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@lobotlando День назад
Með fullri virðingu fyrir Magneu sem persónu þá verð ég að segja að hún er fyrir mér holdgervingur þess að það síðasta sem íslenskum almenningi vantar er meira af miðjumoði. Ef hún er táknmynd ungs fólks í íslenskri pólitík þá getum við verið viss um að ekkert marktækt sem skiptir fólk máli mun breytast.
@lobotlando День назад
Það kom mér meira á óvart að það væri ekki meiri heift í kosningunum. Ef fer sem horfir og ekkert af því breytist til barnaðar af því sligar almenning þá verða kosningar og önnur pólitísk barrátta enn heiftugri og jafnvel blóðug.
@gylfifreyrgrondal9088 2 дня назад
Ég hlakka til að horfa þegar þátturinn verður tilbúinn.
@Eliashokson 4 дня назад
Góðir 😊
@ordisolafsdottir8403 6 дней назад
Gaman að hlusta
@zooologist 6 дней назад
Kristinn Hrafnsson spin master íslenska ríkisins eða hæstbjóðanda?
@ordisolafsdottir8403 7 дней назад
frábærar umræður hjá þér takk❤
@GujonJonasson-gk4gw 8 дней назад
Merkilegt samtal hjá ykkur fjelagar.
@helgaberglindjonsdottir9670 11 дней назад
Hamaz liðarnir hafa ekki ennþá sleft gíslunum frá 7.okt 2023. þeim er haldið í undirgöngum undir gaza og misþyrmt á hverjum degi. Afhverju mótmælir því ekki.
@rubybarker791 11 дней назад
Extremely important interview and points. Thank you 🙏
@liisaeskelinen1909 11 дней назад
Worth of listening, thank you! ❤
@elnoor44 11 дней назад
I could put up some valid opposing debate to all three of you. Despite of being a minute away from 80, I very sharp, not forgetful, maybe due to the fact I spent an Uber amount of time reading. Being a history/ ancient history major, Biblical archeology. Being a Hungarian origins, I myself and my ancestors have a diverse background experiencing some of the uglier side of history, for example 300 years of oppression from ottoman/ Suleiman the great among others. I still have an intense dislike to anything that is Arab / mohamedan: Islamic, only acception were my beautiful Arabian horses. I am not a Jew, you might call me a Zionist, or I just know the history of the land of Israel given to them in an everlasting land covenant by God. So much bitterness, anger and hate coming from the oldest gentlemen, if I had time I would feel sorry for him.
@MrMaltasar 11 дней назад
Stefán Pálsson er mjög góður í Kötu Jak skólanum af pólitík, að segja mjög margt án þess að segja nokkurn skapaðann hlut.
@joiisland 11 дней назад
Frábær umfjöllun og viðmælendur að vanda. Nýtt efni nánast á hverjum einasta degi.
@shmulikcarmon9528 11 дней назад
The claims are full of lies and distorted comments of what really has been happening in the Hamas ruled places, including medical facilities.
@agustaannakrummi4154 11 дней назад
Nató laug líka um efnavopnaverksmiðju svo þau gætu ráðist inn í Írak
@AndalusPoet 12 дней назад
The Gaza Genocide ( at least 20,000 children slaughtered and buried alive under the rubble) is the ‘unfinished business of 1948’ The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - what the Jewish immigrant settlers failed to do in the remaining 22% of Palestine. It’s always been a demographic war against Palestinian indigenous existence. E.g. 531 Palestinian villages deliberately destroyed in 1948, massacres and mass expulsions. Repeat in 1967 and onwards - Genocide in and since 1948 Since 1967, in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, more than 56,500 Palestinian homes deliberately demolished, bulldozed and dynamited on various pretexts. “Zionism is a genocidal ideology”. “It should be dismantled and destroyed “. Professor David Miller, a former Bristol University academic. Israel is a brutal occupying colonialist Power which committed Genocide in 1948, slow incremental genocide before October 7th against the Gaza Strip according to top UN human rights lawyer Craig Mukhaiber. E.g. Thousands of ill Palestinian patients over many years were denied exit permits to seek medical aid outside Gaza, thereby worsening their illnesses and condemning many to a slow death. Ethnic cleansing using many methods, Apartheid and colonialist laws, violent colonialism, pogroms, dispossession of lands, homes and properties, 2 to 3 million Palestinian olive and fruit trees destroyed since 1967 in the West Bank, repression, murder and massacres at many different levels in the Palestinian Territories over 76 years.
@hassenhassen5342 12 дней назад
@Lunde859 12 дней назад
! Hæfileg viðbrögð?
@laxdaljohannes5252 12 дней назад
Ég átti von á skeleggari gagnrýni. Vildi Þorsteinn ekki mæta Óla ufsa?
@suzannelooms7658 12 дней назад
In Haaretz you can read articles by Amira Hass who LIVES in Gaza.
@suzannelooms7658 12 дней назад
Israel has negotiated a contract with BP to drill off the coast of Gaza for gas.
@Zazie5 13 дней назад
Thank you. Great Interview.
@myrtillesm3532 13 дней назад
💝🇦🇪💝🍉 thank you
@agatamagorzata6019 13 дней назад
What a brilliant mind Dr. Mads.
@giulianoardis370 13 дней назад
Please don't call them Man ,no decent Man would do that,I have pretty vast vocabulary and I can not find a word to describe them
@gannoifong7979 13 дней назад
I can't believe that the US is supporting such cruelty.
@jeffreyastor1612 13 дней назад
Switched you off after 4 minutes….. complete rubbish.
