@kaywhyn День назад
Congrats! 👍 Yea, definitely one of the best builderless levels I've ever seen. I believe Strato said that he was inspired by one of Nepster's levels here, Sun 7 from NepsterLems, to be exact. As you might expect, Nepster's level is far harder. Even Icho himself was stumped on Nepster's level for a long time, and he said he was relieved when he read/saw namida struggling greatly with it as well and confirmed to him that he wasn't "brain dead" on the level ^^ I struggled a lot with it as well, especially as at the time NepsterLems was only around my 4th custom level pack for NL. Meaning, I wasn't as experienced back then and hence roadblocks came up very often for me! At the time, I was still playing through Lemmings United and often switched back and forth with that and NepsterLems. Now, as mentioned before, you'll get the final 4 levels very easily, as they aren't anywhere as difficult as this level, Hardcore 24, Hardcore 20, Hardcore 5, and Hardcore 2. Granted, the final 4 aren't complete pushovers, their difficulty just isn't as high as the ones I listed =)
@kaywhyn День назад
Excellent, great job here. I believe the maximum saved is like 72 or something. I can't remember. Different ways you can go about this, such as with the first digger you can do that in such a way that you can go back over the top by jumping. Your way is fine, though. Best of luck with the next level. That's the only remaining hard level of the pack left IMO. Once you're past that, you'll be fine with the final 4 levels =)
@Swerdis День назад
Yeah, more than one solution here and more Lemmings could have been saved as you proved.
@kaywhyn 2 дня назад
Nice, pretty much the exact same solution as mine, except for the stacking and the digger cancelling. Though, in my case, as yours has shown I could had had a shimmier to spare if I made him climb and then dig instead. Yea, I had problems resolving this level after backrouting this level so many times in pre-testing. Took me a while to get it solved, but after a long time managed to come up with blocking on the staircase. Hardcore 26 is pretty much the only really hard level left of the pack IMO, so after you get that one solved you'll be fine for the remaining 4 levels ;)
@Swerdis 2 дня назад
I miss a piece for the next level. Any ideas?
@lycanthewerewolf6801 2 дня назад
What do you mean?
@kaywhyn 2 дня назад
Ah, yes, go to the Lemmings Open Air level pack topic and redownload strato_generalmd, which is attached as a zip file in the OP. That should fix the error.
@kaywhyn 8 дней назад
Ah, our favorite trick of leaving a builder step past a thin enough wall/pole ^^ Nice job with this one
@Swerdis 8 дней назад
Yeah, this was not very well-hidden ;)
@kaywhyn 2 дня назад
@@Swerdis Hehe yea, that one Lemmings Destination level was pretty clever in that one needed to create the setup for it
@kaywhyn 10 дней назад
Congrats on solving what is possibly the most difficult level in the entire pack. Ah, you took the exact same brute force approach as I did with the heavy precision in the middle area with the bombing and everything. That also took me a while before I succeeded, as a lot of the time I kept coming up a skill short and/or the ceiling was still too thin for them to step up. Gronkling found a much easier way to do this area. His involved the miner going to the left where instead of cancelling him like you and I did, he lets him glide to the bottom and go back to the left, where he bombs close to the thin steel. This then allows him to bash right to the hole and then step up through the ceiling by cancelling him when he's close enough. Then it's a matter of fencing up to the left and same thing with a miner at the very top of the wall and making them both connect and then cancel the fencer midstroke at the right spot in order to step up into the miner tunnel while cancelling the miner before there's no turnaround point for everyone. Armani might had done it the same as Gronkling, but I can't remember.
@Swerdis 10 дней назад
I just watched Eric's video and he did the same thing: Bombing through the thin steel. I would never have come up with this idea, but it looks very intended, to be honest. Maybe this is the real way to go. I'm also amazed that he managed the first part the same way both of us did - but without the waste of two shimmiers and one jumper there to avoid losses. This was one of the two really challenging parts of the level. The other and even more difficult one was the final - to connect the fencer with the bomber staircase. Having said this, I must confess that I was on the wrong track in the beginning. I initially used three bombers to bring the crowd down which was way easier, but these bombers were lacking in the end. So I had to rethink my strategy.
