Daily Detroit
Daily Detroit
Daily Detroit
What to know and where to go in Metro Detroit! Pushing Detroit's conversation forward every weekday in time for your drive home. Find us here, on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.
@brucebeamon5460 7 дней назад
I’m sure there are PRIVATE companies itching to get a hold of a service like this … And I doubt citizens would be happy about there service or rates .. Same goes for water 😒
@user-dc1kk5sm2i 10 дней назад
randall pardy
@dantheman11121 14 дней назад
Your all democrat communist 🤮
@DieselDucy 14 дней назад
Thanks to the owner, I have a detailed video of this elevator on my channel.
@hatsuneKuuma 14 дней назад
based tirade against giant trucks 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@pharniel 14 дней назад
It's not so much that Judges have too much power within the court room, it's that there's 0 accountability when they do step over that line, no matter how egregious. See the Georgia RICO trial where the judge was flagrantly violating basic rules, or for closer to home Lisa Gorcyca's flagrant abuse of power that the GOP MISC decided didn't warrant any consequences.
@PhantasyStarved 14 дней назад
To me, the number one thing people need to know about Detroit before moving in is the same number one thing that keeps people away. It's the awful public school system. Even if you don't have kids, it has a ripple effect that negatively impacts all the other issues we have. The school system as an organization needs a massive structural overhaul. We need a school-to-career pipeline in this city. Actually, the skeleton exists but there's too many being left behind. Recklessly throwing more money around is not gonna do it, we need more programs to help failing students to catch up, and more advanced classes to challenge our brightest. We need to get back to 100% literacy, and then near 100% graduation rates. We can't give up on any child. Ever. And it's not only the right thing to do, who wants to raise a family in an area with dilapidated, understaffed, failing schools where the ones left behind run out in the streets with no respect to education or authority or themselves or anything else. It's the biggest weight dragging this revitalization effort down. New skyscrapers are neat, but you have to invest in our children if you want those buildings filled with successful households and businesses later.
@rudygrissom5871 14 дней назад
He made a bold conscious statement. Quote " Are you ok with black people " unquote Which you must be to live in Detroit, as a non black person.
@jdallas3369 18 дней назад
If they leave we'll just get another team!!!
@jdallas3369 18 дней назад
Make some tall skyscrapers made of solar panels to reserve land
@lavellriddle9111 19 дней назад
Thank you for reporting on your first-hand experience! I'm Lavell Riddle from Perrone Robotics, responsible for taking the concept of The Connect pilot and turning it into reality. Although, Perrone Robotics is a small but mighty team based in Charlottesville, Virginia, I'm a Detroiter-I live in Detroit and was born and raised throughout the Metro-Detroit area. You experienced our service just like any regular commuter would, without knowing the background, which, as you both mentioned, allows for an honest, unfiltered review. I won’t sugarcoat it: no amount of preparation by myself, my team, or our partners could have fully equipped us for implementing a shuttle service of this magnitude from the ground up, which will become autonomous in just a few months. To make this work, we have to learn on our feet and come up with solutions quickly if we want to be adopted into the fabric of Detroit by true Detroiters like you both. I can assure you that my team, our partners, and I are working around the clock, dedicated to providing real solutions. That’s why I’m scouring the internet on a Saturday evening -my day off after working 70 hours since Monday on this project-to now seek feedback like yours to see how we can get better. Since the launch on Tuesday, everything has improved: the waiting period, the web-based application, and more. We’re not where we want to be yet, but we’re making huge strides daily. Feedback like yours is vital to the project’s success, but forget our success-we’re here to help solve the needs of our city. There's some exciting things in the pipeline coming that you both mentioned needed addressing. There's will be some low-tech things coming, some things that are mid, and yes, even some cutting edge things to that may leave you dazzled. This is just the first step, a pilot to test the viability. Expect us to make adjustments based on the information we’re gathering. With honest feedback like this, along with open conversations and decisive actions we will get try our hardest to be a world-class offering that happens to be free to use! No excuses; however. we’re tasked with making this one route address a lot of needs at a fraction of the cost it takes to install and operate other public services to assess its feasibility. However, if things go well, you can expect more signage, more focused messaging, and streamlined routes. We are listening; and "No" not in a creepy high-tech fashion, but human to human to address needs for us, including by not taking the human out of the drivers seat, although that seat won't be there for driving😏🤫. If you're interested, I’d like to invite you to see our operations or to have a conversation to answer some of the speculations about thongs but, most importantly, to listen to your specific feedback and that of your audience. You can reach me directly at my email: lriddle@perronerobotics.com. Thank you for taking the time to experience and evaluate our service. You've got a new follower, albeit one that will be selfishly tuning in, hoping to receive periodic progress reports. 😂
@thebestchannel5456 21 день назад
Dude, you can put the Primemark in midtown, Corktown, even downtown. There's definitely enough room or put it on the riverfront
@jamiephelps875 21 день назад
Hoping Uncle Dan brings the heat with Cadillac Square. Downtown needs a development that leans into the unique culture of our city. Detroit is different than other towns, so our developments should reflect that!
