Showing a different side of the OJ Simpson murder case. In defense of the jury.
@MyMg23 7 часов назад
Mr Bailey--what is your favorite color tie? Gus I prefer Red..WOW....WOW. WOW. F Lee Bailey here-WOW
@sylviagodin1470 День назад
Everyone fails to mention that Nicole and Fate spent at least a week In Mexico 10 days before the murders and they were rumored to deal drugs and did business with the cartels and owed lots of money to them
@sylviagodin1470 День назад
I meant Faye Resnick at her villa there
@mythserene 2 дня назад
Hallelujah, at this point I had no hope of finding this. You have made my work so much easier today. Thank you. 😊
@emilymathews7073 4 дня назад
The ME with the messy hair and glasses speaks very confidently. Love how he speaks to defense. His impatience is hilarious.
@emilymathews7073 4 дня назад
Oh!!! I did not see pics coming
@conniehasty2291 6 дней назад
When you are accused of a crime you should have to testify
@conniehasty2291 6 дней назад
The blood evidence is enough to convict him case closed
@conniehasty2291 6 дней назад
He should of put them in without rubber gloves
@conniehasty2291 6 дней назад
His hands were swollen from medication
@EarlShirey-t4u 7 дней назад
Emiliano Underpass
@benniedonald 7 дней назад
Investigate Mark Fuhrman, Glenn Roger's, Ronald Goldman, Brett Cantor, Faye Resnick. They are all connected to each other. When you see the connection a pattern starts to emerge.
@MF.1976 7 дней назад
O.J. I always knew could never do this. It just made me sick not just the white racism but the jewish racism especially from a charlatan like Kim Goldman. This is the woman who claims she had an opportunity to kill O.J. but chose not to. But my grandfather years back warned me certain kind of people like Miss Goldman can make up what they want in their minds and it becomes the truth and gets put in books as the truth. Truth is a casualty in this world.
@benniedonald 8 дней назад
Damn guy's if he had a photographic memory. He wouldn't need a camera. 😅😅😅
@benniedonald 8 дней назад
Mark Fuhrman is my primary suspect. For these murders be it directly or indirectly. Investigate Mark Fuhrman, Glenn Roger's, Ronald Goldman, Brett Cantor, Faye Resnick. This group is in some way tied to the death of Michael Nigg. O J moves further away from the spotlight and becomes a spectator
@TheHoff9 8 дней назад
If he knew a week or two after drawing his blood…. Why’d it take so long for him to say anything, and he didn’t come forward, the prosecution went to him first; once the defense made the discovery of missing blood!!! It’s real convenient to remember “oh it wasn’t 8 cc’s, it’s around 6.5 cc’d”….. very close to missing blood amount…. If I was a juror on this trial I would have voted the same way!!!
@johnwest194 10 дней назад
lapd detectives are laurel and hardy what a joke
@MrS98VAC 10 дней назад
There actually was blood in the car, and all on the side of it.
@w1s3one805 11 дней назад
Lapd framed a guilty man plain and simple they they knew it had to be him so they decided to expedite the process take evidence to Ojs house where they had no right to enter at all illegal from the moment they jumped his wall to save to potentially save Ojs Life 🤣 THANKS TO THE DREAM TEAM law enforcement was taken down a notch before then they thought were untouchable.
@RedLeo-pf9yo 11 дней назад
Background music 🎶 is way too loud !!!!
@optimisticcosmic 12 дней назад
Even OJ couldn't get through this woman's neck.
@MF.1976 15 дней назад
It always bothered me how these drug people like Faye Resnick, Keith Zlomsowitch, and Kato Kaelin were not looked into, considering they were in Aspen with Nicole including Mark Fuhrman. I believe there was an Aspen connection to the crime.
@daviddavis3389 15 дней назад
According to the law here in Cali, OJ died a free man....great ballplayer probably helped free him.. 😢
@AlexRodriguez-dm8kq 15 дней назад
Oj did it, but the defenses ability to prove reasonable doubt is amazing because of so many mistakes and of course, furhman.
@lindastretch2522 16 дней назад
marsch clarke mess it up
@johanmaans3472 16 дней назад
I bet if they've tried the gloves on Furhman it would've fit just perfectly 😂
@RedLeo-pf9yo 16 дней назад
Dave Emery used to do radio shows with the late great Mae Brussell.
@JesusOnlyWay-d8e 17 дней назад
I looked at ron and nicole's morgue pictures and it shows the keys behind ron's back!!
@Jack-Johnson3889 17 дней назад
Im sick of people making excuses for Marcia clark she completely ruined this case she should of been fired after this and put in jail
@JesusOnlyWay-d8e 20 дней назад
duh he was friends with nicole and he knew her the man who said look at robert k he not celebrating!!
@JesusOnlyWay-d8e 20 дней назад
the prosecution knew from the start that it was a lost case for them as they knew OJ was innocent. they did the trial because marcia wanted a name for herself because of OJ being famous!!
@JesusOnlyWay-d8e 20 дней назад
there there " how about that mr fung" lol brilliant mr sheck!!! got him!!
@JesusOnlyWay-d8e 20 дней назад
mark furhman had murderous tendacies!! he is capable of murder look at his background!! he not innocent. the man had major issues beating on blacks and hispanics johnny cocrhan right on sir!!!!!!!!!!!