@kaywhyn 10 дней назад
@@Swerdis Yea, I don't think I would had thought of bombing through the thin steel on this level, though I know of one other custom level that absolutely requires it. Now that you mentioned it, I think I had something similar with at first using too many bombers at the start and therefore the remaining skills weren't too effective in getting up the wall which meant going back to the drawing board and rethinking my strategy. In any case, the rest of the Hardcore rank won't be a problem for you IMO, now that you're past the most difficult level of the pack. Possibly only Hardcore 24 and 26 are the remaining ones that might be problematic, but I think you'll be fine =)
@kaywhyn 11 дней назад
Agree here as well with the design, especially as the Bubble tileset is my top favorite from ONML. Coincidentally, the very first Lemmings level I ever made is a Bubble level ^^ Everything else is namida's Clock tileset. By the way, in case you're wondering where the Clock tileset originally came from, it's LPIV, the next pack you're playing after you finish LOA. You of course have already played levels in the tileset, such as from LWT and David's The Lemmings Have Grown. namida considers LPIV the "weakest" pack in the series, but honestly Akseli and I disagree. We both thought it's a great pack, even if it's on the easier side of his packs. It's probably the same difficulty as LPO, maybe a bit harder. I don't have the list by difficulty of the Lemmings Plus series memorized. Good luck with the next level! That is the one I warned you about where Armani and I gave Strato the feedback that in its original position of Hardcore 11 that it's way too difficult for its position and Strato therefore moved it to the 2/3rds point of the rank. It definitely suits it better. At the same time, I believe Strato said that he was going for the "same tileset in the same position as in L1," such as for example Mayhem 3 in L1 is a Marble level, and you might have noticed that Hardcore 3 is also a Marble level, and similarly Mayhem 2 is a Fire level and same with Hardcore 2. There are some exceptions, such as the level switch with what's the current Hardcore 20, but here the swap was simply with another Fire level in the rank, since Hardcore 11 is also a Fire level. For the latter level, I think currently no one other than Strato knows what the intended solution is since it's still pretty backroutable. Nevertheless, Strato tried to stick with same tileset in same L1 position as much as possible for the LOA pack.
@Swerdis 11 дней назад
Yeah, I already informed myself about Lemmings plus IV. I play this series in ascending order in terms of difficulty, so with LPI, LP II, LPO and LP VI already finished, I'm just about reaching the middle with LP IV. Before I went to bed yesterday, I gave Hardcore 20 already a try as I knew about its difficulty from the forum. And I must say that this assessment seems to be accurate. However, I made good progress, so I'm quite optimistic to solve this level soon.
@kaywhyn 10 дней назад
@@Swerdis Excellent! Keep at it, you'll get Hardcore 20 solved soon enough. I assure you after said level that other than possibly Hardcore 24 and 26, the rest of the rank isn't that difficult. Meaning, you'll be fine and won't take you too long to finish the rest of the pack up ;)
@lycanthewerewolf6801 11 дней назад
Seeing how many skills were left over, that solution feels like a backroute.
@kaywhyn 11 дней назад
Yea, definitely one of my favorite levels because of the tricks needed. Admittedly I on occasion forget the digger can be cancelled with a blocker without becoming one. Also, I think you would definitely agree with me that if you know these tricks then the Hardcore rank in general is easier than the rank before it, Heavy. I found Lemmings Destination to be the same way, that the Radon rank is easier than the Xenon rank IMO. Needless to say, the ranks could switch positions, but then they wouldn't work because they be out of their natural order, such as Xenon is before Radon on the periodic table and similarly for Hardcore coming after Heavy based on the intensity of the music genre.
@Swerdis 11 дней назад
Yep, I agree. I find Hardcore easier than Heavy so far. Hardcore 7 caused me most problems, followed by Hardcore 2 - but that one wasn't as difficult as expected. And you make me sentimental. Xenon 2, "Snow Patrol": One of my most favourite levels of all time :)
@kaywhyn 11 дней назад
@@Swerdis O.o yes, Xenon 2. Very hard level, but I too love that level a lot! 👍 See how you fare with Hardcore 20. That is the one I warned you that before when it was Hardcore 11 that Armani and I gave Strato the feedback that it's way too difficult for its position. It's the level I spent the longest on in all of the pack. Rest assured that other than possibly Hardcore 24 and 26, everything else beyond that is not very difficult and so it should be smooth sailing from there after you get Hardcore 20 solved =)
@kaywhyn 11 дней назад
Same here, I wonder if it's possible to save the platformer by maybe building right underneath the wooden staircase.
@Swerdis 11 дней назад
I tried it from different spots and it didn't work. But I didn't squeeze it to the maximum, so probably you are right.
@kaywhyn 11 дней назад
@@Swerdis Ugh, not sure why RU-vid didn't notify me that you responded to my comment, and similarly for Hardcore 18 >_< It's unbelievable that this bug still exists from time to time and that they still haven't sorted it out completely.
@kaywhyn 11 дней назад
I'm sure you realized that you could of had a jumper to spare? The very first jumper assignment was absolutely not necessary. Simply make him a climber! :p Either way, he gets over the green emerald, whether you jumped over it or he climbs it for a bit.
@ospero7681 11 дней назад
Watching this, I'm also wondering if that last miner was strictly necessary. Does the basher end up too low or too high if you don't use it?
@kaywhyn 11 дней назад
@@ospero7681 Unless Swerdis tried that and the basher stops either to not detecting enough terrain to continue bashing or due to the first gap it reaches in the log piece on the left side (hard to tell just from looking at it, but I don't think he would), you're right. I meant to bring that up but I forgot. So, Swerdis could of had both a jumper and miner to spare.
