十萬個為什麼 100K WHYS
十萬個為什麼 100K WHYS
十萬個為什麼 100K WHYS

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Why is God Making Me Wait And Suffer So Long?
9 месяцев назад
Why We Can Rejoice While Suffering?
10 месяцев назад
@黃益銘-v7w Час назад
佛法和其他的宗教有七個大不相同之點: 第一個不相同點:「佛法否認上帝造世界及最初的開始」。 佛法在基本理論上,不承認有一個創造世界的最初開始。佛法的理論:「開始」這個觀念,是因人類「有限」的心理,不能涵括萬千的因果關係,為其本身的假定罷了。 因此「開始」這個概念,只有在對某一特指事物而言時,方有其意義,否則就沒有意義。最初的開始,或絕對的開始,是根本無意義的。 佛法說明「最初的開始」是人類有限性思維的產物,而且告訴我們,這個創造世界,造人造物的上帝,也是人類思想中的幻想。佛法的智慧因此超過了其他宗教的基本教義,這是佛法和其他宗教的最大的一個區別。 佛法和其他宗教第二個不相同點:「佛法的目的,是要使人人成佛,但其他宗教,卻絕不許可人成上帝」。 佛教裏有至高的佛陀,有菩薩,也有天神;但是佛教裏的至尊的佛卻與其他宗教的上帝完全不同。通常我們簡稱釋迦牟尼佛為佛,在佛教徒的心裏,釋迦牟尼佛是這個世界裏佛教的創始人或教主,可是在佛法裏,釋迦牟尼佛是萬萬千千,在無盡世界中,無量諸佛中的一位佛。這裏所要介紹的「佛」,是無量諸佛的通義,是廣義的。「佛」的定義如下: 「佛」是一個理智,情感和能力都達到最圓滿境地的人格。換句話說,佛是全智、全悲與大能的人。這裏請注意佛法與其他宗教的不同點,佛不是萬能,佛不能賜我們以解脫。他只能教導我們,我們還要憑自己的努力得解脫。佛不能使我們上天堂,或判我們入地獄。 佛不僅是和其他宗教中的萬能上帝不同,釋迦牟尼佛且告訴我們:這個理智、情感及能力都能同時達到最圓滿境地的人格(佛法中也叫做佛性)人人原都具有。只有像平靜的湖面上起了波濤,失去了明鏡似的水面一樣;人類戀著於外境及現象,與假定的諸般設想,為所謂生存、名利、情愛、權力疲於奔命,一直到老死,還不覺悟,因此埋沒了本具的佛性;使其本具的至高的理智,至富的情感及無限的能力,不能同時達到最圓滿的境地,不能從煩惱苦痛中解放出來。佛陀(釋迦牟尼佛)說法應世的目的,即是在教導眾生,開顯其本具的佛性。佛的悲願,是要使人人及一切眾生都成為和自己一樣至善至上的佛陀。所以在佛的眼光中,一切人類及眾生,同具佛性,一律平等。 佛不以自己成佛為滿足,他要人人成佛,也教導大家如何成佛。這一個一切平等、大智、大悲的懷抱,其偉大及深廣處,確在一般宗教之上。總之,佛法是教人要有自尊自信,為使自己從生死痛苦中解脫出來,為使一切眾生從生死痛苦中解脫出來。我們應該珍惜佛陀傳給我們的教導方法,加倍努力,開顯我們本具的佛性,使人人成佛,完成理智、情感、能力之最圓滿境地的人格。 佛法與其他宗教的第三個不相同點:「佛法是一個具有包含性和圓通性的教理,其他的宗教,卻多半是具有排外性的」。 佛法,尤其是大乘佛教的中心思想建築在人人平等,眾生皆有佛性的理論上。佛法相信佛性平等,人人都可成佛。進一步說:佛教的大包涵性與大容納性,能包涵容納一切宗教的教義。任何宗教中所講的理論,佛法中都具足。但佛法中不共的高深道理,卻有很多在其他宗教中找不出來。例如就慈悲救世這一點來說:佛教不但與其他宗教有共同的講法,還進一步有無緣大慈,和同體大悲的說法。廣大菩提心和無盡莊嚴的菩薩行願,以及甚深廣大的空慧學,也是在任何宗教教義中找不出來的。佛法絕不詆毀其他宗教。佛法相信眾生根器不同,教導之法,自不能泥一。各種宗教與哲學,皆有其價值和功用,各種宗教,皆能在某一時間空間中,對某一類眾生發生教化與利益的作用。依循任何一種好的宗教,都可以使人在現世和未來世得到利益安樂。