Richard Yorke
Richard Yorke
Richard Yorke
What's up, gamers! Welcome to my channel, where the battles are fierce, and the strategy is sharp. I'm Richard Yorke a die-hard RTS gamer with a passion for dominating the digital battlefield. From Field of Glory to Combat Missions, and all the way to Close Combat
I'm always on the lookout for the next great RTS experience."
High-Stakes Duel: Battle of Britain
14 часов назад
@simonlancaster1815 15 часов назад
Richard is the daddy.
@wartsnall7332 День назад
This looks like a really tough battle. I'm kicking off the Battle Pack with the first US campaign "We'l Start Here".
@RichardYorke1945 День назад
It's insane 🥴
@lauriy-v2567 2 дня назад
Definetly interested but crashes and inability to rejoin is worrysome
@RichardYorke1945 2 дня назад
It's been patched ...alot better than it was 👍
@scottmiller6958 2 дня назад
I have never before bought a game the day of release. I've been waiting SO long for this one. Absolutely LOVING this one. Learning the intricacies and the seamless integration with FoG2 Medieval field battles. Very polished product. Well done Ageod and Matrix!
@wartsnall7332 3 дня назад
Remember to check your "Dismounted" vehicles for spare ammo, PIATS etc during the Set-up Phase. Put a driver on board first, read the ammo list, and then put infantry on board to take what they need. Then put the drivers back into the buildings they started in. It is a bit time consuming but worth it.
@sopwithpuppy 3 дня назад
It's also a good tactic to "herd" the enemy towards the ships they intended to attack to allow them to also fire on the enemy.
@sopwithpuppy 3 дня назад
When relentlessly pursued by a Spitfire, desperate Messerschmitt 109 pilots sometimes used a negative G tactic to escape. They pushed forward on their stick, putting the aircraft into a wild nose-down dive. This, of course, produced a significant negative G force on the aircraft and pilot. If the Spitfire pilot had little experience, and tried to follow, he would also experience negative G effect, but his Spitfire Merlin engine would cough and splutter as the negative G forces would cause the float and all of the fuel in their carburetors to be thrown to the top of their carburetor body and starve the engine temporarily of fuel. The Messerschmitt 109 has fuel injection, and would power away from the Spitfire, giving it very valuable seconds to escape their clutches. I don't know if the game models this, but keep your eyes open for Me109 pilots trying this manoeuvre. Spitfire pilots worked a strategy where they firstly inverted their aircraft, then pulled hard on the stick, making the turn into a positive G manoeuvre.
@RichardYorke1945 3 дня назад
Amazing thanks for that
@surters 4 дня назад
Vidar looks like a super heir, 5 admin yummy.
@JonSteitzer 5 дней назад
Very cool and inspiring
@simonlancaster1815 5 дней назад
See you on the battlefield.
@wartsnall7332 5 дней назад
Once you nailed the AT Gun on the far left near the start of the mission a win was on the cards.
@RichardYorke1945 5 дней назад
Hard core mission for the British tbh ...so much mech for the Germans
@surters 6 дней назад
On your way to become King of Norway and Scotland, I expect Denmark and Sweden has do decide first among themselves who get the honour of attacking you in Norway.
@I_Don_t_want_a_handle 7 дней назад
Currently reading James Holland's 'Brothers in Arms' about the Sherwood Yeomanry from D-Day to the end of the war. Very good read, well recommended. Their standard when dealing with Jerry in a wood was to HE the trees. The shrapnel played havoc with infantry, even if they were entrenched. Mortaring is also fun. Oh, and in WW2, Jerry was always to be found on the Far Right ... 🙃
@michaelcharles4596 8 дней назад
How interesting, it seems the Germans are protecting the bridges. Who would have thought ?
@RichardYorke1945 8 дней назад
No way, right? The Germans are all about bridge security now, who would've guessed! My bad obs too...but them flak guns....ouch!
@simonlancaster1815 9 дней назад
Keep going forward.
@rockin3404 13 дней назад
Hey, at 20:18, I saw Jack! He's right there ... 🤣
@simonlancaster1815 13 дней назад
Richard is storming it in the tournament. Top 20 player!
