University of Hawaii at Mānoa
University of Hawaii at Mānoa
University of Hawaii at Mānoa
News and views from around the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa.

UH Mānoa is the oldest and largest campus within the UH System. Building upon its strengths, including its unparalleled natural environment and tradition of outstanding Asia Pacific scholarship, Mānoa is a premier research institution that celebrates its diversity and uniqueness as a Hawaiian place of learning. Part of an elite group of U.S. colleges or universities that hold land-, sea- and space-designations, Mānoa is dedicated to solving society's problems and creating great social good for Hawai'i and beyond.
April is Native Hawaiian Plant Month!
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Mea Kanu Mondays with Nōweo: Vines
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Before I Became a Bow: Carlos
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Spring 2024 Commencement Instructional Video
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Fall 2021 Mahalo Messages
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Mea Kanu Mondays with Nōweo: Kiawe
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Fall 2023 Mahalo Messages
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Mea Kanu Mondays with Nōweo: Baobab
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Fall 2023 Commencement Ceremony
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UH Mānoa Move-In Process
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Spring 2023 Mahalo Messages
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2023 Mānoa Awards Ceremony
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@ireneimanil8376 День назад
September 25, 2024, Irene Imanil here to inquire if Medical Schools are needed if and when, an 8th education qualifies one to be a healthcare practitioner? Gor Loscocco's, (a US military vet) generations are almost all involved in healthcare and postal service delivery in HI. One of his daughters is involved in cyanide poisoning of young, growing boys and girls of the Jonathan Imanil. With MS in Pharmacology from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, I am required to see Cyrca doctor for cash benefits of ebt. Disability bus passes are issued. The holders are medicated, or have been medicated, their life insurance is either medicare or medicaid? They are given lesion on the surface of their skin to be treated with topical ointment, antibiotic, to be scrubbed by paramedics at least here in the state of HI. With my MS in Pharmacology, is HI healthcare laws going to do that to me? EBT Processing Centers of HI are so un fair to me when it comes to cash benefits. A military man (Black?) shows up if and when I show up (as he sees from my wiretap) to block me from having cash, but award one ebt cash to another Black man? Oftentimes, ebt cash benefit comes with healthcare or attaches with healthcare as a quid pro quo? Is America attaching healthcare for agouti skin/pathy/spotty? Let other Americans besides me, my nieces, nephews, siblings, father know?
@ireneimanil8376 2 дня назад
September 24, 2024 Irene Imanil here to give instructions to ebt processing center to give me cash without going to Cyrca for medical evaluation of disability of physical and mental. Scrap this HI state law so HI people are presentable too and not duffy, skin spotty. I am without cash on my ebt, yet I need some money for spending not covered by SNAP benefits. Act fast.
@brinjpn 16 дней назад
During the "my father has 3 black dogs" part, what is the HSL sign she does at the start and end of it?
@shicruisin7004 25 дней назад
He's so cute! Obama's brother in law, poor guy A pity he's muslim, and a supporter of Harris to boot 🙈
@student_remo 3 месяца назад
Domain Eukaryota, Phylum Cnidaria, Class Cubozoa
@student_remo 3 месяца назад
Abstract: Chironex fleckeri (Australian box jellyfish) stings can cause acute cardiovascular collapse and death. We developed methods to recover venom with high specific activity, and evaluated the effects of both total venom and constituent porins at doses equivalent to lethal envenomation. Marked potassium release occurred within 5 min and hemolysis within 20 min in human red blood cells (RBC) exposed to venom or purified venom porin. Electron microscopy revealed abundant ∼12-nm transmembrane pores in RBC exposed to purified venom porins. C57BL/6 mice injected with venom showed rapid decline in ejection fraction with progression to electromechanical dissociation and electrocardiographic findings consistent with acute hyperkalemia. Recognizing that porin assembly can be inhibited by zinc, we found that zinc gluconate inhibited potassium efflux from RBC exposed to total venom or purified porin, and prolonged survival time in mice following venom injection. These findings suggest that hyperkalemia is the critical event following Chironex fleckeri envenomation and that rapid administration of zinc could be life saving in human sting victims. Reference Yanagihara AA, Shohet RV (2012) Cubozoan Venom-Induced Cardiovascular Collapse Is Caused by Hyperkalemia and Prevented by Zinc Gluconate in Mice. PLoS ONE 7(12): e51368. doi dot org/10.1371/journal.pone.0051368
@ireneimanil8376 7 месяцев назад
February 26, 2024 Irene Imanil here to command to remove my name and face since the institute of higher learning of University of Hawaii at Manoa has become obsolete in lending a helping hand to me, that college/university diploma is not required to advance in light of the fact that non university US military recruits and even their spouses advanced even much farther than university graduates. Keep in mind that in 1992 July 9, I marched with America's theme song, exclusively reserved for college/university graduates to accept my hard earned diploma, but today I find myself the helpless victim of predatory practices, exclusion including inability to find or secure employment with my college/university education, inability to be funded by the banks (only block) while a non college, university graduate like the US military, their spouses and children can readily and easily secure means of income by being on US military payroll without a dime or little $ to me since 1965. Europe doesn't know this with that much land grabbing of European land. All I want to be is included without a man---US military active duty or decommissioned or civilian (non-US military)---getting it on with me (without sex). Some homeless, US military out there dare to challenge that they can get it on me under their skin. They want me to holo to be raped, and this spread by homeless, de commissioned US military man I helped named Gary Crawford but I want to holo to leave the island/state of HI to live and to survive to my enduring 90s. I'm sure Crawford blotted my writings to be Rhonda Littledell after two applied for DSN/DSL using my name. You have to help me leave the island of HI ASAP. Since Gor Loscocco's network--his sons, women--friends---deleted the Jonathan Imanil and their sons and daughters names and faces from the roster of the nearest US military base (Hickam) closest to them, they became homeless or the helpless hostages slowly and painfully being extinguished without cause. It's that first of the month again, that Gor Loscocco and his network move to attack to helplessly victimize the generations of Norma Laca and Orlando Ferrer Imanil in HI, again. Couldn't University of Hawaii at Manoa help me leave the island. My siblings, nieces and nephews are wasting away to death. They are bleeding, beaten up, starved, sleep deprived, raped, skull/brain swelling when attack at night walking alone by de commissioned/inaction US military /ex US military, (yet they too are Americans born in HI,) but portrayed as healthy by holoing machine to mislead the masses that they are well? I want to turn to Boston, MA or somewhere in TX this summer to teach summer school. I have done this before at Malden Public School teaching Geometry with a graduation rate of 100%. It could be construed as watered down curriculum, but the students performed with my name, that they passed. I know I don't have a chance to live in HI for Mark Lau is fake Orlando Ferrer Imanil and Gloria Casupang Calimlim-Loscocco, Lau is fake Irene Imanil and she hasn't paid for the physical attack and death that she caused Ai Imanil. Loscocco with Lau (US healthcare medical doctor, mental health kokua as quid pro quo for being on ebt and section 8) has a growing large US military network criminal against the generations of Norma Laca and Orlando Ferrer Imanil. One disturbing practice of US military men and women is that they still carry rifles once they are de commissioned or fired from the US military. Why fired? They are far too many of them that the US government couldn't conceal doing nothing but impregnating women to give, and to make room for new recruites under the age of 20, yet the generations of Norma Laca and Orlando Ferrer Imanil are slowly and painfully slaughtered after physically attack by de commssioned US military, yet the generations of Norma Laca and Orlando Ferrer Imanil don't even know the bloodline they hailed into. Europe, S. America, Austrualia, Antartica, Africa, Asia, some countries of N. America don't know this practice of US of America. I need to be military activated at Hickam with my name but super block of even US military excludes or precludes me from being counted. How do I survive then? One answer according to the US military themselves is to have sex with homeless, decommissioned US military to be included. However, I know that once I have sex with homeless, ex military man, another homeless, ex military will have sex with me to be pawned, medicated, hospitalized until I am dead in the hospital of Calimlim, Losccocco, Lau. And this is exactly the pitiful situation of the sons of the Jonathan Imanil held hostages/captives by Loscocco and his network and even the Russians living in America? I need to know because they too want to live, so we have to leave the state of HI to live.
