The Irish Pagan School
The Irish Pagan School
The Irish Pagan School
Online Classes on Irish Paganism, Mythology, History, Heritage, Culture, Magic and Spirituality, taught by native Irish Educators. The Irish Pagan School is based in County Waterford, Ireland, co-founded and run by Lora O'Brien and Jon O'Sullivan.
@lifewithlisat 11 часов назад
I listened to this podcast and thought to myself that Buckley doesn’t even get our own American history. We might have gained our independence from Britain but we also became the oppressors of indigenous peoples across the American continent. That is history book fact. I hope no one is influenced by that man’s tweets!
@Irish.Alchemist 12 часов назад
I let a friend know she has one in her family line and pantry. A good few years ago. He has a name. Shared it with me, and he is a hilariously grumpy little sod. Excellent little protector, tho.
@AuntyKsTarot 21 час назад
ugh I've said all these same things to settlers stealing my culture too (so same people you're dealing with). Much empathy. Because I'm light skinned Lakota so settlers think I will give them more space - I don't, it upsets them more that I won't. So you, yeah they would really expect space from you. It's ok to dislike settler colonizers.
@-RONNIE 23 часа назад
Thank you as always for the video & information
@kellypatton2711 23 часа назад
I’ve always thought that holding people accountable is a very loving act. It means you believe that they can do better. I truly appreciate all the effort Lora and IPS have put into explaining these things, it has helped me grow as a person. And thank you for being an example by holding yourself accountable as well.
@karenelliott-grinnell4643 День назад
I have always appreciated you and what you do so Thank you for your depth and integrity.😎
@EricaBurrell День назад
If you've watched any IPS content you'd see it's quite obvious to me that misogyny and just plain misunderstanding are the reason for people thinking anything negative would come from Lora. Just because people or female presenting people use specific words doesn't mean they're even being negative.
@richardjones7984 День назад
It seems to me to be a lot of theatrical words nicely arranged. Far too modern for my liking which does not carry the strange something of the direct experience which can be found in the original poems of Taliesin. It is much better than the awful American occult soft porn. It does not convey the weird horror one experiences when placed into the body of the named bird. I would recommend reading "Raven and his Grandmother" an Aleut origin tale to get the emotional feel and wider perspective of the Raven archetype and shapeshifting. My ancestral seal, modernised at left, is an ancient genuine one from the time of the flood and so I know these things, unfortunately.
@grouchygeek4176 2 дня назад
I really enjoyed this :)
@imamaggot2 2 дня назад
Yo, I've literally never felt hated as an American from this group
@bditman4740 2 дня назад
way late to the party, but thank you for sharing your story of meeting the goddess. i appreciate the other different prospective that you bring to the table, Very enlightening and resonates with my call and resistance . i Am trekking through the wilderness to move my spirituality the next level and hearing the calling but kind of sloughing it off. I hope you guys are still doing new stuff but if not, i will use all of the great resources that the two of you provided, and following the breadcrumb where they lead. Thnaks
@IrishPaganSchool День назад
Thanks for your comment. We have new free content every week at the Irish Pagan School. Blogs, vids, podcasts and more. Join the mailing list and get a list of free resources at Irishpagan.school/free :)
@mdinnen5930 2 дня назад
Lora, I appreciate this video very much, go raibh míle maith agat 🙏🏻 As an Irish-American, my experience is that passive aggression was my first language and even though I was raised to be codependent and a people pleaser, I still had a sense of entitlement. And I definitely had a feeling of wanting to be coddled because of how hurt I was. (Also, I want to clarify I am a white person of mixed Euro heritage. Many people in the US are Irish-American and not white.) I've done a lot of growing and learning since that time and have had to challenge my concepts of indigeneity and privilege. I will say I find it a difficult thing to be part of a colonizing group in the US, but that is reality. While I know I am not indigenous to the US, I am also not indigenous to any part of Europe, although going back far enough, all of my ancestors were. But I am so grateful that the Irish Pagan School exists and for all the work you and Jon and other teachers have done! While I understand I am not a native Irish person, I know that I have a connection to the Irish land and culture and people through my physical and spiritual ancestry. I know no one needs that particular connection to engage with you and your content, I just happen to have it, and for me, it is special, particularly because you are giving me access to a culture that has been lost to my family for at least several generations. We have more or less assimilated to "white" in the US. But for me, although I know this is a huge advantage socially, monetarily and otherwise here and I will never deny that, I feel that "white American culture" is completely vacuous and based on racism and capitalism. I needed deeper ways