@wartsnall7332 13 дней назад
This was my favourite battle from the pack when it came out. "Nulli Secundus" (second to none) is the motto of the Coldstream Guards.
@RichardYorke1945 13 дней назад
Always a vault of knowledge 😁
@medde13 14 дней назад
this game is very much like men of war aussalt squad 2
@medde13 14 дней назад
very good video
@I_Don_t_want_a_handle 15 дней назад
I was looking at that hill thinking 'that's a bit unrealistic' and then realized where it was. It's a great test of stamina getting up to the lion monument and a real test of balance coming down.
@wartsnall7332 15 дней назад
I played this as the Axis first. And although it's too long ago to remember the details, I was fairly conservative and dismounted my men, and led the way with two-man scout teams.
@texoschannel4907 16 дней назад
Weird how the game divides the european map into two halves…
@user-tu7ce2py8p 16 дней назад
Great battles. Any chance of throwing an army at open regions?
@prototype102010 16 дней назад
Haven't seen this game since Total Biscuit all those years ago. Love to see it though, I'm very much in a warhammer mood lately!
@RichardYorke1945 16 дней назад
Classic banger .
@prototype102010 16 дней назад
Any tips for army building? I've always struggled with know WHAT to have in my army and why.
@RichardYorke1945 16 дней назад
Depending what the province produces...it is better to specialise regions..also certain regions produce different units ...also the tier...
@JerryNorthwayNJ 16 дней назад
Great video keep them coming. Really shows the intensity of this game at choke points. I assume kingdoms have the same level of terrain complexity.
@RichardYorke1945 16 дней назад
Yes and more ...both great games tho I think kingdoms has more fan base as of the era.👍👍
@JerryNorthwayNJ 16 дней назад
Agreed. I think everyone can trace their ancestors more to medieval vs roman times.
@RichardYorke1945 16 дней назад
Tbh I'm not done with empires yet ...I love both eras
@simonlancaster1815 17 дней назад
And he still has time to crush his enemies in the tournament.
@prototype102010 17 дней назад
I was looking forward to this game until I started watching this... now I'm excited! Looks really good, like they really took Empires and made it better. I think my one complaint is that I wish the battles looks a liiiitle more like FoG2 Medieval battles, in terms of color and some what art style. I find Medieval VERY charming and this looks... eh. I do wonder, maybe you've been able to test, do you need ALL the medieval DLC to play out the battles? Or will it only allow you to play the battles you can play with your available DLC?
@RichardYorke1945 17 дней назад
Nope just the base game. It seems everyone is interested in medieval 👍
@user-tu7ce2py8p 19 дней назад
Great job fending off Rome’s huge armies!
@RichardYorke1945 19 дней назад
Oh boy. .you just wait..
@surters 20 дней назад
1:40 That is one seriously large army. 4:32 Rome is playing for keeps, with an even larger army ... but most seems to aux, was a very nice defensive position there! 25:40 The armies needs to rest after a few combats as their endurance gets low even if they don't take so many hits. Darn Romans, its nearly impossible to run them dry.
@RichardYorke1945 20 дней назад
It's a tide ....sooo much fun tho
@lrmunro 22 дня назад
Really looking forward to this
@RichardYorke1945 22 дня назад
It's huge like my excitement 🤣
@MrProfilen 22 дня назад
I was very curious to see what the grand campaign looked like... man, I'm excited.
@surters 22 дня назад
If you push too far your average religious score is gonna suffer and you might be thrown out by the holy see and excommunicated. Also your average local auth will tank. Also a nice cycle, war, vassals join, vassal gives load of troops, win, repeat.