@JesusOnlyWay-d8e 20 дней назад
oen of the jurors says it was OJ blood but how did it get there? they saw all the evidence and even said none of the detectives made eye contact with them but were looking straight ahead at the lawyers! we know how the blood got there and so does the jurors vanntter went to the morgue and got all 3 of their blood viles went to rockingham and bundy and framed mr Orenthal James Simpson!! they knew the police framed OJ!!
@AlexRodriguez-dm8kq 20 дней назад
Leather gloves are ugly and scary
@JesusOnlyWay-d8e 22 дня назад
now tell me if mr shipp is a liar lol
@JesusOnlyWay-d8e 22 дня назад
whoever did this, did a heck of a job framing OJ--- Ron Shipp those were his words... July 28 1994... go read his book he wrote the badge behind the heart those are his words... Ron SHipp describes meeting prosecutor chris darden for the first time in 1994 as he sets the scene shipp paints himself as a suspect. the suspect of the murders of ron goldman and nicole brown simpson in December. mentally preparing for what appears to be an intense interoggation as he sits anxiously in front of darden desk at the Los Angeles District Attorney office. Darden leaves the room and makes shipp wait for over 20 minutes facing the prosecutor's desk. shipp is nervouos suspicious. he belives darden is playing mind games with him. shipp compares this waiting game with his own experince as a cop who has dealt with criminals himself and use these same techinques too. "to take down their defense to get them to confess" to the crime. he also believe darden left a photo with nicole and ron names on the cover lying on top of his desk as a test for shipp to see if shipp if curious enough to open it. its a homicide book that contains the autospy photos of nicole and goldman as well of photos of the murder scene... guys, this is RON SHIPP'S OWN WORDS GO GET HIS BOOK. why would he feel uneasy going to talk with darden what do you go to hide mr shipp???
@JesusOnlyWay-d8e 22 дня назад
in ron shipp book he says he felt like he was walking to the gas chamber? oh why shipp?
@Vaar.99 22 дня назад
Can't believe Darden allowed himself to be used like this 😂😂😂😂
@Vaar.99 22 дня назад
I wonder how many people are in jail because of dectve Lang, this man will overlook a lot to get his man
@JesusOnlyWay-d8e 23 дня назад
why did mark furhman think kato was high that early morning when they jumped over OJ's property? ? what did he have to do with ron and nicole's murders at bundy?
@Vaar.99 24 дня назад
Oj can act 😂😂😂😂
@JesusOnlyWay-d8e 24 дня назад
IF YOU SAY SO LOL. that means your words marcia clark yours!! boom!!!
@JesusOnlyWay-d8e 24 дня назад
did you guys forget OJ had rickets as a small child of course he was in pain he much older when the murders happened OJ never beat nicole continously it was a one time he did after that he never touched her. OJ had a prenup on nicole and if he touched her again she could break it which mean she could have took his money but she never said OJ continue to hit her... that one small laceration as detective tom lange said he saw and his words on his finger was small not big as ron and nicole had MANY MANY MANY cuts and bruises on their bodies whereas, OJ only had that one on his finger from throwing a glass in chicago.
@JesusOnlyWay-d8e 24 дня назад
they also checked out his body NONE no cuts or bruises whoever killed ron and nicole had to be covered full of blood and cuts!!!!!
@Jeffrey-iq7op 25 дней назад
It isn't racism if it's true.
@JesusOnlyWay-d8e 25 дней назад
darden was boring zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
@JesusOnlyWay-d8e 25 дней назад
notice how all the defense witness talk to the jurors they got nothing to hide but when you see the witneses for the prosecutors they dont even look at the jurors and thats exaclty what the jurors have said when the detectives did they didnt look at the jurors they look straight ahead because they knew they were guilty of framing OJ!!
@JesusOnlyWay-d8e 25 дней назад
why did RON SHIPP tell someone at the court when darden toldhim to go his office he said he felt like he was walking through the gas chamber why would he feel like that and what was he guilty of??? he also said whoever framed OJ did a good job of it!!
@JesusOnlyWay-d8e 25 дней назад
arnelle is beautiful!!! i love her eyes!!
@JesusOnlyWay-d8e 25 дней назад
for all the OJ haters go back to the prelimary hearing and carefully hear what each witnesses are saying.. stop listening to the media and being one sided. do your homework...
@JesusOnlyWay-d8e 25 дней назад
sheck was very observant and studied the case well done mr sheck you did your homework!! both bodies were dragged around thats why the crime scene was so bloody!! when police arrived there they set up the crime scene to make it seem like OJ did it out of passion and this jealously raging mad man... if you look at betinna rasmussan testimony at the prelimary hearing she said she saw nicole's body further OUT THE GATE!!! not by the stairs as the media lied to us and that the blood was moving down the sidewalk she also said she could see nicole's face looking at her not how the media said or showed ups with nicole face on the ground and hair all over her face.. she said nicole made some movement and that got her scared that they asked some people to call 911 they asked a man but wasnt sure he wanted to call so they asked another person who then made a call to police... when betinna and husband got there that was around 12:00 am!! the killers were still in the vicinity because a police officer got a report from one of the neighbors and said the "suspects" are still in the area that call came around 12: 10 am.. when robert shapiro asked vannater isnt it true that a call came on a police radio and said there was suspects in the area and he said yes he heard about it but doesnt remember what police officer took that call... why wasnt that submitted in the report? all reports should be taken!!
@JesusOnlyWay-d8e 25 дней назад
you dont walk all over the crime scene you perserve everything they messed up!!! dennis fung was told what to do!!