@ireneimanil8376 7 месяцев назад
February 23, 2024 Irene Imanil here to inquire when are you going to extend an employment to me? Activate me at Hickam, the nearest US military base where I am to be included for employment. You and I know the tricks right.
@joalexsg9741 7 месяцев назад
This is amazing, thanks for sharing!
@ireneimanil8376 7 месяцев назад
February 14, 2024 Irene Imanil here to say "Move UH" to pick me up educationally, not to embarrass that British there who vigorously turned against me blocking me educationally. Did he graduate from Leeds University? or he also fake his diploma like the US military who got it made? He also has an un schooled, illiterate bastard from a Filipina woman?
@ireneimanil8376 7 месяцев назад
February 10, 2024 Could Mel Jackson undo his police report of February 1992? That police report set the stage for the movie "A Beautiful Mind" that is suppressed. Mel Jackson, either he was asked to cheat or he deliberately cheated. The monomer is the MW of aldolase and the dimer is the MW of BSA,? two protein calibrants. Why after partial protein purification add 50% BSA, so if the volume is 50 ml, BSA is added 50ml too? That's 50% to Mel Jackson, but mathematically 100%. But the volume after Amicon concentrating is about 20ml, so add 20ml BSA. If it's 10ml, add 10ml BSA. What did he do? Ask Alan who assayed the protein for concentration and that protein calibration curve was posted against the wall for years. That's the standard protein determination everyone used in the lab. What's the other assay? dipeptides splitting using absorbance. He raised BSA antibody and not carnosinase, but he called that BSA antibody is anti serum anti carnosinase antibody. Why didn't he want to give me antibody. He's doing some ELISA plate assay that is based on turbidity/colorometer measurement of enzyme link. And what secondary antibody did he use? HRP(Horse radish peroxidase) Why did he steal the knife that's sitting on the desk and made a big story? Even if I talked to him to write the letter of Dr. Lenny's recommendation, he won't. Did Chris know what happened in the lab. He raised the antibody for Mel according to Mel, but Chris didn't know it's BSA that he's raising for Mel. Did Mel share his lab notebook to Chris? Of course not. And then Mel walked/marched to Hickam at 2am? Now he has a daughter from a Filipina woman who could be Irene Imanil, a block to me. Who's shittin' who? Why I couldn't reform the dimer to be monomer again? The hypothesis is after 1st column elution from an anion exchange of DEAE, the disulfide bond is reduced to sulfhydryl group (--SH): S---S = SH + SH. We purchased a chemical from Sigma as an oxidizer but it's only in their imagination that the monomer reformed into dimer. Who's the hero? Dr. Lum. Plan B thesis as opposed to Plan A that I'm prepared to defend, but how's my stage performance? Frightened! Let's make a movie. I'll write the script. Let's incorporate my mathematics teaching in the open and my waking up at 4am that I never did before. Now, I need blood of Gloria (snake and vegetable), Jenny (tucak) and their children encoded in their genome, and some Micronesian women to differentiate between frog encoded gene and incest respectively. Any proteins expressed resulting from incest, other than shape distortion. Eastern Europe didn't notice this. I'm sure it also happened there. What else? Womb x-ray, cat & MRI scan. That notion that it fills the void once the uterus and uterine wall is stretched or expanded at a young age. But that birth control use and excessive calorie intake couldn't be ruled out as factors of obesity or out of shape. What about the anorexia? And that irreversible weight gain at about age 60 as in Gloria Casupang Calimlim's mother.
@ireneimanil8376 7 месяцев назад
February 14, 2024 Irene Imanil here to say that aldolase could be the monomer.
@ireneimanil8376 7 месяцев назад
February 8, 2024 Irene Imanil to inquire why I'm not being heard by my graduate school? Is it because of Mel Jackson's daughter from a Filipina woman whom Alan Komeya funded . Did his daughter graduate from a 4 year college or here I am again to say it's another un schooled, illiterate bastard who printed her diploma from Hickam, AFB. What is it why am block and not heard? CA schools of Cal Tech, Standford, and UC network, and ivy league don't know. Mel Jackson learned to speak Ilocano to be Orlando Ferrer Imanil or for his son to be Jonathan Imanil and his daughter to be Irene Imanil or Myra Imanil? What's a little help of cash for my ebt card? I know the gridline is breached that even former US President Barack Obama tried so hard to withdraw and deposit my cash to of course his Irene Imanil or some Black Irene Imanil like Gemini James, Gregory Cyrus leaving me without cash. These Black women will then distribute to their network. I really wonder why Barack does that? Network with some Orientals to deposit my cash, who's trying to help me by not giving the cash to Gary Crawford and others, unlike Mc Donald, Wall Mart, Safeway and others, but without cash to me? Give me cash and pick me up to make a speech much like John Nash of "A Beautiful Mind" movie now that I breached Mel Jackson as a block. That police report of him in February, 1992 won't make him talk to me, much less a Filipina lover whom he impregnated. Act fast to come forward. Ivy League schools don't know a lot and they're suffering on the other side, so I want to help.
@ireneimanil8376 10 месяцев назад
November 14, 2023 Irene Imanil here to inform many Filipino employees there who didn't attend the University of Hawaii block me from walking and hanging out from the campus, and even file trespassing. Remove David Makana Milotta from UH because the university is not a military facility. He has Carmelita Valdez Imanil who can be Irene Imanil. David Makana Milotta owes me money from my contribution to the now defunct church in Waipahu. Several individuals are afraid that David Makana Milotta because of his criminal act could turn the University/school into infirmary or ghost town to be claimed by someone else the way Waipahu United Church of Christ fell and claimed by others. Inform the many Filipinos there that I began to attend St. Joseph Catholic Church in Waipahu for support group and for spiritual purpose since the US military of Hickam won't bother to take the initiative to defend, protect, secure, and save us, yet these men and women are armed with guns. Furthermore, Gor Loscocco has built a US military who are his sons and sons' friends to attack Aiea housing of Jonathan Imanil and his sons and daughters. Today, the military of Gor and others continue to track the men without weapon and gunned down by Gor Loscocco's network.
@ireneimanil8376 11 месяцев назад
Nov 1, 2023 Here's additional showing time of rooms at the shelter: Date Time Date Time Oct 26, 2023 1:30pm Nov 1, 2023 7:47am Nov 1, 2023 3:46am Oct 30, 2023 8:34am Oct 30, 2023 3:36pm Oct 31, 2023 7:36am Oct 31, 2023 3:41pm I urgently need a roof above my head at night, water supply for shower, laundrey, defecation, and urination so get me a room from Keauhou shelter. For the past 9 weeks, I've been showing up at the shelter, it's about time that I get a room. I know you'll be paid to block me but the payment offered is not enough. Don't believe the saying "we'll pay you more, when he or she dies" That's the heist of Arquero Kennedy, Calimlim Loscocco, Peralta, Trump, Putin, and others. Payment of block must not be accepted because that leads to profiling of your children to be later captured. That profiling is from the breached gridline. Someone will pay another to capture your children or someone dear to you.
