Seculife Official
Seculife Official
Seculife Official
SecuLife® provides GPS products and services to help protect people and their valuables.
We use a distinctive technology to provide exceptional monitoring, tracking, and communication services for persons on the go, seniors, persons with physical limitations, children, pets, vehicles, assets, and the home.
SecuLife® products and services are available countrywide.

Our main objective is to provide what matters most to us: safety, independence, and peace of mind.
The SOS Emergency Alert Wristband is an emergency alert system designed to help people who are living with a chronic condition or illness, like diabetes or asthma, by providing them with an easy way to notify their loved ones about an emergency without having to use verbal communication.

@masongoodknight1572 Год назад
You must have changed the app. There is no main contact section in it now.