@topperharley9182 22 дня назад
Someone needs to start Michigan and Ontario resident petition to pledge and save the Ren Cen. It’s iconic and part of the historical skyline. Repurpose into condos and center tower for Vertical Aquarium / Amusement venue. Best views in Michigan should have always been residential
@leoobermyer3769 22 дня назад
Robert Kennedy Jr. should be part of any debates and the kind of NY ruling that the DNC is trying was already ruled unconstitutional when Trump was allowed on the ballot in Colorado?
@willgotuwet 29 дней назад
Sighhhh. This rhetoric needs to stop regarding the Olympics. Obviously, Detroit is not ready right now, but down the line why not? Detroit would be the best place for the Olympic games a decade or so from now. Plenty of time to add the infrastructures needed. We had a Superbowl already and killed the NFL draft with bare minimum. yes, the Olympics would be an enormous task but why not utilize our Geography and everything we already have and add to it. WE have plenty of professional sports venues and universities which means plenty of stadiums, fields, arenas etc. where we can hold the games. Canada could also be a partner. It wouldn't have to be just Detroit. they could hold some games in Windsor, we have large bodies of water. 3 bridges and a tunnel to for international crossing. new hotels could be built. we already have majority of this stuff here. If done right would be the greatest way to showcase the city. yes, it will cost money. Atlanta did it. and the city boomed since 96. stop selling Detroit short. Seems like everybody is short sighted. People have this mindset about the city that if it's not something that will pop up the next 3-4 years, then it's not doable. It's crazy. Devon was doing the same thing about the freeway cap around Woodward. yes, it might take a while. but stop dismissing potential project or ideas just because they're not on your timeline of quick Detroit growth.
@ArchanaKumar-pj7xo Месяц назад
How much has Mike's personal wealth has increased since 2020, while the autoworkers are spending their savings on rent, clothing and groceries? Useful idiots will vote for Kamala because this goon will tell them MAGA is bad. Make America prosperous for yourselves not Mike Podhozer.
@jhfrik Месяц назад
Devon’s opinion blur any attempt for Jared to walk an unbiased line. Not a fan of his insight.
@PhantasyStarved Месяц назад
Hello, friends. Thank you for highlighting and responding to my comment, but I wish you hadn't been so dismissive and focused on straw-manning what I actually said, and then saying the real issue is that people are just made uncomfortable by a black man's opinion. Please forgive my lengthy response. The exact quote from Fletcher: "People can change but if you listen to the audio of what (Hogan) said uh there's not much change to be said there and given the way he's been moving as of late again politics or however you feel I'm not going to jump on you for either side of it uh but given the way that he feels back then the words he used and then to see who he's partnering himself with now it feels like he has not changed very much" In-context translation: People can change but Hogan is an unabashed Trumper speaking at the RNC so obviously he's still a racist. I don't see another honest way to parse this. And I get it, guys, I'm sure a lot of people agree with him. But own your take. It's the other side of the coin from the rampant racism and hyper-partisanism that every widely viewed video of Detroit gets. Regardless of whether the video is positive or negative about our city, what inevitably follows are hundreds of comments following the same patterns, basically variations of, "We all know who ruined Detroit but we're not allowed to say." Which of course, is not hiding your racism at all, they're just too much of a coward to own their take even with relative anonymity. And the reason why they feel this way, even in all-positive stories about Detroit, is because THOSE are the people that feel threatened by any depiction of black or Democrat cities having any sort of success, because it challenges their worldview of "Democrats and the black people who vote for them ruin everything and I don't want either near me." I don't surround myself with racist, hateful people, so I often am in the position where I find myself attempting to steer my friends away from embodying the other side of that coin, away from anything approaching the sentiment that white people and Republicans ruin everything (speaking generally here, not levelling an accusation at you), that's the hill I'm dying on, not defending Hulk Hogan specifically. Not judging people entirely by their worst public moment, that's the other hill I'm dying on. You went on to flame Hogan's kids when obviously that wasn't what I was referring to, the Make-a-Wish foundation was almost founded on Hulk Hogan's efforts, he was the most requested person in the 80s and visited sick and dying children over two hundred times through that organization alone, and that was far from his only charity work. I'm not saying this absolves him from any bad behavior. I am saying that humans are complicated, and I will continue to challenge people who only hand out forgiveness to people who vote the same as they do. As with all subjects, you are free to disagree and I will continue to listen to your entertaining show because I love Detroit and love hearing about the great things happening here. I wish your whole team the best of success going forward. Especially Fletcher!