@lycanthewerewolf6801 12 дней назад
I wonder what the intended solution was, given that you rescued an extra lemming.
@Swerdis 12 дней назад
Don't know, but I'm sure I'm pretty close to it. I'm convinced no totally different solutions exists here.
@stratoincendus3869 Месяц назад
Nice, I didn’t know anyone else had made levels using my styles yet. Also looks like a solution I could have come up with (if only because it involves a Shimmier and a pioneer lemming). 😁
@ospero7681 Месяц назад
...was that solution intended? I've seen other levels where stuff was left over after finishing, but here, with the Basher pickups down below, it feels off.
@ospero7681 Месяц назад
Either the skillset was supposed to be *really* misleading, or this is the backroutiest of backroutes. This just can't have been intended.
@Swerdis 18 дней назад
I'm sure it's one of these eeky backroutes. ;)
@stratoincendus3869 Месяц назад
Yeah, that's most certainly a backroute. ;) An one reason why I always would have liked diagonal one-way arrows... or at least the ability to stack multiple one-way arrows (such as up and horizontal) on top of each other to combine their limitations. Because as it stands, I don't know how to fix this.
@kaywhyn Месяц назад
Nice, congrats ^^ If you thought this wasn't bad, then most definitely Hardcore 20, as that is pretty much assessed to be the hardest by both Armani and me. We both pre-tested the pack you might remember ;) It was originally in I believe Hardcore 11's position, but since we both said it's too hard for its position that's why it moved further down the rank. Post pre-testing, pretty much everyone who's played it, including Gronkling, said it's pretty hard.
@Swerdis Месяц назад
I'm sure there will be other levels in the rank that will cause me more problems than all of you expert-players ;)
@stratoincendus3869 Месяц назад
It never ceased to amaze me how long you (kaywhyn) can remember all of these details about level positions and solutions, even years later. ^^
@kaywhyn Месяц назад
@@stratoincendus3869 Well, It's one of those levels that tends to stay in your memory for a long time, if not forever :p From NepsterLems, for example, Black Hole 1 is the biggest offender for me that will very likely stay with me forever, as I'm probably the biggest dummy ever on that level due to remaining unsolved by me for almost 3 years, all because of my "blindness" to failing to spot one very critical junction =( On the flipside, once I did manage to finally get myself unstuck, I proceeded to smash through the rest of the Black Hole rank in very short order, only about a day. Yes, according to Nepster's description of the rank they should be the hardest levels of the entire pack, but quite honestly the rank was a huge letdown for me, as I expected a far greater challenge. Overall, I actually ended up struggling far more with the Sun and Neutron Star ranks. The reason for this is simple: At the time I went through NepsterLems at the start of 2020, it was pretty much only about my 3rd or 4th custom level pack for NL. Meaning, I wasn't as experienced back then, and so roadblocks surfaced way more often for me. In contrast, in the almost 3 years it took me to finally get Black Hole 1 solved, I had played and solved so many level packs, some of which were the hardest, including Lemmings United, Lemmings Uncharted, and Lemmings Plus Omega 2. So, during that time, I had gained so much experience from playing custom level packs and therefore explains why I was able to breeze through the entire Black Hole rank pretty easily. There's still some really difficult nuts in the rank, such as Black Hole 9 (the last level that namida attempted in his LP of the pack and hasn't gone back to finish up the rest of the pack since), Black Hole 11, and Black Hole 15, but for the most part I found the rank easy and therefore a letdown for what's quite possibly the hardest level pack which sticks to the classic 8 skills only. Needless to say, NepsterLems was pretty much the last very hard level pack I managed to complete ^^ If you noticed, I recently just finished playing through DavidLems, which I pretty much describe as very NepsterLems-like, only far harder IMO and it uses all 21 NL skills. As a result, it took me by complete surprise and I therefore didn't expect to be stumped so badly by the pack. I haven't played a level pack that hard in a really long time, but as a result it's a huge step up in quality from David's first level pack The Lemmings Have Grown, which was already pretty good itself, especially in the visuals, but it had an extremely wonky difficulty curve. DavidLems still has it as well, but did a much better job overall in the level ordering, with some also having moved due to the feedback I gave him with some were way too difficult for their position. Even then, hard levels are the type I prefer in the game of Lemmings ;) Before this pack, I had previously completed Lemmings Cranium, which is also a pretty hard pack. Finally, you might have noticed that namida has decided to release what he ended up making for a potential Lemmings Plus VII pack. It's only 23 levels, but I will definitely take a look at them at some point. Perhaps you can as well before I do, like maybe after you get back from your vacation while also sending any more LHOF updates to me for pre-testing if needed. Swerdis himself is currently vacationing and so you'll have to wait a few weeks before he uploads more solutions to LOA ;)
@stratoincendus3869 Месяц назад
@@kaywhyn Yes, I guess a level featuring destructive skills only falls into a smaller and more unique category. There’s at least one in NepsterLems, too (“Scrap the Builders”), which I shamelessly ripped off for the LOA level “Make Total Destroy”. But the fact that I can name these few levels off the top of my head shows there indeed aren’t too many of them. Yes, I should get to have a look at your new LHOF replays in the next couple of days. 😉 Let’s see if another round of pre-testing will be necessary, or if the pack might finally be ready for release, one year after me having completed the first “draft” of all the levels.
