Billy's Sermons
Billy's Sermons
Billy's Sermons
Our goal is to spread the word of God. To encourage, inspire, motivate and educate people all around the world and help them draw closer to God.

Jesus, King of Kings, You say that the just will live by faith. Mold me in Your image and fill my heart with faith in You. Guide my actions so that I can live by faith and have a life in You, abundantly and eternally. Cleanse my thoughts of impurities, dear God. Keep my eyes fixed on You and only You. Help me to be firm in my trust in You and Your Scriptures so that I can live well in Your holy sight. Amen.

God bless you all.
Billy's Sermons || Hope for broken things
12 часов назад
Billy's Sermons || Visibility Zero
День назад
Billy's Sermons || The New Birth
14 дней назад
Billy's Sermons || Will Our World End?
14 дней назад
@voiceofBridegroomandthebride 7 часов назад
Salvation's Final Call: Heed the Warning Think you're safe because you follow the Law of Moses or claim to have Lord Jesus in your heart? Think again! In the physical days of Lord Jesus, the Jews believed the Law of Moses was enough, but they lacked love and mercy. They refused to believe that Lord Jesus came to save them from iniquities, and as a result, they were scattered, and their country was left desolate for centuries. Now, Lord Jesus has sent me, the daughter of Zion, the woman mentioned in the Book of Revelation 12, to warn Jews and Gentiles alike. Your democratic way of life may seem comfortable, but it trespasses against every one of God's commandments, filling your hearts with pride, lust, and envy - iniquities that prevent you from entering God's Kingdom. Galatians 50:20-21 Selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. The judgment of God is near, and only a repentant heart can be saved. The end of the world will be like the days of Noah. Only those who believe the daughter of Zion's teachings will survive, inheriting a new earth. As Isaiah 1:8-9 says, "So the daughter of Zion is left as a booth in a vineyard, as a hut in a garden of cucumbers, as a besieged city. Unless the Lord of hosts had left to us a very small remnant, we would have become like Sodom, we would have been made like Gomorrah." My upcoming book, "The Daughter of Zion, She Knows Your Heart," is currently being written. It will offer a transformative guide to spiritual renewal, teaching you how to purify your heart, escape the impending judgment on Gentile nations, and find refuge from the Son of God's wrath. Stay tuned for its release and be prepared to heed the warning, repent, and transform your life. Habakkuk 2:3-4 Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, it will not tarry. “Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith. The Spirit and the bride Gabriel, an angel of the Lord Daughter of Zion Mount Zion, Heavenly Jerusalem
@공유-f3k 17 часов назад
Perez Carol Perez Laura Martinez Edward
@eugeniawilliams1107 2 дня назад
Yup : Fallow peace , to all men , which no men shall see the Lord . Scripture Saith : I dint not looketh the 66 Book Because , the word is hidden into my heart , not sin against God : I tell y’all the word is Alice , speaking into the heart , the Spirit of Christ, is teaching us ; Don’t listen to the mind : but the heart , small voice , calm but so Powerful: My Text is not topics unto this message : But the text and message , are speaking with the same language : Is but one message : That could not change Because God , is never change : The Lord , is the same today yesterday , and for evermore : Indeed : Listening to the messenger of the Lord , Billy Graham the message sermon , My goodness , The Spirit of the Lord , is so over whelming : Powerful : The Lord , present , is so Amazing : Truly truly truly ,verily The Love of God unto us , through our Lord Je’sus Christ , for us : My Lord , and My God !
@eugeniawilliams1107 2 дня назад
Amen , and Amen . Bless be the Name of the Lord . Let the word of God , be true : and let a men , be a lear : As the Scripture Saith 66 Book : I had to say 66 Book : All I know is the HolyBible , King James , Verse 66 Book : Scripture Saith 88 Book We’ll I had to look at that Scripture , because I cannot say , this in that I must said , what it is written on 66 Book : Scripture Saith 66 Book I cannot add , Nor take it away . If I know the truth , sell it not : I tell y’all the truth The truth , but the truth : I stop going to churches Because, Is so much interpretation , Preacher , some preacher , I love ❤️ tall but , I don’t know ! But I just feel bad about the people goes to church you know Their seeking for something from the Lord , But stead thy make them dig on their purse Because the offering is short , they must meet the goals And the preaching is so limited : But , I cannot get caught up with that That’s the Lord , territory : The Lord , dint need no help : But commanded , to Preach the Gospel of Je’sus Christ our Lord , throughout the world : Love the Lord , first , Put the Lord first : Love is the top of the line , command : And fallow peace to all men : If someone throw us a scorpion or serpent We much throwing them back a bread : bread , bread : Amazing , Love ! Amen .
