Ranking Every Sonic Riders Stage
4 месяца назад
@TheLumaInChroma 11 часов назад
Playing this first time round in the early 90s, I was so f*cked off when I reached the Dark World. I thought it was so cheap to basically re-use the same map that I gave up. It was a slog to get to that point and I didn’t want to have to do it all over again. I still don’t. That’s why I have never completed it 30+ years later.
@thegoodgeneral 18 часов назад
I’m not a big Zelda fan. I have no nostalgia for any of the games. I decided to beat Link to the Past so that I could play Link Between Worlds. LttP looks so good and the music is wonderful, but I just didn’t like playing it. It was so annoying and felt cumbersome. Then I played Link Between Worlds and despite not being a Zelda fan it was my favorite game of 2013.
@theseguys5034 20 часов назад
This game absolutely holds up today. its graphics, controls, soundtrack, and gameplay are truly unrivaled. I think it holds up better than probably the best Ocarina of time. OoT feels clunky now that those types of games, and control mechanics have been optimized.
@nophoria День назад
Might not want to spoil the whole plot for those watching to see if they want to play the game. It doesn’t really add anything for those of us who have completed it. Just giving some feedback.
@kalasatwater2224 2 дня назад
Everyone new to the Zelda series should start with this one
@fabiodiascerruti3464 3 дня назад
É uma questão de nostalgia. Comigo essa sensação ocorre com The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Tinha doze anos quando o jogo foi lançado, então conseguia entender e sentir o que o jogo pretendia me transmitir - e aquilo me marcou. Até hoje penso nele como o melhor jogo que já joguei. Claro que são dois jogos diferentes, eu não sou muito fã dos jogos 2D (com a exceção de The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, que eu gosto demais até hoje, mas prefiro o remake) e não tive essa forte conexão com o The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (era muito subjetivo pra mim, muito abstrato na época quando joguei no Super Nintendo com 8 anos de idade). Mas dizer que não era um jogo bom na época é um sacrilégio - era o melhor.
@ericw3517 3 дня назад
Still the best Zelda game. And there have been many good ones.
@sit2go 3 дня назад
Because its a perfect game.
@jayroi1814 3 дня назад
You don't need a full magic meter to beat the ice boss, why wouldnt you get the magic upgrade
@jayroi1814 3 дня назад
"grew up on a lot of nintendo youtubers" bitch i was 16 when the manualist was farting super mario brothers out of his sweaty hands, I didn't grow up with anything but the Super Nintendo itself
@DavidKearns4 4 дня назад
Perhaps you had to be there. I remember when Nintendo brought the SNES around to malls across the country. I was going to hold out and wait on the SNES because how could it really be that much better than the NES. Then I saw A Link to the Past. Stereo Sound! Parallax! The palette! The music! Blew me away. If I had to judge all Zelda games as if I knew nothing about any and experienced them all at the same time, perhaps I'd have a different opinion, but for me, this is my favorite. Really enjoyed Link Between Worlds as a retro romp through Link to the Past but with enough changed that made it interesting all over again.
@pitonto16 4 дня назад
What makes this game so great is how back then, it was unknowingly paving the way to the essence of what a Zelda game should be. Everything was laid down to perfection. Every theme song captured the essence of whatever place you were. Many items became a series iconic. The intro story was captivating just as the first few minutes of the game where you (as a player) and Link quickly went on a quest to save the princess with no idea of what to expect as you explore Hyrule Castle. I am glad I got to experience this game at its own time. This will be always my #1 pick for best Zelda games.
@Sly88Frye 5 дней назад
Yeah I've never run out of magic against a boss. I carry the blue medicine with me and I have all four bottles when I play the game. Sometimes I use fairies but I mean I found late in the game using magic is more common than earlier in the game so I want the blue medicine in all four of my bottles. Just don't let my hearts run out before using a bottle.
@sunflowerbadger 6 дней назад
I bought this game on release when I was 12 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ I have very fond memories, although my current favorite Zelda is windwaker. I love the dungeons and the Cellda look. ❤
@gabrielhersey5546 6 дней назад
1993. I bought my super nes combo collection. Snes two controllers and Zelda. I was crazed hyped to play. Friends n I played like crazy all summer. Magical incredible adventure. Music map lore graphics game play, items were incredible. I had found memories of both nes Zelda games with childhood nostalgia. But Snes was just miles beyond my comprehension Legendary game Goat
@sneakernickel 7 дней назад
If you had grown up with the original on the NES then you'd know to check EVERYTHING. Especially two statues next to each other. Give the first game a try without a guide. Just download the booklet that came with the game. You'll probably rip your hair out.
@sneakernickel 7 дней назад
Majora's Mask is the black sheep of the Zelda Games for me. I cannot get through it.
@yozarian86 7 дней назад
LttP and OoT are tied for my favorite. The music in LttP is all amazing. I never get tired of it. It has some flaws. There are several sticking points where you can’t progress without doing something you might not be able to figure out at all. There’s actually someone in the village who tells you about playing the ocarina at the statue, but that is VERY easy to miss. But the mechanics and overall design of the game are awesome.