in my life to connect with who I am and who came before me to make up who I am in this time and place. IPS has been my biggest and richest resource for that that I've come across so far, and I do appreciate your dedication to authenticity as I also see a whole load of appropriative shite out there. I had to wade through some to get to you and it was so worth it. I also am constantly recommending IPS to everyone I know who has an interest in Irish culture and spirituality and I don't even think I've touched the surface of what you're offering. I admit I don't know much about how native Irish folks communicate with each other, but any time I questioned what you were saying or how, I was able to reflect on why I had that reaction and deal with my own emotions. I know that if I ever had an issue, I could bring it to you directly. I appreciate everything you're doing and why, especially in a world that seems to want to homogenize the shite out of us all. The first time I realized I didn't have to be a white savior to People of Color in the US was when a Black friend said to me, "Yes, recognize your racial privilege, but don't identify AS white. Investigate your ETHNICITY, and then you and I will have something to connect on." That combined with my thirst for a tangible family history and genealogy has led me here. PS: I also really appreciate your messaging that makes it clear to people who are actively and intentionally engaging in racism that they are not welcome at IPS and that racism has nothing to do with being Irish (or Irish-American for that matter). ❤❤❤
@shalalala4875 2 дня назад
Thank you for sharing this. I respect the Morrigan but am not interested in working with her. I am interested in personal and collective liberation, and my soul is my own alone. Power imbalances give me the ick. Beings who wield power over others or use power to coerce in some ways are on the other side of the line I don’t cross. Your story resonated with me a lot. It seemed like she was trying to coerce you, which makes me personally deeply uncomfortable. But on the other hand, by your experience with her, it seems like she actually really helped you listen to yourself and know yourself better- to not just go along with what she was telling you you needed to do, but look inward and stand by your own truth and boundaries. In that way, she really did help you find valuable wisdom. Very thought provoking story, and I appreciate you sharing quite a bit.
@shalalala4875 3 дня назад
Brigid makes herself most visibly present to me in fire. Her fire has made itself known to me even in water. I was in the shower and praying, invoking her. I wasn’t touching the knob. Only when I raised my energy as I kept calling her name(s), the water grew hotter and hotter until it was almost scalding. But it wasn’t painful, it felt purifying.
@Lukemacleary 3 дня назад
The most smug "Dey're not oirish!" I have ever heard I'm unyieldingly proud of my Colonial Anglo-Irish/Ulster-Irish ancestors, and their syncretic folklore/traditions.
@Ogham 2 дня назад
Very weird flex that shows just how far removed you are from Ireland, but ok 😂
@Lukemacleary 2 дня назад
@@Ogham Thank God my ancestors got away from there
@Ogham День назад
​@Lukemacleary we are most grateful to our gods too.
@Lukemacleary 17 часов назад
​@@Ogham Fairies**
@Ponderpon 3 дня назад
Thank you for providing this information, especially for free on the internet. I appreciate your efforts ^^
@wendymorris6650 3 дня назад
Lora, I appreciate your work. I have met you in person and was blessed to have a personal learning experience with you. As an American who has had to relearn what I thought was Irish culture. The one thing I had been struggling with is cultural appropriation. I kind of felt like I was walking on egg shells, to make sure I wasn't a part of this. I struggled with, as an American because I was taught that American was a melting pot of cultures. I felt lost, and questioned , as an non native American, do we actually have a cultural identity. I fell down a sort of rabbit hole, and I had to take some time to think about it, and finally I decided, that just because I was having an identity crisis, didn't mean that I could research the culture of part of my ancestry and by doing so appreciate the culture. I am grateful fot the perspective of others who call others out for the miss information that over many years has been spread. So here I am trying to grow and relearn. All this being said I feel deeply blessed to have you, the Irish pagan school, and the teachers available to help guide me as I walk my most authentic spiritual path. I also on a personal note think you are very kind. That you are very giving, and when needed you stand strong to correct the BS that has been spread. Thank you for putting yourself out there so we know better. So we have a better understanding. I know it isn't easy.
@Ogham 2 дня назад
@eamonnobroithe2988 3 дня назад
I was interested in your pronunciation of the name. Dáithí Ó hÓgáin gives the Old-Irish pronunciation as (daɣθa) which I would of expected as the internal consonants would be lenited. Lore concerning the Daghdha survives down to the Modern-Irish period, for example in Seathrún Céitinn. The 18th century poet Peadar Ó Doirnín sang “Is binne mo leanbh míle uaire ná an Daghdha” (pronounced something like: dɑ:gə). I heard this song sung where the singer pronounced it something like (dəiɣə). Beir bua agus beannacht.