@ireneimanil8376 11 месяцев назад
Nov 1, 2023 I noticed someone deleted my posting so here it is again: October 19, 2023 I'm Irene Imanil and I have been waiting for a room at Keauhou Shelter located at 1020 Isenberg St. Honolulu, HI. Here are the showing dates and times at the shelter for a room: Date Time Date Time Date Time Date Time Date Time 7/24/2023 8am 7/25/2023 8am 7/26/2023 8am 7/27/2023 8am 7/28/2023 8am 7/29/2023 7:35am 7/30/2023 7:30am 8/1/2023 7:35am 8/2/2023 8am 8/3/2023 8am 8/4/2023 8am 8/5/2023 7:35am 8/9/2023 7:35am 8/10/2023 7:40am 8/11/2023 8am 8/14/2023 8am 8/15/2023 7:40am 8/16/2023 7:35am 8/23/2023 7:50am 8/24/2023 7:40am 8/29/2023 7:30am 8/30/2023 7:20am 9/1/2023 8am 9/2/2023 7:34am 9/5/2023 7:30am 9/6/2023 7:40am 9/7/2023 7:30am 9/8/2023 7:30am 9/9/2023 7:30am 9/11/2023 8am 9/12/2023 8:20am 9/13/2023 7:37am 9/14/2023 7:50am 9/15/2023 7:40am 9/19/2023 7:33am 9/20/2023 8:04am 10/3/2023 1:21pm 10/5/2023 9:58am 9:22am The employees who greet me and tell me no bed available are Jeannette, Jordan, Jason, and Dennis. October 19, 2023 I'm Irene Imanil and I have been waiting for a room at Keauhou Shelter located at 1020 Isenberg St. Honolulu, HI. Here are the showing dates and times at the shelter for a room: Date Time Date Time Date Time Date Time Date Time 7/24/2023 8am 7/25/2023 8am 7/26/2023 8am 7/27/2023 8am 7/28/2023 8am 7/29/2023 7:35am 7/30/2023 7:30am 8/1/2023 7:35am 8/2/2023 8am 8/3/2023 8am 8/4/2023 8am 8/5/2023 7:35am 8/9/2023 7:35am 8/10/2023 7:40am 8/11/2023 8am 8/14/2023 8am 8/15/2023 7:40am 8/16/2023 7:35am 8/23/2023 7:50am 8/24/2023 7:40am 8/29/2023 7:30am 8/30/2023 7:20am 9/1/2023 8am 9/2/2023 7:34am 9/5/2023 7:30am 9/6/2023 7:40am 9/7/2023 7:30am 9/8/2023 7:30am 9/9/2023 7:30am 9/11/2023 8am 9/12/2023 8:20am 9/13/2023 7:37am 9/14/2023 7:50am 9/15/2023 7:40am 9/19/2023 7:33am 9/20/2023 8:04am 10/3/2023 1:21pm 10/5/2023 9:58am 9:22am The employees who greet me and tell me no bed available are Jeannette, Jordan, Jason, and Dennis. I need a place for water supply of defecation, urination, shower and laundry. I know UH can come forward to extend a helping hand. If not UH can secure my US Passport for me to leave the state of HI to avoid heist of even some military men and women after they're funded using my name. These military men and women use my name to withdraw bank money in addition to their bi weekly payroll checks, but I don't receive a dime from the US military funds. Our names are used to fund others without a dime to us. Contrary to the belief and rumors floated by Madeleine Z. Bordallo, we need money to survive.
@ireneimanil8376 11 месяцев назад
October 26, 2023 Irene Imanil here to inform you I need my US Passport from Legal Aid to leave the state of HI if and when UH couldn't help me find a roof above my head because of my prevailing situations in the streets. At worst, I'm at vulnerable to being stolen from again and being helplessly victimized that I don't want to happen to me, my nieces and nephews, siblings and parents. I am track by Gor Loscocco, and his military network to be killed, but I don't want to die. I lived with Gor for 90 days at Hinu Place and that came with a price of Jon Da's homelessness, theft of my baby pictures with my parents that's tampered. Thanks for the cash benefits for my ebt card, but remove the application of quid pro quo to my siblings, nieces, and nephews. Find me a room to start tutoring pro bono in the areas of mathematics, science, English and other courses. I'll mention it again that TUTOR TIME "Partner in Academic Success" is my name only innovation that could be someday like the University of Hawaii. If I am not included in HI, I want the University of Hawaii to help me leave the state to escape death from heist of me. My nieces and nephews are feverished form beatings, sleep deprivation, starvation and other acts against them. If I'm included, first thing I want to do is to make a speech at UH, but severals would stop me from doing that?
@ireneimanil8376 11 месяцев назад
October 25, 2023 Here's another room checking at Keauhou shelter: Date: Time: 10/24/23 2:07pm
@ireneimanil8376 11 месяцев назад
October 24, 2023 Irene Imanil is to inquire "How could is the brain and brains if it's idle?" One's beauty surpasses one's intellect and there's a great danger associated with it for identity theft. I propose to mine the vein of Mark Lau who used Orlando Ferrer Imanil's names, and to mine retarded Gloria Casupang Calimlim vein for DNA and blood characterization. Mark Lau super tampered with retarded Gloria Casupang Calimlim's blood by adding his blood at US NAVY, GU. That is super covered up by the Clinton, Loscocco and his military. My DNA sequence is Gloria's to Mark Lau. Gloria is to my characterization is mildly to extreme retarded in the area of intellect, but super beauty face. Mark Lau determined the gene for intelligence that is expressed in me as Norma Laca's daughter, but he assigned it to retarded Gloria. Now if Mark Lau withdraws blood of his sons and placed in vials labeled Orly Imanil and Jonathan Imanil, whose DNA sequence is it? Calimlim Lau as retarded genes, but Orly and Jonathan Imanil's labeled DNA sequence that is Calimlim Lau. Lau can't turn back because of Clinton's cover up trying to get to China using Lau, a Chinese American. Is the DNA sequence of retarded Gloria is what Bill and HIllary Clinton going to present at UN for Gloria to be Irene Imanil? Gor Loscocco, one man of Gloria is expert in taking young boys of Jonathan Imanil hostage, slowly and painfully killing them? Gor is a military man and now a veteran for over 30 days with constant military payroll as Orlando Ferrer Imanil, Norma Laca, Irene Imanil. He was involved in the '80s Iran hostage taking reported by CNN. Mobilize UH Biochemistry, Physiology, Genetics, Pharmacology, Molecular Biology departments to re sequence the DNA sequence of Mark Lau, Gor Loscocco, and Gloria Casupang Calimlim. Mark and Gor are involved in the identity theft of Orlando Ferrer Imanil, and Gloria is involved in my identity theft.
@ireneimanil8376 11 месяцев назад
October 21, 2023 UH I'm Irene Imanil and I am available for free mathematics tutoring Monday and Thursday at the campus under the tree between 12pm to 4pm. If there is nothing else you can do to help me out, secure my departure from HI for my survival. I know you began to holo but that wouldn't work because the network of other groups against me is large and has the money to pay cops, courts, city & county, hospitals arrest and to destroy me. My brother Orly who is a US NAVY is badly beaten, yet US NAVY got paid again yesterday or to be paid again on military payroll this coming Friday? Why couldn't the US military keep us alive? Why couldn't the US military find us home? Why the US military couldn't secure, protect and save us with their bi weekly military wages, yet we are not on military payroll checks? Why are the US military is on payroll since America is not at war? I need a place with running water and electricity for water supply of hygiene, laundry, shower, urination, and defecation. Don't listen to Gor Loscocco's lies and deceit who got it made, but heist against him is still ripe for the crimes he committed. He thought I don't know, but here they are: 1. Rape, death of Filipinos as military man of Clark AFB, Philippines. 2. Iran contraband of the '80s where he populated Iran with his sperm and left them there, brought them America to serve in the US military base?. 3. Portrayed American hostage taking of Iran of the '80s for US immigration. 4. Theft of Jonathan Imanil and Irene Imanil real estate in HI. 5. Death of Jon Da (One Jonathan Imanil) 6. Death of Jeff 7. Theft of Orlando Ferrer Imanil name 8. Heist of the generations of Orlando Ferrer Imanil and Norma Laca. 9. Positioning of his un schooled, illigitimate growing children in various state government, and private businesses, non profit organization, federal government. That's how big he got? He should be taken down ASAP? His military sons are also listed in US Airbases and on bi weekly military payroll to kill the generations of the Jonathan Imanil in HI, Orlando Ferrer Imanil and Norma Laca? 10. Theft of Imanil name from the lineage of Orlando Ferrer Imanil. Loscocco is out of Imanil bloodline but wants to be Imanil who is an Egyptian. Why the (expletive) an Iranian want to be Imanil? I know Gor Loscocco is an Iranian Ferrer with heist of the genenation of Orlando Ferrer Imanil and Norma Laca. That last name Loscocco came from Cabanbanan when Gor named changed. The translation in Pangasinan is "Abalang ya nyog" translated "Lost Coconut" He goes by "Coo" to Gloria and his sons name to Gloria are Cocco meaning "to coo"--to do the same. Un schooled, illiterate Kris Loscocco is a doctor with only up to 10th grade education? Who are in the hospitals? 11. Trick of the sons of the Jonathan Imanil to capture them as hostages. He invites them for a plate of lunch but pass them on to Calimlim as hostages, yet I know he has a history of American hostage taking in Iran of the '80s. His hostages are medicated, puncture, beaten in the hands of Calimlim. He network with the generations of Agripina who are against the generations of Orlando Ferrer Imanil and Norma Laca. I am too old to be trick unlike my adolescent nephews and siblings who fell to the deceptive trick of Gor to slowly and painfully kill them. 12. Trespassing past midnight where a Jonathan Imanil lives, and son and shot them, his children in the head with Calimlim Apresto his companion for his crime. I know some Professors want to kill him and that is not going to change. Whether he knows or not, I don't know, but he's acting up, walking in the street with guns in a back pack giving them to Calimlim to kill the generations of Agripina who don't have rules of engagement amongst themselves so they're decisively defeated. The generations of Agripina conquer and steal from each other, while the Calimlim helped each other. And Calimlim with the backing of Clinton, Trump, Loscocco, and Lau are Imanil? That is so absurb? They're so obsessed of the last name Imanil for the word Imam but they are un intelligent. Their deceptive practice landed them a little $ and suddenly they're Imanil. They cried to Clinton that they're Imanil who were stolen name from, yet they're never Imanil to begin with. I'm waiting for Gloria's blood result to established disorder of chromosomal aberration, why she's so retarded. mentally it has to be established. The Pangasinan as a 1st language at home is too weak as an argument as an environmental factor for her absence of intellect. Her blood must be examined. Lau, Mark MD knows some chromosomal abnormalities, but turned it around to say she's so intellect, but couldn't read until 6th grade in GU. She's the source of 4th grade reading block in the island of GU, and not too many teachers outside GU knew that. At the turn of 21st century, she was made to nod to agree with interpretations she has no slightest understanding. In other words her image was taken and turn into machine to nod. So confront Mark Lau of her DNA sequence. Did Lau, Mark stole DNA sequence of one who's intelligent and applied it to Gloria? Lau has a slight clue of genes of intellect that he tried to map out. But I know Gloria is retarded, whether it's a mental retardation or not, I don't know. I know there are those who don't want me to leave, but I am at very high risk of dying in HI and I don't want to die at age 60. I want to live to my 90s.