@jdallas3369 Месяц назад
Expand the People Mover
@jdallas3369 Месяц назад
Why not build beautiful walking bridges where people can look over the street on Michigan Ave and leave the street alone or put up a median with flower beds or both. There's not a lot of businesses on Michigan Ave that's why there is no traffic. Build it and they will come. Also if Detroit is starting to grow we may need wide streets.
@dakota9821 Месяц назад
The real minimum wage is $0; You have no job. Only the financially illiterate champion government interference in the free market; Raising the min wage will not help workers, it will cost jobs. Just look at CA. Removing government interference and lowering taxes is how you help workers, not selling them this load of crap.
@DJMetzler337 Месяц назад
You always have to play like you are behind. We all know that Russia is going to continue the disinformation blitz. So, you have to do the work and get your non conservative friends and family to the polls!
@pharniel Месяц назад
Out in Washtenaw we got notice from the County Clerk & the Michigan One Democratic campaign had us mentioning it when canvassing.
@PhantasyStarved Месяц назад
Fletcher insinuating repeatedly that Hulk Hogan must be still be a racist because he's a Republican is a lame take. Unfortunately, we know a hefty chunk of people from all races believe that you should marry within your own race. I disagree with them all on this issue, but I won't define anyone entirely by it - and Hulk has done a lot of good over the years, especially for kids, way more than any of you. And he did apologize. You are free to reject it, but not accepting it based on party fanaticism is suuuuuuper lame.
@douglasostrander5072 Месяц назад
I will be voting early and voting straight republican. Can't change my mind. I'll definitely look at the primaries and who I want but I'll vote real quick on election day November 5. Either or the day of.
@genosciacca1816 Месяц назад
We can't have Trump win so do whatever it takes to steal the election. That's the Whitmer witch for you
@DJMetzler337 Месяц назад
Polls have Slotkin up 30 points over Hill Harper. The only thing the far left has against her is that she supports Israel. The only thing I know about Hill Harper is he threw a fundraiser with Dave Chapelle, and I am someone who is a Bernie style independent. I should know all about Hill. I have gotten zero lit from any Democrats. Not good. Have gotten lit from Justin Amash, the Republican running for state rep, and even my precinct delegate.
@DailyDetroit Месяц назад
So actually, a listener sent me a poll that she's up 45 points. 😂
@DJMetzler337 Месяц назад
@@DailyDetroit , I was trying to be nice seeing as you are a fan of his. I doubt it will be 45 points, but it will be comfortable. His campaign inefficiency has almost reached James Craig levels.
@BreakfastKingOfLoyola Месяц назад
No love for the Olympic fencers from Wayne State?
@BreakfastKingOfLoyola Месяц назад
Or former UDM Titan Bul Kuol, who scored 12 in South Sudan's first game
@MAGA_Hat_Stays_On Месяц назад
Wasn’t the last biggest political story the assasination attempt?
@leahneal6981 Месяц назад
Absolute idiocy
@jimmyconnor9541 Месяц назад
Personally I think if they removed some of the four towers around the center tower that would just look wrong. If anything try and move the smaller tower tenants into the 4 surrounding towers
@manbtm1 Месяц назад
Absolute craziness to demolishing the Ren Cen towers , ridiculous. You don’t tear down the most iconic structure on your skyline, start doing that and we’re going to look like Chattanooga, Tennessee. There are many uses that could be protected for this complex, as well as destruction of two towers Will absolutely ruin the infrastructure around it and the appearance. For gosh, sakes, I hope smarter minds prevail on this. No city I have ever seen has been done anything so ridiculous to their skyline. We live downtown and stare right at it from our 19th floor condo. I can’t imagine taking them down. Incidentally, my spouse works for Marriott, and the Ren Cen Marriott is doing well, and Detroit is in dire need of hotel rooms , why in the world would someone think about tearing down the largest hotel in Detroit with over 1000 rooms. The restaurants are doing well in there also on the main floor as well as the top Hello?
@toordal Месяц назад
How about first reuse the barely used RenCen parking lot? They don't even have to tear it up for grass. They can re-surface it for baskeball, tennis, pickleball courts.
@DanielWhistler-um6oo Месяц назад
Demolishing any of the 7 structures would be a very bad idea , the Ren cen and 2 accompanying towers are very unique and they should all sty up together !!
@kevinstafford7485 Месяц назад
Andiamo and Joe Muer operating.