@_exitcrypt 3 дня назад
This is so great - an Dagda is a deity that seems to click with me without any force, which is so new a sensation for me; hearing that he is a “big daddy” just makes so much sense lol I love his stories, his principles, steadfastness and wisdom. Go raibh maith agat for your wonderful talks about him!
@_exitcrypt 3 дня назад
I’m new to learning from IPS, I am of the Irish diaspora here, but I am an “American” settler. I wanted to say that I am what people call “anti-American”; decolonial education makes it very easy to be that way, to see thru this lens, and it’s what I feel is appropriate one thousand percent. The illegal settler states of “America” are illegitimate, a harbinger of genocide and eco destruction, and it’s acceptable to “hate” settlers here and our settler “culture”. The “US” is subject to decolonization. People think I’m a hard ass but nah. It’s principles. Once you learn them, it’s hard to ever go back on them or unsee. So far, you seem to have decolonial principles from what I’ve heard you say/write and I’ve privately been taking issue whenever I see super reductive and defensive criticism from your audience like “Lora hates Americans”. I hear you, here in this video; I just don’t think it is a crime at all to be enraged at us as a whole - outside of indigenous First Nations peoples and the Black nation here, a huge part of “being American” (and of white supremacy, thru which our “nation” was established) is indeed entitlement. ❤
@Lukemacleary 3 дня назад
I wouldn't worry about ANYone thinking you're a hard ass. You're not an "American Settler" you're a domestic subversive. The states are literally legitimate, precisely for the reason you oppose their existence; Entitlement, The Freedom of Equal Representation "a huge part of being american is entitlement" Meaning enfranchisment. Like Immigrants, and then Freed men, and then Women fought for. Right? Like SUFFRAGE or something? Like the Irish recieved from Tammany Hall in 1817, opening the nation to anyone with a few bucks who didn't come from a chattel background. Decisively ending any semblance between Irish Servitude and Transatlantic Slavery. The Irish are the OG Political Mob preceding the Italians and Ashkenazim, there would be no American Capitalist Global-Imperialism without Irish-Catholic Politics. Hell, there would be no Federal Union to act as a "coloniser" of the globe, if not for the Irish filling the ranks of the Union Army. Do you have anything to say about the Choctaw, or the various other indigenous African Slave Trading nations? The Black Freedmen who traded in African Slaves? The Northwestern Settlers (mostly newcoming German/Scands/Irish) who banned slave-ownership SPECIFICALLY because they wanted a White-Only Society? NOTHING?? You're only in opposition to the WHITE, CHRISTIAN, ENGLISH SPEAKING AMERICANS WHO ACTUALLY KEPT THE COMPANY OF BLACKS?? WOW!! Blame everything on the "Colonisers" huh? (A huge amount were Irish) Which Colony by the way? Penn's? Duke of York's? Massachusetts Bay? The Plymouth Pilgrims? New Haven? Jamestown? Who are these Colonists you are going to Decolonize?? Just any and all British-related groups?? Be specific! Won't you, smart guy? Bro said "NAH I'm not a hardass. It's just PRINCIPLES." You mean Schizophrenia.
@vannesagannon4555 4 дня назад
Oh my god what is IRISH LOVE TO ALL ❤❤❤❤❤❤
@vannesagannon4555 4 дня назад
@vannesagannon4555 4 дня назад
Love to all ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@vannesagannon4555 4 дня назад
Yes i know all of this but you need to try to be kind and loving.we are a verrt tough race we need to be nice to all.we dont own our culture love to all love to all ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤what is irish
@kimoshea 4 дня назад
Thanks Jon. Very informative and interesting as always.
@WolfWest-e8u 4 дня назад
Gor anyone interested the name for of the sea in scottish Gaelic is "Mara" and in Irish the word for ocean is aigéan
@shalalala4875 4 дня назад
I was nodding along when you were talking about Brighid using the forge in our lives. She reminds me over and over again to let go of that which no longer serves me, and to use pain as an opportunity to transform. She speaks to me mostly through fire, but she also soothes me with waters for when I need healing. She helps me understand the importance of nuance, there is a time for everything, and everything can strengthen us if we use it as an opportunity as such. She is very much a goddess of change and adaptation. Recently I've been experiencing loss and a lot of personal change, and I have been able to meet it gracefully with a wider perspective, not so much from a reactive place like I used to, and that's from my work with her alongside the shifts in perspectives I have been focusing on. I have been honoring her for a decade (maybe a bit more, but she has always been in my life even before I knew her name) and she has always made her presence known and provided protection, clarity and support to me-- along with the "fire in the head" with writing/poetry. I went in to healthcare in a large part because of her. Now I am moving into more creative directions, and she is showing me support for that as well. A long tangent but I wanted to share, as someone who has been honoring her for a while (in the context of this current lifetime), I appreciate listening to your perspectives and learning from that as well. Your guys' videos are a treasure trove, and much appreciated.
