This channel is officially retired. I used to make Star Wars themed vs. videos and other nerdy content. Feel free to check it out, but don't expect any new content.
Channel Update 2021
3 года назад
What is a Jedi Guardian?
3 года назад
Miraak | Jedi or Sith?
3 года назад
@jessegarza9399 3 дня назад
@chrisjacksob9887 24 дня назад
Prophet (Crysis) vs Predator
@treblazer 24 дня назад
Feels like Krell’s fighting analysis was wrong. When fighting the clones he used wide sweeping movements for attacks, leaning towards Shii-Cho, also the incorporation of hand to hand combat as well as his jar’kai usage would be more akin to Ataru rather than Niman. To me… ultimately I think Krell would come out on top but that’s me
@GoogleWhiz540 25 дней назад
Very late to the party, but nonetheless: well-done! Of the Dooku-versus-Vader debates I’ve seen, this by far the fairest and most balanced towards both combatants. As far as martial arts goes, you’ve articulated my misgivings with Vader’s ability to best Dooku in a lightsaber duel better than I could. Despite his usually rock-solid defense, Vader has had occasional defensive lapses from time to time, either because he overcommitted to one move (Luke clipping his shoulder on Bespin) or was simply beaten into submission (Luke smashing through Vader’s defenses on the Death Star II). And given his heavy armor and cybernetics, Vader lacks the split-second reflexes and reaction time that allowed his younger self to dodge and weave around Dooku. That said, Vader’s probably well aware of his weaknesses, so I have to wonder if he’s actually okay with letting the enemy score glancing blows every now and then, since he can take the hits and use the resulting opening to retaliate tenfold? Unfortunately, this strategy would still prove a liability against someone a balletic and surgically precise fencer like Dooku. So, while I’m sure Vader’s fair competition and would easily outperform Quinlan Vos or Sora Bulq (especially given Vader’s familiarity with Dooku’s style and capabilities), he’d have to be more cautious than usual and power through the jabs and stabs in hopes of outlasting the Count, cornering him, and hammering the flagging Count’s delicate defenses until he caves in (just as you’ve said). Despite that, Vader has also made calculated use of his strength to lock his opponent’s blade in a bind and twist the saber out of their hand; if Savage can knock Dooku’s saber out of his grasp with a really impulsive overhand strike, I don’t see why Vader couldn’t do the same (albeit with much more control and finesse). On the whole, an interesting exhibition of the pros and cons of the combatants’ styles. On the one hand, Dooku’s Form II enables him to bypass and outmaneuver with grace, efficiency, and pinpoint accuracy (giving him the initial advantage as he exploits the 1 or 2 defensive lapses in Vader’s form), but is quick to crumble under Vader’s sustained barrage of power attacks and leaves Dooku a sitting duck once he has nowhere left to run. On the other hand, Vader’s Form V hybrid is not only exceptionally versatile, but also enables him to put up a tighter (if not 100 percent impenetrable) defense than 99 percent of the Count’s challengers, counterattack with a “targeted” application of strength that staggers Dooku’s rhythm, and ultimately hammer him into submission once he’s cornered and fatigued. In that sense, I feel like Vader manages his strengths and weaknesses better than Dooku does, despite the Count’s obvious speed and maneuverability advantages (alongside his trademark Form II grace and precision) making him narrowly more effective in a one-on-one lightsaber duel… or at least, the first few minutes of it. Once Vader rallies and heaps more and more pressure onto Dooku, though? Yeah… good luck trying to spam Vader with Force Lightning, when he’s already powered through blasts from Galen Marek and the Starkiller clone (and has Emperor Palpatine, a literal Force Lightning god incarnate, as his master).
@maliquedavis6158 Месяц назад
What's the music you have at 5:56
@overknightacention39 Месяц назад
The master of the Chosen One vs. The master of the Sith'ari
@codysanborn7104 Месяц назад
someone has to punish the corrupt my actions are not vengeance its punishment
@SerapYazici-ru8nn Месяц назад
@CapitalKingdom-yl1mk Месяц назад
If the t-800 can use his grenadelauncher he will win, otherwise jason wins
@brianjordan3841 2 месяца назад
4 me I c this lineup as such Physicality even as Exar kun is younger n unless we’re talking about Darth Krayt being cured of his vong coral seeds then he’s going to b in a poor state to begin with but Krayt does have the vastly greater pain tolerance whereas Kun doesn’t, Martial Skill is dead even as both combatants r Niman specialists, Weapons n Equipment hoes mainly to Kun as he has a specially made lightsaber that looks like a normal lightsaber but has 2 blades that b long or short 1 or 2 blades with a mere press of a button plus he has the dark side gauntlets as supposed to Krayt just having 2 lightsabers, Force Abilities goes to Krayt largely bcuz he has magnitude, range n versatility to match if not overwhelm Kun’s Sith sorcery plus unlike Exar Kun who never really mixed his force powers into his lightsaber combat (1 of the prime factors of a Niman specialists) Darth Krayt often used his powers with his lightsabers n devastated his opponents bcuz of it
@crypticwander421 2 месяца назад
Idk if great's a great description of his art.
