Bookworm Dreams
Bookworm Dreams
Bookworm Dreams
Hi! We are Maja and Kristina, two good friends that love to talk about books. Maja loves sci-fi and fantasy, especially urban fantasy and dragons, while Kristina is still finding herself, but focuses on fantasy and romance. To all who found this channel, we hope you stay and enjoy our videos. We appreciate all of you. We will try our best to find new ways to keep you interested. :)
Mid Year Freak Out Tag (2024)
3 месяца назад
Skoro pa čovjek - Corra Koma || BOOK REVIEW
3 месяца назад
SFERAKON vlog || clips + haul (2024)
4 месяца назад
Magical Readathon TBR || Orilium
6 месяцев назад
2024 Reading Goals
9 месяцев назад
End of the Year Wrap Up || TAG
9 месяцев назад
REVIEW || Seasons of the River by Igor Rendić
9 месяцев назад
Telephone Tag - Maja
10 месяцев назад
Telephone Tag Kristina
10 месяцев назад
Što sam pročitala za Mjesec hrvatskog esefa?
10 месяцев назад
Autumn Book Haul
11 месяцев назад
@RKStumblingbear 11 часов назад
Eclipse the Moon was my favorite from that trilogy. Also, I'm sad we didn't get the throuple story.
@RKStumblingbear 15 дней назад
I also really liked Comeuppance Served Cold. I kinda hope that we get another novella following her.
@antonijamezni 21 день назад
Hvala ti puno, puno, puno, na čitanju i vlogu! 😭 Drago mi je da si uspjela pročitati TLT i komentari su tako super, ali znaš da ako ti je u bilo kojem trenutku too much, previse gross ili disturbing da slobodno možeš odustati, ja se sigurno neću ljutiti. 😄
@RKStumblingbear 22 дня назад
I love your channel! Even if I am very behind on some of your videos!
@bookwormdreams5182 16 дней назад
I'm behind on so many channels (yours included) so don't feel bad. Thank you for watching and for your support.(m)
@RKStumblingbear 16 дней назад
@@bookwormdreams5182 Of course. You all are one of my favorite channels.
@RKStumblingbear Месяц назад
LOL! I still have not read The Geek Who Saved Christmas. I'm very good about adding things to my TBR list :)
@RKStumblingbear Месяц назад
Added books to my TBR
@RKStumblingbear Месяц назад
I have never heard of Sweep of the Blade but this sounds awesome!
@RKStumblingbear Месяц назад
I read Amina end of June/beginning of July! One of my favorites this year! August was a reread month for me. I don't think I was slumpy, but very focused on other creative work.
@bookwormdreams5182 16 дней назад
July was a reread month for me. Mostly read Ilona Andrews books. (m)
@RKStumblingbear Месяц назад
I love Tress of the Emerald Sea! I hope you like it too! I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Escaping Exodus. Also, making me read a 5 star prediction and an emotional read has made me a little slumpy. :)
@bookwormdreams5182 16 дней назад
That's why I hate making 5 star predictions. They usually don't hold up. I like to be surprised by my five star reads. (m)
@antonijamezni 3 месяца назад
After having an amazing reading month in march, I totally failed april and may 😅 I'm slowly getting out of my slump. So I feel you. Btw this looks fun, thinking about doing a video too! 😊
@bookwormdreams5182 3 месяца назад
Do it!! 🤓
@ReadBecca 4 месяца назад
That is so cool! It seems like there were interesting panels for everyone, and amazing you got to be part of a panel!!! So excited for you both.
@bookwormdreams5182 4 месяца назад
Thank you!
