад
A massive pile of woke shite!
@joseleite7614 2 месяца назад
A one more time cap. Gabriel Lorca is a giant best cap in fleet, like James Kirk.😮
@joseleite7614 2 месяца назад
One upon the time, one ship one ship can appearing any place on universe. 😅 Sounds like fairly tale to me 😅.
@chrispile3878 2 месяца назад
I tried to like this new series. I can't. I just can't.
@SeaScoutDan 2 месяца назад
They one shot 2 birds of prey in 1 second. Could have shot down the other 5 birds of prey. No need to take punches till 20% shields.
@explorer47422 2 месяца назад
You know I came to realise not a single person was penalised for effectively torturing an enslaved sentient creature. There was a Voyager episode where the Doctor refused to use knowledge obtained through torturing and murdering Bajorans, sad how many steps back Trek took.
@raven4k998 2 месяца назад
or for being to stupid to understand distance because 500 kilometers takes 5 hours or travel at 60 miles per hour to travel those birds of prey do not look 500 kilometer's away 1 or 2 kilometers away at most
@bobagorof 2 месяца назад
They did eventually find a way to use a willing subject, but you're right. No-one faced any consequences for their actions prior.
@bill7778 2 месяца назад
This isn't Trek, but you knew that.
@phelimridley6727 2 месяца назад
@explorer47422 But that's what Star Trek does best, prompt the audience into thought. Personhood, rights, agency, power have all been used as topic material in ST since the episode, The Cage.
@dracodraco1982 2 месяца назад
>.> Who got in trouble for creating a bio weapon that threatened xenocide of the Founders; and what repercussions were there fot Sisko, when he use a weapon to render the atmosphere of an entire planet lethal to humans? Picard was willing to relocate a population against their will, because those were his orders, if memory serves. Even the noblest of leaders can be foolish, wrong, or cruel. Even the worst of villains can have a shadow of decency, virtue, or compassion. Personally, I've less an issue with the tardigrade (though very much an issue) than bio-warfare, genocide/xenocide, and forced relocation of entire populations. At least with the tardigrade, the misery of one spares the miserable deaths of billions or trillions. Doesn't make it right, but sometimes -- and these times are thankfully rare -- but sometimes nonetheless, one must choose between the monstrous and the unforgiveable. But yeah, there still ought to be punishment, lest fools and mad men imagine they're in such situations often, believing that renders them wholly beyond the grasp of justice and freed from all restraints. >.o Trek has a nasty habit of not circling back and really dealing with the messes left behind, but it ain't unique to Discovery.
@Grimlock794 2 месяца назад
Lorca "Initiate Death Blossom."
@NerdsmithTV 2 месяца назад
Greetings, Starfighter. You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan armada!
@danielcraft1971 2 месяца назад
This show would have been so much better without the Burnham character....
@RiddledEnigma93 2 месяца назад
Korriban II must be another world near Korriban I, the Sith Home world from Star Wars!~
@phantomwraith1984 2 месяца назад
I really wish they kept him as the captain throughout the whole series. I loved the premise of someone from the mirror universe being a good captain for the federation
@boobs39 2 месяца назад
Certainly had a better feel to it this first season !
@raven4k998 2 месяца назад
500 kilometer is so inaccurate it should be 500 meters makes the Klingons much closer as they appear in combat and makes the battle seem more serious and dangerous
@phantomwraith1984 2 месяца назад
@raven4k998 what?
@robertroud327 2 месяца назад
I agree, since the Federation was in a knife fight with the Klingons they needed a Warrior not an Explorer.
@raven4k998 2 месяца назад
@@robertroud327 still does not change why they cannot tell distances correctly in a battle they are 500 kilometers away basically on the in another province or state away from where they are on the planet I mean seriously 500 or 1000 meters makes more sense and ads to the suspense of the scene making them seem so far away they are no threat is stupid
@Forgotten1 3 месяца назад
Man Lorca is so badass!
@banciucdumitru441 3 месяца назад
This best moments I will never forget an this words what she says I will remember forever✌️. 2:24-2:26 Captain on the bridge 3:32 Let's Fly!🖖😉
@cydddricc 3 месяца назад
What season and episode is this scene?
@banciucdumitru441 3 месяца назад
​​@@cydddricc Season 3 episode 13, title episode,,That Hope is You,Part 2"
@richardmcbroom3925 3 месяца назад
Really liked Lorca, as combat captains go he was a good one 👍
@raymondreddington8109 3 месяца назад
Lorca was the best
@Jtombrady87 3 месяца назад
I hate this show, to me this destroys the premise of always trying to get to warp 10. Being scared of the borg because of trans-warp drives & it completely destroys the timeline as far as technology. Plus the burn (in the future) is basically caused by a kid because he was scared and screamed and destroyed most all the ships in the galaxy, lol. Plus tbh if this the future then why was Q asked if he was scared what would become of the federation? Could he not see past the temporal wars, lol.
@jamesknight3070 3 месяца назад
Technology wise, this is the perfect example of inter arma enim silent leges, which adequately explains why it was abandoned. As for "Warp 10", the ToS and TNG era warp scales are completely different, plus TNG Tech Manual (1991) says The Traveller propelled the ship at Warp 9.9999999996, thus Voyager messed things up long before Discovery! XD
@jamesknight3070 3 месяца назад
Addendum: The Borg didn't have Transwarp in TNG and First Contact but, once again, Voyager changed that and messed with the continuity. The fear factor with the Borg was you could bombard them with numerous ships and they would just keep coming.
@Jay-Pan_Vlog 4 месяца назад
Who is her first officer?
@Greenmachine305 4 месяца назад
Weird and dumb. They have no way of knowing what they left behind, and are not there to help the survivors if any. A shockwave of energy large enough to destroy every ship in the vicinity would also surely have destroyed the surface of the planet. Also, building tension by having the enemy fly closer is moronic. This lunacy breaks every core tenet of the IP...and the acting is atrocious, adding insult to injury. Was this written by J. J. Abrams?
@Pedgo1986 3 месяца назад
But it have flashy neon effects and that's enough for many people. And yes that manoeuvre was utterly stupid. If goal was destroy enemy phasers were enough it would make only sense of goal was make the show for enemy go back licking wounds and tell the story about new terrible weapon but that wasn't the case. Also why the colony have shield but no weapons?
@RobertCahneldi 5 месяцев назад
Seharusnya ada babang tampan yg mempertanyaan hal yg sama, bagaimana persoalan lelaki dewasa nya 😅