Variety gaming channel
Right now im playing Team Fortress 2 and Fortnite alot
Commander Gaius Caster Kill Elden Ring DLC
2 месяца назад
You Son of a
5 месяцев назад
TF2 Highlights of 2022
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Goodbye Rumbleverse
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Response to Noed A Video Essay
2 года назад
When Elden Ring ruins your no hit
2 года назад
@milkwgons8135 12 дней назад
I don’t really have high hopes. We recently got the “biggest update” and it was beyond lackluster
@KG0D6 12 дней назад
I also don't understand why people don't want these guys to make the game better?? When did this start becoming a trend of not wanting the best gaming experience possible? You're dead ass telling me that you don't want the game to be MORE fun and in a better spot than it is now? You don't want the flamethrower to be strong? You don't want fun strategems and variety? You don't want to be running for half of the mission? If they were to put out patches that made the game more fun (implement our ideas) you would not like it? If that's the case, I'd better not hear you guys say how much better the game is cause you are all saying you like slop instead. Sad
@KG0D6 12 дней назад
Just an FYI cause I know the glazers are going to be a hivemind and talk about lowering the difficulty in a video that wasn't even complaining about difficulty. In game design, your most important thing is to make sure the player is having fun and feels that the experience is fair. Fromsoft is great at this. The games are challenging, yet fair and fun. This is your goal. Throwing 3 impalers on you that can literally chase you across the map and let you not play the game (amongst a regular swarm of bugs) is not fun. Is it a challenge? I guess? I can always just run halfway across the map to stop them and then kill them but I'm supposed to be killing bugs not doing a marathon? Man that was so tough wow! Either way, even if you play at a lower difficulty, 6 or 7, you still get unfun situations like this happen. The problem isn't the difficulty and if you guys listened I've done 9 or 10 difficulty with bugs. Hell i'd rather deal with 3 bile titans and 3 chargers. THAT is more fun than dealing with just 2 impalers. Why? I can play the game vs 3 bile titans and 3 chargers, I cannot vs 2 impalers. I MUST deal with them even if I'm not close enough to do so or they will not let me play.
@parched7438 12 дней назад
Yall just keep talking trash and have a crap ton of hours playing just stop playing and move on. I'm diving
@KG0D6 12 дней назад
I want the game to be better. If you like mediocre shit then just say so and move on lol
@crazysh11t 12 дней назад
What difficulty is this guy playing in the video? Bro sniped while rocket dev just stared blankly.
@neoextream007 12 дней назад
Sounds like you have skill issues
@KG0D6 12 дней назад
I think the devs are the ones with skill issues, good observation skills though champ
@alonleyrat441 12 дней назад
​@@KG0D6 Bro what the fuck are all these glaziers 😂. You prevent a great video with great explanations and this guy is really just like"I don't like you take. You suck at the game." 😂😂😂
@KG0D6 12 дней назад
@@alonleyrat441 Straight up bro lol. I say I want this game to be better and here they come with whatever their 2 brain cells came up with instead of just hearing what I'm saying lol. I've come to find alot of commentators are teenagers so take that as you will. Thank you for watching!
@Zaspor 12 дней назад
I am hopeful myself, but not TOO optimistic. I couldn't agree more on pen / armor though. Also agree on the flame hulks and impalers. When I run against bugs I am typically the ball in a game of "monkey in the middle" with chargers / impalers just rag dolling me constantly.
@ericduan19 12 дней назад
I stopped playing difficulty 9 & 10 like 3 weeks ago. On lvl 10, every jammer tower is guarded by 5-6 Hulks, all variation included. Every air drop comes with 4-5 tanks/Hulks & 1 factory strider, sometimes even 2 factory striders. All this happening plus constant gunship encounters. Just a minute into any battle, there's nothing strategic about the game anymore because you're just swarmed from every direction, each with the same enemy strength. People usually end up just carpet bombing their own position & die with the enemy horde because there's no way out of it, and I don't think this game was designed for you to play like a kamikaze. At this point, they might as well just make a new strategem called "Hellbomb backpack" so you could Jihad the enemies because everything was designed to eliminate any chance of your survival. I feel like the current state of lvl 9 & 10 was designed for people with 400 apm & pro level quick scoping. Yes, one could argue that if you're not that good, don't play lvl 9 & 10. You are absolutely right, that's why I'm staying away from them for now. But another huge problem is, enemy buff & weapon nerf is not exclusive to higher difficulties, it happens across the entire game. I'm definitely not a top player, but I'm confident that I'm good enough to be at the top 15-10%, thus I could still have fun in lvl 8. But what about the average players? If lvl 7 or 8 is already the ceiling for you, but then they buff the enemies to the point that your ceiling decreased to lvl 5 or 6, preventing you from engaging in more complex mission objective combinations, would that be a good experience? This is why HD2 has an alarming drop out rate in player count. People bought this game expecting to play a strategic shooting game. If we want to torture ourselves, we already have Soulslike & Doom Eternal.