@ireneimanil8376 11 месяцев назад
October 24, 2023 Not only in the Philippines, but also in S. Korea and other places where there are US air bases. Here in HI, he and his military & cop sons took down Jonathan Imanil's military & military housing in Aiea, HI and trying to take over. At about 2am, his son who transferred from AAFB, GU to Hicka AFB, HI began to organize action with HPD to storm and kill the attractive shapes men sleeping at military housing in Aiea. The sitting commander who ever he/she may be is involved. They stormed the place past midnight shooting sleeping generations of the Jonathan Imanil and boys he raised who were the sons of airmen and former airmen. Loscocco is trying to fashion a military in HI as Jonathan Imanil. Loscocco is trying to recruit men to join the military without the selection criterion of education, but based on his special interests of bastard productions, kibbutz style procreation, ebt, section 8 for Loscocco to own HI's real estate. All Loscocco are to be military without education but to procreate bastards to occupy the real estate of the Jonathan Imanil. Their payroll checks are Orlando Ferrer Imanil, Norma Laca, Irene Imanil, Orly Imanil, Jonathan Imanil and Myra Imanil. The banks and bankers should perform a study and research over these alleged statement above because once Orlando Ferrer Imanil goes down, Gor sick and deranged mind will tell him that he's Orlando Ferrer Imanil even if Gor is not. He will argue vehemently that he's Orlando Ferrer Imanil using Orlando Ferrer Imanil's DNA sequence. Gor is expert in hostage taking, keeping them, starving them, shooting them past midnight to slowly and painfully kill them. Yesterday, a young man approached me who could be Gor Loscocco's operative to trick me for a shelter at ihs woman's shelter. Gor has heist of me. His daughter Kris Loscocco is an un schooled, illiterate bastard on military payroll as Gor's dependent to increase Gor's military payroll checks. Kris earns a wage as a medical doctor. Gluco is another daughter of Gor soon to be on employment wage without college attendance.
@ireneimanil8376 11 месяцев назад
October 21, 2023 UH, Irene Imanil here to inform you that my brains fail to compare and my brains wanes to the money of FACEBOOK founder, Mark Zuckerberg and one his lovers from GU named Chona Quinto. I am therefore at risk for intellectual property theft and from heist of the two and needs your assistance to help me leave the state of HI ASAP because I am the target of the two as the co-founder of TUTOR TIME "Partner of Academic Success." Chona Quinto began to hunt my nephews, nieces, and siblings to ensure she kills them. This woman has turned barbaric in behavior when Mark Zuckerberg slept with her and gave her CEO/system administrator password of FACEBOOK, beatings, physically attacking many students in GU and Japan. She even beat former Univesity of Guam professors, just because Mark Zuckerberg slept with her and had sex with her in Japan. The two quickly engaged in fake news when my mathematics test question results barely passed, yet Mark Zuckerberg couldn't even answer these online test questions and her lover barely know how to correctly answer to the more complex questions. Mark Zuckerberg also slept with Chona Quinto's daughter. Mark Zuckerberg may have awarded Nobel Laureate prize for my science paper "The Physiological Role of Carnosine" to Chona Quinto, yet Chona has no schorlarly background in Physiology and Medicine. She got involved with DNA sequence to tamper with other people's DNA sequence to claim as her, her household members own, again just because Mark Zuckerberg slept with her and had sex with her.
@ireneimanil8376 11 месяцев назад
October 19, 2023 I'm Irene Imanil and I have been waiting for a room at Keauhou Shelter located at 1020 Isenberg St. Honolulu, HI. Here are the showing dates and times at the shelter for a room: Date Time Date Time Date Time Date Time Date Time 7/24/2023 8am 7/25/2023 8am 7/26/2023 8am 7/27/2023 8am 7/28/2023 8am 7/29/2023 7:35am 7/30/2023 7:30am 8/1/2023 7:35am 8/2/2023 8am 8/3/2023 8am 8/4/2023 8am 8/5/2023 7:35am 8/9/2023 7:35am 8/10/2023 7:40am 8/11/2023 8am 8/14/2023 8am 8/15/2023 7:40am 8/16/2023 7:35am 8/23/2023 7:50am 8/24/2023 7:40am 8/29/2023 7:30am 8/30/2023 7:20am 9/1/2023 8am 9/2/2023 7:34am 9/5/2023 7:30am 9/6/2023 7:40am 9/7/2023 7:30am 9/8/2023 7:30am 9/9/2023 7:30am 9/11/2023 8am 9/12/2023 8:20am 9/13/2023 7:37am 9/14/2023 7:50am 9/15/2023 7:40am 9/19/2023 7:33am 9/20/2023 8:04am 10/3/2023 1:21pm 10/5/2023 9:58am 9:22am The employees who greet me and tell me no bed available are Jeannette, Jordan, Jason, and Dennis. I need a place for water supply of defecation, urination, shower and laundry. I know UH can come forward to extend a helping hand. If not UH can secure my US Passport for me to leave the state of HI to avoid heist of even some military men and women after they're funded using my name. These military men and women use my name to withdraw bank money in addition to their bi weekly payroll checks, but I don't receive a dime from the US military funds. Our names are used to fund others without a dime to us. Contrary to the belief and rumors floated by Madeleine Z. Bordallo, we need money to survive.