@kaywhyn Месяц назад
@@stratoincendus3869 Yea, I love builderless/no constructives levels a lot ;) If you're like me with this, then the good news is there's at least one of this type of level in every numbered (I, II, III, etc, up through VI) Lemmings Plus pack. They're pretty much the same in that they give 20-of-everything except for builders, for which you aren't given any, and you also need to save everyone. That's the other thing I've forgot to mention, though you might had figured it out: Except for the recently released levels of LPVII, I've finished all packs of the Lemmings Plus series, including, yes, Lemmings Plus 3D :p It apparently took me 3 years to play all of namida's NL packs, including Doomsday Lemmings (a pack that has zombies on every level) ^^ The other thing worth mentioning is that it took about 6 years or so before someone else managed to surpass namida in playing NepsterLems, aka, yours truly. Who knew? ^^ Believe me, there's still some levels for which it seems some more work is needed. I've also went over my LHOF PMs with you and I have completely forgotten that you released the first draft to me for pre-testing in August of last year. So, the 1-year mark is quickly approaching and a lot sooner than I thought, so it likely won't be too long before the public release then. The only way I can see it being released at about the 1-year mark is if some of the remaining ones you're not sure how to fix, but I'm sure you'll find a way ;)
@kaywhyn Месяц назад
O.o nice find! Can't believe even I missed this really cheesy route ^^
@Swerdis Месяц назад
That was easy.^^
@kaywhyn Месяц назад
@@Swerdis Hardcore 2, on the other hand... is one of the hardest of the rank :p
@Swerdis Месяц назад
@@kaywhyn A quick glance was enough to get an impression of it ;)
@kaywhyn Месяц назад
@@Swerdis ^^
@kaywhyn Месяц назад
Good luck with the next one. It's considered the hardest of the rank, but the three levels after Heavy 27 to finish off the rank I don't anticipate you having any problems, but well, let's see! ;)
@Swerdis Месяц назад
What do you think of the overhauled DoveLems Pack? Is it worth a play for someone who already solved the original pack?
@kaywhyn Месяц назад
@@Swerdis Oh, I haven't played them. I haven't checked any of the levels in the zip file, but probably a lot of them are just redesigns to look better while keeping the intended solution mostly the same. If that's the case, then probably not worth the time to go through it too especially if you've already played the original from a while back. For the nostalgia and how much a designer has evolved over time, then I guess it's worth it. I'll definitely have a better answer for you in regards to NeoDoveLems if I ever do go through it in the future. The other packs in my most recent post in Dodochacalo's topic are all for Lemmini and therefore I know you wouldn't bother with those unless there was a New Formats NL conversion of them. In any case, it seems that it's going to be while with NeoDoveLems. For now, the priority is his newest collab pack with Pieuw, Fiat Lems (Let There Be Lemmings), which I think you already knew the translatoin as you're definitely far better at foreign linguistics than I am, at least with the ones in the European areas. Maybe that'll be after you do Lemmings Plus IV? Icho just recently finished playing their pack and is currently awaiting backroute fixes Dodochacalo and Pieuw. I think both he and Armani really enjoyed it, especially as they too liked both DoveLems and PimoLems a lot as well. I myself am planning to go through Fiat Lems most likely near the end of the year, so I'm definitely looking forward to it ;) For now, a bit of a break from custom Lemmings packs, as I just recently finished an extremely difficult pack, DavidLems by David. It's a huge improvement over The Lemmings Have Grown, but I didn't expect to be thrashed so badly by the really difficult levels in it ^^ He just released an update fixing my backroutes and done some rearrangements in the level ordering, as I gave him some feedback on some of the levels being way too difficult for their position. Needless to say, the wonky difficulty curve is still there, but DavidLems is a far bigger improvement from his first level pack. It's definitely one of my favorite level packs because of the really hard levels, but I didn't expect it to be so hard! ^^ Not a bad thing, of course, I just didn't expect them to be very hard and to stump me for a long time XX
@Swerdis Месяц назад
@@kaywhyn Yeah, several levelpacks have been released in the past months - there's so much content I have to play. You memorized well that I will play Lemmings Plus IV after I finished Lemmings Open Air. Having said this, I read today that Namida released a fragment of what was planned to be Lemmings Plus VII, which will unfortunately never be finished... It's also interesting what you said about David's Lems. Wow, when you struggled there this pack must be a huge challenge. And a great pack as well considerung the fact that "The Lemmings have grown" was already very good - especially (though not only) from an artistic point of view. Are the titles still in French?