@KG0D6 12 дней назад
The thing is soulslike games are fair, challenging, AND fun. This game can be that but currently it is just running simulator. It's crazy cause they nerfed these weapons and upped the spawn rate....like if you were going to do that you should've kept the guns strong so that it's still fun? Ur pretty much on point for most of what you wrote. I dont think you need to be pro level to do 9 and 10 you just need a good squad. If they limit the enemies that demand that you deal with them, then I think it would be a more fun experience. And if they gave us a better option to deal with the swarms cause I swear, the first 5 minutes of landing is just running and trying to wipe out the swarm before you can play the game.
@lonewolf50986 12 дней назад
All they had to do was make a 3rd person version of HD1 and it wouldve been great, its a crying shame that theyve tried to re-create their well working formula only produced failure after failure.
@airborneanimal9170 13 дней назад
Whatever they do, they need to do it well, and as quickly as they can. The last time I logged into Helldivers II there were ONLY 41 divers (PS5). I won't hold my breath though.
@MacEat 12 дней назад
@@airborneanimal9170 this is fake news. The player count has never been that low
@airborneanimal9170 12 дней назад
@@MacEat, this literally happened this morning a couple of hours ago. I didn't think of it at the time, but should have taken a screenshot for all of you Denial Divers.
@KG0D6 12 дней назад
Would be crazy to see a screenshot of this. Steamcharts shows the game is doing ok, but nowhere near the level it was before.
@MsMirekPL 13 дней назад
Why did it pop in my YT? Muted
@MacEat 12 дней назад
@@MsMirekPL me too, this channel is ass
@NateValeci 13 дней назад
'reworking how armor penetration works' yeah so what theres no point to keep playing after you unlocked everything, i have no desire to play the game at all, i unlocked everything except the viper warbond cuz its shits with cherry on top ( the stim booster thats it ). Overhyped EOF trailer that gives nothing but disappointment. What else is even there in this game. imma just stay away from any live service game for now and just play single player game like ff16 or black myth wukong
@NateValeci 13 дней назад
5 mins in quickmatch queue, game has no problem : )
@JimJamTheAdmin 13 дней назад
The devs are obsessed with sliding numbers around to make the game fun. Obsessed with weapon balance before everything else still. They should be hyping up all the fixes that are coming and yet they aren't. I can only wonder why? (I do not wonder.)
@bigbro890 13 дней назад
People play on hardest difficulties and then cry about it being hard. Just lower the difficulty if you can't handle it. I only play super helldive if I feel like I want to get my ass kicked, but Impossible difficulty is my sweet spot if I don't want to be stressed too much and still get a challenge. HD2 rules
@Kingofdragons117 12 дней назад
There is a difference between being difficult and being unfair.
@KG0D6 12 дней назад
I'mma make a pinned comment cause you drones say the same things every time. Because this is a GAME, there are certain things you can and can't do to make things FUN. Having 4 impalers on you is not FUN. It's not even difficult it's cheap. So you know what I end up doing? Bringing my strategems that strictly deal with these guys. Wow difficulty averted, that was so hard. Changing my whole loadout to deal with 1 enemy type is so FUN. And really no one even mentioned stuff being too hard ur just on your fanboy reflexes.
@alonleyrat441 12 дней назад
​@@KG0D6Bro they really are just drones lmao 😂. I can't believe all these glaziers.
@bigbro890 12 дней назад
@@KG0D6 Reading your reply and your other pinned comment makes me think you are a drama queen. The way you go up and down the numbers of Impalers you've met suggests that. I've never met more then 1 and I'd believe it's possible to agro 2. But 3 or 4? Plus they are not that hard to deal with dude wtf. Lower the difficulty my man, you are not a real helldiver.