但如果要究竟解脫和圓滿正覺,那就必需要完成究竟解脫和圓滿正覺的條件。佛法認為一切宗教,只有深淺的區分,頗少邪正的差別。對任何一個問題,佛法都有幾種不同深度的解說,來適應各種眾生的需要。佛法這種包涵容攝萬象的特性,真是廣大無邊,不盡其際,難測其底。 佛法與其他宗教第四個不同點:「其他宗教的神是有煩惱和有我見的;佛卻是無煩惱的大自在解脫者」 一般宗教都說:如果人不信從上帝,或是觸犯了上帝,上帝就會發怒,會處罰人,甚至於會將他永遠打入地獄受苦。他在本質上還是一個凡夫,根本還未解脫,更說不上是圓滿至善的神! 佛不會發怒,不審判眾生;佛不會發脾氣,送人入地獄。如果人會入地獄,那是他自己的業力,送他去的。佛不但不送人入地獄,佛還要入地獄去救他出來!佛法鼓勵人,入地獄去度眾生。地藏菩薩說:「我不入地獄,誰入地獄」,就是這種精神的表現! 佛法與其他宗教第五個不相同點:「佛教是民主的,和重理性的;但其他宗教多半是獨斷性和獨裁性的」。 因為佛法的基本教義,有其先天的平等性,寬容性和包涵性,所以在佛教史上,所表現的,只是寬容和民主精神。佛教徒對佛陀所說的話,可接受或不接受。因為佛陀所說的道理,因佛教徒根基智慧的不一律,往往是多方面的;佛教徒可以接受佛陀所說的某一部份道理,而不接受其他一部份的道理。在佛經裏,我們常常可以看到,釋迦牟尼佛向弟子及聽講的人說:「我是真語者,實語者,不誑語者。」總是勸導聽眾,研究真理,注重理性。《妙法蓮花經》上明白的載著:在佛要講上乘難信的佛法時,竟有五千聽眾,自以為已經得到了解脫了的,不願聽講,離席而去。佛陀不但沒有發怒,追究或責罰,而只是說:「他們機緣還沒有成熟,與其聽了不相信引起反感,增加罪業,還不如讓他們離開,也是好的」這是何等包涵,民主及偉大! 佛法與其他宗教的第六個不相同點:「佛法的愛是無限的;其他宗教的愛,是有限的」。 一般宗教的教義,雖多能超越國、族、人類和現世,卻不能超宗教。愛仇敵可以,但是決不能愛異教徒!佛法的博愛和大悲,則是無限的,絕對的,無條件的。佛法的愛,不只及於全人類,而且及於全眾生。佛法不但叫人要愛仇敵,而且叫人要愛異教徒。恒沙(印度恒河的沙,這是佛經裏常常引用代表極多數的意思)眾生,若不度盡,誓不成佛!進一步從哲理的觀點來說佛法的愛,它是超越一切相的。這超越一切相的愛,和不可思議的空性合一,於了達一切法不可得中,無緣大悲,任運興起;這個空悲不二的哲學,是佛教教義中,最高深最不可思議之處。 佛法與其他宗教第七個不相同點:「佛法所教的往生淨土,和其他宗教的永生天堂完全不同。」 其他宗教裏所宣傳的天堂,地獄,似乎是和這個人世間相對立的處所,天堂,人世及地獄,似乎包括了整個宇宙。這是一個有限的及消極的論調。佛教所講的淨土,根本與此不同。佛法的宇宙觀是無限的。大乘佛教,在開顯諸佛廣大莊嚴法界時,明白地說明宇宙的無限性。恒河沙數世界,也僅是無盡法界中的一粟罷了。所以其他宗教裏的天堂,只有一個,而佛法中的淨土,卻多得不可思議。像阿彌陀佛的西方極樂世界,只不過是廣大無邊,無窮無盡的法界中的一處淨土罷了。進而言之,佛法中了義的淨土,可以在西方,也可以在東方,也可以即是這個世界。維摩詰經裏說:「心淨則國土淨。」你能自淨其心,此土即是淨土。所以往生淨土,與投身這個世界,本質上並無不同,也絕對不是一切的終點。 其他宗教裏所講的登天堂,所謂永生,是和上帝在一起,去享樂的。佛法根據因果的原理。認為以有限的善因,是不可能得到無限永生的善果的,所以上天堂去享受,將你的善因享受完了之後,還是要掉下來的。像仰天射箭一樣,勢力盡了之後,箭就又回跌下來。佛法的往生淨土,是說憑藉著你的善因,你就能夠到一個良好的修行環境(淨土)裏去而已。在諸佛宏願的感應下,整個環境都能助修行。修行有了成就,依照你自己的願力,並不一定永遠住在這個淨土,而是要到無盡世界去度脫眾生。 綜結的說:往天堂去享樂實在是有限宇宙論者的自私和消極的幻戀;而往生淨土再去修行,則是無盡悲願菩薩的方便莊嚴!