@RichardYorke1945 22 дня назад
Yea got the balance in the end....mega fun tho ..north Africa was a great push
@Getoffmycloud53 24 дня назад
FYi - Léon, is pronounced like Lay-on, not Lee-on. 😊
@prototype102010 24 дня назад
A few questions hoping you can answer or guess with! 1: I played Empires a bit, it's not my favorite time period though so I didn't play massive amounts. From what I did play, it felt like the main focus was War and building up provinces. Is there more diplomacy in Kingdoms? Like being called into war with allies, maybe even crusades? Or is it the same kind of go to war on your own to take land. 2: I'm not expecting to really play much with the FoG Medieval battles because they take a long time to do, but do you NEED all of Medeivals DLC to export your battles from Kingdoms? 3: Any tips like what kingdoms we should start with, or mistakes to avoid? I'm really looking forward to this game so love seeing people play it already, looks wonderful!
@RichardYorke1945 24 дня назад
1.RGD's play more of a part in kingdoms(I've had a lot of fun with them on several plays) Its kinda the same but claims pay a big part and of course legacy. diplomacy is alwasy impact. Crusades will play a part once the full game comes out . Under NDA. Taking land and building them up is just as important 2.I'm not sure. It might just cover the base game . this sounds like a question for the devs which I'll ask. 3.Watch manpower and gold..caught me off guard so many times. Use RGD's more and sell too. Slow and steady. legacy is the key to winning . Objectives are key too. Don't rush which I do. Also enjoy the game its great! I can't wait for you to see the big map!
@Eminar5 24 дня назад
2. I've heard someone say no DLC is needed for exports no matter who you play. Can't remember who said it though.
@surters 20 дней назад
3. You could try England or France, where France is perhaps the easiest. Sweden might also be somewhat easy, try to spread meat balls, Ikea and systembolag to the world!
@RoosterNutz12 25 дней назад
Can you play as a count or a duke? Or is it only at the kingdom level like Total War?
@RichardYorke1945 25 дней назад
No you always play as the king/leader but they can die ... someone else takes over...they can be better or worse.
@prototype102010 25 дней назад
I recently picked up FoG:M in anticipation for Kingdoms and I'm just amazed at how good it is! I went in thinking it was going to be something like Slitherine's other published game Warhammer Battlesector. So I was a little confused when killing enemy stacks was hard, and the focus was routing. Very happy to discover your channel!
@RichardYorke1945 25 дней назад
Welcome really happy to hear that 👍👍👍
@wartsnall7332 25 дней назад
I think that the scoring is a bit strange in this battle, you deserved more than a "Minor Victory".
@wartsnall7332 25 дней назад
@7:00 La Haie Sainte isn't a "stables" it's a farm. If anyone is planning on visiting the battlefield, I would recommend Plancenoit for lunch. It is less touristy than Mont Saint Jean, so you can enjoy a quiet pint with the locals.
@RichardYorke1945 25 дней назад
Just googled that amazing
@JerryNorthwayNJ 26 дней назад
Don't you think it will break the game with an endless money source ? Obviously, u played the game already where i am just watching different people play. I would just hate for that to happen, and it will push people not to enjoy it. Not sure how it affects it in long run ?
@RichardYorke1945 26 дней назад
No it's nice having the option...I think the Devs are rebalancing them tho... reducing the gain back etc
@JerryNorthwayNJ 26 дней назад
What are your thoughts on decision and being able to sell them ? I think better system would be to have them reshuffle every few turns instead making money 💰 on them.
@RichardYorke1945 26 дней назад
I like it ...can get you out if a pickle...also changing the odds is great..
@Mittens_Gaming 27 дней назад
What year does the game go to? Fun looking game! I loved FoG:E, looking forward tl this!
@RichardYorke1945 27 дней назад
I'm not sure on the end limit but it's a long time ...also remember you can win with a good legacy lead etc
@wartsnall7332 27 дней назад
When Wellington saw the Lion Mound, he said "They (the Dutch) have ruined my battlefield." Obviously forgetting the fact that the United Netherlands contributed a third of his troops. Also, some time this week Aunty Beeb are repeating the Waterloo episode of War Walks.
@adavis5926 28 дней назад
I remember this scenario. Thanks for the vid.
@RichardYorke1945 28 дней назад
Brilliant mate.. enjoy wargames 🤣
@user-tu7ce2py8p 28 дней назад
It looks like you have a chance.
@simonlancaster1815 29 дней назад
If I meet you in the tournament then no mercy..