GUIDE, Inc. is a substance use and abuse prevention agency serving Gwinnett County, Metro Atlanta and the State of Georgia since 1986. GUIDE's programs, services and information are based on proven strategies developed to provide an on-going, concentrated and comprehensive approach to substance abuse prevention.

GUIDE's biggest and longest running program is the Georgia Teen Institute, a leadership program for middle and high school students.

Our RU-vid channel is an opportunity for us to share our work in the community with friends and fans across the state and the country.
GTI 2023 Staff Recruitment
2 года назад
Self-Harm By Poisoning
2 года назад
Supporting a Smoke-free Gwinnett
3 года назад
GUIDE Thanksgiving Video 2019
4 года назад
Prescription Drug Safety PSA
4 года назад
Georgia Teen Institute 2019
5 лет назад
Thank You PSA
5 лет назад
Thank You PSA - Spanish
5 лет назад
Risky Behaviors PSA - Uzbek
5 лет назад
POWER - GTI 2019 Family Group
5 лет назад
Guess Who - GTI 2019 Family Group
5 лет назад
Bus Stop - GTI 2019 Family Group
5 лет назад
@jamybailey Месяц назад
You guys! FANTASTIC job!! I am looking for ideas to teach the 7 strategies at a youth coalition training. This is so awesome!
@mkchapman7 10 лет назад
This gave me chills!
@JohnLee-lj6fv 10 лет назад
This is Felicia. One rule that was broken was the gossiping rule. They were talking about her "crush," and really they shouldn't even be thinking in that way about staff members or participants. What I would do to prevent that would be to not isolate people and not feed the gossiping. I would get them involved in a group activity and get some positive speech into the conversation. I would also reinforce the rules and just remind them to have fun! :)
@JohnLee-lj6fv 10 лет назад
This is Felicia. Debriefing is definitely a cumulative task in the sense that it is an overview of that activity. You don't just go over what happened, but you also go over the impact of that activity, and what you would do with the leadership qualities exercised in that activity. You talk about how to use these skills and where. Really, just everything that went into this activity and everything that came out of it. As a facilitator, I can provoke more answers with more in-depth questions.
@JohnLee-lj6fv 10 лет назад
This is Felicia. Planning IS the MOST IMPORTANT part of this pie. It takes the longest for a reason. Without proper planning, you won't have anything to take back and implement in your community. You will have practiced leadership qualities and no way to use them. You will have a problem and no solutions.
@JohnLee-lj6fv 10 лет назад
This is Felicia. I will explain how important it is to be creative and "think outside the box." I will ask them thought-provoking questions in order to let them get to that answer or solution themselves. I will explain why we need to answer these questions and why they help us get that feedback.
@JohnLee-lj6fv 10 лет назад
This is Felicia. You can make sort of a game out of deciding what the problems are in their community or even solutions to those problems. I learned that in this part of the pie, the teens reflect on issues in their community and assess the different solutions to those problems.
@JohnLee-lj6fv 10 лет назад
Projects involve around and the cornerstone of our planning. We are planning coolness! :)
@JohnLee-lj6fv 10 лет назад
It's Felicia. My first example would be that, since these are part of the crust of the pie, sustainability is like shortening. You need to have enough to where the crust doesn't crumble and fall apart. It needs to have the ABILITY to SUSTAIN. The same goes for our projects. You need to put enough thought into it so it has the ability to sustain for years and years. Then, cultural competency is like the sugar, eggs, and "stuff" that makes up the crust. Our cultures are going to be what our
@JohnLee-lj6fv 10 лет назад
This is Felicia. You could do it in family groups to make it a more fun and comfortable environment. You could also do them during free time to give kids a chance to learn them. :)
@josselyngarcia7743 10 лет назад
The rule of 3 was not followed, the participant was unprepared, and staff members were involved in gossiping. Ways to make sure this does not happen is always remind participants to be prepared so that there will not have to be a reason to interrupt family group and waste time. Also always follow the rule of 3. And staffers are supposed to be setting an example so it is best to keep any negative comments about a participant's behavior to themselves.
@subumuhun 10 лет назад
As a rule of thumb, if one has to ask someone else to put up something on the Warm Fuzzy Board for another because it is embarrassing or out of place, then the item is probably not appropriate for the board (a place to share kindness, not secret crushes). As a staff member, I'd make sure to not assume that my participants know this already, and check in from time to time that everyone is comfortable in what they've received.
@PrincessSavania 10 лет назад
I think by simply having a great attitude and energy you'll 212 an energizer because delivery is everything!