@brucebeamon5460 Месяц назад
I want a TARGET too ! 👌🏿Unfortunately another location could not be found after seeing how long the rest of that development was taking .. would the New Center One building ( that used to have a Crowleys in it ) be too small for there plan for a smaller target ? Or in the building that had a Saks across the street
@motorcityadam Месяц назад
That distillery is clean! I don’t drink, but I would love to pick their brain on the process-side. But a lot of that is a trade secret. On better connecting to the riverfront over Jefferson… Probably have to some kind of “Millennium Park” vision that Chicago had when it was an old rail yard, in order to have a shot. Have to do up both sides of Jefferson - complete with an impressive pedestrian walkway. A “conversation piece” for the city, if you will. Pays dividends.
@brucebeamon5460 Месяц назад
Ideally they would somehow incorporate the the Q-line and the people mover into ONE TRACK
@thebestchannel5456 Месяц назад
Target is struggling, and so are a lot of big box chains in this climate so really no loss
@sparkybluefox Месяц назад
I would like to view this podcast on youtube , but my old firefox app will not play it..... I had to go to another browser to view this video.... and the frame rate was choppy ... Sadly, this might be why your not getting as many views as you might have. KISS : Keep It Simple Silly ! Find a webmaster who can post "easy for everybody to view" RU-vid videos. Best wishes: SBF
@HighPowerOptionsTrades Месяц назад
I have a Gen 6 iPad and things are exceptionally fine on this end 🎩🍾🏁💎
@kevinstafford7485 Месяц назад
Always an interesting show! Thanks guys. How can the city that hosted the tallest department store in the world no longer have the economic climate to support a Target? Has online shopping and a smaller population created an unsustainable brick and mortar environment? Maybe an ultra unique location and experience that supports the city residents while attracting folks from the surrounding areas?
@Squay313 2 месяца назад
Sounds awesome. Thanks for sharing, I hadn’t heard anything about this.
@joeyllope621 2 месяца назад
People mover haters need to step aside. Once Detroit’s urban core has the density it’s about to have I will be vindicated yet again. Unfortunately for these people there’s no medal for hating on it. Sad!
@mland40 2 месяца назад
@brucebeamon5460 Месяц назад
I to ALSO love it , but looks as thou FAVORITISM IS REARING IT’S UGLY HEAD in favor SOUTHWEST DETROIT…. WHY RENOVATE ALL EIGHT low income apartments in just THAT AREA with OVER 400 units becoming available once they are done in JUST THAT SECTION OF TOWN WHY NOT spread them ACROSS the WHOLE CITY unless there IS AN AGENDA to fill them with those 700 plus ILLEGAL INVADERS that are in temporary housing over THERE 😡
@hatsuneKuuma 2 месяца назад
i too am bullish on the people mover. i still think a simple spur to eastern market would explode development and activate the market area all week and not just saturdays.
@jayde6701 2 месяца назад
Found this for the first time and found it to be worthwhile. Just one quibble...Detroit Marriott was said to have 700 rooms...I believe it actually has 1,300+.
@DailyDetroit 2 месяца назад
You are absolutely correct! Devon misspoke on the fly, apologies. It's a little over 1,300.
@PhantasyStarved 2 месяца назад
My dudes, not everyone is as able-bodied as y'all, seniors and other partially disabled folks need options like the People Mover. The only obstacle from there is making sure there's nearby operating elevators so we're not forced to burn our limited energy on the stairs. Also: shoutout to Mohican Regent neighborhood, I feel like we've got nothing going on so people forget us lol
@PhantasyStarved 2 месяца назад
Never mind about nothing going on in Mohican Regent, be careful what you wish for, sigh
@jdallas3369 2 месяца назад
Developer Steven Ross said he has never had to wait so long to see progress on a development as he has in Detroit. It's Lansing and city Government holding Detroit back. Everybody is waiting for the D to return to its rightful place...it's been to long. Once the richest city in the world . Also need Mass transit, this city is to big not to have it, and it's 3 times the size of Boston and they have it... just sayin.
@brucebeamon5460 Месяц назад
Well we know DECADES ago the federal government was going to PAY for 80% of a MASS transit ( subway ) systems….. but as things go here in Michigan the SUBURBS WEREN’T interested in involving themselves with anything that they felt would be more beneficial to THIS CITY ( DETROIT ) actually there’s been 6 attempts though out the years …. Not sure of why NONE of them were successful other than outlining areas refusing to join ….at least one suburb in particular ( Livonia) stopped the smart system that had been going there for similar reasons of not wanting Detroit workers being transported to there community.
@lacydawson237 2 месяца назад
I always watched the fireworks in the neighborhood because I didn't want to get caught in the traffic. I am not sure what Detroit you grew up in but not all of us went downtown to watch. I never did so why is that a bad thing?