@sintarija 5 месяцев назад
Baš mi je žao što sam propustila vaš Romantasy panel. Izgledao je i zvučao jako zabavno. 🥲 Ali nadam se da ću idući puta ipak imati priliku pridružiti se vašoj publici. ❤ (Sukladno tome, čula sam da trebamo peer pressurat Maju da drugi put prijevi neko svoje predavanje tako da... Majo, smatraj se pod pritiskom 🙌)
@IgorRendic 5 месяцев назад
Sjedenje ispred kona i highlightanje programa je takav klasični konovski moment, baš je bilo lijepo vidjeti ga 😀
@morinakutija 5 месяцев назад
Odličan video! Baš mi je drago da si uzela The Twisted Ones nadam se da će ti se svidjeti. 😊 (A)
@ReadBecca 5 месяцев назад
Nettle & bone and bookshops & bonedust 😍 I know deea loved combat codes, it sounds very intriguing! Tainted cup man I love that uk cover, but I cannot justify buying two copies. Bookish problems. 😭
@natasagajic1061 5 месяцев назад
Oooh, Iron and Magic sounds so good! Do you think you could read it without reading Kate Daniels (or any other Ilona Andrews, for that matter)? 👀 Also, so cool to see some Balkan SFF authors popping up! ☺ I'm hoping to find somehwere (and read🤞) Patuljak iz Zaboravljene Zemlje by Ahmet Hromadžić this summer, as it seems to be a classic of Balkan SFF ☺ (btw, I'm only replying in English for the sake of any other non-Balkan commenters, otherwise I'd write in Serbian 😊)
@bookwormdreams5182 5 месяцев назад
I think you need to read the Kate Daniels series because Hugh (the mc of Iron and Magic) is a big part of the plot of the whole series because of his position within a specific group of people (see how I can't say anything because it could spoil stuff). I mean you could read it without reading the Daniels series but you might miss out on character building and also will probably be spoiled for the series.
@olivera3172 5 месяцев назад
Great books! Reading vlogs pls! 🥰🙂
@RKStumblingbear 5 месяцев назад
I liked Even Though We Knew the End. I dnf'd Spear because I got bored with it.
@Mysteriesandmountains 5 месяцев назад
18 books in 4 weeks? You crazy girl! ❤
@ReadBecca 6 месяцев назад
Such an ambitious TBR! The only one I've read is Bookshops & Bone dust and it was good, I liked a lot of elements even better than the first. I'm very curious how you wind up liking Bob the Wizard.
@bookwormdreams5182 5 месяцев назад
I'm currently having a hard time starting anything from this TBR. I did finish Bookshops and Bonedust and I liked it. Not as much as Legends but it had similar vibes so I had fun reading it.
@natasagajic1061 6 месяцев назад
You did much better than I did! 😊 I think I managed to fill out about 60% of the bingo board - still need to sit down and actually properly update my bingo board 🤔 The prompts for this year look like they will be a lot of fun! Although some of them seem like they will be quite hard for me to fulfill 👀 Will you be making a TBR video for this year as well? 😊
@bookwormdreams5182 5 месяцев назад
Yes! The prompts are fun every year. The fake cards are also always hilarious! The new tbr video is coming soon.
@RKStumblingbear 6 месяцев назад
I’m participating! I think I’m in your guild too. 😊 I have read Bookshops and Bonedust. I liked it . But it is Viv at the beginning of her mercenary journey so I didn’t connect with it like I did with Legends and Lattes. I have also read The Cruel Stars. If I remember correctly, it is humans fighting humans. Just one group split off awhile ago and are now coming back to “save” everyone. It is multi POV. I liked it too and will one day continue with the series.
@bookwormdreams5182 6 месяцев назад
I know it has some kind of space Nazis in it. That is all I remember about The Cruel Stars. We ARE in the same guild. I see you in the Discord. :D Good luck with the readathon!
@RKStumblingbear 6 месяцев назад
I can see the description for space nazis. @@bookwormdreams5182
@HassanScherzad 6 месяцев назад
What’s your favourite book
@ReadBecca 6 месяцев назад
The castle looks cool, but I would not want the walk there 😁 glad you took us so I don't have to. I've been very curious to read both the books you liked, so good to hear you had good things to say.
