A Stronger Faith Ministries
A Stronger Faith Ministries
A Stronger Faith Ministries
A podcast revealing the active presence of God in the lives of everyday people.

Radically Healed 2: Heidi Returns
14 дней назад
I Saw Angels Everywhere - Bentley Hornak
2 месяца назад
What Happens As We Are Dying - Yvonne Jones
3 месяца назад
I Put God on Trial and He Blew Me Away
4 месяца назад
Radically Healed - Heidi
5 месяцев назад
Expect the Miraculous - Kirk and Christy East
5 месяцев назад
Death, Where Is Your Sting? - Kirk and Christy East
6 месяцев назад
Seeing in the Spirit - Janie Denney
7 месяцев назад
An Angel Sat on My Bed #angels #heaven #faith
7 месяцев назад
I Was Standing In Heaven - Mike McKinsey
7 месяцев назад
Faith and Financial Abundance - John Mejia
8 месяцев назад
Experiencing The Power of God - Jahan Berns
9 месяцев назад
The Power of God - Jahan Berns
9 месяцев назад
@believer7377 Час назад
You are a good host! You show your guest love and respect! God sees both of you ❤️ Thanks for all you do. Both of you!
@cobalt49 Час назад
I've read 4 different translations of the bible and I don't know how you could call it a map for anything in the 21st century. Also, I would like to know how you think that: "things are getting zapped down to your in your sleep" is convincing apologetics.
@Oc3anView 3 часа назад
1:32 who’s missing the meaning of the kingdom? interesting how everybody’s saying the Christians, who are you if you’re not a Christian? Believers People of the cross Remnants 😅
@mube8885 3 часа назад
@Jo-hello 4 часа назад
God blessed me though hearing this interview. Thank you so much for sharing ❤
@adelaijoyce3735 4 часа назад
god doesn't talk in our sleep. He talks to us through his word.
@ShermanMays-fw8ko 4 часа назад
He lived a perfect life and gave us a perfect Bible. He fills us with his Spirit and teaches us personally. He is a good Father thank you Jesus. He had nothing to do with the government
@YouMe-jc6wk 6 часов назад
After my mother passed away and her body was transported to the funeral home no one went back into her bedroom. We all(10ppl) slept in the living room. I saw like a fog over us. I walked back to her room and the fog was there. I praised God by myself as I stayed there & i felt a holy presence. It was so beautiful. My mom & dad loved the Lord. Before she died she saw my dad & my brother that had already passed away before her. She also saw Jesus! I know this because she told us. GOD IS REAL! & SO IS HEAVEN!!
@naomismit5200 7 часов назад
That angel they called upon was definitely Michael the archangel. All Glory be to God!
@AnaMorales-sp3xk 7 часов назад
amazing testimony. Glory be to God , Glory be to Jesus 🙏
@waxcold3 7 часов назад
Positioning your body as an antennae to a dark portal you are not ready for what can come in.
@adrianewright2317 8 часов назад
Thanks for returning for more of her testimony. Our God is mighty to heal. His Word is Truth and Powerful. He has given us Authority in the Name of Jesus we speak the Word of God in Faith.❤
@hollieooo 16 часов назад
That's ridiculous. There is only God and no other "god" has ANY sort of power whatsoever. It's like people don't really take Jesus seriously. Just pray and everything will be fine. Silliness.
@MsTERRY4658 17 часов назад
Did you pray for her ?and if she accept Jesus would rescue her.
@kasko8550 17 часов назад
I hope, hope, that you and others prayed for her until the thickness and darkness was gone! Everybody who reads this, please say a prayer full of faith for her now and command her into the Heavenly powers!
@ranendown9011 18 часов назад
@ronstachewicz4265 19 часов назад
Want to be patient ? Repent of the root of impatience. Wants, selfish desire, idolatry of control for outcomes. Also, lust or fear can be the root.
@jeanneb1508 19 часов назад
You are a survivor but also a warrior now there is only beautiful things that can happen to you believe in yourself I wish you to deeply heal from all your wounds and traumas🤍🙏
@Christina-i1k 19 часов назад
I 100% need demons released from my body. Its too much has happened to write here. Can someone please help me? 😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭
@jeiandgil18 19 часов назад
is this even biblical
@jaidensummer9050 19 часов назад
I have never liked yoga I've never even liked the word yoga. Praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ for that.