@aramsong126 2 месяца назад
its so unfair cal is allowed to grow stronger, while kanan never really improved his saber skill
@Gyropilot99087 2 месяца назад
Grand inquisitor was a joke (like every other inquisitor), pong krell is very underrated and easily solos the inquisitors
@analothor 2 месяца назад
nice one, and yea i agree with the verdict but if krayts saber skills were lacking and didn't have shatter point it might have been enough for kun to close the gap but with them...unlikely
@Dr.Lemmy_C_Yasnatch 3 месяца назад
The thing with Torques rage is that when it runs out, it actually eats at his health and renders him completely broken if you dont get off rage mode. Though, he is technically used to seeing things that arent there (visions and ghosts) so i dont think he'll be that phased by Freddys tricks, which is why i also agree Torque wins. I'd say the "good" ending is canonical and that pretty much ends in Torque literally defeating his own Freddy, so im guessing the actual Freddy wouldn't be much different. Torques also quick on his feet and can adapt to different types of enemies. It shows in the battle with Hermes, when you have to trap him in the furnace.
@javoncambridge741 3 месяца назад
batman solos jason
@g4do 3 месяца назад
Predator sees temperatures and would see the advanced hydrogen fuel cells at the T-800's core and would have used its shoulder Cannon to explode the terminator . The fight would never have happened for this reason alone . You looked to deeply into this analysis... without remembering the Predator's actual abilities.
@javoncambridge741 3 месяца назад
the termintor wins
@taylorwickham 4 месяца назад
The Grand Inquisitor bested Luminara Unduli, who is far above Pong Krell.
@Doomed137 4 месяца назад
I once swept shinygold with Zangoose especially female having attract, Return, Swords Dance and Ice Punch/Brick Break accordingly 😂 it was so easy with attract and Swords Dance also it had perfect nature for Attack and Speed I guess also I one swept Emerald with Snorlax with Belly Drum
@abstraction6212 5 месяцев назад
Valkorion would be most worthy of the orange lantern ring as he ruled for 1500 years and is obsessed with sustaining his life. Darth Vader would also be worthy of a yellow lantern ring.
@jbellflower83 5 месяцев назад
I think comparing Kun to a real world example of someone like Mike Tyson is appt. He got alot of wins but not necessarily against elite competition outside of a couple of instances. Whereas Luke fought against force wielders of extreme capability. Id say Luke is appt to a real world example of someone like Michael Jordan. He had the talent and the work ethic to elevate himself. I kind of like finding real world examples to use to compare force users to. And again this is not to disparage Kun as he seems to have a bit of a cult following among SW fans and he is an elite force user. I just dont think he had many instances of ppl who could really push him to his limits. Luke on the other hand cut his teeth against Darth Vader, the sith lord with the highest Jedi kill count in history, Darth Sideous, maybe the most powerful Sith ever. And then you have ppl like Darth Cadeus, Abeloth, the Yuzhang Vong. Luke was constantly running up against high level force users (well, the Vong are technically not but you know what i mean) and it helped make him strong. He became everything his father was supposed to become.
@gunnarschilling6989 6 месяцев назад
Alternate Name: Lucia, Feminine variant of Lucifer.
@vignalmaxence5851 6 месяцев назад
Krayt is better
@treblazer 6 месяцев назад
I would think more of like a Quinlan Vos for Batman but I don agree with the outcome
@mrspook4789 6 месяцев назад
The hydrogen cells is a T-850 thing. The T-800 has a cell the uses nuclear reactions that is behind the armor plates instead of a hatch. The T-800 primary vision mode is infered as it considers the visual spectrum to be to energy inefficient to process but it can see like a human if it wishes. The T-800s strangth is inconsistent and according to the wiki it's 40% stronger than the T-600 that can lift 4000lbs and that would mean the T-800 can lift 5800lbs however it has been seen doing much more such as in Terminator Genesis it was able to hold a school bus with one hand witch is about 24,000lbs with one hand! And the T-800 would notice the there is a knife in its neck and would get it out or hold the predators hands still. Marcus was able to do it because his strength was only slightly less than the T-RIP (T-800 prototype) and he had leverage. I don't agree with your verdict but it was vary interesting and fun!👍
@1980cuzo 7 месяцев назад
I keep hearing yoda was in hiding on dagobah but he actually says "into exile i must go failed i have" it wasn't fear but shame for not defeating palpatine he was there.