@hankitypanky2130 8 дней назад
This is my favorite game I had it when I was 5 my brother would play it I think he had beat it once but I never really played I kinda just watch my brother play it. 8 years later I played it on an emulator because I no longer had the snes from there I had the greatest time adventuring and beating the game full. thought I would never play it again but up to now I’ve beat the game about 4 times through the years now that apple has an emulator app I’ve redownloaded it and currently playing it once again
@joebaker2311 8 дней назад
This is the one Zelda game where Link can really become OP (outside of the fierce diety). There is something satisfying getting the screen full of enemies hitting the Ether medallion the smashing frozen enemies with the magic hammer to refill your magic meter
@Wesstuntube 8 дней назад
I grew up with this game. My brother and I played it to death, and I have so many memories of figuring this game out together before you could look up the solutions online. Exploration and experimentation was the only way forward. I do think it's a near perfect game. Its scope is a heck of a lot smaller than say, Breath of the Wild, but for what it set out to do, in the time that it came out, there was nothing like it. It felt like it was years ahead of its time, and it has aged incredibly well. I remember having my socks blown off by Ocarina of Time and Majora's mask too, but somehow, Link to the Past is the one I come back to.
@discerningmood2674 8 дней назад
It’s a good game 🤷🏻‍♂️ I played it when it was “kind of old”, in the early 2000s along with the seasons games. Wish Zelda was still like this, I could use a series in this style. Tired of open world stuff, I don’t care about map size or exploration. I don’t want to deal with garbage materials or durability or any of that annoyance. I just want a good game. I want to get into a flow state. Combat, puzzle, combat, interesting hook, interesting atmosphere, puzzle, combat. I don’t want to have to double back and try to find good weapons because mine broke then do the same dungeon over again and hear the same dialogue from a new but honestly the same character. They need to make a second Zelda line that’s actually Zelda games and then do their open world stuff somewhere else. Could use some minor improvements in terms of detail gameplay stuff but that’s not too bad
@AG-ld6rv 9 дней назад
The game has flaws that many old games had back then: "Secrets" that are plain impossible to find mixed in with some that are very possible. Puzzles you didn't even know were on the table for solving. When a person enjoyed the game, they had one of two being true: They used a guide, or they knew someone that helped them (sometimes while not admitting they had the guide or not giving credit to the person that helped THEM! Naturally, they're just geniuses...). I refuse to admit the game is enjoyable without a guide at least for the times you get super stuck. I'm not even sure it's beatable. The pessimistic side of me thinks this guide dependency on gaming came from companies wanting to sell the game in practical terms for an extra US$30 by way of a magazine guide. It permeates so many older titles -- secrets you just never will find, which is unacceptable if those secrets are essential to progress the game and annoying when they're almost essentials. A good secret instead rewards exploration and dumb luck with nonessential buffs. These days, a lot of games are on the opposite side of the spectrum where you travel from dot to dot on a map in a repetitive, boring mess where you hope the story and immersive visuals can hold your interest. A good middle ground is needed. Or if a game sells itself on that old feel, they have to do it delicately not to make for a game where a guide is necessary. If taking notes is intended, a modern game should give that to you in the game, so you don't have to bust out a pad of paper alongside a pen or pencil (or marker if you're a psycho maniac). As for people who enjoy replaying the game from time to time, that is a perfectly valid experience even divorced from nostalgia, because they know all the stuff, not getting stuck for too long. The game's mechanics, story, and difficulty are all perfectly fine as well as the graphics for a top-down game like that. The gear system is quite nice even now as well (although for a game where you need to try spells out, the mana bar can be a little annoying). Pixel art aged quite well unlike most early 3-d titles. At the same time, I'm sure nostalgia makes a playthrough even better on top of that. The only raw aspect of the game I dislike is the frequency with which monsters respawn as you explore. Some is fine, but they respawn any time you move a tiny bit of distance and come back a tiny bit of distance. Perhaps, a nicer mechanic would have been a timer where a little square respawns after 5 minutes and you come back. I'm sure the way they did it related to hardware constraints though. It's just that, if you are to be exploring and trying out a ton of stuff thoroughly, having an endless stream of bad guys at all times grows annoying.
@snufflesdarkness 9 дней назад
This is the game the Nintendo needs to give Game of Thrones treatment with at least three seasons to tell the story and enhance the lore. Make a great start to Legend of Zelda series. If you look at the latest Zelda timeline, this game takes place with the darkest timeline, where the Hero of Time was defeated, most of the Knights of Hyrule perished holding the gate for Sages to seal Gannon. This Link ended becoming by most fans the strongest Link out of of all games. This Link barely has support(one old man), no allies, no main fairy, fugitive, and as usual does 95% of the work.