@kaywhyn Месяц назад
@@Swerdis Nope, they're all in English this time ^^ "Queen's Palace" also makes a return in the pack every 4 levels for the first three ranks, meaning there's 15 episodes total. They're all the same in terms of Lemming count (4 Lemmings, save 4) and skillset (it's always 2 each of 3 skill types). Finally, the "One minute" rank was inspired by the One rank of PimoLems in that all 10 levels in that rank are levels with a 1-minute time limit. If you want my honest opinion, except for level 5 and levels 9 and 10, they aren't really anything special compared to the One rank of Pieuw's pack. No offense to David, but Pieuw did a far better job with this style of levels. Even then, I still applaud David for at least trying to make a whole rank of just 1-minute levels like Pieuw did. So really, you're not going to miss too much if you don't go through the One minute rank, but it's still a rank worth going through nevertheless ^^ Yup, you're right about namida finally releasing what he made of LPVII. 23 levels, and there are jumper and shimmier levels, the skills which weren't seen in LPVI as that one only goes up to the fencer. Makes sense, since these skills were in stable NL at the time namida was working on LPVII. The slider and laser weren't in NL yet, hence why there aren't any and therefore it's reasonable to guess the pack wasn't going to include these two skills. I myself will go through them at some point. Might be a while.
@PASonicFan Месяц назад
This is great!
@Swerdis Месяц назад
@ospero7681 2 месяца назад
...was this a backroute? What's the point of the Blocker pickup right next to the exit?
@kaywhyn 2 месяца назад
And another one where you could had easily saved everyone :p At the very top while the worker is going to the left, simply dig anywhere before getting past the gray stairs and then bash once he gets low enough. The crowd will be able to step through the thin ceiling, the same as you saw when you had the worker turn around before digging and then bashing towards the crowd.
@Swerdis 2 месяца назад
Yeah, that's the talisman-solution I guess. One that would have been pretty easy to get, but I finally missed it :(
@kaywhyn 2 месяца назад
@@Swerdis Just checked and yup, you're right. It's actually called, "in this farewell, there's no blood," which are the very first lyrics of the song "What I've Done" by Linkin' Park. It's one I missed as well, but it's an easy fix, as I just need to swap out the bomber for a miner instead.
@lycanthewerewolf6801 2 месяца назад
I wonder what the intended solution was, since you saved 1 more lemming than you needed to.
@Swerdis 2 месяца назад
I'd like to know this, too. Probably one additional bomber should have been used - maybe to stop the miner. But then, I would have saved the platformer which wouldn't be intended as well...
@kaywhyn 2 месяца назад
Nice one. Onto the next, which is the first jumper level of the pack! ^^
@Swerdis 2 месяца назад
Yeah, I mentioned that. And it's also an easy one. ;)
@kaywhyn 2 месяца назад
O.o I like your solution a lot better than mine, as that one is just a complete mess. For the end, you can do the stacking without needing to cancel with a shimmier, although it's pretty much impossible to do without holding down the left arrow key when assigning the stacker. Just remember it needs to be 2 pixels away from the stoner in order for the stacker to cancel itself after stacking for a while so that the nice ramp is made to release the others. Congratulations on completing the Loud rank! Onto the Heavy rank, where the jumper skill will finally be introduced. Not right away though, as it's actually introduced in Heavy 2. But yea, you're finally on the rank where you'll soon have fun with the jumper skill! ;)
@Swerdis 2 месяца назад
Yeah thanks. I found this level challenging, partially since it looks so confusing. Your solution is pretty creative here - I think both of them are not intended at all.
@kaywhyn 2 месяца назад
One of my favorites and a level that I nominated for a past LOTY. Pretty much my solution, so another one that matches, though I think I remember Icho was able to backroute this for the LOTY contest.
@Swerdis 2 месяца назад
Yeah, I agree. This is a VERY good one.
@kaywhyn 2 месяца назад
Yea, agreed that it's somewhat challenging, though only because some parts aren't clear without clear physics mode. Looks like you do know about this feature after all.
@Swerdis 2 месяца назад
Yeah, I use it for a while, but I don't want it in my replays ;)
@ospero7681 2 месяца назад
@@Swerdis Fair, but this one looks almost unsolvable without it. The bit with the bare tree especially looks really confusing.
@kaywhyn 2 месяца назад
@@Swerdis Ah, makes complete sense. It slows down FF while it's on anyway.
@kaywhyn 2 месяца назад
@@ospero7681 I agree with what you said about the area around the tree being confusing, as it's very hard to make out all parts of what's empty air and what's solid due to some of it blending in really well with the background.
@ospero7681 2 месяца назад
Eek. And here I thought the City tileset looked overwrought and too busy. Yikes.
