I Regret Top Surgery
4 года назад
@OreoLuv1998 10 месяцев назад
Would you ever get implants?
@cole5334 9 месяцев назад
probably not
@definetlyNotRee Год назад
Thanks for sharing this. I'm currently thinking about getting top surgery, and after watching this, I think I'll give myself at least 2 to 3 years before making the actual decision. It can't hurt to think about stuff for a while first
@NickyM_0 Год назад
How can you be 'non-binary' AND lesbian?🤔 Make it make sense?????!
@cole5334 9 месяцев назад
this is the dumbest thing ive seen all week. learn ur history??? meet lesbians???
@ukisa3rdworld586 Год назад
I can only imagine the wave of people regretting it in close future, also hormones etc People disagree violently about their choices and rights and then..... I'm 37 and I cringe about myslef when I was 17 This generation is very weak, ill, disturbed.
@elnanso Год назад
Thanks for making this video. Maybe it´s time for you to make a new update ?
@arioctober9097 Год назад
I hate how medicalized being trans is, even by fellow trans people. You never should have felt like top surgery was "just the next logical step." It's always a super personal decision for every individual. I personally do want top surgery, cause I'm kinda the opposite of you I hate my boobs most when I'm alone with my body, but I definitely don't want to do hrt anymore. There was a time in my life when I almost went on HRT because it was just the "next logical step" and even though the circumstances were terrible (transphobic doctor) I'm glad I didn't end up going through with it. If society would just respect trans people from the moment they say "hey I'm trans please use this name and pronouns" I think a lot fewer people would get as much or any surgery/hrt. the majority probably still would and that's great if it's what they truly want for themselves and not because of any outside pressure! like... if you happen to love the body you already have but still feel that you're trans? Congratulations, you're trans! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Nobody else can decide that for you. And hey if you hate your body and want certain "trans treatments" but identify as cis? Also valid! It's your body! We need to talk more about medical regret (as well as detransitioning!) in our community. Nobody should have to go through this and when they do they shouldn't have to face it alone.
@bonzai9802 Год назад
The gender cult takes another !
@jackal4459 Год назад
I just commented on your original video about this, but I really appreciate you making this update video too. I think I'm in a similar place right now to where you were in your first video, being about a year into lesbian relationships and being very suddenly confronted with the grief of what could have been. But, it is so so good to know that that grief lessens over time.
@cole5334 Год назад
it lessens and it completely forms and morphs! i have reached a very neutral place and i am not upset with my chest nor do i feel i am missing much. i have found many ways for people to interact with me/touch me that feel good and gender euphoric and dont make me feel like less of a lesbian, if anything it emphasizes it for me and the role i play. much health and love to you, peace will eventually work itself out and be reached one way or another <3
@jackal4459 Год назад
Thank you for sharing, I'm going through a lot of the same stuff and it's really hard to not see many people talking about this. It's good to know we aren't alone in this at least.
@S.Uranus Год назад
I'm so sorry about your shitty situations, being groomed was not your fault at all. I can kinda relate to the inappropriate interactions with parents. (definitely to a lesser extent, but yeah it doesn't feel good to have them comment on your body and stuff) I've never really had a good therapist except for one. She basically said she believes in me, that life is up to me, and I can make my own choices. I don't see her anymore because I hate therapy, but her words will stick. Stay strong 💖💖 even if you're not a man or woman, you do have the right to say fuck the patriarchy and take back your own body. You're awesome 😎
@redginge4840 Год назад
I nagged and hounded my parents, but they were adamant, "No!". So I brought my friends home to meet them, so they could meet other kids who had already done it and they could see they were normal people. Still didn't work, but then my mom met one of my friends' mom's and they discussed it. It was only then mom and dad finally said OK. My mom even came with me and watched my face as I tried them on. Those Dr Martens Astronauts . I was so proud of them. Over the years we would look back and laugh about the whole saga, even in my 30's it was a source of family humor. I no longer wear Dr Martens Astronauts As happens with ALL kids my self identity changed and developed as I grew up. I matured. Even Dr Martens changed to a different model.
@hmmmmmok Год назад
I don’t regret my top surgery but I can empathise with people who have different experiences and I value you sharing your thoughts and feelings on yours. Bodies and gender are complex, we’re all trying to get by as best as we can with what options are available to us at any given moment. I think we need to focus on how we can help each other be happy, fulfilled, and at peace. You come across as very considerate and emotionally intelligent and it’s heartening to see, given how often pain related to bodies and gender gets wielded against trans people. Finding comfort in our bodies is a lifelong effort, and I stand in solidarity with you!
