Infinite Conversations Podcast
Infinite Conversations Podcast
Infinite Conversations Podcast
Love is Blind, season 6, episodes 7 - 9
7 месяцев назад
Psychological thriller - Love is Blind Season 6
7 месяцев назад
@user-rj1vj5wk9f 3 месяца назад
Could he be in the closet or be Bi?
@truth-uncensored2426 4 месяца назад
It's your biological duty as well to give birth to the next generation at least to the point of maintaining stable numbers, so that your children will not live in a dysfunctional society full of old people, if you had any sense of empathy you would think about that instead of using biology to give an excuse to justify your distorted sense of hypergamy. Women from the past had not only 2 but many times 4, 5, 6 children, do you think that you're better than these women in any shape or form just because you maybe more educated? You really think that more education for a person means that they are necessarily more intelligent or "free"?
@truth-uncensored2426 4 месяца назад
It's incredible to see how women when left alone try so hard to destroy their own country and culture, apparently you guys are from Kazakhstan which is one of few countries in the world with a positive fertility rate, you still have a functional society that will survive in the future, but you think that this is bad and oppressive, that the system needs to change, that more women need to be independent, etc. You're working to destroy your society in the long term and give a worse life to your own children, which will have to work until their deaths to cover a dysfunctional pension system.
@MartyChavis 4 месяца назад
The real reason he said no is because she is a cheater. This is what it always boils down to when a man changes his mind about marrying a woman that cheats.
@MartyChavis 4 месяца назад
The real reason he said no is because he did not want to share a woman with any other man.
@Moogy768 5 месяцев назад
can you guys psycholanalyze my comment
@richardblinn4811 5 месяцев назад
How men are treated in the western world is one of the many, terrible and inevitable, end points of feminism. If you honestly look past all the constantly repeated talking points you will see a grim picture.
@XxXZamoXxX 5 месяцев назад
Kinda has Im afraid and this has led to Islam beginning to dominate the west .Western women are in for a huge shock when those lads take over .
@pointheobvious 5 месяцев назад
Premise: few gain at the expence of the majority. Feminism was funded by powerful few... men! Manipulation: to employ practices that desensitize men to the human condition. To promote misogyny and or sexism. And when it takes force, then convince women to take up arms. Goal of Manipulation: to break up the traditional nuclear family, to make em vulnerable to exploitation. The worst they brought is the free mixing of men and women; A bf/gf is one excuse away from leaving when the going gets tough. Since that affection wasn't earned in the first place. Most enter this exchange for the first time while living with their parents, so when it comes to living together they're not used to the stress of responsibilities, yet they're already "spent" of their "motivation". It's not like she asked for her rights, or he was promised to her in marriage when they showed interest in this exchange. Too bad, as trend goes these days, women don't know their own value. Giving ur self for mere (cheap) thrills, yet a real mans promise is worth far more. A womans right to a home and to be served and protected and cared for is more valuable than all the wealth in the world to a woman. So if ur gonna sell ur self, sell ur self for ur rights, not for trinkets. Challenge him for ur rights and shape him into a man.... Is the motto long forgotten. The cause? The breakdown of traditional family paradigm is all rooted in satanic rituals whether men or women praticing them r aware or not. One of the components of brainwashing is to introduce trauma. So how do u introduce this trauma in society and normalise it? Men and especially women shoved aside/rejected in an environment of free mixing of these two; an environment that was never designed to sustain a ever lasting union, does this not qualify as trauma? Trauma nullifies trust towards that which caused it or the like of it. And if marriage is the epicentre of society and its cohesion, then bf/gf relationships is its kryptonite, destroying trust and replacing it with trauma. Furthermore i believe this is done deliberately to feed into the military industrial complex. Men having no where to go, having a need to prove them selves, salivating over the superficial, conditioned by chasing of the " skirt"; Jar brains. Women having nowhere to go but the sex industry, raising the next generations of jar heads. Again all this stems from satanic rituals. A diamond resonates with women because it is special in appearance, like how they feel, special. That special look and feel is predicated on integrity. For the diamond; structural integrity, and for the woman her integrity of not spoiling that generation of crop/men and asking for her rights. 