@KG0D6 5 дней назад
@@bigbro890 Drama queen cause I want the game to be better? KAY LOL You've never seen more than 1 cause you've never played past difficulty 4. You and I are not on the same level and you aren't even qualified to talk about being a real helldiver xDDD
@acejampaja 13 дней назад
Maybe they balance using internal data more then opinions of players cuz that industry standard. I feel that 98% of the playerbase suck at the game and even if they join someones that play better then them these people still don't learn shit cuz they have not the brain to learn it. Why devs should hear opinion from this kind of players risking to actually ruin the game for real. I am more then willing to wait and see the update. When they brake the game sometimes i actually enjoy the new difficulty even if it is unintentional. I mean if someone cant win a diff10 just play a 7 wtf the content is still there
@matticus11 12 дней назад
I have a sinking suspicious they balance by editing data variables because more extensive changes have a domino effect on a rat's nest code base they break when they try.
@KG0D6 12 дней назад
Ah yes the industry standard of Overwatch, Apex, and COD balancing. Totally yeah these guys are always right reading this data. I'm sure their discord echo chamber is also part of the industry standard data right?
@justanotheropossumchannel5304 13 дней назад
You might wanna drop this in their discord. Maybe pop their echo chamber. Bc the discord is nothing but glazers.
@KiIlZ0nE 12 дней назад
They kicked everyone else.
@ethanwright5754 13 дней назад
This seems like a bandaid, where they say "At least you can kill them now so the spawns aren't as bad to deal with." It won't work, we'll still get overwhelmed.
@KG0D6 12 дней назад
I agree on the first point. I don't know about getting overwhelmed, we'll have to see what this rework does. I think less armor=weaker then those "super" enemies will become a joke and the gameplay loop will get stale. You need enemies that you have to respect to have a nice,fair challenge and I don't think these guys thought of that with this "rework" lol. That was never the issue.
@MacEat 13 дней назад
No one in this comment section could do better. Stfu.
@arkboi7208 13 дней назад
yeah your right
@KG0D6 13 дней назад
Single person teams can do better than a whole dev team stop boot licking.
@MacEat 13 дней назад
@@KG0D6 you're coping with your own opinion, you know what? In fact prove it. Make a better playing game then HD2 alone with no outside dev help. Ill wait. 🤣
@Viper3220 13 дней назад
​@@MacEatThis has always been the dumbest argument made by the dumbest chuds on the internet. Congratulations
@KG0D6 13 дней назад
You're coping lil bro. "This game doesn't suck it's just that the team cant keep up, n-n-n-o one can do it better!" hahahahahaha you sound sad af. take the meat out your mouth. Stardew Valley was made by 1 guy, why cant these guys balance their game right?
@arkboi7208 13 дней назад
the bile titan was a L take other than that your right
@KG0D6 13 дней назад
What about it was an L take? I don't recall talking about the bile titan alot.
@xraze6906 13 дней назад
@@arkboi7208 Nah he's right. As long as they fix BT head glitch and maybe reduce HP slightly it's fine
@tman97 13 дней назад
Hearing that the devs have "low moral" after the last patches just infuraites me, like yea you let your game sit and rot for weeks while you're on vacation and the player base was screaming at you to fix it and the first thing they do when they get back is nerf more shit. Fantastic work AH
@KG0D6 13 дней назад
Ya straight up! Like if they know better just because they made a game yet this is the same team that leaves countless fun-breaking bugs and nerfs in a pve game. Yeah okay guys yall know better than us lol.
@fankgaming7753 13 дней назад
@@KG0D6 Both of you are saying some straight brain dead shit, and it doesn't surprise me at all. L take, L video. Game is fucked but your takes are weird.
@acejampaja 13 дней назад
I infuriate when people argue about others vacations 😢
@xraze6906 13 дней назад
They went on months of vacation immediately after releasing a live service game. The few remaining actively made it worse than before, and they have the nerve to complain about low morale instantly after returning from vacation? Nobody would care about their vacation if any one of those statements was false
@acejampaja 13 дней назад
@@xraze6906 why do you use plural in months, they probably had 10-14days each. To rotate a big Dev studio with the vacation takes Min 1,5 months and It Is already a miracle. You looks like live in a world where videogames quality and perfection comes first on others life.
@Dan-cr1ll 13 дней назад
I don’t tho k they understand the fan base. They do the opposite of what we ask
@KG0D6 13 дней назад
Maybe it's time we tell them the opposite so they do the opposite of what we ask lol.
@rizashahril 13 дней назад
they only listen to the 1% that's in their discord that keep making fun of complaints from the majority to get gud, skill issue, want helldiver 2 to be a milsim and etc.
