@riomine1984 3 месяца назад
Damn this is fucken awesome. Good job 👍🏻
@AkimDemeter 3 месяца назад
Знаете, как называют казахский канал, который пережил клиническую смерть? Камбек.
@lepeshka8832 3 месяца назад
как обычно БАЗА от самого адекватного подписчика
@McC.444 4 месяца назад
What version of the song is this?
@lepeshka8832 4 месяца назад
The cover for the mod "The New Order" for Hearts of Iron IV
@McC.444 4 месяца назад
@@lepeshka8832 thanks, I appreciate it
@Southerner6 4 месяца назад
Good old Rhodesia
@frogfinance4605 4 месяца назад
Sit Nomine Digna
@varichev_official 4 месяца назад
@nyb101 4 месяца назад
101 years 🤌🏻✨☦️ save russia 🇷🇺 save my grandfather and his family and brave comrades 🌹
@AkimDemeter 4 месяца назад
ФСБ, спасибо за то, что держите Лепёшку в подвале его дома, и заставляете его клипать ролики❤
@jabaschannel 4 месяца назад
гоооооол йеееееес
@AkimDemeter 4 месяца назад
Finally Lepeshkyavie videos
@MiroMakhno 5 месяцев назад
Even after Batko left to Romania, the movement continued… Comrade Belash and Zinkovsky continued to led an anarchist underground organisation, but they were arrested and executed in 1938. In 1942, 8 years after the death of Makhno, comrade Tsebry, a former makhnovist fighter, came back to Kyiv, occupied by the Nazis, he created a « green guard » based on the principles of anarchism and plateformism (aka makhnovism), fighting in Kyiv against the nazis and the Bolsheviks… The spirit of Batko lives on, as long as there are dreamers and freedom-seekers ! Love, my brother, love, for with our ataman we have no worries ! 🏴‍☠️
@ДмитрийЧа5аан 5 месяцев назад
ВОЛЯ АБО СМЕРТЬ Як Батько заграэ, ворог враз ридаэ. То э iти до кого молодому козаку. Червонi лiворуч, бiлii праворуч, А я пiду до Батька на гражданськую вiйну! Любо, братцi, любо! Любо, братцi, жить! З нашим отаманом Не приходиться тужить! Iз-за валки лунко, лунко в беркги Вдарили одразу короткi батоги. Батько нахилився, коня у кар'эр, Висiкти сволоту; цiвку плечем впер... А першая куля, а першая куля Порснула по менi - та й спасли ремнi! А другая куля, а другая куля Ранила коня ще за свiтла дня... Любо, братцi, любо! Любо, братцi, жить! З нашим отаманом Не приходиться тужить! А третяя куля, а третяя куля Цiлила в мене - мого коня мине... Як терпець урвався, то не налякать, Тiльки дотягнуться... а на смерть начхать! Не сумуйте, Батьку, нiчого пенять, Тi хто виноватi, вже навiки сплять! А що не владнали, та не домайстрували, Буде того зiлля нашим дiтям дорубать!.. Любо, братцi, любо! Любо, братцi, жить! З нашим отаманом Не приходиться тужить! Годi на сьогоднi, браття, храбрувать, Конi потомились, хлопцi хочуть спать. Нiчого не шкода, нi врага-iрода, Шкода тiльки волi та й буланого коня!.. Любо, братцi, любо! Любо, братцi, жить! З нашим отаманом Не приходиться тужить!
@ArtemKukxa 5 месяцев назад
За Российскую империю
@Dagoth_ballin 5 месяцев назад
Can you explain the historical context?
@NiskaMagnusson 5 месяцев назад
my own experience is very limited but during the first world war the Russians joined the entente against Germany, whilst the Entente won the Russians sued for peace because of the German/Austrian forces overwhelming them, they signed the Brest-Litovsk treaty signing over much of their western territories to "independent" nations effectively under German control. Long preface: The Germans also without informing their own people smuggled Lenin, a Russian marxist exile from Switzerland to Russia, starting the October revolution (which wasnt in October in the gregorian calendar most of us use, Russia uses a different calender, it's complicated) a long petracted civil war took place, in which the White movement, a mix of ultranationalists, Monarchist and anti-communists faught against the Red Movement, led predominantly by Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin, when Lenin became sick Stalin took power and became one of the worst dictators in human history. MANY Russians died because of his leadership, this went on from the 1920s to the 1950s and more Soviet Citizens died in WW2 than all the other powers put together, this is partially because of the barbarism of the Germans but also the sheer incompetence of the Russians, who still rely on this human wave tactic in the war in Ukraine to this day, many videos from Russian soldiers refer to it as "meat attacks" where they rely on sheer numbers to overwhelm the Ukrainian defenders, ultimately human life means less in Russia than it does in the rest of Europe, which is deeply tragic because the Russian people still have many wonderful people in their ranks. Regarding the anarcists there were other movements such as the Green movement: which was MOSTLY a farmers revolt that basically faught everyone in a war of rights, a civil war within a civil war and the black movement which I THINK this video is about, led by one Nestor Makhno, a Ukranian revolutionary, featured here : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nestor_Makhno
@lepeshka8832 5 месяцев назад
In 1921, the Soviets used Anarchists help in crushing White Movement remnants in Taurida. At that time, anarchist movement was already close to eradication since Makhno-Soviet relationship were unstable and Red Army had fought batallions of Blacks for couple of times, not mentioning ignoring the agreement of theirs (crops from Makhno in return of weapons from Lenin). When Wrangel and last soldiers of White Army evacuated to Constantinople and Crimean operation was over, Trotsky and Lenin decided to stab Makhnovians in the back and declared war on their cells. As a result of long-term partisan war and NEP introduction, that made anarchist ideology simply unpopular amongst peasants (since soviets allowed them to use their property as they like) the remnants of the Black Army, led by Makhno himself, broke through Ukrainian SSR into Romania through several channels. The Leader of Third Anarchic Revolution himself was severely wounded in his cheek during the operation, that's why he looks kinda weird in his post-CivWar photos. The song in the video is about slow collapse of the Free Territory and the video itself demonstrates the mentioned event.