@ireneimanil8376 11 месяцев назад
October 14, 2024 UH, Irene Imanil here to report a very extinctive behavior that is so suppressed by family, relatives and religion and that is dancing. I need a dance choreographer from the school at the beat of a song known as "Urgent" I am 97 lbs but I can take it down to 90 lbs. for once in a lifetime chance to dance before droves of crown to show Laca curves of Lac Operon. Irene
@ireneimanil8376 11 месяцев назад
October 13, 2023 Irene Imanil here to say that if I swiped my ebt, quid pro quo of healthcare is aplied to my brothers, nieces and nephews. Remove quid pro quo of healthcare. Do you see the significance for us to live under one roof? Quid pro quo is ineffective. If Jonathan Imanil is in the hands of a relative with a son, what is this relative going to do to Jonathan when he learned that I withdrew cash from my EBT. This relative is so upset and angry, he could drive him out to street even if he's bleeding and even if he's so much in pain. He could call an ambulance Here is the license plate of TDU 548, map the whereabout and take down all the households in that house as ransom, but guard the Jonathan, their sons and daughter from heist. Filipinos of Arquero Kennedy is fond of sending ambulance about 48 hours/2days after I withdrew cash from my EBT from Wall Mart. They track me and arrive at my bleeding brother's location where a relative tortures him to death. Hurry for search and rescue effort. I have two different hotel cards that can be activated. So move to house me in one of these hotels. We'll use Adobe for a computer printout. We're not in the Philippines to print an impressive letters that the woman is Irene Imanil and she presents to the banks, hotels, other places. Do somethings about this because there is also a distant relative who won't decouple from Laca Imanil and Orlando Ferrer. If Gor gave a place for my loved ones to stay, he'll collect blood payment and does it in stages, yet that place is owned by me
@ireneimanil8376 11 месяцев назад
October 13, 2023 UH: I have been seeking a room above my head for several weeks now. And for the past 8 weeks, I have been patiently waiting for a room a Keauhou Shelter located at 1020 Isenberg St. Honolulu, HI 96816 Here are my showing dates and time: Date Time Date Time Date Time Date Time July 24, 2023 8am July 25, 2023 8am July 26, 2023 8am July 27, 2023 8am July 28, 2023 8am July 29, 2023 7:20am July 30, 2023 7:2am Aug. 1, 2023 7:35am Aug. 2, 2023 8am Aug 3, 2023 8am Aug. 4, 2023 8am Aug. 5, 2023 7:35am Aug. 9, 2023............ Oct 13, 2023 9:22am Will continue tomorrow. The library is closing now.
@ireneimanil8376 11 месяцев назад
October 13, 2023 Irene Imanil here to say "It looks like we're losing ground for inaction" Is about $2,000 cash benefit enough assistance? Every Thursday night, I see you standing in front of some pub doing what? What moves are you waiting from me to house me? You couldn't move because you're under military who are house there? What about academics? UC schools will find out what's going on? Can that University open up? I have to leave to get it re-started, believe me. Schools are not only sites of intellectual acquisition but also one of the agents of socialization to meet new faces and strangers and build a strong relationship with others. How can the students fashion relationships with others without attending classes and listening to a Professor talking? Students hang out to study together, to gossip, to learn from each other which is part of the development of self, effective communication, and forming a relationship. I learned this from reading textbooks of psychology and education. Brain and brains do count besides beauty which is the most essential element of attraction because it is visibly seen. The intelligence won't be appreciated as much as beauty, an outward appearance seen by the eyes. Between me and Gloria, Gloria wins. She'll do everything to stop me, and even to kill me. She'll be upset of me when she learned my cell phone was stolen. But why would she be upset? Because she was and still is Irene Imanil and would fight tooth and nail to keep my name. Her approach is to weaken me by slowly and painfully killing my nephews, nieces, brothers and father. They are supposed to be protected and saved, removed from relatives who try to hurt them and slowly kill them. If Ruben wouldn't release Jonathan to me, he'll slowly kill him, but first, medicate him, sleep deprive him, physically abuse him until he's state is vegetable for him to call ambulance for pick up and transport to the hospital. And I would never see him again. His sons could be Jonathan Imanil stealthily. Do you understand why that I have that command? He'll argue that he is feeding my brother, but why won't he release him to me so I can feed him with my EBT. Here's the license plate that I breached TDU 548. Where's the address and how many people are living them. Take four as ransom for Jonathan's health and lives. Thus if you don't move to house and count me to learn to holo, move to rally for my departure from Hawaii so you can open the University. And I'll be back. I saw men digging trenches several weeks ago to re route or re wire or to splice new sites of superhighways for information flow. Today, in Chinatown, they're doing the same thing. You better start learning Chinese characters now. That loop of information is closed in Chinatown (gag/suppressed). It's a great challenge to open UH if I am around. All US universities will align to keep UH close forever if I die in HI. Irene
@ireneimanil8376 11 месяцев назад
October 6, 2023 UHM alumni: Thwart any attempt to hurt me, my siblings, nieces and nephews. Count me in. Irene Imanil MS in Pharmacology University of Hawaii at Manoa Class of '92 GPA: 3.59
@ireneimanil8376 11 месяцев назад
October 6, 2023 University of Hawaii students/Beth: Thanks for that modified sushi rolls the other night. It was really tasty. October 6, 2023 October 6, 2023 University of Hawaii students/Beth: Thanks for that modified sushi rolls the other night. It was really tasty.
@ireneimanil8376 Год назад
September 23, 2023 Hi All, Irene Imanil here. I'm sure you read my text below but I'd like to say I don't know who I am until 2018 in Boston, MA. My father Orlando Ferrer Imanil made mention of King Philip in 2000 in GU but no further explanation of the bloodline that we hailed into because of his superstitious belief that the blood is expensive whom he from his grandmother Alejandra Ferrer of Philippines (maybe from generation of Al Hambra and King Philip) who gave birth to Eufrosina Ferrer, Felipe Ferrer, Agripina Ferrer, Gil Ferrer, Macario Ferrer and Juana Ferrer. The other half of me is Norma Laca who is my mother from Gaudencio Laca, commander of Russian military of time past who heist Romanov (from Greece to Russia or from Italy to Russia?). She is silent about her bloodline too but I notice she's white darkened by sun exposure in the Philippines who married Orlando Ferrer Imanil. She is recruited by Orlando Ferrer Imanil not to narrate the bloodline from which their generations hailed into. It is rather sad that there grannies don't know who they are. Many who took our names and used them to gain wealth and became wealthy today ignore our bloodline and ask the question "How can you be Imanil if you're poor?" just to tell lies about themselves. One fashion a highly cooperative network to thwart my rising, but I am hopeful that the University of Hawaii at Manoa will pick me primarily for academics, much like the movie "A Beautiful Mind" To me, academics first before money, but it never work that way until I co-founded TUTOR TIME "Partner of Academic Success" that is registered with the Gov't of GU that everyone is contending for especially in the design of diplomas. As a co-founder, all Universities of all nations can have TUTOR TIME "Partner of Academic Success" even if it's founded in America. And I bequeth TUTOR TIME "Partner of Academic Success" globally especially to Egypt. Any lawsuits, use this statement. Why? I am about to die due to heist? Tell me. I want part of TUTOR TIME "Partner of Academic Success" for my nieces and nephews but Chona Quinto and Mark Zuckerberg got a hold of it that even Harvard could lose? Tell me. Move UHM to pick me up. Who are the innovators of the name of the academic service provider? Learning and academics is my passion but what happened to me? Where is Eliot Spitzer to fight for me? One of his women is me? How can he win if he backs up my identity theft? Doesn't he know the meaning of breach? Find me a house and talk to me because I want to form a "Singlet Oxygen Club" at the University of Hawaii to spread the roles of oxygen (the air we breath) to many students through study. I learned that term from reading published science articles for a research paper titled "The Physiological Role of Carnosine" for my Medical Physiology class. Carnosine is the substrate for a dipeptidase enzyme known as carnosinase which I spent countless hours at the basement of Leahi Hospital for its partial purification. Carnosinase is a dipeptidase that hydrolizes dipeptides and corresponded to the molecular weight of Bovine Serum Albumin, and its monomer of 45K is I forgot. After serum carnosinase is first purified, it's added 50% BSA. From my reading, Singlet Oxygen has another term knows as Free Radical. That free meant the unpaired electrical charge of oxygen. Remember the octet rule in general chemistry class to reach a noble gas configuration? or something else 4 single bonds, two double bonds, one triple bond and one single bond. I know Carbon atom can form all these bonds with oxygen? Another term called Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) also talks about oxidative actions of oxygen in mitochondria--combustion of hamburger for energy! So, Singlet Oxygen, Free Radicals, and Reactive Oxygen Species are all the same reactive oxygen due to that unpaired electron. Under certain condition in the lab, oxygen can be supercharged minus. It's in a very reduced state that can super bind. I have lists of books to co-author but If I have no more chance with the University of Hawaii at Manoa, help me and my siblings leave the island for our survival because of heist. All I want to be is included, but far too many exclude me, and complain my brains is obsolete because one can extract learning materials online, but others say they need me. So, co-author books with me. Where is Mel Jackson. Tell him we can go to Yale, but what's with Peter Kim of MIT. I know Patrick Kennedy cloned his name so Patrick Kennedy is also going by Peter Kim unknown to Peter Kim to mine, steal intellectual property of Merck. He's super cashing in using that frickin' in vitro with almost no chance because of breach. What doesn't Peter Kim understand? My take? Low GRE score! He can never get past behind that test score. It's UHM that's miraculous and I love the University of Hawaii at Manoa. If Harvard finds out, what again? Move and act fast and be furious! Believe me even my relatives