@FinnArt 12 дней назад
@@rizashahril cuz yall are pearl clutchers that's we make fun of you
@Kingofdragons117 12 дней назад
ThiccFilA says they should nerf the Autocannon, so they buff it instead. Checks out.
@wp6007 Месяц назад
Guess if the dragon chooses not to fire breath on you then it's an easy fight
@KG0D6 Месяц назад
You can outrun any of his firebreaths even on foot. If you look at my other fights vs these dragon bosses you can see how. All of these dragon's play the same with minor changes so once you have fought one you know how to fight them all.
@victrium1642 Месяц назад
Well fought. The most amazing sorcery of all was how you managed to keep a workable frame rate in phase 2
@KG0D6 Месяц назад
Thanks man! Oh trust me man I have previous attempts where the frame rate was not helping.
@derwilhelmovic1617 6 месяцев назад
Are the world tour drums still usable on consoles after all the driver changes?
@KG0D6 6 месяцев назад
Hi! Yes, the drivers are only on your PC. Nothing changes on the drums
@KG0D6 7 месяцев назад
FYI I did a fix today 2/10/24 I didn't have to go through this process because I make backups after we play every time. I restarted the server, erased the corrupted one, and pasted in the last backup I had and that also works.
@djluudee7797 7 месяцев назад
Sadly the GUID does not change anymore it seams. So this fix does not work anymore...
@KG0D6 7 месяцев назад
Try going with the command prompt way. It'll probably still work!
@josuebelike Год назад
For all folks that want to play GH:WT on RPSC3, there's a PC port for it, and it requires much less than the emulator and its native. Plus, it comes with drums drivers.
@nitni0002 Год назад
Hey where's the battery charger in hypercharge rental lair?
@alexandershuwager2278 Год назад
thank you so much
@Palm862012 Год назад
Thanks a lot!!
@kingdray1455 Год назад
No freaking way you dodged that stuff came out of the matrix or something😂
@danielfeic Год назад
Great video, it really gets to the point
@KG0D6 Год назад
Thanks man! <3
@fatimahali5005 Год назад
@Crimsongz Год назад
Thanks you so much
@KG0D6 Год назад
Happy to help
@kingdray1455 Год назад
When you lose all your rings in a battle 😂
@pugzmanz460 Год назад
In order to get that to happen you have to hit iron golem right when he grabs you which is very difficult to do because it has to be frame perfect.
@KG0D6 Год назад
I got it by chance then haha. Thanks for sharing! It must be the game freaking out since you should be in a grab state im assuming
@kingdray1455 Год назад
This is so funny 😂
@yourmajesty9146 Год назад
@kingdray1455 Год назад
Looks fun😂
@786remixgupshup Год назад
@786remixgupshup Год назад
nice game
@becauseyoureblack Год назад
Why are you complaining about killers using noed then why is no one talking about survivors using dead hard and DS (desicive strike)
@kingdray1455 2 года назад
Hi kgod👋
@epiclegendquest 2 года назад
awesome, cool vid🔥
@kingdray1455 2 года назад
Hello kgod 👋
@MJSGamingSanctuary 2 года назад
Its more like the fans thought 343i can't screw this up worse than what halo's 4, 5 and halo wars 2 right? And MCC has to be finally the rock bottom... And then we got infinite and its like the true straw that broke the camels back.
@MetaITurtle 2 года назад
The Halo 5 multiplayer felt good though. It was better than 4 at least
@megaman37456 2 года назад
To be fair Halo 4 wasn't a bad Halo game on any level. Yes it had some issues but it was still a Halo game. People like to pretend it played like CoD but the Ordinance drops were only in a total of 2 or 3 game modes, as were the custom loadouts, most times the two features even crossed into the same playlist. People also like to pretend 4 died off faster than any other 343 mainline title, it didn't. I remember 343 updating the game for 3 years and every update drew hype from the community. People are trying to rewrite history to fit their narrative simply because they don't like 343. I get it, 343 IS a shit company, but they had ONE good mainline game under their belt and that was 4. Like it or not it was still a good Halo game. And anyone bitching about sprint needs to grow up and adapt already. Stop nerfing sprint because neckbeards in their 30's, which I'll admit to the first part, can't adapt to other playstyles. Honestly if there is any bigger joke on Halo out there than 343, it's the Halo community itself.
@theschnoz3385 2 года назад
Finally, someone is saying what needs to be said. 343 has not done anything good, and we need to stop tolerating trash