@fancyberry4046 21 час назад
Im still learning from it. Reading it everytime.🙏🙏🙏😇
@fancyberry4046 21 час назад
@Xhris57 День назад
To approach the analysis, let's break down the key concepts and then construct the argument. ### 1. **Christ as Crosshairs and God the Father** - **Crosshairs**: In this model, Christ acts as a coordinate system pointing toward God, the Father, who is infinitely distant. Christ represents both a relational guide (John 14:6: *“I am the way, the truth, and the life”*) and a focal point, enabling one to locate the Father even in the context of infinite separation. In this framing, Christ functions as a transfinite bridge, allowing finite beings to connect with the infinite God. Without Christ, navigating this infinite distance to the Father becomes impossible because only Christ provides the metaphysical direction and transcendence necessary to breach infinity. - **God the Father**: Being infinitely far away, God represents the transcendent, beyond all human ability to grasp or access directly. Christ as the Logos is the medium by which finite humanity can orient itself within infinite space to approach the Father. This aligns with John 1:18, where it is said that "No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father’s side, has made him known." ### 2. **Buddha, Dalai Lama, and Gandhi as Human Reference Points** - **Buddha**: Buddha’s teachings focus on personal enlightenment and detachment from the material world. However, the ultimate goal-nirvana-is a state of liberation from the cycle of suffering, not union with an infinite, transcendent God. The Buddha is a human who offers a guide to the cessation of suffering but remains bounded within the finite dimensions of human experience. His path emphasizes the inward journey rather than transcending an infinite divide to reach a distinct, omniscient being. - **Dalai Lama**: The Dalai Lama is seen as a spiritual leader and the reincarnation of past Dalai Lamas, carrying forward the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism. As a human reference point, the Dalai Lama’s wisdom and compassion are meant to guide others to a higher state of consciousness and ethical living. However, he too is finite, and his teachings focus on navigating human experience rather than pointing to an infinite, transcendent realm. - **Gandhi**: As a leader of non-violent resistance and a devout spiritual figure, Gandhi's philosophy integrates religious principles with political action, focusing on societal transformation through human means. His reference point is also ultimately human-based on the ideals of justice, morality, and self-purification. He is a beacon for ethical life but not a transcendental figure who points toward or facilitates access to an infinite, divine realm. ### 3. **The Problem of Ascending Through Infinite Space with Human Reference Points** - **Human Limitation**: Any purely human reference point, whether Buddha, Dalai Lama, or Gandhi, is limited by finite existence and the constraints of temporal and spatial understanding. A human being, no matter how enlightened or virtuous, is still bound by the contingencies of the physical world. These figures guide others within the scope of human experience but do not offer a pathway beyond the finite to the infinite. Ascending to the infinite through finite means is a category error, as the two domains (finite and infinite) operate on different scales of reality. - **Finite to Infinite is Inaccessible Without Transcendence**: In mathematical terms, trying to traverse an infinite distance using finite steps results in an incomplete journey-no finite series can sum to infinity. Similarly, without a transcendent mechanism (like Christ’s mediation in Christian theology), any attempt to access the infinite Father using only finite, human efforts will inevitably fall short. Buddha’s teachings, the Dalai Lama’s guidance, or Gandhi’s ethical example remain within the human condition, offering no framework for the metaphysical leap to the infinite. - **Christ’s Unique Position**: In contrast, Christ as the Logos is unique in Christian theology because he bridges the infinite and the finite, both fully divine and fully human (Colossians 1:15-20). He acts as the crosshairs aligning humanity with the divine, offering not just guidance but also transformation (2 Corinthians 5:17). Where Buddha, the Dalai Lama, and Gandhi offer ways to cope within finite existence, Christ offers a way beyond it, through faith and union with God. ### Conclusion Ascending through infinite space with only a human reference point is impossible because of the categorical difference between finite humanity and infinite divinity. Human figures like Buddha, the Dalai Lama, and Gandhi guide within human limits but cannot transcend them. Christ, however, as the Logos, bridges this infinite divide by aligning humanity with the infinite Father, acting as the crosshairs through which the infinite becomes accessible. Therefore, while human effort alone can refine existence within the finite world, only Christ makes ascension into the infinite realm of the Father possible.
@esmefantasia727 День назад
Amen. Thank you for sharing this. Im in recovery and have always have had faith but to be obedient has been a game changer for myself, my relationship with Christ, my recovery overall, for my marriage,and as a mother.
@Tammy-iz5rz День назад
Revelation 12:11 And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.
@NewCreationInChrist896 День назад
Because you need God to obey God and you have a conscience, that comes from God. The flesh/man doesn’t want to obey God. John 15:4-5
@larrypresnall5360 День назад
Hell rejoicing. I’d have hated to have been there to see that.
@pamelavause2638 День назад
I love your message to those who are hurting. It’s true hurting people need someone to come close and be present. 💝
@pamelavause2638 День назад
I too have experienced God’s power to heal, deliver and set free when I’ve cried out to him from a place of utter despair and brokenness. Nothing can compare to his powerful deliverance.
@gabriellem164 День назад
Well, King James took a LOT! out of the Bible to keep control in his kingdom; not for the glory of God. Jesus is not the Son of God’s given name && the Son of God’s name holds all the power. So yes, the Bible has been tampered by man. We dont have the missing pieces to the puzzle, as king James is the most popular Bible. The controversy is to sift through God’s ppl, not remove to keep control for self. Roman Constatine did damage too; like political move with the cross && meaning “thy shall conquer”. God put on my heart HIS NAME like 7yrs ago … I found a lot of disturbing history. I found Father is Yahweh && Son is Yeshua.