@eugeniawilliams1107 2 дня назад
The Spirit of the Lord , Correcting me By saying I am sorry for my comments Indeed : Je’sus , dint come to the world , to bring peace , but a sword : As the Scripture Saith 66 Book : What is the sword ? Hebrews 4: 12 For the word of God is quick , and powerful , and shaper than any twoedged sword , piercing , even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit , and of the joints and marrow , and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart . That’s the sword ; A true a living word : Proceeded in the mouth of God : Thank you Lord , for your correction : Truly , truly , telling the truth, I tell you : Apostle Paul , my goodness : Yea : Grace and truth come by Je’sus Christ : Amazing : Is just Amazing : The Gospel of , Je’sus Christ , Preach Throughout the world : Anyone had no excuse : No : but but : Our mouth stop , We all be guilty , before God . We , are all short , for the glory of God . I dint saith that on my own , but by spoken Into the Scripture 66 Book : Indeed : O , my goodness : Dr , Billy Graham , the servant of the Lord : Yes Sir , the truth shall be told : You are the messenger of the Lord : Amen .
@eugeniawilliams1107 2 дня назад
That’s why the Scripture Saith 66 Book Saying , The judgment behind in the house of God ; And it is real , some preacher nock down dead at the whole congregation of the church during service I don’t know what this preacher do ; But I tell y all the truth Yea the Lord , love , love love : merciful , so merciful, grace grace But the end of the God , is God : Je’sus , Je’sus ; It is a terrible things to fall , to the hand of the Living God : As the Scripture Saith : So can stand to the Lord , wrath , indignation , fury , anger , on the Lord jealousy ; Who can !!!
@eugeniawilliams1107 2 дня назад
God is a Spirit , which Is the HolyGhost Virgin Mary the choicen one to bringforth To conceive : The only begotten Son When the baby came out of Virgin Mary belly Is a baby human And some people don’t believe , that God , is Je’sus Christ our Lord : That’s When that time come Glory , Every knee shall vow , every tongue , shall confess , that Je’sus Christ , is the Lord : Bless the Lord , O’my soul : For evermore !
@eugeniawilliams1107 2 дня назад
Amen . Praise ye the Lord : So wonderful to heard Listening to the message over and over Again The HolyBible 66 Book The Scripture is the same written : You see a lot of preacher No offense Some preacher preach , some truth , but not the whole truth They always flipping the the pages of the Book 66 Book And went to the Scripture , which is good for the hearing of the people of the church No offense , no offense The Spirit , of the Lord , allowing things to see To them that worship the Lord , with Spirit and in truth : Mostly the some of the church. Some preacher they love , To preach , The Gospel of John 3:16, Yea The Lord , is full of love so much love : But if y’all search Scripture , 66 Book You shall read the judgment of the Lord ; I love the Lord , so very very very much Yes indeed : But I will not take advantage to the Lord , love : The more , i read the HolyBible 66 Book Of course the Lord , Will not give me , all of it : Only what I can bare The word of the Scripture , apply into my heart , deep down in my soul , it is alive : A living word Is alive : Is to much to say , but The mysterious of the HolyBible 66 Book Truly , As the Scripture Saith 66 Book : Saying , Ye , shall know the mystery of God , first thyself : I am sorry but I tell the truth , but nothing but the truth : Because what about to comments is , written to the Scripture 66 Book Filthy Lucre , Some churches They , using the people of God , to make a living : Money : Is all about money : So much asking for offering Some churches , if they dint not meet the goals Of offering They asking more , and more : We need this , much : We need we need : I am sorry ; But the Spirit of the Lord , is so Powerful: Powerful : We cannot putted into corner : Not by might , nor by power , but by my Spirit , saint of the Lord : Scripture Saith , 66 Book : I am not preacher , Scripture Saith 66 Book Saying , women , should not suffer to preach But the older women teach the younger women : But truly , who’s the Lord , choices to preach : The Lord , are not a respectable person : The Lord , open the mouth of the donkey : Tell the master , like it is ! But I tell y’all the truth This channel , Billy Graham , the servant of the Lord , he is the choicen one : Although the message , is over and over , I’ll never get tired of listening to it : Matter fact , it dint matter how late , it is But I had to listen to the message : I cannot go to sleep unless I listen to it : I am not all that , nor full of bag of chips : Truly , if that wasn’t for the Lord , I tell y’all , I don’t know where I’ll be : Thank you Lord , for allowing me to share my testimony : The truth , shall be told : Okey , get back to the message : O ‘ Lord ! What more , can you do : You make yourself a human , Je’sus Christ , My Lord , and My God : For God so loved the world :
@SiuzyEmerson 2 дня назад
😊 AMEN Adam ❤
@benjaminshangpliangbenjami361 12 дней назад
@williamoxendine6121 14 дней назад
Just as sure as a there is a God there is a hell and Heaven you choice you have a free will God gave you
@heyboss2659 14 дней назад
What kind of a crack head sticks a ad in after a Godly Sermon ?