@tomgu2285 5 месяцев назад
They look like cetniks.
@gear37 5 месяцев назад
Давай про наполеоновские войны делай
@lepeshka8832 5 месяцев назад
Будет, главное найти что-нибудь ипищное. Следующий видос по плану про Венгрию
@ПавелИванов-ш8з 5 месяцев назад
Автор, пили исчо
@lepeshka8832 5 месяцев назад
Будет, обязательно будет. Главное - навалить побольше лукасов и подписчиков.
@AkimDemeter 5 месяцев назад
Спасибо ФСБ за то, что заперли Плоскохлебного в подвале, и заставили пилить ролики
@lepeshka8832 5 месяцев назад
нет это дух дедушки Махно заставляет.
@HawkThunder907 5 месяцев назад
Death of Russia: 1922 Death of Serbia: 1946 Its really sad to see these two countries get torn to pieces by a devilish menace that is still admired by millions. May your souls rest who fought for a greater future, you are truly sons of our nations and servers of God.
@AkimDemeter 5 месяцев назад
Очередная БАЗА от плоскохлебного калика
@ilif2563 6 месяцев назад
Вековая слава воинам России - белогвардейцам и смерть кровавому иудобольшевизму
@tempejkl 6 месяцев назад
honest Lenin reaction: 🙃
@AkimDemeter 8 месяцев назад
Солдат - не солдат, Румынский - не Румынский
@ДенисОррлов 8 месяцев назад
Девушки: Он не плакал на Титанике! У этих парней вообще есть сердце? Парни: .....
@AkimDemeter 8 месяцев назад
Продуктивность - МОЁ ПОЧТЕНИЕ. Тебя босс в подвале заковал? А что там босс, корейский, не корейский?
@lepeshka8832 8 месяцев назад
Это всё наглость барыг, а я перевязан скотчем
@henryhawthorne8460 8 месяцев назад
Based description tbh
@AkimDemeter 8 месяцев назад
После стольких лет...
@lepeshka8832 8 месяцев назад
@traveljacknguyen2915 8 месяцев назад
Three strips is real Russia at all time Glory to Russia ( Not Putin and his war ) 🇻🇳🇷🇺
@W8liftinG444 5 месяцев назад
It's not Putin's war. It is a war that was forced on Russia by the USA in order to weaken Russia.
I apologize for my English, this message was written in google translator. I am Russian and live in Russia, it is 2023 now. I want in this comment to address people from other countries who do not understand my native language. Take some time and watch the 2008 film The Admiral. Study the issue of repressions of Lenin, Stalin and other Soviet leaders. Learn about the Gulag. Study the theme of the fight against religion in the USSR. Study the topic of class struggle in the USSR. Study the topic of NKVD barrage detachments and penal battles in the USSR. You will be able to realize that real Russians are not vodka, red star, and communism. This idea may be because you have not studied our history much. Just like I don't know the names of all the emperors of China and each Sultan of Turkey, because for me this is the history of other countries. Real Russians do not accept communism, because it is ugly in all its manifestations. Real Russians are sure that communism mocked Russians from 1917 to 1991.
I apologize for my English, this message was written in google translator. I am Russian and live in Russia, it is 2023 now. I want in this comment to address people from other countries who do not understand my native language. Take some time and watch the 2008 film The Admiral. Study the issue of repressions of Lenin, Stalin and other Soviet leaders. Learn about the Gulag. Study the theme of the fight against religion in the USSR. Study the topic of class struggle in the USSR. Study the topic of NKVD barrage detachments and penal battles in the USSR. You will be able to realize that real Russians are not vodka, red star, and communism. Real Russians do not accept communism, because it is ugly in all its manifestations. Real Russians are sure that communism mocked Russians from 1917 to 1991.