@kaywhyn 2 месяца назад
Yea, Icho's City tileset was a conversion of the tileset from Lemmini. It definitely has a lot of problems about what's what, especially when you combine it with the background. I believe even Nepster made a rant post about the City tileset on the Lemmings Forums IIRC
@kaywhyn 2 месяца назад
If you remember the Fire level "We didn't start the fire" earlier in the rank with the shimmier jumping into the teleporter and still continuing to shimmy, you have now seen the same skill continuing but with the miner instead with this level. This is true in general in NL with all skills continuing after teleporting. By the way, who died to the trap? I don't see any trap in the preview image. Actually, I don't even remember there being a trap on this level XX edit: Ah, I see it now, but I only noticed it after watching my solution again. There's a needles trap near the top of the wall the workers climb. Pretty hard to see it. I'm so blind XX
@Swerdis 2 месяца назад
Yeah, it's a needles trap. But I agree, it's hard to see - this tilesets looks totally overloaded.
@kaywhyn 2 месяца назад
@@Swerdis Sometimes the background is to blame, though I think it's mostly the contrast of the tileset that made the needles trap quite difficult to see and spot. That beings said, I do prefer the backgrounds to be on and am fine with that, as long as it is clearly distinct from the foreground. In other words, it's easy for players to tell what's background and what isn't without needing to use clear physics mode. If there are some things that can easily be confused what's what, then that would be the fault of the tileset.
@kaywhyn 2 месяца назад
O.o, you could had easily saved 100% too, if you had the first Lemming turn around and stack past the entrance on its left side :p At the current RR of 35, the next Lemming will not slip past the stack (the minimum RR required for that to happen is 50). You would therefore also have a fencer left as well.
@Swerdis 2 месяца назад
That's true. I started the level the conventional way with isolating a pioneer. At this point of time I didn't see the possibility to just bash underneath the metal blocks. I realized it while trying to mine to the bottom. So maybe that's why I let the beginning part the way it is - although I really could have maxed out this level
@lycanthewerewolf6801 2 месяца назад
I do love saving everyone if you can.
@kaywhyn 2 месяца назад
Ok, seems my comment disappeared for absolutely no reason, so I'll just type again. You could also disarm the second needles trap and the miner will still be low enough to release the crowd. This would also spare you a platformer ;)
@Swerdis 2 месяца назад
I think I tried this, but without success. But probably you are right.
@kaywhyn 2 месяца назад
@@Swerdis It does work, as you can see in my solution :p
@kaywhyn 2 месяца назад
Very nice! Alternatively, bash the other way and then stack, though you'll need to be quick to do the latter or the stack will be completely underneath the ceiling and therefore the climber cannot get up past the ceiling.
@Swerdis 2 месяца назад
Yeah, that's how you did it ;) Tricky level here, but I really like it.
@kaywhyn 2 месяца назад
@@Swerdis Also before I keep forgetting, if possible I would suggest coming back to Hellish 29 of SubLems. With how your progress has been with Lemmings Open Air, I say you'll now be able to finally solve it! =)
@Swerdis 2 месяца назад
@@kaywhyn Thanks for the hint, I almost forgot about this. But I'll try.
@kaywhyn 2 месяца назад
@@Swerdis No problem, it's more that I love seeing people solve all of a pack. It just bugs me when people have almost solved a pack but have one unsolved level. I really hated myself for that when I used to be in the latter situation for some packs. Maybe you can eventually give the penultimate level of Deceit's Lemmings another go sometime as well =)
@kaywhyn 2 месяца назад
To be honest with you, I hate this basher/blocker trick a lot. Even moreso than the miner cancelling another miner one. Not only is it very fiddly and precise, it's also very unintuitive and certainly something I don't think anyone would expect to work. I certainly never would had thought to try it had I not ever read about this somewhere on the Forums years ago. Needless to say, I'm perfectly fine if namida ever decides to patch this out.
@Swerdis 2 месяца назад
Yeah, I really stumbled across this by accident, it's really not very intuitive. Without this, an additional digger would be necessary at the right side.
@kaywhyn 2 месяца назад
@@Swerdis Yup, I be shocked if there is another solution that doesn't rely on it.
@kaywhyn 2 месяца назад
More or less intended from what I can tell, as the way the stoners are placed make it look like they're flying, hence the level title ^^ This is also a level where the change in swimmer physics really makes the level play out differently. In my solution for example, you must now let the lemming fall for two pixels before stoning so that it's possible for the others to get on top of the stoner. Otherwise, stoning after falling for one pixel will cause the swimmer to dive underneath the stoner. Before the change, they could get on top of the stoner just fine when you stone after falling a pixel. This was an intentional change, as the cutoff point of 4 pixels caused a discussion on it should be done and I believe namida said was a bug. Needless to say, the level has become a bit harder due to the changed swimmer physics, and so Strato adjusted and relaxed the save requirement accordingly to account for that. As for the invisible water, it's due to the "on terrain" flag. When you bomb the terrain it's on away, the water "disappears" because it's no longer "on terrain" but it's still there like you see when there terrain was there. After all, water cannot be destroyed in NL.