@rodrigorochacoutinho3792 15 дней назад
HalleluYah, for ADONAI 's Amazing Grace!
@davidpalmer9190 19 дней назад
Be generous and kind . Go out of your way to make a difference. Set an example
@davidpalmer9190 19 дней назад
Believe me . I am fearful.
@davidpalmer9190 19 дней назад
I hate this . I am dying . I wanted to share this
@salsafirejrivera1037 19 дней назад
Any idea what year was this message delivered? We are dealing with these very thing today in August of 2024.
@natanaelnegrao4558 20 дней назад
What a strongs words!
@user-cz1oy4gz6w 20 дней назад
Moham undhaa,naa mundhuki vadthadaa,raagaladaa,?.
@MadelaineOlivo 21 день назад
Verse of the Day for Saturday, March 2nd, 2024 In those days John the Baptist came ... saying, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near." -Matthew 3:1-2 Thoughts on Today's Verse... John's words sound strange in a world afraid to tell the truth about sin, wickedness, and evil. Yet all lost people - people who do not know Jesus and those who claim to follow him but don't obey him - we all desperately need to repent. That means changing our hearts and lives, seeking after God, and turning our behaviors around to live for Jesus as Lord. We choose to follow and obey him, not our wants. Yes, salvation is given to us by God's incredible grace. On the other hand, grace that leaves us unchanged is not true grace. Grace not only forgives us through Jesus' sacrificial death on the Cross and our faith in him but also liberates us from the empty and destructive life without God, his guidance, and our purpose. My Prayer... Forgive me, dear Heavenly Father, for my sin. I turn my heart back to you and commit to live my life according to your will and for your glory, not my own and certainly not the ways of this fallen, broken, and lost world. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen. The Thoughts and Prayer on Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware. You can email questions or comments to phil@verseoftheday.com.
@MadelaineOlivo 21 день назад
Luke 13:1-5 New Living Translation A Call to Repentance 13 About this time Jesus was informed that Pilate had murdered some people from Galilee as they were offering sacrifices at the Temple. 2 “Do you think those Galileans were worse sinners than all the other people from Galilee?” Jesus asked. “Is that why they suffered? 3 Not at all! And you will perish, too, unless you repent of your sins and turn to God. 4 And what about the eighteen people who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them? Were they the worst sinners in Jerusalem? 5 No, and I tell you again that unless you repent, you will perish, too.”
@MadelaineOlivo 21 день назад
John 3:16-21 New International Version 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. 19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.
@MadelaineOlivo 21 день назад
Si la leche sale mal, se convierte en yogur. El yogur es más valioso que la leche. Si empeora, se convierte en queso. El queso es más precioso que tanto yogur como leche. ¿Qué pasa si el jugo de uva se vuelve ácido? se convierte en vino, que es aún más caro que el zumo de uva. No eres malo porque cometiste errores. Los errores son experiencias que te hacen más valioso como persona. Cristóbal Colón cometió un error de navegación que lo llevó a descubrir América. El error de Alexander Fleming le hizo inventar la penicilina. No dejes que los errores te depriman. La práctica misma no hace la perfección. ¡Los errores son lo que aprendemos que nos hacen perfectos! No tengas miedo de los errores grandes pasos adelante Sigue caminando...