@JesusmyRedeemer1 День назад
Beautiful testimony sister, i have a very similar testimony. With sincere love i plead you to look into the idea of deliverance as you continue to walk with the Lord. I had a very similar testimony as yours and have had to seek deliverance from the demons that came in through those open doors. They are hidden and disguise themselves within a person. God has brought you so far and He ia faithful to finish the work He started in you. God bless you
@jaimedavis439 День назад
We aren't?
@j.g.8494 День назад
Mike McKinsey is a handsome man!
@Grace-s9p День назад
Why speak bad of the "Hindu God" ?.... God is God .... Jeremiah 23:23-24 "I am a God who is everywhere and not in one place only. No one can hide where I cannot see them. Do you not know that I am everywhere in heaven and on earth?"
@wigsandfluff5729 День назад
Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life… nobody comes to the Father except through Him…..just believe he died on the cross for your sins… believe also that God the Father raised Him from the dead… and you will be saved.. Romans 10:9-10
@JamesWeeks-h1h День назад
The way , the truth and the life. Amen ✝️✝️✝️
@steffanjansenvanvuuren3257 День назад
----------------------- Revelation 22:7 New King James Version Behold, I am coming quickly! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book. --------------------- Revelation 22:14-17 New King James Version 14 Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. (the new Jerusalem City on the new earth in the new heaven) 15 But outside (the new Jerusalem City on the new Earth in the new heaven) are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie. 16 “I, Jesus, have sent My angel >>to testify to you these things<< in the churches. ----------------------------------------------------------
@steffanjansenvanvuuren3257 День назад
----------------------- Revelation 22:7 New King James Version Behold, I am coming quickly! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book. --------------------- Revelation 22:14-17 New King James Version 14 Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. (the new Jerusalem City on the new earth in the new heaven) 15 But outside (the new Jerusalem City on the new Earth in the new heaven) are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie. 16 “I, Jesus, have sent My angel >>to testify to you these things<< in the churches. ----------------------------------------------------------
@steffanjansenvanvuuren3257 День назад
If you refuse to accept and acknowledge the following, Pastor I'm speaking to you, pay attention. You are not of God... ------------------------ 1 Corinthians 14:37-38 Easy-to-Read Version 37 If you think you are a prophet or that you have a spiritual gift, you should understand that >>what I am writing to you<< (that includes all Paul's writings) >>is the Lord’s command.<< 38 >>If you do not accept this, >>you will not be accepted. ------------------------------------------------------------ Do you accept it, yes or no?
@steffanjansenvanvuuren3257 День назад
In the Bible, especially in the Gospels, do we see what it truly looks like when a person is demon possessed.
@elisabethaasen2959 День назад
@jane77722 День назад
"God reaches for us, but we have to reach for Him." "You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the Lord, "and I will bring you back from captivity." Jeremiah 29:13-14a
@heatherh7199 День назад
Love this interview!! It has spoken directly to my heart and talks about exact things I have been dealing with. It excited me to have a deeper relationship with the Lord. Literally gave me answers to questions I’ve asked ❤ praise the Lord and Bless this podcast! Truly, my mother and I have watched so many already. I love it!
@bluetree9 День назад
Thank you for saying this!! I do not have many to share what I experienced. I can resonate with you. For the same reason, I stated that I do not want to see things and I do not need to see to believe. And I stopped seeing both good and bad things. People don’t know how God is so loving. God will not give things that we can’t take or swallow. For that, when we face hardship, we just need to trust that God gives us this because we can get through and when we do, there is something incredibly good waiting for us. Of course now I want to encounter once more the light that is like sun but so brighter(golden becomes white)and spoke to me saying that he knows me and pouring unimaginable love. But I also know that God has continued to communicate with me differently through scent and other ways. Thank you again for sharing your story. God is here with us always. 🙏💗
@timphonewise5643 День назад
One of thr berst stories on deliverance
@craftwithkatrina День назад
I believe you. This is so moving.
@timiburke7133 День назад
Natives La gh at people saying house- it’s made for TP to carry out the top. Shift energy. Demons mock & laugh when we use sage. Only a True Christian using the Power of the Name of Jesus!
@jonphotos8631 День назад
In Exodus and Leviticus God gives instructions on how and when to offer him a burnt offering of incense. I’m not saying what she is saying is wrong, maybe some clarification from someone more knowledgeable.
@steveg3885 День назад
Christ is an annioted of YHWH the dragon. Since the Bible has been manipulated we need to see the works in other to seperate the wheat from the tares. Jesus never came to be the Messiah. Messiah is an earthly term for king. And rebuke the deciples when they call him that.