@mollymatter6476 4 дня назад
Late to the party here but listened to this twice tonight and had my partner listen too. Soooo good. The inclusivity and badass justice warriorship of this community is grounding and elevating!
@ashthom83 5 дней назад
I feel like I have been drawn to The Morrigan recently. Where can i find the best information about The Morrigan?
@IrishPaganSchool День назад
www.morrigan.academy/ - is the best one stop place. We have a lot of Morrigan content in the Irish Pagan school as well. All the best
@amandadiamond7147 5 дней назад
This kind of makes me think of the phrase "It takes a village to raise a child" as well as the concept of alloparenting- where the everyone takes turns watching the children ( or several people working together?) Also, I love the story of the Dagda's Club, especially as a person that was raised in a catholic house. The idea of a child admonishing their father and they are in the right when they do so is so antithetical to everything I was taught and I love it.
@emiliemilcarek2670 5 дней назад
This title genuinely made me laugh. As an Irish & Polish American… I have NEVER taken offense to anything you’ve said.
@amandadiamond7147 5 дней назад
I don't think you hate me, but I'm sorry that you've had to deal with that crap because I really appreciate the work that you and the other folks at IPS do. I'm an artist as well as a pagan and I've been struggling with the desire to make things that I would like to see and really not wanting to monetize my practice because I'm trying to get away with that.
@grandmamisti 5 дней назад
Thank you, Lora, for your efforts to spread authentic Irish culture and spirituality and also for your efforts to be inclusive of those of us who use a "different operating system" as it were. I am facing my own challenges, so I have stayed at the "toe dip" stage in my Irish education so far, but nonetheless, I have found your materials immensely helpful ad your responsiveness astonishing! I mentioned that I have sensory processing disorder and had some difficultly processing, absorbing, and remembering the Irish phrases that you and Jon use, and the very next e-mail had a link to a site that gave spelling and native pronunciation assistance, making the Irish accessible to me! Amazing! Thank you!
@-RONNIE 5 дней назад
Thank you as always for the video and information. Think about all the stories lost to time. I mean wouldn't it be great to suddenly find all that information somewhere hidden away.
@DoomFairyOfficial 6 дней назад
I literally lol'd when I saw the title, because you are SO PATIENT with Americans. Way more than me, and I'm American.
@experimentalelemental92 6 дней назад
Ive always thought The Voynich Manuscript was Bard/ Druid related.
@idrisciar5566 6 дней назад
While not who this was aimed at I still sat through it and it gave me some things to think about good and bad. I wish I could believe but it seems pointless. What gods does america have but christ and the dollar, neither of which I'll worship. I can't connect to the gods of the present or the past without hurting someone in some way. So maybe its best to just be godless.
@raversfantasy 6 дней назад
Very interesting, thanks for sharing!
@Jambellcamp 6 дней назад
I feel like i wrote this
@michellesampson999 6 дней назад
I left the Facebook groups for both the Irish Pagán School and the Morrigan’s cave because there was just too much toxic stuff. People being blunt is one thing when people ask questions I am blunt myself however I don’t think it helps to have everyone jump on you. I also noticed the constant ranting about things in the states. I don’t take it upon myself to say things about politics in Ireland because I don’t live there nor am I Irish so I think the Irish should speak about that just like I think if you don’t live in the states how do you really know what’s going on. We are all learning. Tte previous stuff posted from you seemed to me like you had a bone to pick with American’s especially with the ones who claim Irish Ancestry. I have seen some changes in how you are engaging however when I was in Dublin just a month ago I was shocked at how much antisemitic posters and especially the news media was. I am for everyone having there say and also with Irish culture being different from those who are part of the Irish disporla however I am not for gatekeeping others I feel like everyone has there own path to learn and practice what it is they want and hopefully they want to learn from good sources and people who can share there knowledge.
@Ogham 5 дней назад
You got annoyed because Irish people support palestine. Everything else is just bluster and projection 🎉
@Lukemacleary 3 дня назад
@@Ogham So why is it your business what Irish-Americans support, then?