@李麗文-y9p 5 часов назад
@陳小慧-b5u 2 дня назад
@陳小慧-b5u 2 дня назад
@wanduanart 10 дней назад
感谢神,美好的见证 基督教教义 第一课 绪论 良友圣经学院本科课程 共三十课 ru-vid.com/group/PLB0L2zEQmNk8nJwA1yBsxWpin244H4udq
@coachima8873 11 дней назад
基督教和天主教的傳教就如賣保險一樣 , 一點點好便誇大其詞 , 或只偏說一边的 事但沒有說另一边 ; 每次見面都叫你信神 , 只有去信 , 但沒有自己的覺悟, 這樣跟迷信有什麼分別呢 ?
@coachima8873 11 дней назад
有人 從信彿後信神 , 但同時也有人從信神去信彿
@吴明义 11 дней назад
@DLK2000 11 дней назад
16:27 影響 Eric 的二句話: Let people see God through you. Bring Heaven to earth now. 第一句是指基督徒的大使命。 第二句是指基督徒的大誡命。
@SiWeiBenTiShiZheng 11 дней назад
Eric 先生转变之前所信仰的,可能会被不少人认为是佛教。他转变之前的信仰应该叫什么,我不是很确定,但是,我能确定,那不是真正的佛教。
@DLK2000 11 дней назад
留言區有許多佛教徒和基督徒的對話,這是很寶貴的紀錄❗️受訪者Eric表達了他對佛教和基督教的看法如下: 27:12 佛教修行強調行善、忘我甚至出家,以進入阿彌陀佛淨土。不能進入者,則進入六道輪迴。結論是佛教的修行難度很高。(時間大約二分半鐘,根據這個內容,Eric應該至少研讀過阿含經、法華經、心經、金剛經、阿彌陀佛經,並曾經持守六度修行)。 29:55 我們是罪人,生命軟弱,需要基督的恩典以得救。(時間二分鐘不到)。 主持人最後總結,佛教的修行從「我」切入,基督教的修行從「祂」切入。 須注意者,Eric 及主持人都承認佛教的法門,只是認為難度很高。相對,基督的救恩是比較容易得到的❗️
@Hao-PingChen 12 дней назад
佛是一種覺悟一種境界,其實並非宗教,把佛當神拜,那個叫道教,佛教是提升自己的身心靈,自己是自己的個體,並沒有最高崇拜最高神祇,自己的身心就是自己的信仰,基督上帝的存在給人慰藉,給人希望,而佛自己就是自己,自己就是自己的佛,兩者並不矛盾,接收主的福音以及佛的修養,並不矛盾,也並非要放棄什麼。道教之所以能融入佛教,是佛教是自我體現,跟道教的精神層面是不一樣,上天堂下地獄是道教給予的約束,而對佛而言入地獄又如何,上天堂又如何,心中有佛一切皆為天堂,天堂地獄取決自己的心,隨時隨地放下屠刀,皆能成佛,再次強調「佛」不是神,不是上帝,不是一切形象化的人物,佛只是一種覺悟、感知、心境,是自己也是自己的,Let people see god thrugh you. 其實就是佛經中的:「諸佛非以水洗罪,非以手除眾生苦,非移自證於餘者,示法性諦令解脫」
@sooonbeotoh840 14 дней назад
讲得那么美好中看不中用的教义不及生活中有 "现证'" 才重要醒一醒只有愚痴没智慧的才会信主或上帝记住我们才是自己命运的主人外面根本没有任何东西主宰我们的命运世上根本没有牺牲他人自己坐享其成。 .世上根本没有上帝全部是吃饱没事干的。 犹太人搞出来的把戏通都是骗吃骗喝的。 而佛法不一样是通过题目 NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO 涌智慧与勇气克服生活中的困难也就是 “佛法即生活”。
@SaiSaiSaiSai256 15 дней назад
基督徒最大的缺点就是 说个不停
@yongluo1873 16 дней назад
@宇大-f4z 19 дней назад
好Am~~ 感谢你们这样美好真诚的分享!云彩般的见证人,赐我新的盼望和信心!
@Serena80 22 дня назад
what the helllll?