have heist of me and my siblings. Thus, the identity thefts and plot of our deaths. The reign or throne is with Agripina and Orlando, but Alejandra reset King Philip, II with me. England has this name, but England knows that it's a female who is me. I happened to be born female. So, King Philip, II is female who is me who attended the University of Guam, University of Hawaii and Harvard Extension School as real as real as it gets. I didn't win a Nobel Prize but I generated millions of profit for pharmaceuticals. Retrospectively, I wasn't born with atrial septal defect that is repaired in December, 1984. As an undergraduate student, I didn't know whether to breath or read first resulting from my passion of academics until I serendipitously fashion TUTOR TIME "Partner of Academic Success." Of course I read first because of my passion of and for academics but with atrial septal defect, it makes hard breathing much less read books with understanding. MIT and Harvard rejected my applications because of un acceptable low GRE scores, But what it didnt know is my ability to cipher, and my first cipher is at the University of Hawaii about the enzyme I worked on. I was in the pew of INC choir of Honolulu. That about half an hour is nothing but the enzyme in the head, until I learned something. Mel wouldn't give me antibody so we fought over antibody until I took from -20 freezer and kept it at my 4 degrees refrigerator. I backed up the post doc notebooks (but Arquero Kennedy has this and I am mad! They took my UOG, UHM, Harvard textbooks, lab notebooks from University of Hawaii at Manoa from 74 Blossomcrest Rd, Lexington, MA for their children?) by verbatimly copying each entry of the post doc research documentations/writings. At the basement of Leahi Hospital, I super worked hard but I learned a lot and became proficient with the operation of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) by Braun? I also built low pressure columns with my bare hands for the initial purification of enzyme from the serum of patient. And there were times when that column fell and its contents of gel (resin) buffer, serum splattered before my glasses on a Friday afternoon working alone in the cold room. Did Hickam delete that wiretap? The components of the column were glass column, O ring, spigot, filter, p50 Pharmacia pump, tubings, buffer, and others. Maybe that sugar lowering drug Januvia (metformin mode of drug action) came from that UHM notebooks. Lania, hundreds of millions $ worth of drug sales without a dime to Ms Imanil? Lania dude! Dipeptidase is mentioned in that reference sheet of Januvia with explanation how it works, bioavailability of 80%. Who made the calls? I suspected Patrick Kennedy when he got my notebooks from 74 Blossomcrest Rd, Lexington, MA. I monitored Norma's intake of prescription medication to lower her glucose, and found out that the drug didn't lower her sugar. She'sdiagnosed with type 2 diabetes (late onset). I put in a graph the test result of her glucose. That dip is not statistically significant to say diabetes lowering drugs worked. That electron cloud hijacked the monitor to show she had over 600mg/dL of glucose. She didn't sleep for several nights. Still she won't talk about the royal heritage. I took her to the doctor's clinic, and I asked for Ambien to keep her sleeping at night. She had dizzy spell from Ambien when she woke up. She couldn't sleep because she had no companion in a 4 bed room house in GU. That intellect of mine is the source of Carmelita V. Imanil's frame and blame of my mental illness, yet she's the ones who's medicated. She knew through her military the work and hundreds of millions of profit from my work. I want to be included in this digital age of computer, machine, and not control of machine. Keep humans humans and keep machine machine. Separate the two. Don't simulate humans like machine for control like Kennedy Arquero want. Neurons and neural network is one interest. Voice modulation could be done by machine to steal one's voice. Fuck this!
@ireneimanil8376 Год назад
September 21, 2023 Irene Imanil here to inform you I want to leave the island as soon as possible especially UHM re started holo without me for less than $2,000 on my ebt with quid pro quo of physical abuse and torture of my siblings, nieces and nephews. You couldn't possibly stop the atrocity of non UHM graduates including the military over my siblings, nieces and nephews. They must be protected from beatings, medication, sleep deprivation. Many of de commissioned military men are slowly getting back up using me, while I'm still poor and homeless in the street with MS in Pharmacology. Act very fast to house me along with my siblings, nieces and nephews. It's Yale that I want to see to reset knowledge of truth if I can't have Oxford. Don't deal with false knowledge especially in the areas of mathematics and science that could be easily and readily affected by false knowledge of computer programming or anything that has something to do with machine and that could be very fast as fast as light travelling through tubes of electrical gridline. That breached gridline could embed wrong answers to mathematics questions, definition of words. Students are to learn to prevent teenage pregnancies and motherhood, and the way to keep them learning is through attendance of school of thoughts, not to keep them at home producing babies. I have to leave the state of HI so I won't be killed along with my siblings, nieces and nephews here in HI. But I'll be back.
@ireneimanil8376 Год назад
September 21, 2023 Irene Imanil here to inform you to control a man named Alan Komeya (Japanese heritage) of his atrocities over the sons of Jonathan Imanil. He is a banker who has not given me anything. Now, he learned that UHM is slowly picking me up, and he didn't like that. Whether he is against me as UHM alumna, I don't know. He is inclined those people who want to destroy the royal bloodline with no trace of royalty today in America that could cause Buckingham Palace to fall. I dislike to entertain the notion that America made us poor and eventually kill us through US healthcare. Confront Kennedy for this serious allegations of mine because Ivy League Schools must be protected from military intrusion for students not to know the separation between military and university. Otherwise, enrollment will significantly decline under breached of US electrical military gridline. Pick me up as quickly as you can to restore my US Passport and travel somewhere and come back here. He slept with one of Jonathan Imanil's woman so today he is so against me, my siblings, nieces, and nephews. Protect us from him.
@ireneimanil8376 Год назад
September 20, 2023 Irene Imanil here to inquire if someone is paid to delete my RU-vid postings or texts. I suspect Arquero Kennedy is one of them being the custodian of American Savings Bank? Jenny Arquero audited courses from UHM, but my attendance of UMH, and University of Guam, Harvard Extension School was as real as it can get. My records were probably deleted or microfiched. The new generations or the new graduates don't know me anymore, but if you see me walking the campus try to say "hi" One day you'll also reach my age of declining neuronal ability. I am just to reconnect with the University and I am trying to find a means to un block me from owning a piece of my real estate back because one from GU screwed me the most when she learned to speak tagalog fluently. She destroyed me for her to have my name along with her generations. Her excuse she couldn't find me is that the blood is red that is why she couldn't find me.
@ireneimanil8376 Год назад
September 12, 2023 Hi All, Irene Imanil walked at the campus yesterday, and spent $4.09 for a medium size iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts. I need that money back because it is supposed to be free with my name. I want to be activist to count college or university graduates for employment because with the breached US military gridline and connection with the military, college/university education is obsolete. Take a look at my situation today with MS in Pharmacology from UH, Manoa on ebt without a dime? Once this is breached, ivy league is going to re act with my comment. How's the university produce stellar, educated students when the US military is a fierced competitor for diploma printing without ever attending university. I know my siblings, nieces and nephews are not as erudite as I am, but they don't have to be helplessly victimized for not knowing answers to questions. One Jonathan Imanil is raped by Danny Kennedy, passed on to the theft of my set of keys who is a military man, and beat up Jonathan Imanil to death? Investigate to find out. Furthermore, my nieces and nephews are held captives or hostages by Calimlim and/or Loscocco with intent to kill them using healthcare practices of euthanasia. I am somewhat strong with mathematics, but weak in computer, computer programming and computer algorithm that I want to learn. I want to start to learn to holo at the engineering department or mathematics department without abuse to be counted during the day starting with learning baby steps. I didn't holo in GU. I know some of you are wolves, so against me by your parents words. But don't hurt my siblings, nieces and nephews. Thanks for the can of Red Bull yesterday. Whoever you are, try to organize for a speech that I want to make because I want to stand up and talk about something, and what should the universities do to find solutions to these. Mining of intellectual property may not be a crime that it is acceptable? But who is the original creator or designer? Want to give me a try for a debate of two opposing sides of for and against and/or in between. I don't want to discourage to say that I am homeless and penniless, but I am still who I am despite my prevailing situation. Bowdlerize the purchases of ebt at seven eleven that is so miniscule so my siblings, nieces and nephews don't have to pay with their health, with their sleep (sleep deprivation) with beatings. Whatever you do, include me. Since the US military gridline is breached, the free is to be paid using healthcare (oral administration of prescription drugs, skin lesion, teeth extraction) in Kennedy's effort to reduce population number so they're the one who turn out royals by stealing our money. They're not the only one. Loscocco is another one at the level of military here in HI. No one likes Hickam ways today. So, try to include me, and we'll try to find a way to change Hickam's way or find a way to network with the British Royal Military. Loscocco got a hold of Hickam's gun room and wants to control killings of citizens of the land militarily to be royals. Call England ASAP to bomb that aerially because WA couldn't do anything. Loscocco has not formal education but working as a medical doctor, teacher, police and others with bi weekly payroll from the military too besides wages. Count me in so my order works. I need a group to belong to. This text may be subject to tampering.