@Swerdis 2 месяца назад
Ok this makes sense though I still have mixed feelings about this level. After all, it's spamming the same skill over and over again which is a thing I never liked.
@kaywhyn 2 месяца назад
@@Swerdis Ah, you feel the same way as I do with levels where there's a lot of repeated and excessive same skill spamming. Completely agree they're not to my liking either.
@ospero7681 2 месяца назад
@@kaywhyn Yeah...this is one of the things that has always bothered me about a lot of the levels this person makes. I remember a certain one called Brothers in Arms... *shudder*
@kaywhyn 2 месяца назад
@@ospero7681 Well, the original draft of Brothers in Arms relied on a gimmick that has now long since been culled from NL. It was basically one where Lemmings continue to build/platform and bash indefinitely (in the latter case, as long as he has ground to stand on). Now, with the gimmick culled, the closest Strato could get to mimicking it is to simply provide a lot of stackers to "extend" the basher. However, I do agree that it's too excessive on all the stacking that needs to be done for that.
@kaywhyn 2 месяца назад
I think yours is at least much closer to the intended solution than mine, as you have accurately state in your feedback. At the same time, my solution that you have seen uses a really neat shimmier/stoner trick that I learned from one of Armani's levels, so you will perhaps find it quite useful! ^^
@kaywhyn 3 месяца назад
Well now, yet another one where we have the exact same solution! ^^
@Swerdis 3 месяца назад
That's probably because there is no other one^^
@kaywhyn 3 месяца назад
@@Swerdis Other than I think you can figure out that the shimmier is for the top part so that the swimmer is facing to the left instead of falling down and still facing the right, yea, I think you're right about there being no other way
@kaywhyn 3 месяца назад
Love this song by the band!
@Swerdis 3 месяца назад
I must admit I don't know it.
@kaywhyn 3 месяца назад
@@Swerdis Coldplay is a famous British band, so it should be huge in the UK. Chris Martin is the lead singer of the band.
@Swerdis 3 месяца назад
@@kaywhyn Yeah I know the band of course ;) But not this particular song.
@kaywhyn 3 месяца назад
@@Swerdis Ah, I misunderstood. I believe it's the song that made the band popular and well-known. Probably their first one. Not sure on that, though.
@Swerdis 3 месяца назад
@@kaywhyn I thought "Yellow" was their most prominent song, but I'm not really into them (and this can also differ from region to region as well).
@kaywhyn 3 месяца назад
Oof, I think this would be a backroute. This level has went through plenty of changes long after Strato accepted my solution but others have found ways to backroute it and save skills and so eventually my solution got blocked. In your solution, you can also swap the miner/basher so that the platforming the gap isn't as precise.
@Swerdis 3 месяца назад
Never thought this could be a backroute^^
@ericderkovits 3 месяца назад
@@Swerdis I think Strato would accept this solution since it uses all the skills even if it's not exactly as intended.
@kaywhyn 3 месяца назад
@@Swerdis Maybe, not certain. Solutions that use all skills can still be backroutes. Up to Strato, though, since it's his level. As mentioned, it's already gone through plenty of changes, both during pre-testing and after release.
@kaywhyn 3 месяца назад
Wow, nice solution. As you might had seen from mine, I wasted a constructive skill for the exit because I was a dummy and didn't realize that the exit trigger is actually buried in the ground. Well, my congrats on solving all of the Soft rank, and as Jennifer Lopez says in the level title, "time to get loud"! ^^ IMO this rank is easier than the Soft rank, before it gets back to difficult again for the Heavy rank, but that's because the jumper skill is introduced in that rank. Let's say since you've already played the NL Introduction Pack you'll be fine with the jumper levels as far as they're concerned ;)
@Swerdis 3 месяца назад
Yeah, I've seen that, but I like your solution too, especially the way you used the bomber to bypass the flamethrower. I even expect the second rank to be easier as this was the case in LWT as well ;)
@kaywhyn 3 месяца назад
@@Swerdis Oh yes, you're right about that with LWT =)
@kaywhyn 4 месяца назад
Ah, somehow I missed this solution where the stacker pickup isn't necessary at all. As a matter of fact, our solutions show that the level can be done with just 4 stackers! Even though I used the pickup
@Swerdis 4 месяца назад
Yeah, I liked this level a lot. That's a really a nice way to trap the preassigned climbers.
@kaywhyn 4 месяца назад
@@Swerdis Indeed, sometimes that's where the challenge lies: Knowing how to keep pre-assigned lemmings safe. As you might have seen, this pack has quite a challenging first rank. I for sure applaud level designers who can make such a rank a great one too.