@michellesampson999 2 дня назад
@@OghamReally that wasn’t what I said it’s about a whole other country like Ireland not understanding the history of the conflict over there and jumping on something they think is similar to what happened to them which it’s not the same. I also didn’t like the way people in each platform behaved learning is not suppose to be done in a dick way. People learn by asking and people can share ways to help if they have gotten bad information.
@michellesampson999 2 дня назад
@@LukemaclearyMy thoughts exactly.
@Ogham День назад
😂 I'm not away commenting on Irish Anerican youtube videos or in their groups folks. 😂 and I believe you'd find Irish people are excellent students and teachers of history, we're world renowned for it in fact.
@jamieharper9827 6 дней назад
I'm in America. I know nothing about this tradition. I know I have Irish ancestry from Dublin. I am 44 and war raised Catholic. But the supernatural experiences I have had have had a distinctly female voice. And she always brings a crow. I used to think it was Mary. But I am coming to believe it is Morrigan.
@talon_craft4734 6 дней назад
Engagement 🎉
@tracystafford78 6 дней назад
Thank you, Lora!! I get the sense that it is not that you hate Americans, but that willful ignorance and disrespect of culture is a thing that must be addressed.
@Irish.Alchemist 6 дней назад
I think a lot of the conflict is down to a colonial mindset still having a strong grasp on the diaspora unfortunately. The 'fighting' Irish are honoured until we are an influence in how others self reflect to a point, that makes those individuals feel uncomfortable with the level of reprogramming that is possible.
@Coconutcrinklefries 6 дней назад
I’m an American and I’ve never felt hated by you Lora. I’ve seen the frustration of people romanticizing your work with The Morrigan or romanticizing her/sexualizing her in general. I’ve seen the frustration of people taking from Ireland without giving back to her. I’ve seen that sometimes you feel unheard or feel like people only want the fun parts of paganism without the work. But I’ve never felt hated. 🖤 -Alexis Rowena
@botondboth639 6 дней назад
Christ is King ❤
@lady_lilianne 6 дней назад
There was a certain video that you made that broke my heart a bit and I had to take a long break. I realize now that it was meant for the entitlement of some (mostly) Americans and not some random woman from Europe who was quietly studying for years. Looking back I think it just triggered my own unresolved issues with not feeling good enough and I needed the time away to work on myself. But I had an Irish pagan school shaped hole in my heart ever since. I've come back a few weeks ago and it showed me how much I've missed the community.
@dennislogan6781 6 дней назад
There is a fantasy series written by Keith Taylor in the late 1980's called The Danan's Trilogy. In book 2, the protagonist must retrieve a magical item called The Cauldron of Plenty. I read this series as a high school student 32 years ago and enjoyed it.
@thegiftofhades 6 дней назад
lmao love you lora!
@jsaysyay 6 дней назад
echoing what the other comments are saying that i've always understood the perspective you have and how you communicate, and appreciated that greatly. like i literally am from boston, my dad's family following the exact sorta stereotypical stuff for bostonians, like legit there are probably over a hundred photos of me as a kid literally wearing the most actual plastic "irish" stuff on earth at parades and such; and i have never felt like you hated americans! in years before i was even online (like... 2000s-early 2010s tbh) it did feel like a shock when i learned the culture i'd experienced was a diaspora, since i knew absolutely nothing about Ireland itself and was just told "we're Irish!!!1!", but like, i learned! it really wasn't that hard to learn and accept as true! i sure do cringe at those old home videos and photos though lol. (and maybe a bit of frustration that NOTHING was passed down to me, or even my parents. like sure my dad has Irish citizenship, but the cultural-historical connection couldn't feel more distant.) anyways, beyond all that, one of my favorite things about what you do is that you talk real, honest, and direct, which is honestly more familiar to me than talking irreverently around everything and being so indirect, but apparently that's a cultural thing we happen to have in common. (further aside is that i've noticed some really... horrible behavior on reddit the last few years especially. like it's probably a separate incident, and does NOT excuse anything, but last year there was a handful of Irish ppl, a small handful at that, that brigaded a local subreddit to me specifically to make fun of every single person only for being american, saying some downright heinous threat-adjacent stuff. and also noticed on reddit (and on instagram, when the algorithm leads me wrong) a slight increase in seriously aggressive interactions with many western European people and Americans in general. again of course, these are isolated incidents that excuse NOTHING, and who knows how many of them were trolls seeking to spark arguments, and are in no way reflective of the actual millions of people and cultures across continents etc etc, but yeah. like sure i can understand that context, and maybe other people just can't. or wont. ... or maybe these are unrelated entirely and people online can just be extremely mean, and also because people seem to hate intelligent accomplished women!)