💎 It's called social engineering, not manipulation, no no. This again leads to structural integrity in society with a healthy dose of stability, this is a woman's strength, long forgotten. You can have a good time after a days hard work/self sacrifice; positive outlook. Or a good time until u only have the hard work/self sacrifice to look forward to; a negative outlook followed by a sleepless night. Women should be looked after, but she and her "sisters" have spoiled the crop already by not standing up for them selves. By standing up for one self; if it means the man reveals himself "not upto the task" i.e not worthy of her, what's the big loss? You go on living without spoiling him with ur affection while maintaining ur integrity/chastity. 💎 🎉 But i digress, there are women, indeed some of whom are "influencers", that r driven by the lust and lure of magic, and they have a scoring and a ranking system. And they have to do increasingly depraved acts to gain traction in that world. Means and motivation. Form and energy throughput. They are like the Jews of babylon in their motivation for magic. Those jews did not see the devotion of prophet Suleiman a.s. pbuh. But rather lusted over his (pbuh) power that was bestowed upon him by our creator. So our lord sent angels to those Jews, who proclaimed, "this is nothing but a test onto you," while offering books of magic. But the Babylonian Jews did not heed the warning and threw their scripture behind their backs in exchange for the books. It is y israel exists today, to dig under the throne of prophet Suleiman pbuh and gain, the now, buried books of magic, And to make a temple for the anti-christ, cause Muslims and Christians believe Jesus pbuh will rule from there in kingdom come. Which is y they want their imposter satan-spawn anti-christ to be there first to decieve, i.e. dajjal. And these fornicating youngsters r the means to breaking up the traditional family structure which leaves humanity vulnerable to exploitation. A means to a nefarious end.
@Raptanax 5 месяцев назад
Women need men to protect them from men and from the hazards of the world, men need women to protect them from women and the social pressures and powers where women dominate. One could argue that the patriarchy was created by women to protect them from the world, allowing men to take all the risks and women to select the rewards of those risks, and that men are the primary tools women use to act upon the world. There need to be consequences for bad behavior in both men and women. A lot of the problem with cultures in the world where misogyny is the norm, is that there are no consequences for men's bad behavior. The same is true in the west, where there are no consequences for women's bad behavior. It'd be nice to see a human society where both men and women have consequences for bad behavior.
@AUniqueHandleName444 5 месяцев назад
I think that the problem of men being emasculated is a bit overstated these days. I'm not saying it doesn't happen (it definitely does), but women are also sometimes treated pretty badly. In different subcultures, denigrating men is far more acceptable than denigrating women, in other subcultures the reverse is true. The higher status cultures in media and academia currently favor attacking men, but most people don't find either particularly acceptable anymore. As far as the Barbie movie goes, although it isn't explicitly stated or anything, I think that the commentary of it was a lot more subtle than most people give it credit for. At the beginning, we start in a world with powerful women and subjugated men. In the middle, we move through a world with powerful men, and subjugated women. In the end, we arrive in a world with liberated men and women. It isn't just a return to business as usual. One could interpret it as a pretty subtle critique of feminist overreach itself. If we imagine it gender swapped, then it becomes a model for the real world pretty convincingly. Women were subjugated -- they couldn't divorce, couldn't get their own bank accounts, own property in their own name, etc. They won more and more freedoms until eventually it became normal and acceptable for women to treat men pretty badly, denigrate men, etc. The hopeful message of the barbie movie, imo, is that maybe we don't need one sex to rule, but instead we can just flourish as individuals regardless of our sex. I think where people misinterpret the movie, perhaps, is in their assumption that the original state of the world, where men are subjects, that this is somehow meant to be portrayed as a desirable world. But I think the film starts out pretty sympathetic to Ken, showing his struggles living a life that revolves around him attempting to please Barbie, and Barbie stringing him along indefinitely. IMO, it frames Ken as less of a villain and more of someone who was very put upon who then attempted to gain some control over his own destiny. Even in their portrayals of the patriarchy, it was far less harsh and unhealthy than the pro-girl world in a lot of ways. The men treasured their women in a way the women did not reciprocate when they were in power. That's what I took from it, anyway. I thought it was a lot more subtle and nuanced than it was given credit for.
@AUniqueHandleName444 5 месяцев назад
Are you Swedish by any chance? Maybe Norwegian? You have a very Scandinavian-sounding accent.
@rafi.and.yehuda 5 месяцев назад
It’s over move on .Everyone on the show has.