@MadelaineOlivo 21 день назад
John 3:16-21 New International Version 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. 19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.
@MadelaineOlivo 21 день назад
John 3:16-21 New International Version 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. 19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.
@Michael-n3k 21 день назад
So many people at the crusades so few comments
@pwrperalta12 22 дня назад
Religion is death - Christ is living. <remember that.
@cootumrebel 24 дня назад
The New Testament Scriptures tell us how to be saved. It may shock people to know that salvation involves more than “You’re saved by faith alone if you just invite Jesus into your heart as your personal Savior and say a sinner’s prayer” and similar notions. Such denominational doctrines are not in the Scriptures, and they fall far short of the specific commandments for salvation that Jesus and His apostles provide in the New Testament. If you are truly interested in learning how to be saved, then please read and obey those commandments as presented here with example Scripture references… 1. HEAR THE GOSPEL: First Corinthians 15:1-4; Mark 3:10; Romans 10:14. 2. BELIEVE THE GOSPEL: John 3:16; Acts 16:31; First Corinthians 15:1-4. FAITH IN JESUS IS HIGHLY IMPORTANT, BUT IT IS BY NO MEANS THE ONLY COMMANDMENT FOR SALVATION. 3. REPENT OF YOUR SINS, FORMER RELIGIOUS WAYS, BELIEFS, AND PRACTICES: Acts 3:19; Luke 13:3. 4. CONFESS BEFORE MANKIND THAT JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD: Matthew 10:32-33; Romans 10:9-10. 5. BE BAPTIZED FOR REMISSION OF SINS: Acts 2:38; Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16; Acts 22:16; Romans 6:3-4; Galatians 3:27; First Peter 3:21. Though sinless, Jesus commanded baptism and was baptized as our example, so it is a most vital part of the salvation process. 6. LIVE A CHRISTIAN LIFE BY OBEYING AND SERVING CHRIST: Second Thessalonians 1:7-9; Matthew 25:31-46; Hebrews 5:8-9; Matthew 7:21; John 14:15; Revelation 2:10. What about the thief on the cross? While on earth, Jesus had power to forgive whomever He willed, for the New Covenant had not yet gone into effect. We today are under the authority of the New Covenant, which includes these commandments for salvation. Therefore, we cannot be saved in exactly the same manner as the thief on the cross. Ultimately, we are saved through the sacrificial blood of Jesus (Revelation 1:5), BUT, we only have access to His saving blood by obeying His commandments for salvation. Ephesians 2:8-9 states that we are saved by grace through faith, not works. This means that we cannot earn salvation by our good deeds or personal works alone. Jesus saves us through His grace as a gift to those who have faith enough in Him to obey His commandments, which are NOT personal works. As Jesus said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15 KJV). “And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?” (Luke 6:46 KJV). IF YOU REALLY WANT TO BE SAVED, THEN DO WHAT JESUS TELLS YOU TO DO. IT’S JUST THAT SIMPLE.
@user-ub4fd2ki8g 16 дней назад
Amen in Jesus name Amen
@rodrigorochacoutinho3792 15 дней назад
God keep blessing you!
@MadelaineOlivo 25 дней назад
Verse of the Day for Saturday, March 2nd, 2024 In those days John the Baptist came ... saying, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near." -Matthew 3:1-2 Thoughts on Today's Verse... John's words sound strange in a world afraid to tell the truth about sin, wickedness, and evil. Yet all lost people - people who do not know Jesus and those who claim to follow him but don't obey him - we all desperately need to repent. That means changing our hearts and lives, seeking after God, and turning our behaviors around to live for Jesus as Lord. We choose to follow and obey him, not our wants. Yes, salvation is given to us by God's incredible grace. On the other hand, grace that leaves us unchanged is not true grace. Grace not only forgives us through Jesus' sacrificial death on the Cross and our faith in him but also liberates us from the empty and destructive life without God, his guidance, and our purpose. My Prayer... Forgive me, dear Heavenly Father, for my sin. I turn my heart back to you and commit to live my life according to your will and for your glory, not my own and certainly not the ways of this fallen, broken, and lost world. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen. The Thoughts and Prayer on Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware. You can email questions or comments to phil@verseoftheday.com.
