@jasonfleming9869 6 часов назад
There are only Civilian, Hostile, and Nebula sectors? (...typical...)
@hexlensespecs7560 8 часов назад
Here is a good youtube comment, don't overwork your wrists!
@xdivide0 10 часов назад
17:50 this made me realize: there are no restrooms on any of the ships because FTL is actually a horror game
@slappindaddy 10 часов назад
Found this through RU-vid recommendations and really enjoyed it!
@sadasdafa 11 часов назад
apparently ships in ftl can dodge everything despite having no fuel
@owentucker6215 13 часов назад
Love me some high quality boarding content.
@alphax4785 16 часов назад
Thank you for Jackson Pollock!
@Gilboard09 23 часа назад
4 ships down i think, 12 more to go!
@facehurt7606 День назад
gg godlike crystal run
@Danny-kt9oi День назад
One unconventional strategy I've used, especially on ship streaks, and especially with Zoltan ships, is purchasing the FTL Recharge Booster augment. Under conventional FTL strategy, no one willingly buys this augment. But it provides a strong safety net in allowing you to escape ship fights and save your run. With Zoltan shields plus the FTL recharge booster, you will always have sufficient time to escape a fight before inflicting heavy damage no matter how nasty it is. It also allows you to be confident in selecting ship fights knowing you have the option to leave quickly with the faster FTL charge
@facehurt7606 День назад
CONGRATS!!! this was epic to watch 53:57 song name is just a friend by biz nvm it got answered 2 minutes later
@dzmanhooo8602 День назад
The strongest run i've seen yet lmao the free SHTUFF was insaneeee
@benejeneb День назад
The most incredible start of yours that I can remember! Imagine this sector one with Zoltan C 😮
@anatoliradev7484 2 дня назад
Such a great start, kappa!
@elheber 2 дня назад
New fear unlocked: free boarding into my medbay and trapping my crew in a 2v1 behind two hacked doors on the first jump. There was enough time for a bomb. Who knows if it would have done anything though.
@joshw6428 2 дня назад
I had to check the time of the video on that first jump. Thought it was gonna be like another 30s lmfao
@prefacedspore2745 2 дня назад
Feels bad man but You will get it Next Streak, YOU ROCK!!!
@Demitrios90 2 дня назад
Hey stumbled upon your videos and was curious how you can see the lines on the map for how far the fleet is going to go each jump
@cameroncarroll9639 2 дня назад
That one's a quality of life mod he's got installed
@benejeneb День назад
It's called 'extended pursuit indicator' I believe 👍, as had been said, it's a mod for quality of life
@rand118 День назад
Yup, google "extended pursuit indicator" for that mod, I highly recommend it!
@neilm6x60mmSR 2 дня назад
That first jump was ROUGH lol
@lebyandsmartiel318 2 дня назад
Got me heartbroken 💔, but we roll. FTL can’t get the man down
@alphax4785 2 дня назад
F to pay respects, the only things you could've done (with full hindsight mind you) is either your inclination of selling pike and LRS for cloaking before jumping into that forced Slug 6 (leaving you with 5 shots for 5 power unless you get another weapon) or just ignoring everything (such as the refugees) until you get to a store to repair and/or buy cloaking. This probably either leads to a loss because no scrap or you hit a fight you can't avoid anyway and it's Slug 6. Couldn't do anything in the fights themselves.
@crowrevell2082 10 часов назад
I'm curious. how do you conclude he couldn't have done anything in the fights? Let's look at the 4 shielded slug ship. it has charge ion, artemis (knew this before the fight since slug ships can only have artemis, breach, fire bomb for missile weapons), and mini beam. Ran opts to hack piloting, though engines is slightly better as it isolates a lot of the other rooms, thus making repairs tricky. Rand then opts to shoot missiles instead of weapons. hitting weapons is 2 damage meaning either the charge goes offline or the artemis. It's more likele the artemis goes off line as the ion had more of a charge. That makes the fight considerable safer. Even if he just gets the ion off line, the mini beam isn't deal damage nor are the ions disrupting systems. The next ship is missile, basic, burst 3. So 6-7 power weapon system. Rand opts to hack shields and go pike flak 1. That's a pretty bad call. The flak 1 is unlikely to actually land. With the shield hack, you'd be better of pike swiping and traying to land the 2 heavy 2 shots, though this risks missile hitting weapons, and it's tough to swap out weapons in no pause. Flak 1 heavy 2 with a weapon hack is also a safer option than what rand went with. buying myself some time (and, against, would have been in far less dire of a situation if he played the previous fight more accurately. One thing about FTL is if you invite bad rng, with roughing 40 fights per run, 2-4 volleys per fight, bad rng is gonna find a way. It's simply likely to occur, and why it's best to always recognize what are the good/bad outcomes and play around them. This was just 2 fights. there were several store decisions that were questionable as well. the first store he just sells everything. imagine keeping the DRA and not rushing weapons 4 because Rand doesn't wanna bother swapping weapons. There was drone control with a dd1 in a store when he bought battery. How much better does this ship look having an answer to missiles in sector 2?
@alphax4785 5 часов назад
​@crowrevell2082 I'm just analyzing the last few jumps because trying to go back the entire run to settling with early drones for defense instead of cloaking would require giving up either MC or cloaking instead of having all three on a ship that can get all three. And yes, looking at the first fight hacking engines is better (how much is a debat though since the SLC has crew to spare)... but the enemy's first missile hit piloting and would've hit outside of hacking weaons leading to a cascade failure that was largely unavoidable. If it hadn't hit piloting things would be very different. Then in the second fight the enemy's first missile hit weapons again before Rand's shot lands and that's all she wrote.