@nowlwane9623 5 месяцев назад
Men's children are killed in mass without a man's input for decades. Me 2 destroys men's reputation from her word. Boy Scouts are destroyed because of feminist activism and young men are suffering from loneliness. Divorce destroyed families in mass. All because of Feminism.
@jameshoward-wr4cj 5 месяцев назад
Feminist is turning more men gay or making young men want to switch genders because the way the Feminist treats men. You know the saying" if you can't beat them, join them" when women dominate work force and and get all benefits getting into college and most men and men cant approach women to date because dating apps congratulations women ya neutering men
@km4089 5 месяцев назад
Feminism has gone way to far, its turned into a society damaging movement full of misandry towards white straight men.its in almost every institution including schools hr departments even the armed forces. Even tv and movies are infected by the movement, it won't end pretty for men or women as marriage and birth rates plummet, there is going to be millions of lonely childless bitter women in the future.
@dayindayout-cm8is 5 месяцев назад
the way to fix this problem is to ban Islam and make any kind of stress less but not to promote feminism
@dayindayout-cm8is 5 месяцев назад
the problem is when women r educated and independent they simply don't wanna have any family or give birth... think about why would they sucrifice their body to make it a baby if she can live like a boss babe
@gonnacry4513 5 месяцев назад
They would, if many of them actually felt the happiness and joy of raising children with a proper loving husband who protects and provides. But before you get to that stage, immediate gratification takes them over in the form of of riding the cock carousel, which just simply kills them mentally. Seeing all these happening, the men then become unmotivated to pursue them and fail to generate any motivation at all. Everyone eventually fails in this scenario.
@philo2077 5 месяцев назад
It is now.
@jackdeniston6150 5 месяцев назад
No emasculation. You are dehumanising Men. You are getting what you want.
@bernarddavis4379 5 месяцев назад
You've lost men in the west. And they're not coming back.
@bernarddavis4379 5 месяцев назад
No place NEEDS feminism.
@rino040672 5 месяцев назад
the one way out of this horrible propaganda against boy and man in general it must come from women!!!cause this propaganda its gonna come back to u like a boomerang
@ashwinniamat8560 5 месяцев назад
Both of you seem very uninformed which implications feminism has worldwide lmao.
@ashwinniamat8560 5 месяцев назад
The part about educating woman or getting a job resulted on the cost of living is too high. More taxation and look where we are now? That is, because woman started working. You seem really out of touch with history nor future.
@gonnacry4513 5 месяцев назад
True, altough I do empathize with the speakers, I do feel a lot of cheery picking is done by them when they were conducting thier own research. Plus all thier tirade of men beating women. That is not an issue, you know why? Because there are laws protecting women from it. But you know what, men don't get that benefit. Are the laws implemented properly? Not exactly. Is it because of gender? No, it's because of power which trumps all things. This could have been a very intresting talk had they really researched unbiased on what laws men get offered by state.
@ashwinniamat8560 5 месяцев назад
@@gonnacry4513 if futhermore reinstates that most woman only care about themselves and cannot put things in perspective due to feelings. The ones that can, you can count them on one hand, i also had experience with those good and smart ones. They are out there, rare.
@ashwinniamat8560 5 месяцев назад
U talk about feminism but know nothing about it. Check out Rachel Wilson's book. The occult history of womans liberation. Then u will learn and will be on the mens side. For me, feminist is red flag and i'm out.
@airgin3000 5 месяцев назад
Women cannot dictate masculinity. Repeal the 19th. Not every male or female should vote.
@mrgreyman3358 5 месяцев назад
I have always just gone and done my own thing, in a manly man way. If a woman is a feminist, good for her, it just means she is a red line, which shall not be crossed when it comes to romance. see, everyone wins.
@Prod-23 5 месяцев назад
Any message of strength for either sex at the expense of the other is not a message of strength.
@Teddypally 5 месяцев назад
Logic teaches if A leads to B and B leads to C, therefore A leads to C. Feminism teaches if A leads to B and B leads to C, therefore. The measure of Feminism would not be how much misogyny there is but how much of the population reasons in that way.
@StimParavane 5 месяцев назад
Feminism is an evil selfish ideology.