@kaywhyn 4 месяца назад
Most impressive. Exact same solution as mine! Which, as you know, is very rare, considering how plenty of our solutions have slight variations to each other's ^^
@Swerdis 4 месяца назад
The next one is only slightly different as well ;)
@kaywhyn 4 месяца назад
I think this is what Strato had in mind, as this looks very intended to me. However as you have noted I backrouted this. I think you also might had noticed, but Dodochacalo is finally on the Forums. He and Pieuw recently released a new level pack, Fiat Lem! (Let There Be Lems!). I'm pretty excited about it when I eventually do get to it, which won't be for some time, especially as DoveLems and PimoLems were the very first custom Lemmings level packs I've ever played, after MazuLems, back in the days.
@Swerdis 4 месяца назад
Yeah, I've seen that. So many packs to play - but I think the next one will be another section of the Lemmings Plus series. Which means Lemmings Plus IV.
@kaywhyn 4 месяца назад
@@Swerdis And now another with new graphic styles from Dexter as well as an accompany level pack from both him and his brother tan x got released ^^ Dang, so much to play, so little time XX Excellent, I'll be able to watch your solutions for LPIV. I've played all of the NL Lemmings Plus packs. namida doesn't consider it a good pack quality-wise, but I still liked LPIV a lot.
@kaywhyn 4 месяца назад
Ah, nice solution. I was guessing things have been quite busy over there. I doubt it was because this level is difficult, but maybe it was, judging from the feedback in the LOA topic? I also don't know if you got notified that I @you in my Q&A video. I'm not sure if it works even after the video is published or if the uploader needs to do it before publishing. It was simply to let you and a few other gentlemen know that you can still participate in any of my Q&A's even if you've already done one with me before ;)
@Swerdis 4 месяца назад
Yeah, a lot of things deterred me from playing Lemmings over the past weeks. I was a little sick and have still not recovered completely. Also we were a week off for holiday and came back yesterday. I hope things will get better again and I find some more time to play. Yeah I saw you mentioned me and I thank you for that. Maybe I'll participate the next time, I've got to consider some questions first ;) I found the next level also quite hard. Thought I had solved it, but unfortunately this wasn't the case. Maybe tomorrow...
@kaywhyn 4 месяца назад
@@Swerdis Ah. Sorry to hear about you being sick and that you're still recovering. I had kind of figured things got very busy lately. Hope you still enjoyed your time off. You'll get level 22 down soon! =)
@ericderkovits 4 месяца назад
Major backroute
@kaywhyn 5 месяцев назад
Something new that you can learn from watching my video series on the pack for this level: The fencer tunnel is narrow enough to keep a basher going. By extension, same thing with a laser tunnel even though it's a bit steeper. So, yes it is possible to send the disarmer all to the way to the very far left as a shimmier. However, I think this is still a great alternative you found! ;)
@Swerdis 5 месяцев назад
I think I've seen this somewhere else, but I would have never come up with this idea here ;)
@kaywhyn 5 месяцев назад
@@Swerdis Ah, nice ^^
@nin10doadict 5 месяцев назад
Ok... You completely shattered this one...
@nin10doadict 5 месяцев назад
Ah, looks like you found the same backroute kaywhyn did by taking advantage of that drop near the middle. If I make that fall between the flamethrower and the power core splat height, that should fix that issue.
@ospero7681 4 месяца назад
Does it even count as a backroute if the entire skillset is needed? At that point, the border between "backroute" and "alternate solution" becomes blurry...
@kaywhyn 5 месяцев назад
This I would consider a big jump in difficulty even though it's a builders only level. Then again, I did overcomplicate the solution by trying to seal off the gap from the same side instead of sealing it from the other side like you did. I know this managed to stump at least one person back when the pack was first released. This level even got me as well for a while until it finally clicked to me, but again it was due to a heavier than needed precision solution I used on the right side.
@kaywhyn 5 месяцев назад
Oh, Strato would be so proud of you. I'm very certain this is the intended solution, but as you might have seen this can be backrouted, like how I did it ;) I think the easiest fix here would be to make all the builders pickups and put them all on the different platforms in the middle area. It would make the intended solution really obvious though, but well, it's only the 6th level and I honestly think that's ok. Especially as the first two levels already start off pretty difficult. Up to Strato, really XD
@Swerdis 5 месяцев назад
Nice solution by you ;) Yeah. I initially turned the pioneer around with the basher like you, but then I was a basher short. That's when the shimmier came into play
@kaywhyn 5 месяцев назад
Yea, a lot of people miss the bashing underneath the exit part, as that seems to be the hardest part and they therefore aren't sure how to get to the exit later on, interestingly enough. Even then, still a few ways to do this level as you have seen.
@Swerdis 5 месяцев назад
Yeah. I've immediately seen the mining-part. But first I thought about building over the exit - but that would require two miners...
@kaywhyn 5 месяцев назад
@@Swerdis Two miners? I think you meant two builders :p
@Swerdis 5 месяцев назад
@@kaywhyn Yea, builders of course ;)