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The 'Squatter' Movement, EXPLAINED
14 дней назад
AMERICAN SQUATTER | Official Trailer
21 день назад
Is BLM Back?
2 месяца назад
2 месяца назад
ANARCHY U | Official Trailer
2 месяца назад
@annetracy77 10 часов назад
Lord help us
@wasatrumpvoter7929 11 часов назад
Not watching the clown 🤡 show call by title presidential debate. All fake. It gets me how you are debating a person who used a coup to overthrow your election in 2020, and Dudley elected president. Just typical of this political party like passing the "Save Act " all of it just more lips service, and playing the American people. Not buying any of your nonsense. @realdonaldtrump
@cdavidsides 13 часов назад
I would like to be unburdened by the democrat-marxists-communists party.....
@Shadowmaster625 13 часов назад
The media fawns all over her because they want a piece of that campaign war chest. It's almost as bad as "brought to you by Pfizer". Pfizer ad spending is almost a billion per quarter. This is near that ballpark.
@edgee5197 13 часов назад
@griffinpeter55 14 часов назад
Two words PICK, ME
@navis5284 14 часов назад
Where is that Svengali Obama? He's the Oz behind the curtain for this garbage.
@johnneedy3164 15 часов назад
Freekin taxes
@rpsmith 16 часов назад
@Toad1Rocks 16 часов назад
Cumala can't be cleaned up
@justwatching2491 19 часов назад
😂😂😂. We don’t need someone leading the USA who is “cleaned up”, we need someone who can handle national affairs & security.
@royss6191 19 часов назад
@royss6191 19 часов назад
Return Our Republic... RoR...2024
@eyyy6736 День назад
Why am I not surprised that there’s always fights going on at anything that starts with black
@BG-qk6ek 2 дня назад
See her on Figueroa st. next week on the kiddie street
@TroyYoung-jt2gg 2 дня назад
@politicsuncensored5617 2 дня назад
The only right a squatter should have is the way any homeowner could defend his home against a home invader to protect his life and that of his family. Shalom
@reyray7184 2 дня назад
Which religion started the slave trade in the west? The answer might surprise you.
@Opalite_girl96 2 дня назад
I used to work at Ulta too. I had pretty much the same experience so it’s reassuring that it didn’t just happen to me 😅
@flinch622 2 дня назад
Sanctuary cities are about much more than migrants - its truly a pro-crime zone. I consider it proof that gangsters have bought off enough of city hall that city or district attorneys are generally acting in bad faith. Maybe [for those with a record of malfeasance], judges should make these clowns sue for standing any time they want to file a brief - uncork an evidenciary hearing as part of the process..
@suzieseabee 2 дня назад
As long as you have to keep paying to keep it you don't own it. The property tax is renting from the government. YOU DO NOT OWN YOUR HOUSE!
@jeffbybee5207 2 дня назад
Your just renting it from the government . They control what you do and just being unaware of these facts may be needed to be happy
@OTTOMATT-me9cp 2 дня назад
It seems that WW2 is a real obsession in the US. Of course the French who lived through these terrible times are grateful for US help. But how many are there in 2024, 5 or 6% of the population, no more. WW2 means absolutely nothing to the current French or European generations, because it was almost a century ago. Except for people interested in history, there are not many people able to cite a single concrete fact from this period. It seems that for the US public, time has frozen more than 80 years ago, while tons of events have totally changed the European continent, in all areas. Economic exchanges, lifestyle, culture, demography, etc. WW2 is Jurassic Park for the current European generations. Otherwise, for information, during WW2, France, after Germany, had been the most bombed country in Western Europe, with 518,000 tons of bombs dropped in 5 years, and with almost 70,000 civilians killed, in dozens of cities razed to the ground, often in useless raids, mainly US. And not only Normandy, but in the whole of France. For example, in Normandy, there were more French civilians killed than US troops KIA. Reconstruction lasted about twenty years in many places. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_France_during_World_War_II The French had already experienced at least 1500 years of wars and massacres on their soil, and won alone against entire coalitions more wars and battles than all western nations put together, this, when US were still a desert populated by Native Amerindian nations.
@Redtecho 2 дня назад
If I have a property right, then don't tax my property!
@Fern_Shad3 3 дня назад
As a trans guy it isnt transphobic for a straight women not want to date me cause im trans preferences are 100% valid and you can date and love who you want without being transphobic
@johneagle4384 3 дня назад
They are afraid to say the truth.
@dennisjordan837 3 дня назад
@user-ec3rm9wr1n 3 дня назад
@bkbroiler8069 3 дня назад
the main problem is the cooperations owning property and driving up costs.
@nate_d376 3 дня назад
We need to get rid of property tax as well. It just turns every 'owner' into a renter.