@MadelaineOlivo 25 дней назад
Hebreos 12:1-2 Reina-Valera 1960 Puestos los ojos en Jesús 12 Por tanto, nosotros también, teniendo en derredor nuestro tan grande nube de testigos, despojémonos de todo peso y del pecado que nos asedia, y corramos con paciencia la carrera que tenemos por delante, 2 puestos los ojos en Jesús, el autor y consumador de la fe, el cual por el gozo puesto delante de él sufrió la cruz, menospreciando el oprobio, y se sentó a la diestra del trono de Dios.
@dhayalandrt3766 26 дней назад
What blessing, still we hear the message of God's man , thanks to God and science and technology ❤❤❤
@masoncookie8499 26 дней назад
@flobehanna6957 27 дней назад
@sabrinaryan3475 27 дней назад
What a Blessing it is to still hear the Word of God through Billy Graham ✝️
@F14SuperTomcat 29 дней назад
Absolutely nobody has ever been saved by repenting of their sins. Absolutely nobody has ever been saved by giving their life to Christ. You don't receive a gift by giving anything for it. That is bartering your life for salvation and is a Satanic counterfeit gospel message. We are saved because He gave His life for us and we trust Him alone for salvation. *This means that saving repentance is realizing that you are a sinner deserving of God's just punishment in Hell and turn (repent) from whatever you trusted in before, if indeed you trusted in anything; to trusting in the person and finished work of Christ alone for salvation.*
@CeMan8385 Месяц назад
I met this man on RU-vid such an awesome soul with wish I could have met him in person and attended his ministry.
@CeMan8385 Месяц назад
Amen 🤎
@WillTrung Месяц назад
Miss you Billy ❤
@MCRUE78 Месяц назад
Me too. Nobody carried the torch for Jesus like Billy did . That man spread with word of Christ all over the world for decades. His sermons were heartfelt and passionate. Thank you and we miss you Billy . Give Christ a big hug for me ❤️🙏
@shalondradale1632 Месяц назад
This is bless word 🙏🏾, I thank you Billy Graham, My soul rest in peace 🙏🏾.
@eugeniawilliams1107 Месяц назад
Amen : The soul is alive , If that soul is not written in the book of life That soul shall , coast to the lake of fire In that soul being alive , shall feel the brimstone
@eugeniawilliams1107 Месяц назад
The judgments is all written on the first book To each individual Everything we say is all written on earth : Scripture Saith 66 Book Saying , We all , be guilty before God : And we all be short for the glory of God : Our mouth stop : No one , can’t justify : The second book Which is the book of life If our name , are not written , on the book of life : God forbid : Bless be the Name of the Lord : His mercy and grace , endureth , for ever :
@eugeniawilliams1107 Месяц назад
We don’t had no choice If is time for us to go , you know , death is traitor We don’t know , I don’t know : Time is ticking , This kind of heat , is something is coming :
@eugeniawilliams1107 Месяц назад
Amen , Amen , Amen : The choices , why failing away from God : unto Christ Je’sus our Lord : is the only way , to get back unto God :
@eugeniawilliams1107 Месяц назад
Living on Death Row : I’ll never heard this kind of message : Is deep : Although the recorder is playing this message But the Spirit of the Lord , is on the midst of it : Amazing isn’t it : The message , is the same , is never change : Because the message , is from the Scripture 66 Book Are speaking : Amazing : Thank you Lord :
@maryhaokip3437 Месяц назад
@JoseGomez-wk7jk Месяц назад
Wow! I’m so thankful to hear this message! August 1 2024
@JoseGomez-wk7jk Месяц назад
August 1st 2024
@MadelaineOlivo Месяц назад
Gálatas 6:7-9 Palabra de Dios para Todos 7 No se engañen ustedes mismos, porque de Dios no se burla nadie. Uno cosecha lo que siembra. 8 Quienes siembran únicamente para complacerse a sí mismos sólo cosecharán de ello la destrucción. Pero el que siembra para agradar al Espíritu, cosechará la vida eterna. 9 No debemos cansarnos de hacer el bien. Si no nos rendimos, tendremos una buena cosecha en el momento apropiado.
@JoseGomez-wk7jk Месяц назад
July 30 2024
@JoseGomez-wk7jk Месяц назад
Thank you Christ!!