@neonthunder3261 7 месяцев назад
pure opinion, but I disagree. The absolute Marvel vs Capcom level beam used to destroy the Sith worm seems pretty hard for anyone to defend against
@santosereyna3043 7 месяцев назад
No way
@jacobheckman1444 7 месяцев назад
I love these
@Dazzle_Novak_ 7 месяцев назад
The biggest "oof" factor for Kanan is that It's Cal 10 years before Rebels we're talking about, and getting stronger with time. If we assume that Kanan = ~mid game Survivor Cal but with only single and blaster stances, and no stasis ability, it would be a tough opponent for Fallen Order Cal. Full endgame Survivor Cal is just unreachable for Kanan.
@mrspook4789 7 месяцев назад
The T-800 doesn't possess the same power cells as the T-850. The T-850 uses hydrogen fuel cells while the T-800 uses a single cell the uses nuclear reactions to generate power. T-900 had a micro fusion reactor. Having just learned of Jason's abilities I agree with your decision at the end. He ain't standing a chance against the T-1000 though since that has regenerative properties and shape-shifting abilities and is many times faster and stronger than a T-800 capable l of damaging or ripping apart hyperalloy with its own strength and the T-1000 is also more heat resistant as it also survived slightly longer in the molten steel then the T-800 and it has no localized weak spot.
@egyptianking9220 7 месяцев назад
Oh no Terminator crushes
@skargrimes2021 8 месяцев назад
Terminator low diff.
@virtualrealityfitness283 8 месяцев назад
Krayt wins this low diff!
@StormTrooperbadaim 8 месяцев назад
8 years
@grudgematch6653 8 месяцев назад
Terminator wins, smarter, probably stronger, more tactical
@Drelam 8 месяцев назад
Lets be honest Cals a beast especially by Jedi Survivor, he single handley slays Rancors and AT-STs, beats Inquistors and wipes the floor with 10+ groups of various Stormtroopers. He's naturally talented in the force often using it in combat and he has a style for any situtation and the gear to back it up.
@kingcrocodilerex 8 месяцев назад
Can you do uber jason vs predator
@DeathMetalThrasher 8 месяцев назад
I agree and disagree with the outcome. This is ultimately a match in endurance. When they go into close hand to hand, eventually the T-800 will rip Jasons arms, legs and even head off as it would know this would be the quickest and most effective way of incapacitating and killing a human without weapons. It wouldn't leave Jason dead forever, but if they would fight again that same terminator will have had prior knowledge and use an even more effective method of rendering Jason fully incapable. Only issue is any damage the T-800 receives in every encounter then and afterwards is permanent, whereas Jason would eventually just regenerate from all injuries. Unless the T-800 finds a way to disintegrate or fully destroy and scatter Jasons body, they will just keep fighting until Jason wins in the endurance category.
@stevena.7022 9 месяцев назад
The House Hufflepuff of Jedi
@jacyhoogvliets5716 9 месяцев назад
How is a pink cow faster then s rayquaza? Like how!? 😂
@Mercer13958 9 месяцев назад
"Do you know the difference between justice and punishment" franks truest words
@yuwannaknownodrip5079 9 месяцев назад
Agreed with the verdict, tho i think the t800 wouldn't last as long in a H2H. Good vid
@Welther47 10 месяцев назад
You should mention that you read almost word for word from The jedi path book, or is it wookieepedia?
@richardstorm4603 10 месяцев назад
Jason Voorhees might have a chance if he went to ITT Tech...
@ChampionMaster_Gold 10 месяцев назад
Metagross Gengar Alakazam Dragonite aggron Charizard my team
@iamtamashii4184 10 месяцев назад
@johnwilbur1168 11 месяцев назад
A terminator would kick jason voorhees butt no problem
@mazkeraid4039 11 месяцев назад
Imagine the what-if scenario that Kanan Jarrus is his birth name, being a padawan of Jedi Master Taron Malicos who was infamously known for spreading the misconceptions of the Jedi Code a direct contrast with Caleb Kestis with his Jedi Master Jaro Tapal. He would also be an antagonistic force against Cal’s protagonistic force.