@ReadBecca 7 месяцев назад
Daring! I hope you manage it without burnout. I have Reading Champion V, so I think I've settled on not even trying to work out my card this year 😅 though the card prompts were great. I have one of the Wasteland collections on my shelf to get to, good to hear they are worthwhile. Loved Midnight Bargain! I keep forgetting to try Polks other big series.
@bookwormdreams5182 7 месяцев назад
I hope so too! I'm doing alright so far. Even had a couple of 5 star reads which is great. (m)
@antonijamezni 7 месяцев назад
Svaka ti čast i sretno! 😁
@bookwormdreams5182 7 месяцев назад
@antonijamezni 7 месяцев назад
Hvala na čitanju Morine kutije! Super mi je ova fora sa kolom za biranje knjiga. 😁
@ReadBecca 8 месяцев назад
Rereading favorite series sounds like a fantastic project! I listened to this entire trilogy driving across the country and back, it was absolutely perfect for a long, mostly boring drive.
@RKStumblingbear 9 месяцев назад
I liked the first Monk and Robot book better than the second. But I think you are right that you have to be in a philosophical mood for them.
@ReadBecca 9 месяцев назад
🍾 What a good bunch of questions to reflect back on your year. Oh no, A Taste of Gold is still on my tbr 🤐 I liked the first novel of Mead Mishaps, but I do agree, the author does so well with shorter work, Mistlefoe was just exceptionally well balanced and fun. Yes that House with Good Bones cover is glorious, but it is so mismatched with the story 😸 No pressure on getting back to the end of Grey Bastards, I bought a copy so it'll be there whenever you are feeling more in the mood.
@antonijamezni 9 месяцев назад
Good luck with fantasy bingo (I hope I remembered correctly which challenge ends in march)! And happy reading in 2024! I'm sure you'll surpass the 100 goal. 😊 My goal for this year is to read more comics and graphic novels, and hopefully more in portuguese. 😁
@antonijamezni 9 месяцев назад
Kristina, hvala ti puno na svim lijepim riječima i stvarno sam jako počašćena. 🖤 Majo, baš sam gledala neke svoje statistike i sjetila se Lessons Never Learned jer piše da ima preko 500 stranica i mislim si, kakooo, ta knjiga tako nije imala radnje, na što su išle te stranice. 🥲
@bookwormdreams5182 9 месяцев назад
Yes, that's why it sucks. (m)
@antonijamezni 9 месяцев назад
Hvala vam puno na čitanju, trudu, videu i iskrenoj recenziji. I znam da ne bih smjela imati faves, ali Viki je najbolja. 😄
@ReadBecca 10 месяцев назад
Lost in the Moment and Found was so hard hitting, you really brought it back talking about how emotional you got. I'm really looking forward to the next one I. That series.
@bookwormdreams5182 9 месяцев назад
I so agree with you. Even though I knew a bit about, I didn't expect it to be so impactful. I'm looking forward to the next one as well. :)
@antonijamezni 10 месяцев назад
It Eats ❤️ Thank you for including it! Btw The House of Sundering Flames is the third book, Binding Thorns is the second 😊 (that one is my favorite of the series)
@bookwormdreams5182 9 месяцев назад
Oh gosh! 🙈 I have to read them finally this year, maybe I'll remember then 😁
@antonijamezni 10 месяцев назад
Malo kasno palimo, ali prihvaćamo izazov! 💪
@antonijamezni 10 месяцев назад
They Never Learn je meni bila zabavna i napeta, proslo ljeto na godisnjem citala i u jednom danu je rijesila jer nisam mogla prestati. 😄 Ali ja volim te female revenge fantasies, vjerojatno jer irl jako malo tipova dozivi posljedice pa mi ovakav tip price dobro dodje kao najbazicniji eskapizam. Pa se nisam pretjerano zamarala oko detalja ahaha
@bookwormdreams5182 9 месяцев назад
E tocno tako sam je i ja dozivjela! Nikakvo zamaranje, samo uzivaj u prici :D i apsolutno se slazem s tobom omo eskapizma. Nekad stvarno dobro dode.