@user-pw9cx1rd9t 13 дней назад
So… have you been there? Dr. Mads has been!
@slim1one 13 дней назад
I clicked play so fast when I saw Dr Gilbert was your guest here. I know he doesn’t like being described this way but I don’t know how else to say it… you are a hero for the Palestinian people Dr Gilbert. God bless you.
@guldenakdemir2493 13 дней назад
There's no going back to the same order for the US, the West and Israel as they have all been exposed as to who the real terrorists are.
@geirgudmundsson 14 дней назад
Virkilega skemmtileg helgi-spjall
@bohall 14 дней назад
Vel gert Gunnar og Þórir.....mjög gott
@user-lg2od3bz6f 14 дней назад
THANK YOU, GREATLY Mads for standing up tirelessly!for the weakest of the weakest (not in soul!)✌️🇵🇸 from 🇱🇹 and 🇳🇱
@Benony91 14 дней назад
Frábært samtal 👏 Ísland úr nato!
@TheSvanhvit 14 дней назад
correct löngu búið gjör SKÁL
@sahraluujiyano6 14 дней назад
He's one of best human being
@peacenow6618 14 дней назад
Thank you so much for this video. It was very beneficial. Keep up the Great Work! Much appreciated!
@MariaNI-yf1bz 15 дней назад
Please like👍🏻 and share.
@tgylfason 15 дней назад
Fróðlegt, persónulegt og skemmtilegt.
@user-fn3mc6mz6f 16 дней назад
حفظك الله ورعاك
@user-fn3mc6mz6f 16 дней назад
شكرا د مادس جيلبروت
@Eliashokson 17 дней назад
Ísland úr nato
@lennon4223 17 дней назад
Léttir að sjá alvöru umræður um allvarlegasta mál samtímans ☮️
@brynjatomer8829 18 дней назад
Algjör snilld, hjartans þakkir þið sem að þessu stóðuð. Ég fylgist með aðdraganda forsetakosninganna af miklum áhuga frá Kólumbíu og þetta er með því allra besta til þessa. Takk, takk.
@huldagestsdottir4762 18 дней назад
Vel gert. Góð mynd og mikil sorg. Aron og Daníel eiga heiður skilið fyri allt sem þeir gerðu. <3 Vel gert vel gert.
@steinunnegilsdottir2721 18 дней назад
Fimm forseta takk!
@ingibjorgmagnadottir5620 18 дней назад
Ó nei missti af þessu
@fabiomoretti7171 19 дней назад
The Palestinian situation today is due to the pan-Arab refusal to accept a Jewish state of any size after 1918. Then the Arabs of Palestine revolted 1936-39 and threatened to continue when the second world war was imminent. The British, fearing more revolts, limited Jewish immigration even further. That is why the Holocaust could occur - the Jews had nowhere to go, Iceland included. The Mufti of Jerusalem went to Baghdad and helped the Iraqis organize the 1941 coup d'etat against the pro-British government and replaced it with a pro-Nazi government. After the British and Commonwealth defeated the Iraqi army at Habbaniyah, the Mufti and his large Arab Palestinian staff escaped to Rome and then to Berlin in late 1941. Then the Mufti recruited 3 Muslim Bosnian SS divisions as well as Arab units (30 thousand men) to help the Nazii war effort. The Mufti broadcast anti-ally and anti-Jewish Arabic-language propaganda through German and Italian high-powered radio transmissions to the Arab world. The Mufti also lobbied the Nazis and the other Axis powers to refuse the Jews emigration and worked to make sure they went to concentration camps instead. That is why the Mufti remained in Germany until the very end of the war. The Jews of 1948 knew the Palestinian Arabs worked with the Nazis and just wanted a safe place to live in their ancestral lands, rather than take land they had no connection to. The Arabs still refused to accept them and attacked in 1948 to wipe Israel off the map. When they lost the 1948 and 1967 wars, the Palestinians were put into refugee camps by the Arabs of Lebanon, Syria, Egypt and Jordan to keep the pressure on Israel. Israel instead accepted all Jewish refugees who were expelled from Arab countries and integrated them. Why did the Arabs not want any non-Muslim state in the region prior to 1948? Because they wanted a large Arab contiguous caliphate or at least a Greater Syria. Both would have included Palestine as a province, not an independent country. When you feel sorry for thousands of dead Gazans and 2 million Gazan refugees, remember the millions of dead Jews the Mufti and his staff helped the Nazis starve and exterminate. Did you know that both the Jewish Agency and the Yugoslav government demanded in 1946 that the Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini be tried for war crimes at Nuremberg? He escaped French custody and was welcomed as an Arab hero in Cairo.
@fabiomoretti7171 19 дней назад
During his time in Cairo the Mufti used his connections to recruit Nazi war criminals and experienced SS-soldiers (including Bosnian SS he had recruited) to help the Arabs prepare for, and participate in, the 1948 war. The Arabs were colonizers for hundreds of years, and over 90% of them within the 1914 Ottoman borders faithfully served the Turkish caliphate until 1918. In other words, the Arabs of Palestine were on the losing side of World War 1. Judging by what the top Palestinian spiritual and political leader and his numerous supporters did during World War 2, they also lost that war. These events contributed to the UN decision to grant the Jews a state in Palestine, a decision the Arabs ignored.
@aya3769 21 день назад
This was before 7 October!
@drnasseemmaloufphotography5062 21 день назад
Enlightening discussion. Thank you Mr Levy for your honest portrayal of the Palestinian plight in the face of extreme opposition. People like you are rare these days. 🙏