@joshuaizzo8893 10 дней назад
This was the first video game i ever played. My grandpa had it and we played it together
@videogamefanpty 10 дней назад
Because is a Fucking Masterpiece, that' why. Nough said. 😂
@slayerftwrongdoers8657 10 дней назад
For me SNES defines the gaming itself. Best console ever released! Legendary titles, powerful machine, perfectly created 2D technology.
@cowboycurtis4944 10 дней назад
My college roommate and I played through this, but right when we were on the final dungeon, the save corrupted. It's been like 8 years and I haven't picked it up since.
@troywright359 10 дней назад
The intro and the lore is so rich before you even start. Details are revealed as you play, but you are diving into a world already in turmoil. It's probably my favourite Zelda game ever #2 BOTW #3 OOT
@fullmetalgamer6062 10 дней назад
I love A Link to the Past because it's what got me into video games.
@zakman6471 10 дней назад
Ice palace was one of the worse dungeons only 2nd to water dungeon in ocarina of time
@matthewrodgers740 11 дней назад
Because it’s the best Zelda out of all of them
@jonweinraub 11 дней назад
Guides? Seriously? I played the first Zelda when I was 8 and beat it without needing a guide. You just figure things out. Trial and error. And LttP is the best Zelda game period. My jaw is still in in my childhood living room floor from How much awe that game left me.
@jasons9812 11 дней назад
It is legit perfection. Just long enough that it doesn't become a bore, oodles of secrets, great story, amazing soundtrack, and just enough difficulty that anyone can play it. Love Botw and totk, but I don't have thousands of hours anymore to dedicate to a single game.
@michaelp4122 11 дней назад
How would you rank them? For me. TotK > BotW > MM > OoT > LA > OoA > OoS > 4SA > TP > ALBW > SS > WW > MC > Z2 > Z1 > ALttP >>> ST > PH >>> TH A Link to the Past is the worst of the good Zelda's, but not one of the bad or great Zelda's. I really enjoyed playing the classic Zelda's on the switch online.
@michaelp4122 11 дней назад
A Link to the Past is my least favourite Zelda, only ahead of notable low points like Phantom Hourglass and Triforce Heroes. Link's Awakening was a much better game (one of my favourite) and even the NES Zelda's were better.
@JCody-pt3th 12 дней назад
I think people are just remembering the nostalgia of the times…back then, it was the most WILD Zelda game to come out. A classic title of the era.
@sirlionheart4614 12 дней назад
so in other words. your bias.
@DarthBEWD 12 дней назад
this made me go back and replay the game! Thanks for that enjoyment!
@roycewise2530 12 дней назад
After I beat this game I erased My file and started all over again back in the day . Overall it's just a masterpiece
@Blizzard91 12 дней назад
I like this video. A lot of videos that do a retrospective/review more or less turn it into a guide. "So you end up going here and do this thing in the game." I like just hearing about other peoples personal experiences and how it made them feel.
@flamingosedai1820 12 дней назад
I played Turtle Rock on a RPi emulator and OMG trying to switch direction on those platforms was a nightmare. The timing needs to be absolutely precise. It wasn't the case (that I remember) on the 3DS remake or the original.
@flamingosedai1820 12 дней назад
I've gotten lost in the Ice Palace before. That dungeon is a doozy
@jasona1106 13 дней назад
Because it’s great game. I can’t get into the open world Zelda’s
@TheNoticer83 13 дней назад
I have beaten A Link to the Past more times than any other adventure game. It is just so well done from start to finish. Puzzles that make you think a bit, but aren't too tricky, and plenty of secrets to find. It's also a beautiful world that was big enough for exploration, but not so big you could get lost. Close to a perfect game.
@capnadorable5271 13 дней назад
Another great thing about this game is there is an online randomizer for it that shuffles all the items around so every time you play it, it’s fresh, you have to take some pretty crazy routes through the game, sometimes your first dungeon you beat will be in the dark world
@NoahHunterGamble 13 дней назад
Cmon now, just because your lack of skill towards the endgame does NOT make it bad. It’s the endgame for a reason man it’s supposed to be hard. This is the most well rounded Zelda game with the BEST soundtrack of them all.
@BetterThanDoomWithAZ 13 дней назад
There's wonders in the game's simplicity.
@gunnarkarlgunnarsson2775 14 дней назад
It has a very timeless quality, simular to Super Mario World. I wish all the dungeons were themed, most are somewhat but others have nothing going for them. It's nice to have Kakariko village but it feels really underused. I wish there were more npc's related sidequests
@morpheus246 14 дней назад
nostalgia as a kid, im not even old enough to have been alive when this game released but played it as a kid since the SNES was the only console we had before getting a gamecube so i loved playing this it was like the new console to me, the music too, first entering the dark world was scary
@OkraPlutonium 14 дней назад
Gonna finish this vid after I finally complete this game. I'm in the same boat you were, didn't play it growing up. I love all the other Zorldo games and I'm working through Oracle of Seasons now on my Steam Deck.