Legal Monkey (Liam)
Legal Monkey (Liam)
Legal Monkey (Liam)
@ryanmorrison3699 День назад
And now here we are, two decades later and both the U.S. and British governments/media are not only sympathetic to these same terrorists, but are actively making policy to allow terrorism to thrive in Palestine, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and Iran.
@muslit 2 дня назад
I can't imagine an interview like this today. Deep questions and answers without all of the theatrics, drama and interrupting. It's enough to have a great writer and an erudite and prepared interviewer. What else is necessary? Thank you for the reminder.
@lindajohnson4204 2 дня назад
God isn't "capricious", no matter how much CH wanted to say He is. God doesn't "torment" Job, but He proves something to the universe of created beings (including we who read it now). He puts His servant Job in a bad place, leading him to stand in his battle station, which he does, in much suffering, coming through to trusting faith again. We who spiritually know Jesus, know that He can be trusted not to lead us into unnecessary suffering. We know that God hates moral evil, and does not create it and sure does not delight in evil, like a wicked man. If we're not satisfied until the suffering rise up and curse God, then that's today's world, for you, and today's wisdom.
@MrDando87 3 дня назад
That millionaire is a bell end haha
@rde7202 5 дней назад
The Lord and the MP were beyond useless. Debate should have been between Friedman and (oddly enough) the Marxist economist. His replies were much sharper. Though governments deserve credit for 'fostering' modern industry? I would like to hear what the Japanese government knows that the Indian government does not. It nonetheless remains the case that the counterarguments to Friedman seem either unexamined or more like articles of faith than Friedman's own credo. I would really like to hear a good one...
@rde7202 5 дней назад
Also curious why they think tariffs work in some cases, but not others. They seem to be wise to the perception that across-the-board protectionism is an 'extreme view', so they retreat to piecemeal tariffs, without answering why universal protectionism is an objectionable view in the first place. Are tariffs bad? Or are they good? If they're good, why not have them across the board? What's the shame in that? Lord Kearton would reply that they're only necessary to shield nascent (and promising), or old (and failing), industries. So, as Friedman would point out, every industry but the ones that are already successful. But couldn't those be made more successful still, with tariffs? If a bad industry can be made good with tariffs, why can't a good one be made better? They seem to be the tonic.
@rde7202 5 дней назад
I would have loved for them to talk about what has held India back. Is the argument that its economy failed to develop like Japan's because the tariffs were too low, and government intervention was insufficiently strong? Would more of either cause the economy to boom? This is a question for India's economy as a whole, but especially for the textile industry, since it has received so much government attention and shielding, to such poor result. Their contention would have to be that the Japanese textile industry only succeeded because of government action, but the good kind of action, while the Indian intervention was the wrong kind. But how do you do tariffs wrong, or subsidies wrong? There's only one way to do either. You add a tax to foreign goods; and you give money to your domestic producers. So... I'm not sure how that worked out in Japan's favor, but failed in India. That, or government was not the reason for Japan's success, but it was the reason for India's failure. It's too hard to discuss successes (at least when one side views things kinda crooked). But failure, that sure seems easier to explain. I didn't hear anyone contesting him on the causes of India's unrelieved poverty.
@TheGava4 5 дней назад
22:24 guy at top left of screen reacting to Hitchens..😒😂😂
@TheGava4 5 дней назад
Interesting that “Miriam” appeared A LOT on tv discussion shows a decade ago. Then she vanished. Simply vanished. Like an old……oak table😞
@marysunshine2498 6 дней назад
Britain is allowed to limit the mumber of Muslims they permit to become citizens in their country. The number could be zero, if they want. Why are western countries required to accept the entry of these very difficult, problem-causing people. They only use our democracy against us.
@vizveebee 7 дней назад
I'm just looking at Douglas at the beginning of this video, I can see how angry he is. The continual misrepresentation of Israel brings the fire out in Douglas.
@painterly_porcine262 7 дней назад
Not even five minutes in - with a long introduction by Clive James - Hitchens delivers a Do'tard - two nutcases and a cretin ...
@alexanderewing3779 7 дней назад
Weapons of mass distraction. The only time i've heard Peter Hitchens make any sense!
@joecurran2811 8 дней назад
Intersting reading the comments here. Just before Boris Johnson resigned.
@joecurran2811 8 дней назад
This is the kind of two party politics the country needs to move on from
@axelbruv 8 дней назад
A bit of needle from Heath at times, but overall far more respectful than today's political discourse.
@moluther2826 8 дней назад
23:51 That one didn't age quite so well
@tonybino01 9 дней назад
I love the younger Diana Krall voice better. Throughout the years, her tone has gotten a little husky.
@ctwatcher 9 дней назад
Calling to assassinate Trump? We like Trump in USA and this man is now enemy and terrorist. Even our free speech doesn't allow us to say this stuff. Now we gotta get ya.