@margarathejulian717 3 месяца назад
Только если бы мир помог матушке России, никогда не было бы правления коммунистов :(
@Dima-px6pr Год назад
White or Red the western will still hate Russia
@sergeirocker8441 Год назад
Русь свободная воскресенет!
@nathanpangilinan4397 2 года назад
When you send Mikhail to Australia and establish a White Army junta.
@globe0147 2 года назад
Death to the reds! 🏳️🇷🇺
@johnparr347yrsand2 2 года назад
@MDHAL1 2 года назад
Better than blyat capitalism K-pop
@K.Pershing 2 года назад
You used Blyat Capitalism and Kpop in the same sentence. And also you have a phone because of capitalism
@MDHAL1 2 года назад
@@K.Pershing lol my phone from china
@MDHAL1 2 года назад
@@K.Pershing try something else in the next time bro
@K.Pershing 2 года назад
@@MDHAL1 You belive the state foolery? China doesn't have state owned companies it's capitalistic in nature. How'd you think your phone got exported to your country? You are the embodiment of edgy 14 year-olds
@MDHAL1 2 года назад
@@K.Pershing ahhhh first of all im 22 years from Egypt and i was born in 16 12 1999 Secondly china is communist bro what hell everybody know this and these companies are loyal to the Chinese government
@Poffean 2 года назад
@minecraftgaming9057 2 года назад
I pray for the young russian soldiers in ukraine and hope god will bring them home safely, i also pray for the ukrainians who are fighting bravely and hope that all the brave men and woman to stay safe
@RifainOrthodoxe 2 года назад
Vive l'Orthodoxie, mort au communisme !
@Odyssey-dr4cx 8 месяцев назад
Слава Россия!
@cartesian_doubt6230 2 года назад
Where can I find the picture in the video?
@kurnma3776 2 года назад
TNO if you stick with Shipunoff
@barefoofDr 2 года назад
God Bless Russia.
@RoclerBeats 2 года назад
God Bless the People of Russia God bless the head of Russia no more
@lemieux-z8933 2 года назад
@@RoclerBeats fuck putin, love Russia
@MoskusMoskiferus1611 2 года назад
The Art within Masterpiece
@desafiogameplays6113 2 года назад
Once more Russian mothers will mourn their sons, dying alone, cold, in a useless war for the Aristocracy that couldn't give two shits about their well being. Russian mothers, Ukrainian mothers: I'm sorry.
@jonathanwilliams1065 2 года назад
It’s actually not that simple Both sides are looking to protect themselves from what they see as aggressive and more powerful neighbors For Ukraine it’s Russia, for Russia it’s NATO
@ЯрославЧугаев-р4с 2 года назад
so protecting your country is useless
@desafiogameplays6113 2 года назад
@@ЯрославЧугаев-р4с Protecting from what? NATO hasn't done a single aggressive action towards Russia. It was even warming up heavily towards it with trade deals like Nordstream 2 and such. The Russian Aristocracy, born from Yeltsin's failures, have caused this pointless war.
@Schornerq 2 года назад
@@desafiogameplays6113 "NATO hasn't done a single aggressive action towards Russia", Then Russia hasn't done a single aggressive action towards Ukraine.
@desafiogameplays6113 2 года назад
​@@Schornerq Like what? Stopping the Bosnian genocide? That was the last aggressive troop movement of NATO in eastern Europe.
@francescowolfskin6795 2 года назад
Onore e gloria alla santa madre Russia 🇷🇺🇷🇺
@mizur77 2 года назад
8th day of russians starving in ukraine xD
@EmilSosnin 2 года назад
Don't believe everything you see/read on internet.
@mizur77 2 года назад
@@EmilSosnin ok konfederato
@barisslovenkov5762 2 года назад
Oh look, a war expert!
@русский-ц3э 2 года назад
Промыты мозги. Сравните россию и Украину, если бы мы хотели, Украины уже бы не была, но мы не Америка! Мы ради Донбасса, за 8 лет там убито около 15 тысяч и все молчали, лицимеры. А, когда украинцы на майдане русских сожгли в Одессе, почему никто и слова не сказал????? Запад вы то точно лицимеры
@somebody_who 2 года назад
there is no that ugly looking meme man template and that is good i had not need see that ugly mug
@t.on.y 2 года назад
105 years without Russia...
@vpolerosaaaa 2 года назад
ровно 100... последние партизаны на ДВ были в 1923..
@agentchaos7794 10 месяцев назад
@Nicholas_Rozhkoff 9 месяцев назад
​@@vpolerosaaaaА ещё в 1923 году был Якутский поход генерала Пепеляева, а города Охотск и Аян Белые удерживали до конца лета 1923 года.
@toniikkkk 5 месяцев назад
@Frateco-1789 5 месяцев назад
Если бы белые победили - Россия была бы свободной страной, и такого ужаса бы не допускала С другой стороны, Украины бы тоже не было)
@jeanknispell5595 2 года назад
Jesus Bless Russia. From Brazil 🇧🇷✝️☦❤🇷🇺☦✝️