@pratronald 5 месяцев назад
Weaponization of private interactions against men is the greatest attack on personal liberty and civil rights. We can not even trust a woman in a private interaction... No wonder why marriage is falling
@agustincastillo6738 5 месяцев назад
if women and men defend women, who defend men? certainly women dont do that
@brettwheeler7753 5 месяцев назад
Feminism isn't just evil, it's Satanic! It started as an Occult movement. m.ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-L_ZUDubTbAw.html&pp=ygUYZmVtaW5pc20gY2F0aG9saWMgb2NjdWx0
@jameskunkle7642 5 месяцев назад
This was difficult but between the unbelievable amount of UMMS I think I understood a bit maybe?
@Strike-w6k 5 месяцев назад
The Barbie movie showed us what women think of us. Thanks you for saying it outloud.
@bobballard387 5 месяцев назад
YEA nobody i know want a femnist
@james-ob9rz 5 месяцев назад
Misandry is bog now
@Tim_G_Bennett 5 месяцев назад
In the west I think feminism is emasculating men, after hearing how bad men are all my life I can't imagine anyone wanting to be in a relationship with me. At the same time misogyny is very much alive and well in a lot of the world. The two cases that you talked about were beyond horrible and those men should be punished in the maximum way possible, having said that sadly I doubt that will happen. I seems like the west wants to overcompensate to make up for the problems in the rest of the world.
@Asara-k7e 5 месяцев назад
This is partially why western men are leaving the west.
@AUniqueHandleName444 5 месяцев назад
@@djaeger-k5m lmao no, in India y'all still throwin acid in women's faces
@gonnacry4513 5 месяцев назад
In the past I didn't tolerate misogynistic comments, but I stopped reacting now, now I'm like whatever. Reason? Girls almost never stopped thier friend from making misandristic comments, never. Why should I bother then? I still won't make such comments myself, but I stopped fighting for women now. Only those I know definitely will fight for me, will be the ones I'll fight for. And surprise, all these years only my male friends have turned out to be like that with the exception of my mother and father.
@brazwen 5 месяцев назад
You can't demand equality and still expect men to be providers and protectors, it defeats the purpose. If you want equality don't demand men to be in their sexist stereotype. Especially if the idea is to empower women, women can use that power to provide and protect for herself. Embrace individualism.
@RenaBulmer 5 месяцев назад
You guys need to look into more research. The supposed sugar daddy is an ex that owns the club she was working at and when love is blind scouted/ recruited her out and called the club they talked to her ex/sugar daddy n he told love is blind originally she’s not interested then told her what happned n she found the number to call bk saying she’s in. N I’m not sure how you guys have never heard of or know what sugar daddy means being it’s a common widely used description of a guy who pays for everything and gets time w her and sex or whatever it’s an agreement transaction or whatever going on
@lynnd.5135 5 месяцев назад
They are trying to paint a narrative of making AD look bad. Typical Karen behaviour
@kristisaydyk8542 6 месяцев назад
I always enjoy listening to you both.
@Fatimazohra-tm5lp 6 месяцев назад
Would you like to make a video to discuss about what happens in Gaza? 😢😢😢
@Fatimazohra-tm5lp 6 месяцев назад
Because simply this is the price to pay when you are famous
@IAmEmber 6 месяцев назад
Also she wasn’t going to apologize at that moment because she prob didn’t feel like she did anything wrong. Which is even worse 😂
@IAmEmber 6 месяцев назад
Sarah Ann (sp) was definitely wrong 😂
@shereses.3298 6 месяцев назад
Laura was right. I just wish she didn't give that big reaction. Simply because people like Jeremy deserve 0 energy, but I fully understand she was in the heat of the moment and her emotions were raw 💯
@Eddybaby01 6 месяцев назад
Laura was definitely right and her reaction was expected. Jeremy acting like he was being attacked by her was wrong. Of course she’s snapping on you but she was expecting him to respond by attempting to reconcile with her but he didn’t. He should’ve been start up and said he wants the other girl. I don’t blame Sarah Ann for reaching out to Jeremy. This isn’t a typical engagement or dating setting so her reaching out isn’t an issue and she shouldn’t have got so much negativity because Jeremy was the one not sold on Laura. He just didn’t want to be with her. Jeremy caused all that trouble because he wasn’t being honest with Laura.
@Fatimazohra-tm5lp 7 месяцев назад
Thank you
@sashagarcia6205 7 месяцев назад
really good points i think maybe its not fully scripted BUT they do script some small snippets or its not like fully written out as a script but the producers DEF lead them in some bits!
@Fatimazohra-tm5lp 7 месяцев назад
Thanks ❤❤❤