@elheber 2 дня назад
What a start! Free varied crew AND the best 1-power weapons. On such a rare occasion I'd personally upgrade weapons before shields since the first volley would keep me safe anyway. Here's hoping the video's runtime is a sign of a strong run and not an early demise. OMG you keep getting weapons!
@brucenova2904 2 дня назад
Discovery rand a few months ago and watched religiously ever since. I'm loving this "New" rand, feels like I'm watching friends playing something and talking about the game. Cheers from Brazil.
@dzmanhooo8602 2 дня назад
Ye i have discovered this channel for a year or so, and i love watching rands ftl streams allot as well as the satisfactory streams. Im lucky he uploads them to youtube because im from eu and cant watch live ):
@alphax4785 2 дня назад
Ultra short run for an ultra powerful ship, hopefully that means a win instead of something horrible.
@alphax4785 2 дня назад
Slightly longer than average run time let's go!
@jb663 2 дня назад
Due to chat debating rand for 30 minutes about pre-venting clone bay 😂
@ToddTysonChicklett 3 дня назад
Love the channel! Also I saw an old video where you said you're from Dallas! I live here too :)
@thepersonwhocomentz 3 дня назад
If the dev wants to bring hacking back to its former glory while still giving it a modest downgrade, they should just revert it to vanilla, then make weapon/shield hacks merely halt charge generation rather than draining it, so that they aren't far-and-away the best hacking targets in 90% of encounters. I could get behind a nerf that makes O2/medbay/engine hacks more common (and incidentally makes weapon/shield hacks against the player during the boss less crippling). Maybe they could even put in an augment to then restore the draining component of it. That could be neat.
@gabriel_cooper 3 дня назад
For the record, the hacking drone being removed post hack *isn't* a hyperspace thing, that's a change specifically made for this mod. The only thing hyperspace changes by default is fixing the hacking drone exploit.
@facehurt7606 4 дня назад
mantis punches strong
@owentucker6215 4 дня назад
I love the image of the automate vessel rolling up to a store and sending a message to a crew member who proceeds to board an empty ship and immediately become its pilot.
@joshw6428 4 дня назад
Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. I think we're at suffering.
@joshw6428 4 дня назад
1:27:18 Artillery Jesus take the wheel.
@ceban_se 5 дней назад
Amazing recovery! I thought for sure it was over.
@KnightSparrow 5 дней назад
Pulling out the next gen references. It is possible to make no mistakes and still lose. I discovered the channel a couple weeks ago and just been watching the backlogs. Thx for the vids.
@dzmanhooo8602 5 дней назад
Love your streams rand keep it up <3
@Spiethstar 5 дней назад
I feel you on the competitive aspect. When I realize that I'm caring to much again I kill the streak then and there. Future me always like that. 😅
@CallMe-RJ 6 дней назад
Great factories. good design. Keep it up brother!
@sfurules 6 дней назад
Love you Rand! Remember...B9 exists, and everything worth it because of that.
@rand118 4 дня назад
What is B9?
@richardplass8453 6 дней назад
5:15 "Klingons on the starboard bow! Scrape them off Jim!" (Star Trekking) 8:10 Not humans, literally cannon fodder. 18:00 The villains in Blade Runner. 26:00 Use the scrap recovery arm to recover the bodies and make soylent green.
@cyberwilliam-f2y 6 дней назад
yo collab?
@rand118 4 дня назад
I prefer to play solo in these creative games. I've had collab's with viewers in Minecraft where my builds were being "helped" when I didn't want help, so I avoid that issue by playing alone. Thanks for the offer, though!
@acrefray 6 дней назад
I was under the impression that the reason the antipersonnel drone didn't come out to kill the last crew member is because it waits to regenerate to full health before going back out to deal with intruders - to maximize its survival chances. Sometimes you can see it on your own ships with antipersonnel drones.
@Nathanfreek 6 дней назад
Great to see you have fun playing a Video game (Just saw few of your FTL runs and "fun" was not a part of it, still great job on those runs)
@Dadbod007 6 дней назад
I accidentally got the crystal mission and ship
@kevinoudelet 6 дней назад
most runs, artillery is useless. but when you find no weapons... it can save the run
@superfilms8 7 дней назад
Its always so awkward when you run into the flagship going to the store.
@thepanta_82 7 дней назад
As someone who watches mostly your no-pause stuff, I think the appeal is is that you made it into more of an e-sport thing than a typical stream. You try really hard to do something hard. That is compelling for the same reason sports are compelling. Drama, stress & release cycles, build up of tension over many games (like in a league leading to playoffs). It's unfortunate you get stressed out and are not happy doing it. Like an athlete who likes the sport, but doesn't like the pressure of a big game. Or Micheal Jordan who wants to play baseball instead of basketball. Maybe the solution is to switch to a different game, but maintain the competitive aspect of it. But maybe then you would just start stressing out and hating your new game too. I don't know, but I hope you figure it out. ❤
@facehurt7606 7 дней назад
for mantis theres only three blue options (pirate king klajakalzjak and slug o2 system) for the mantis smith one its scrap so u got 2/3 mantis options this run
@facehurt7606 7 дней назад
for mantis theres only three blue options (pirate king klajakalzjak and slug o2 system) for the mantis smith one its scrap so u got 2/3 mantis options this run
@alphax4785 7 дней назад
You were much more relaxed and rightly abandoned some absurd fights this run when the last few sessions you might've kept at it and gone even more on tilt. I think that's what turned it into a win despite basically the flak 1, crew and that early power being the only great luck.
@firstnamelastname442 7 дней назад
what this run taught me is if no one is there for you, artillery's got you