@marlenekoon1763 3 дня назад
Thank You Will And Thank You Cairo (Rest in Peace Cairo)...
@persecutioncomplex7287 3 дня назад
Anyone who disrespects our flag should be shipped out of the USA immediately.
@alpine1600s 3 дня назад
The 2nd Amendment is in defense of the right to privacy AND PRIVATE PROPERTY. 🧐
@user-ec3rm9wr1n 3 дня назад
Oh yeah 😅
@rakitipakiti 3 дня назад
They dont hate Americans. They hate they generalization of Americans which is rooted in some facts. But nit everyone falls in the category. Im essence dont Be a Basic Bro or basic bitch.
@JACKCÉLÈRE-z2l 3 дня назад
The tart at the beginning is a big LIAR.
@freedomruss 3 дня назад
Hop on this cowboy! 🤗
@joshuahenderson 3 дня назад
Part of me doesn’t want to visit France because I know I wouldn’t be welcomed. The other part of me wants to visit France because I wouldn’t be welcomed.
@JACKCÉLÈRE-z2l 3 дня назад
This "rude French" or "French hate US" things are an US invention and are nothing but a pile of B.S. It's called cultural differences. Most of the French are more reserved than loud Anglosaxons who shout and yell every 5 minutes for anything, but are probably more open minded than many other nationalities. As someone living in the Paris area, i've often tried in the past to communicate in English with foreign tourists, whom English speaking tourists. The impression was that i bothered them more than anything else. Like in any major world capitals, a lot of people deal with harsh daily life problems, and are stressed. Individual people and crowds are 2 different things, when one take the time to communicate. I really think that a lot in US, should definitively try to cure their problem with the French in good mental institutions.
@joshuahenderson 3 дня назад
@@JACKCÉLÈRE-z2l if you’re trying to sound reasonable, you actually sound rude.
@JACKCÉLÈRE-z2l 3 дня назад
@@joshuahenderson You confirm what I say. Many in the US need good psychiatric treatment, to cure their problem with France. And for your information, the vast majority of the French are no longer interested in the US. Do you really think that the population of a country is likely to be attracted to a place that constantly spits in their face without any valid reason ? You need to stop dreaming, man.
@vapeking466 4 дня назад
I was with her until the cowboy part. Lol 😂 Not that I'm against cowboys but don't believe you have to be a cowboy to be attractive.
@Johnwilson234-r2n 4 дня назад
Oh its the governor from the walking dead!!!
@PatriotPride33 4 дня назад
I'm so glad Im not a Democrat I work my ass off for what I own
@funmud._. 4 дня назад
they will pull down the flag and burn it. but have no problem in getting a free hand out from the government.
@brianspeigel1714 4 дня назад
Fuck all landlords. I’d rather see someone squat in a house no one’s using than live on the streets. And if you don’t think so, you’re the problem
@tphillips6952 4 дня назад
That's a little too black and white. There is a big difference between abandoned and the occupants being out of town. I just got foreclosed on and have to move after 14 years...trust me...I am experiencing corporate greed first hand. It is the ugliest and most evil people who prosper. 30 days till I lose everything I have worked my ass off to earn. 😢
@dwightschrute706 5 дней назад
Glad to see the rich liberals are finally being invaded . You’ll see only then now the opened “ Border “ is a crisis
@user-vr1zd9uc1b 5 дней назад
Obama has several be a good move you destroyed this one time to move to Obamas
@user-fg3qc8bf9g 5 дней назад
For REAL thank you for being alive. Love you Chris!! You re my favorite HERO PERIOD!!!!What you ve done and what you do!! You inspire me as a man to strive towards Using my heart!! Then my brain! To serve others and myself
@user-fg3qc8bf9g 5 дней назад
Why is there not a movie about Chris? I ve followed him since i first heard his name!! His name alone will slap Chuck Norris and take his beer because Chris is too nice to actually do it himself. ...then his name will hand the beer to John McPhee... because he s Shrek Thats all. Charlie Sheen is my dad.i m 40 do the math
@jt_rooster3228 5 дней назад
She's not even spazzing out. No wonder conservative women are a gem.
@reccesam7799 5 дней назад
@naofumi5616 5 дней назад
I agree that squatters have rights... to be arrested for breaking and entering a house that is not theirs.
@Dean4511 5 дней назад
Why are these laws protecting squatters still in place? Republicans in Congress should pass a law outlawing squatting and make the Democrats block it or Biden veto it. See how that sits with the voters.
@yamama7265 5 дней назад
This must be another California millionaire mansion
@ClownBiden 5 дней назад
F’ed up world we live in now . Democratic’s destroy so much .