Kärntner Landesjugendchor
Kärntner Landesjugendchor
Kärntner Landesjugendchor
The Kärntner Landesjugendchor (Carinthian Youth Choir) was founded in 2005 in co-operation with the choir society Kärntner Sängerbund and the federal state government Land Kärnten to give young and talented singers from all over Kärnten (Carinthia, Austria) the opportunity to improve their musical abilities together with others of similar age.

On only four weekends per year, the choir meets to work together on an ambitious musical program. This obviously demands a certain degree of initiative and musical education of the singers themselves. Interested candidates from all over Carinthia are therefore invited to an audition at the beginning of every season. Thus, a newly composed choir of old and new members is created every year. Currently, the choir consists of around 55 singers, all aged between 15 and 26.

Jodler-Schnasn - Kärntner Landesjugendchor
5 месяцев назад
Kärntner Landesjugendchor goes USA!
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