@ireneimanil8376 Год назад
September 20, 2023 All paid and 3.5x more when someone added cash benefit to my ebt. With MS in Pharmacology from UHM (Class of '92, GPA 3.59, Co-founded of TUTOR TIME "Partner of Academic Success" registered with the government of GU, former biotech researcher and mathematics researcher), I am un employed today in need of some resources to help me get back up. Once I am back up from where I am today, I'd like to engage in debate of pros and cons about a particular discussion of interest or debate between two opposing sides of opinion/team or make a much anticipated speech. Believe, one is going to dig up my previous performance from another university just to deter me from making such speech or just to embarrass me. But at my age, I am confident I can put up with any criticism or even a fight. I want someone from UHM to write a book about me, but these students have to network with ivy leagues who can block the publication of a book about me, for someone else to be portrayed with my name. Heinz, back by John Kerry is one to make sure, his daughter from Joni Quenga receives the credit and accolade back by John Kerry? Kennedy is another one, and even Obama, but the most danger of all is a woman named Madeleine Z. Bordallo of GU who keep insisting she could find real Irene Imanil after she couldn't find real Norma Laca and Orlando Ferrer Imanil. Am I standing on the shoulder of giants or in the ground once I am notice and pick up? Who am I? Sadly, I didn't know who I am until 2018 at age 53? Let us take back the good American lifestyle of loner under breached military gridline, which means we don't have to be partnered with someone walking down the street or the memory lane. America is not a police state of wiretapping or breached wiretap.
@Weezis Год назад
Thank U fidlar
@ireneimanil8376 Год назад
September 7, 2023 I am Irene Imanil and I am to ask help from UH student body and even faculty members using my GPA of 3.59 to find and save the Jonathan Imanil and their children. A man named Andrew of US military is in it to slowly and painfully kill them. He got a hold of one Jonathan Imanil, beat Jonathan up to death, left him or ditch him somewhere. I am picking up 6 Jonathan Imanil and their children to be saved ASAP. Count me in to holo or to stop holo because there are holoers who beat up new comers, or new comers beat up house occupants. Network of Calimlim and Loscocco are in it to slowly and painfully kill Orlando Ferrer Imanil and his grown up sons and daughters. Orly Imanil may be peg with Gor and his sons or with Jenny Arquero of Patrick who won't give the name Irene Imanil. Jenny Arquero attended Bentley College and she is super digit. Map out her family members in Waipahu. Jenny Arquero taught the Kennedy of Boston, MA the barbarism that is to shot or hit an innocent bystander that I would never do (British way) Kennedy caved in to Arquero's way to bring down the royal bloodline, yet the generations of Norma Laca and Orlando Ferrer Imanil don't even know the bloodline that these growing children were born into. That is rather sad to think why they are beaten, starved, sleep deprived, medicated, etc. The sad part is the students of UH are peg to their parents or to their significant others so the students can only do so much? The longer I wait, the weaker I am and I am waiting to be arrested or to be ambulance taken to hospitalize once my siblings, nieces and nephews are so physically injured by the network of Calimlim Loscocco who make the excuse that they are to care for my relatives. Gloria Calimlim-Loscocco named her children from Gor Imanil Loscocco out of Imanil bloodline and they are dead in GU. Here are theft of names of Gloria: Orly Imanil Loscocco (dead in GU) Gluco Imanil Loscocco (dead in GU) Jonathan Imanil Loscocco (dead in GU). Gor traitorship and betrayal is catching up on him. Telecommunication block is with Calimlim and Loscocco with their military network? Orly was trick by Calimlim-Alvarez when she pick him up, his wife and daughter from Honolulu International Airport several weeks ago. Orly trusted Pacita Calimlim-Alvarez only to be betrayed and defeated. Similarly, Carmelita V. Imanil of 1694 Palamoi St. Pearl City fell to Pacita Calimlim-Alvarez's trick. Loscocco's son deleted Jonathan Imanil from Hickam when Loscocco transferred from AAFB GU, to Hickam, AFB HI and substituted his address to Jonathan's to make sure that Loscocco is Jonathan Imanil. As you know the military has entered into a rule of engagement and I want to challenge that cooperation amongst them to create a military tribunal in an effort to curtain crimes by the US military against its own people who are US citizens or Americans. Thus, I am trying to ask help from the former university I attended. I need to be with my siblings to care for them at a place. I know I couldn't yet contribute to its endownment fund. If and when all else fails, I have to leave HI to escape death because I am the target of heist by the military and its forces themselves. Loscocco won't give up Imanil last name especially Irene Imanil. He weakens me by attacking my siblings, relatives and then me, so I must leave or gather the support of UH, Manoa student body and even faculty members. The block is huge when payout is provided. I urge you not to accept payment for my block leading to my death. Gloria is slowly and painfully killing Orlando Ferrer Imanil for Gor Loscocco, her husband to be Orlando Ferrer Imanil. Gloria won't de couple from the Imanil to ensure she kills them. Calimlim Loscocco trick Len Mangosong who is my first cousin, and she's probably badly injured by Gloria. King Philip, II name that is mine is with England.
@ireneimanil8376 Год назад
September 5, 2023 Many of you heard through the grapevine, and even saw me sleeping on the side of the street that I am Irene Imanil graduated from the University of Hawaii, class of 1992 graduate with MS in Pharmacology. How my situation today? High level of cooperation amongst various organizations to bring me down not because of my diploma from the UH, Manoa but because of royal bloodline that one in America is fighting so hard to be the one of royal heritage and they and their children are super block to me to be like John Nash of the movie "A Beautiful Mind" I must confess that even if I knew the significance of money to buy good and services, I didn't know anything about money to keep it much in the house. Up to $2,000 in the house was my money, yet at one time I earned $54,000 annual wage over 20 years ago. The banks owed me lots of money when I left my direct deposit payroll checks in the banks of GU, MA, and other places. I see the banks as money storage without statute of limitation when to withdraw that deposited money. However, the gossip of the bankers that one's money is deposited, goes around like merry go 'round circle, until one makes herself Irene Imanil and withdraws my money. How could UH, Manoa students try to help me? Talk to and network with US military base near me to militarily activate me with my name even at my age of 58 years old to make sure HI state governance (as you know separation of administration is different from the military) doesn't block me even if I am not militarily active with my face. Someone else could be going by my name pushing paper and paying others to further block me. Confront the University of GU why it didn't back me up during my times of desperation and need in that island. Joni Quenga who went by my name was hit and experienced severe trauma when I left that island. Two other women are involved for my UOG block are Edelyn Yabut of Nate Berg, and Chona Quinto of Mark Zuckerberg. So, how can I move forward if Chona Quinto created a business card with my name and handed it Mark Zuckerberg in Japan. Was the TUTOR TIME "Partner of Academic Success" business card their basis of their copulation in Japan that Wall St didn't know anything about? I'm still big there but in the persona of Jennifer Pilapil of Eliot Spitzer of CHASE Banks, NY & Philippines whose cops are fuckin' my brothers, nephews and nieces in HI. Fuck this! That pisses me off when I think about it because my Facebook page that I created is modified, tampered, improved by Chona to be Irene Imanil for and of TUTOR TIME "Partner of Academic Success." I heard that China printed currency with my picture (used one of my pictures as its new currency.) I must be the richest woman in the world! I want to ask if America made me poor after it made my parents poor? Who are the blockers? Believe me TUTOR TIME "Partner of Academic Success" is my creation in the island of GU that is registered with the government of GU, Dept. of Revenue & Taxation, but it is the number one source of fight that Patrick Kennedy wants me dead any time for this business to belong to his children from Jenny Arquero. Why suddenly Patrick Kennedy talks about education and its significance after involved with healthcare that messed up one's mind? You see Barack Obama is erudite and he and his children are contender, strongly suggesting he has a daughter and a son to be Irene Imanil and Jonathan Imanil. Obama funds UH? Do I then stand a chance? So, rally for me to leave HI, but it is very very important that you talk to me. Don't start rallying out there without talking to me first because someone else could travel as Irene Imanil. Also help to fund raise on my behalf but would you if Obama contributes to the University on behalf of his children? Let's try to produce another sequel of "A Beautiful Mind" You want? UC schools will swallow you!