@PrincessSavania 10 лет назад
When the girls were in their room, they were talking about someone who wasn't there; they were gossiping which is against the rules. I will make sure this doesn't happen to me by being mindful of what I say and reminding others of this rule
@PrincessSavania 10 лет назад
To say that debriefing is a cumulative task is to say that it's a group effort; everyone should participate in discussing the activity because everyone did the activity. As the facilitator I have the power to direct where the conversation goes and to help the participants see the moral of the activity. As a participant, they get an understanding of how the activity relates to team work, community, or one of many more important lessons
@PrincessSavania 10 лет назад
If your Team or Family Group is a bit quiet because they're uncomfortable or just drowsy, doing an energizer would be a great way to warm them up :)
@josselyngarcia7743 10 лет назад
Debriefing is a cumulative process because by asking follow up questions after the participants answer the original question, they have to think more in depth on how an activity relates to changing their community. They are therefore accumulating knowledge. As a facilitator, I must listen to their response in order to come up with an insightful question to follow up with. As a participant, they must listen carefully to my question in order to form a well-thought out response. Thanks Stacy!! :)
@sabamaheen 10 лет назад
Explaining project questions would regard giving specific project examples and what happened AT the project, whether it was a fun run, or zumbathon, etc. Explaining analyzing questions would regard having to explain the three parts: awareness, attitude, and behavior.
@sabamaheen 10 лет назад
I learned that in this process, a team analyzes what is necessary in their comunnities, and what they have to implement that change.
@sabamaheen 10 лет назад
This step that makes all the difference from a great project to one that fails. It sets up the group for all the specs and details to advocate and spread their message to their peers.
@sabamaheen 10 лет назад
For sustainability, I'd give the examples of how a plant is given water everyday, extending it's time that it lives, as opposed to one that isn't nurtured and withers, just like the fate of their message and project. For cultural competency, I would explain how the Renaissance couldn't have started anywhere else but in Florence because it was a center of the arts and Church, a perfect mixture for renovation and revival, just as their project should fit where appropriate and be customized to fit.
@josselyngarcia7743 10 лет назад
A good way to 212 energizers would be to build a story around the energizer or to add on an extra step/improvise in an energizer. This can make it more relatable to the participants and can get them more interested (builds suspense) especially when some former participants have seen this energizer many times. Great job Josh!
@josselyngarcia7743 10 лет назад
This energizer would be a great way to start a team meeting or family group session in order to get the blood pumping and people excited for the day (like Olha said haha- just realized I wrote the same thing as her) But you could also use this energizer during long brainstorming sessions of the SPF pie, when most people look tired and are not participating much.
@josselyngarcia7743 10 лет назад
For sustainability, I can use examples of projects that have lasted a long time, such as certain campaigns or events focusing on the same goal (lets say, the Walk Like MADD event). For cultural competency, I can use the example of the Save Brains campaign and how it is distributed in both english and spanish (I can bring in an example of a pamphlet in both languages). Thank you!!
@josselyngarcia7743 10 лет назад
To discuss the types of questions to include in our evaluation process, I will make sure to guide my group towards questions that can be beneficial to the sustainability of the project. I will also make sure to include questions that cover any parts of the project that the group thought was weak or strong, in order to get the opinions of the participants as well. Thanks Michael! :)
@josselyngarcia7743 10 лет назад
The planning step of the SPF pie is the most important and longest step because it's the step that requires brainstorming every detail of the project. Without out it, there is no organization to the implementation stage, which can be the deciding factor on whether the project is successful or not. Thanks Vernie!!! :)
@josselyngarcia7743 10 лет назад
I learned that by referring to the But Why of the assessment process, we can tackle the real causes of the problem, which creates a more successful capacity building and planning process later on. Awesome explanation Christina, thanks!! :)
@jessicaandrews-wilson8424 10 лет назад
I love this video, Stacy! Thanks for this! Debriefing is such an important part of what we do at GTI!
@jessicaandrews-wilson8424 10 лет назад
I would "212" the energizer "Chickie Chickie" by using some specific team names - like, "Hey there, Barrow Youth Action Team" - but I'd make sure the team would be ok with that first! :)
@olhaseredyuk2843 10 лет назад
One can 212 energizers by thinking about a good background story based around what the energizer is talking about and matching the energy of the story with the energy of the energizer. So, Josh mentioned how last year the theme was superheroes and staff made up a story about this one superhero bringing the rain - this year, since the theme is the beach life, we can talk about an unexpected storm at the beach (as an example)
@olhaseredyuk2843 10 лет назад
It would be appropriate to do an energizer in team meetings/team building to get started as a warm-up.
@olhaseredyuk2843 10 лет назад
Thanks, Christina!! :) Miss you! #TILove
@olhaseredyuk2843 10 лет назад
You guys are awesome! Love this energizer :-) #TILove