@browsertab 9 дней назад
Why am I only learning of this amazing video just now
@howlouthelodger 11 дней назад
It's insane that by the time of this appearance Hitchens had already lived over half of his lifetime
@jemshadow123 12 дней назад
Ironic that the Church of England was founded by a King trying to get out of his marriage to have King Charles be judged in this way
@vizveebee 12 дней назад
Douglas has been speaking truth and sense for more than a decade, it's taken that long before people are realising how much prophetic warnings are coming from him.
@kevinmallinson4170 13 дней назад
What a shower of shite
@tcdirks 13 дней назад
One thing that's certain about every Christian is that they are going to be fairly certain that they know exactly what is going on in any given situation and exactly what the problems are and who needs to change their behavior and what needs to happen in every instance. You never hear one of them say you know what. I'm not very well informed on that issue and perhaps I shouldn't issue a proclamation. Instead, they will tell you exactly what you need to do
@tcdirks 13 дней назад
Why didn't Jesus bother to say anything about gay people? Why didn't he give an f about that? If it's such a big deal to Christians, how come Jesus didn't say shid about it?
@BIGT537 13 дней назад
What a fascinating watch. Im struck by many things but chiefly how the hawks are so keen to embark on war despite seeming so insipid themselves. I also struggle to remember that everything they discuss was under a Labour government who make Sunak's Cons look liberal. Strange times but i'd be back in them in an instant.
@LovingPrinceTamayuki 13 дней назад
As an anarchist in favor of the good Dr. Milton Friedman, I would like to say: That where I think he goes wrong, is that when they are out here talking about “the rat race” he should have noted that the government market is just as much a part of the rat race as the Henry Fords, are you gonna tell me it isn’t? That those in government want for nothing? They are self sacrificing and our taxes are entirely optional? But no one would argue that. Of course government are purely self interested little rats like the rest of us, the only difference is that they don’t value consent, they think that their envy being tied up in such red tape is reprehensible
@terrybedtelyon8225 14 дней назад
The Bible does not say God loves everyone. It says he made some just for destruction.
@bigbowlowrong4694 14 дней назад
The wrong Hitchens remains 17:50 - the makers of Skins listened to Christopher’s call😆
@michaelmarron8441 14 дней назад
People were very pompous back then.
@Ianbolton 15 дней назад
These talks were so enlightening. Gotta love the Reith Lectures and Lord Sumption for doing these
@amandamcneill6111 16 дней назад
That imam sums up the sheer hypocrisy of Islam.
@susannamarker2582 16 дней назад
What is a Conservative party for if it can't even abolish Blair's american Supreme Court and put some hereditary peerage back into the House of Lords ? Cameron embraced the Blair project, not really realizing that he was taking on a Blairite version of west-european (non-soviet) communism. It's time to reverse the Blair/Brown reforms of 1997-2010, because you can't do right of centre politics in the UK since those reforms.
@psyskeptic9979 17 дней назад
Jarvis Cocker and other musicians are sometimes not the brightest and best on political questions.
@joecurran2811 17 дней назад
Shirley Williams was imprrssive in this.
@psyskeptic9979 17 дней назад
1990s: former prime ministers as guests 2010s: Owen Jones as guest
@onastick2411 17 дней назад
Tony Ben, half a century of disaster, never learned a thing.
@bk4885 19 дней назад
@user-xe2cr4yf9q 20 дней назад
I respect Germaine Greer lots! But she is absolutely talking nonsense here ... same as Peter Hitchens (who I dont respect)
@RandoBurner 20 дней назад
The fact that they chose the NHS as something that benefits from migration is HILARIOUS. Do you think migrants don't need healthcare?
@dgod62 21 день назад
pity she governed for half the country only, ruined many lives in the north.
@WiseOwl_1408 21 день назад
Liberal coping and seething in 1980
@TheGava4 22 дня назад
03:45..😳😳HANG ON!!! Isn’t that guy a BBC Washington correspondent? He looks familiar
@MichaelJohnson-og9vn 22 дня назад
Always impressive when Milton is unfazed when his arguments are challenged. He never shouts or interrupts his opponents. Usually as he is correct.
@elgee6202 23 дня назад
The debate about electoral reform could just as easily have been from today (2024). The Lib Dems still make the case for PR, and votes for non-Establishment parties have risen exponentially since then. It's also interesting how the panel were overwhelmingly supportive of Camilla so soon after Diana's death. Her dying was partly what set back Camilla's introduction to the Royal Family even further, and she didn't marry Charles for another seven years.
@elgee6202 23 дня назад
Astonishingly, Julia Neuberger is only 48 in this. She looks 20 years older.
@kevincleveland763 23 дня назад
Israel's civilian-to-combat ratio is 1.3 civilians for every combat killed. The average civilian and combatant ratio is between eight and nine civilians for every combat killed. This is disproportionate but not in the direction that you are arguing! Israel has been disproportionately careful not to kill civilians.
@govinduchandradasa5583 23 дня назад
@avatarofenlightenment386 23 дня назад
Thomas Sowell wrote that there are no solutions, only trade-offs. Lord Sumption's lecture is a meditation on this theme.