@ireneimanil8376 Год назад
August 4, 2023 To: University of Hawaii Students Fr: Irene Imanil, UH alumna I dare to challenge the University of Hawaii students to help me get back up professionally since I earned my masters diploma from the University of Hawaii. Back in those old of days, I sat in the chair of UH classrooms, listened to a professor's talk, and became friends with other students even if I was staged frightened just the thoughts of giving a speech. I would stutter, lose my train of thoughts, and embarrass, but through out the years, such feelings disappeared as I got older. I now can stand without feeling nervous, but it is yet to be tested. Help me get started to talk about student performance that impact achievement, but that is obsolete without computer? I know that students are pegged to their parents or to someone and going about their own way is capped. You see I am somewhat mildly highly educated having attained up to master of science, but my nephews whom I share the same last name didn't even attend college, and maybe they can barely read. Yabut also didn't go to school but her name is etched in the building of UH because she donated money, so she can block me and those faculty members prefer her money over my intellect. I enjoy solving algebra problems and their applications in real life situation. If no help from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, then help me exit or leave Hawaii for the survival of the generations of Laca Imanil who don't even know the bloodline they belong to and they don't even know why they are suddenly beaten, starved, sleep deprived even at such a young age. We are like seeds scattered far and wide, and landed at different places. I know it's not too late for me to be involved the odds are against me knowing those women who used my name and fundraised using my name are strongly against me. My plan is to leave Hawaii, but before that I have to check in at the US military base prior to my departure, and spend nights there for at least 5 days. From there, I'll make phone calls. If UH, Manoa would be interested to pick me up, then I can be like John Nash of "A Beautiful Mind" but believe my relatives would puke to say no, because they are not as erudite as I am, so they are rather block to me and to my advancement, but I am for educational advancement of everyone and I back these everyone 100%. I have done before. If not, then act quickly to help me leave HI because I am the target of heist. HPD may be counting days for my catchment that I don't want to occur. I didn't holo in GU or anywhere else. If you want, let's undo the wiretapping from breached gridline and delete the lacuna so people aren't track to be helplessly kokua, medicated, yet they have the right to exist without adverse healthcare quid pro quo. So people can get enough sleep and don't have to wake up at 4am especially during cold winter. Do away of frozen holo that places individuals at high health risk when they are starved, sleep deprived, held captive or hostage, raped, beaten. For the youngsters, come up with some healthcare giving programs for those who were done wrong, were wrongfully caught by ambulance because your enemy in the 21st century digital age is healthcare once you're tagged. Ambulance is called to be at your place to pick you up. Your name is in the database of EBT consumer, section 8 that these runners of so called government has. Go to the hospitals and find out who are under 30 years old waiting to die and save them. Ask yourself why would a 90 year old live, but a 30 year old die?
@harrymiram5562 Год назад
Part of my family history/kuleana
@alineambrozio4259 Год назад
Wow! Cool! I loved the video. Very useful! I want to learn more signs in ASL and Hawaiian Sign Language. I'm Brazilian and a translator/interpreter of Brazilian Sign Language in Brazil.
@ireneimanil8376 Год назад
March 30, 2023 To: UH, Manoa Graduates Fr: Irene Laca Imanil (real) Congratulations for your hard earned diploma. Your sweat, sleepless nights finally paid off, but not until you earned $ to pay debt of student loan. Education is never going out of style, but with US military your fierce competitor, sometimes it helps to ask the question if it's worth spending a dime on college education with unemployment on the rise, with many more job seekers than there are available jobs to fill for wages, with connection a better gauge for being hired than a diploma. For me, may be not because I have been unemployed for the longest time with MS in Pharmacology from the University of Hawaii at Manoa but someone with a 10th grade education is a medical doctor heavily involved in un necessary surgery and euthanasia and she's non stoppable because her force (pwersa) is US military that wouldn't do anything to end her act of hospital murder using various methods that I wrote down, but I didn't realize that I am wiretapped with my words, writings, and actions. Her hospital murder is a cause of fright for many that even the Justice Department would be hesitant to prosecute her criminal case in the name of fuckin' national security, yet the people she euthanized are American themselves between the ages of 10 and 25 years old with limited means and resources. These are human beings that were made homeless, helpless, penniless, but just like everyone else, they have the right to exist with inalienable rights of ========== freedom, justice, and pursuit of happiness. I want something from you and that is to fund raise on my behalf to help me get out of homelessness, destitution, and be integrated with the US military that has heist of me. I dare to challenge in this regard and I wonder if you would win or lose. Thanks for reading. Irene Imanil MS in Pharmacology University of Hawaii at Manoa Class of '92
@ireneimanil8376 Год назад
Let the fight begin between schools and agent of war. Summons all schools of Ivy League. That TUTOR TIME "Partner in Academic Success" that I co-founded with my sister is causing me and others death. CalTech, UC schools of California are engaged in dispute over the webpage design of TUTOR TIME "Partner in Academic Success"
@ireneimanil8376 Год назад
Someone registered "Basic Math" with a logo of the symbol of integral that is my innovation in Guam. cIntegral sign f(x)dx. Define f(x) between 0 and 2pi.
@ireneimanil8376 11 месяцев назад
October 11, 2023 The contentious fighters are Chona Quinto and Mark Zuckerberg who know that TUTOR TIME "Partner of Academic Success" can over power FACEBOOK (Face Irene Imanil Yearbooks/pictures were lunched at Harvard and one's project that eventually led to FACEBOOK creation. However, the social media networking site was lunched when I left Boston, MA in 2005 and didn't return until 2013. Quinto may have profiled and created a database of GU's students behind and against the students and students' parents, and posted on TUTOR TIME "Partner of Academic Success"? These two are number one theft of my intellectual property in GU especially in the area of original wordings posted on Linkedin, and one original mathematics word problem using perimeter. Again, that's mine.
@eugenegauggel1000 Год назад
Dr Robert Clopton was my maternal uncle. He got me into University High School for teacher training. I grad from there in 1960. He was a naturist at heart and was a pretty cool guy. At the time he was head of the Education Department.
@janetchen2725 Год назад
@earlallen3216 2 года назад
Dem two Akamai deaf wahines I know…blessedly!!
@phalangeflagella9787 2 года назад
they're so sarcastic i love also what were those questions i laughed so hard
@shobhitkamboj3065 2 года назад
@alisoncrawford3132 2 года назад
@yujessica4732 2 года назад
you need to adjust the content
@eleanorrodrigues662 2 года назад
I was born n raised in Hawaii. Both my parents were deaf and I learned to sign at an early age. First of all I never knew that there was such a thing as HSL. Both my parents went to the Diamond Head School, probably in the 1940s. Anyway, I'm seeing a lot of the HSL signs in this video that I was taught by my parents. I feel better now because after all these years (I will be 67) I know I learned the way my parents were taught. When I worked in the tourist industry and would sign to some haole tourists, sometimes they wouldn't understand me n I would have to finger spell. My parents are long gone now and I haven't signed in a long time. But I'll be looking more into this HSL. 😊
@alineambrozio4259 Год назад
What a beautiful story! Thanks for sharing it!
@atvotien6706 2 года назад
Some segments in the video are stamped not adjacent to each other
@thaiphan9295 2 года назад
Some segments in the video are stamped not adjacent to each other
@louelljeanne 2 года назад
Wow, this video talks about pandemic and a few years later it happened.