@ReadBecca 10 месяцев назад
You did a great job finding connections between these. Locke is definitely sweary 😹
@vesnakurilic2303 10 месяцев назад
I haven't read any! But the JS Dewes one reminds me a little (alright, a lot!!) about the newer Battlestar Galactica show, which I loved. If I ever happen to find myself in the mood for military space opera (hasn't happened in a while, sadly), I'll definitely give this one a go.
@sheafan1971 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for sharing this.
@antonijamezni 10 месяцев назад
Ja sam pogledala bila video s Vesnom pa nisam bila ostavila komentar, pa sad to ispravljam. :D Žao mi je da ti se Nokturno nije svidio, meni je to ostalo u sjećanju kao jako zabavna knjiga koja me dobro nasmijala, ali ja definitivno više uživam u ovakvim referencama. Ali kužim, kad ne paše, ne paše. :) Hvala na čitanju i sudjelovanju na izazovu, i tebi i Kristini, puno puno. <3 Sretni smo vidjeti da se i o hrvatskoj spekulativnoj fikciji priča ovako na RU-vidu.
@bookwormdreams5182 10 месяцев назад
I nama je bilo zabavno. Nadamo se da će se izazov nastaviti i sljedeće godine. Jer jaoš uvijek nisam Ivanu Delač pročitala. :D :D (m)
@ReadBecca 11 месяцев назад
@ReadBecca 11 месяцев назад
@vesnakurilic2303 11 месяцев назад
Ajd stvarno mi je (jos jednom) drago za Boju neba, stvarno imamo super knjiga za nase citatelje, samo ih treba iskopati. Nokturno ni meni nije sjeo, to mi je druga najmanje draga Milenina knjiga, ali nadam se da ces joj jos koji put dat sansu, jer ih je imala fakat super.😊 KuKa se nis ne sjecam, proslo je dosta vremena, ali ni ja ne volim kad mi stvarne osobe upadaju u romane!😅
@ReadBecca 11 месяцев назад
Oooh, I love the Murderbot editions, those are nice! I really need to get to Help Bent, but I definitely need to reread the first, so I keep putting off
@ReadBecca 11 месяцев назад
So relatable 😂 I was looking at my goals and all the books I thought I was going to prioritize, and then I have all this new stuff I've commented to, and we only have a couple weeks left of the year. Eep. Finishing series you get a 🌟 Ahhh I adore Moulin Rouge, that is a great quote! Ooh Grumpy Sunshine, such a cute cover. Ice Giants are not a monster I've seen romances before 😸 Hehe excellent Jurassic park magic.
@bookwormdreams5182 11 месяцев назад
I'm looking forward to your readathon. I've been wanting to read some romance books but other things got in the way.
@ReadBecca 11 месяцев назад
@@bookwormdreams5182 Same! I have been massively slacking on my romance reading for months, so I am really looking forward to the push to dive back in!
@ReadBecca 11 месяцев назад
I love the cute headband!! 😻 I've been meaning to read both Peter Hamilton and Gareth l powell, I had no idea they had a book together.
@antonijamezni Год назад
There are so many people calling all of T Kingfisher's books cozy horror, even The Hollow Places, just because her main character survive. But for me, there's nothing cozy in that book, nor The Twisted Ones. Both are very discomforting. Glad you agree too, and I'm so glad you liked it. 😊 (and croatian books not having audiobooks is the reason I'm not reading a lot of croatian books in recent years 🥲)
@bookwormdreams5182 Год назад
Moj interes za HR SF je porastao s pojavom Hangara 7 i Shtrige. Prije toga, ništa. It's the fancy book covers. That's how they get ya! :) (m)
@antonijamezni 11 месяцев назад
@@bookwormdreams5182 hahah hvala ti! <3
@antonijamezni Год назад
Sva srca, hvala puno na svemu 🥰💜 I sretno čitanje!