@Poochiepoochie54321 Год назад
I'm a woman but I've never felt feminine but I'm not non-binary but also not a Tomboy and not a lesbian. Is there an official term word for that? I call myself a high-testosterone female. 😄
@S.Uranus Год назад
Alpha woman? Indigo lady? Cinnamon girl?
@Poochiepoochie54321 Год назад
@@S.Uranus thank you I love these!!
@natacha1490 Год назад
You are just a woman. All women look and are different, that's the beauty of it. Woman don't have to be "feminine"
@thanos7245 Год назад
You are a victim. A victim to think tanks and social engineers you will never meet or know. Through social conditioning and chemicals, they have turned your soul upside down on itself. I wish you healing and enlightenment on this journey of life. To anyone watching this. Don't be fooled.
@ivriyah8456 Год назад
@draculxxx1194 Год назад
If anyone regrets their top surgery breast augmentation is a thing that you can get there is hope
@petarristovski8530 Год назад
If you are not sure with who you are then don't play with your life
@cole5334 Год назад
thanks for the wise words i'll be sure to use my time machine
@lilpinksliplee7310 Год назад
Kids always think they know it all until they get a little life experience and find out they don't know as much as they thought they did, but no one could tell them any different.
@lilpinksliplee7310 Год назад
Too many of you young people are making these decisions based on the wrong reasons. Unfortunately, at these ages, you do not fully understand the ramifications of lifelong consequences, and that's why we as older adults want to put a halt on these puberty blockers and surgeries for these younger kids. We know that your lives and decisions will change vastly through these years.
@ditjedatje9741 Год назад
You were victim of a very sick cult, please continiou to share your story so you can be helpfull to others.
@Mars-oc2gq Год назад
It was very hard to hear your experience. I could feel some of your pain through your words and body language. I am so sorry it went this way for you.
@wanda520 Год назад
Why don’t we call it a mastectomy?
@cole5334 Год назад
who is we? you can call it whatever you want, as can i. we all use different words for our genitals, our pet names, etc, this is just another thing. mastectomy feels very gendered and sterile to me, thats not what my surgery was. it was top surgery.
@robertkay9871 Год назад
The problem with all this is people are getting this done too soon. Doing something so permanent is a huge decision..
@hoopoe9629 Год назад
Many doctors and therapists are incompetent and unfortunately I don’t see that changing anytime soon.
@janeengallo5396 Год назад
@stickapot3623 Год назад
I get it, coz i had a double masectomy due to advanced breast cancer. I think you are a lesbian and IDK why that is such a bad thing. The more I listen to detrans/trans stories, I doubt the gender spectrum. I do people there are people who are trans- but a tiny portion of the population. Big pharma has stepped in and is telling people not to be gay but just become a life long pharma customer- and mutilate your body
@ZZ-hu8gu Год назад
❤Thanks 🙏 sooo much for sharing ! ❤😌
@modest8930 Год назад
um.. err... uhh... good lord, out with it lady
@ConestogaCreek Год назад
So does she regret it?
@ConestogaCreek Год назад
It seems to me all these videos have created a nipple effect.
@theriansadventure Год назад
For kids like you that received surgery before the age of 18, compensation is coming in the near future. Be patient, this practice is being exposed.
@goldkhw Год назад
They are not tops. They are breasts. You had your breasts removed. They are not tops. I have never called my breasts my tops.
@cole5334 Год назад
this comment is so funny
@goldkhw Год назад
@@cole5334 My breast surgery was not funny. It was necessary.
@ducati3241 Год назад
Damn u had a top surgery at a young age damn…. Too bad u cant turn back time.. Take it as a lesson learnt to ‘others’.. Have some faith girl and u will find life beautiful bcoz if u wan ppl to accept for who u r..u have to accept what God has created u in the first place but theres nothin much u can do for now.. U juz have to move on wif ur life…….
@solkoselig3686 Год назад
The amount of disrespectful people in these comments screaming "BUT IT WORKED FOR MEEEEEE I DIDNT REGRET IDDDD UGHHH" is sad. Can you listen to someone tlak about their experiences without inserting your selfvalidation station and demeaning someone? Also this only minority regret the operation is the level of bullshit I expected two years ago, when so many detransitioners (me included) come out and say that we aren't a minority, honey.
@bridgetteouh7037 Год назад
My friend got his penis botched and he wanted a vagina but guess what he can't urinate probably and the dilation process is really tiring add on that he isn't getting any pleasure during intercourse. He is going through therapy now, he tried to commit suicide two times and got admitted into the psych ward.
@megg.6651 Год назад
The propaganda about transitioning is doing a HUGE disservice to our young people. No major changes should be made until older, after LOTS of counseling - and not by doctors who embrace "affirmation" ideology. Imo, this trans movement is really about homophobia & and misogyny
@happydays5989 Год назад
What's worse is everyone is so great when you want to transition- the moment you realize you did the wrong thing- everyone seems to hate you- its pathetic. The same people that say dont judge literally are the most judgemental people. It's pretty much I love you until we have a disagreement. This entire generation think they can not only dictate what others say when they are not around which is insane- they think every thought they have is justified it isnt
@Smitty1307 Год назад
I can't imagine life without my breasts. They bring so much pleasure to my sex life. I'm so sorry that you are going through this. You change SO MUCH from 18 years old to 21, and from 21 to 25 and from 25 to 30.. Your thought process changes, the things you like changes. You have to give yourself time to discover who you are. You are special! You are unique!! You are born different then any other person in the world. ❤ much love to you.
@cole5334 Год назад
this is incredibly sweet, thank you
@dorianjohnson8480 Год назад
Damn. 😔
@katemallory Год назад
It’s sad that those of us who do try to talk about this are often SHUT down and told to shut up…
@abigail-299 Год назад
I love ur hair
@missmartpants2269 Год назад
Thank you for sharing. God bless!
@theunboxer3964 2 года назад
That’s why minors can’t make decisions like that. They are not mature enough. Just saying but good luck with everything.
@NekoShmeko 2 года назад
Surgery destroyed my life. I can’t get close to anyone. I’m in pain every day. I don’t even feel like I have a community anymore. My posts about it got removed and I lost loads of followers. So called friends cast me off as soon as I made a post about my intense regret. I can’t work or walk without pain.
@Nobody-tj9jo Год назад
Maybe you’ll find comfort in feminist/female-centered communities. I’m sorry that happened to you. I hope your physical pain at least goes away within time.
@ronaldnines3543 Год назад
You were in a cult and they don't ALLOW you to go off the reservation
@bluespectrum1348 Год назад
We got you. I hope you find healing and comfort very soon.
@2manymorons Год назад
Thats a cult. Speak out LOUD and WARN the others who they are brainwashing into mutilating and sterilizing themselves. They want to tell you what your identity is and that you'll find it in mutilating yourself. You have a purpose . Tell the world. Your testimony is powerful.
@doeeyes2 2 года назад
Im happy I didnt go thru with top surgery. Being in a lesbian relationship, breast play can be a major part of our time together sexually. I was booked and ready for surgery when it dawned on me how attracted I am to boobs and that most likely a future partner would be too. I feel like being L/G/B already shrinks your dating pool enough. Being a lesbian without boobs would just shrink it further perhaps?? I mean of course a relationship its not just about boobs and genitals, but sex is kinda about those things, enjoying them and the pleasures they give. If I lost sensation in my breasts/nipples I'd be devastated. I dont know if young people consider this because I didnt realize how much I enjoy my sensitive breats till early 20s. Also I feel like this "trend" of top surgery is closely related to the pro ana commumity of the mid 2000s. Having big boobs is closely associated with being fat. I know part of me wanted the surgery just because I would feel skinnier and more youthful i guess.
@srhdfhcvbftg8067 2 года назад
As a trans (ftn) person myself, I never once thought about NOT getting top surgery. It isn't an option for me. I try to consider living life without it, and it honestly isn't an option. Videos like this solidify my feelings and my confidence in my decisions even further. To other trans teens out there, if you're not sure, wait until you are. I've been 100% certain about transitioning since I was 18. Sometimes I regret not doing it sooner, but I waited until I was certain and that is something I am grateful for. Take the time to know yourself. :)
@laurasresearch1466 2 года назад
Mercury, xenohormones, atrazine, etc need to be a part of the discussion ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-4l6fai80E2w.html
@areufkingkiddingme 2 года назад
I don’t think becoming a boy will solve your problems. You need to fix what’s deeper. Hearing your explanations, makes me wonder if you did all this to fit in instead of being being a man. Like you said, when you were alone, you were comfortable with your beasts. Maybe bring trans just gives you the community you crave.
@cole5334 Год назад
where did i saw i was a man LOL i literally DETRANSITIONED
@Wonababi 2 года назад
what's your email or IG, PLEASE
@bethbrafford1752 2 года назад
All this is so self centered. Life isn't all about me me Accept who you are and live to help others and make t he world better. Stop having pity parties. You are young and not fully mature. This too shall pass.
@cole5334 Год назад
this is my youtube channel, beth