@zxzx9360 23 дня назад
@cwlhsu 24 дня назад
@penshundai 27 дней назад
弟子:在师父的早期讲法中,谈到对和尚和尼姑的救度是定在最后,是否对他们讲真相放在较次要的位置?   师:对其它宗教中人的救度是放在最后了,下一步做。有人说大法弟子怎么这么特殊啊?比宗教的人还特殊啊?为什么不先度他们当大法弟子而度现在这些人当大法弟子呢?人看人只看这一生一世,其实现在的这些人里边,历史的过去很多都是东、西方几大正教的第一批教徒,是亲自听过释迦、耶稣讲过法的人。大法弟子才是真正的正信坚定的信徒,(鼓掌)而且历史上那些有名的圣徒、有名的和尚、有名的道士、有名的基督徒就在大法弟子中。(鼓掌)美西国际法会讲法 李洪志 二零零五年二月二十六日
@penshundai 27 дней назад
@sinfulsoul-Ed 29 дней назад
@jackcohenigan7940 Месяц назад
CHAPTER 3: THE JEWISH RABBI WHO SPOKE HONESTLY. (Translated by Google translate with correction on my side.) Today is May 28, 2024. There is a very important thing that I want to write about. This was what happened, I was sleeping, and woke up at 2 a.m. in the middle of the night. Then I monitored the Israeli Prime Minister…, then, I saw, there was someone who telepathically told him what I said 2-3 days ago, and I saw a story that brought up feelings in his mind, and I looked again and saw…. In the past, there was a Jewish rabbi (I also saw his face) and he said to this prime minister that this was (in his hand there was an ancient book) the true story of Jesus, then this prime minister did not want to accept it, instead he was angry with this rabbi until this rabbi knelt down, very much begged and said that this was the truth. Then this prime minister in the afterward (when the rabbi had returned home), picked up the ancient book and read its contents and felt like there were no lies in its contents. Then, I saw this rabbi said, that in the past, the Illuminati brought home a lot of books from abroad, and it turned out that they (or: there was one person) found out that Jesus was a "quick learner", and could immediately make his body walk on water, then this person said to Jesus that they (n.b: this person and his group) would spread the news to everyone saying that Jesus was the messiah sent by God, and this was intended to expand the power of the Roman Empire, and Jesus agreed. Then after Jesus came to power, there were murders after murders, there were also pillages after pillages upon villages, and there were also human were made as sacrifices..., then when people asked, Jesus answered: (That the act was) "To please God." And people were not suspicious of Jesus. Then later the case of Jesus killing an innocent old woman emerged, well..., that's when people started to disbelieve Jesus. Then, the authorities began to try to arrest Jesus, but Jesus was not easily arrested, he always knew when someone was about to arrest him and immediately made himself disappear without a trace. Then the authorities finally looked for a disciple or follower of Jesus, and this follower was a good person, and he did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah, and towards all the women that Jesus had seized, this person also did not touch, then, this person agreed, and then he mixed drugs into the wine that Jesus drank so that Jesus got very drunk in one drinking party, and the drunk Jesus was then approached by the authorities, and he was immediately beheaded right on the spot. Then, I looked at another place again, why did the Jews want to falsify the truth of history, then I saw someone, and in a meeting, this person said to the others, that this Jesus was brought up by the Illuminati, and this person suggested that the story of this Jesus be kept secret by writing two books (the old testament, and the new testament), in the first book, the old testament, everything about God's hatred for humans was written, then in the second book, everything that was good was written, and of course people will choose the good, because human nature is like that, namely liking to choose the good, so humans will believe in this second book. Then this person said that (the goal) is to "inspire humans of their inner wickedness." Then this person said that this new God wants to expel the former God, because the former God (the former God of the universe) is a weak God, and the current God is an Almighty God. And this person said that they (n.b: He and his group of course) have received many prophecies, and the prophecies really scares them, they were afraid that this world at (such and such a time) will experience bad events. Then when I went back to sleep, I had a dream, there was someone who sounded the sound of a whip repeatedly, so that it was heard through the dream in my sleep, and I immediately woke up from sleep, and I immediately understood everything, it was this person whom when I was sleeping earlier, imagined me coming when he asked me to come to him, and I came voluntarily to him because I felt that Christians could weaken the threat that they could pose to me. So when this man saw that I still wanted to approach them, then (this dream that he made, happened, the meaning of which I knew.) This man was very influenced by the old testament book (which contains all of God's hatred for humans) and he thought that he had to respect God's commandments, and could not disrespect them, therefore he sounded as if with the sound of a whip being beaten on the ground, which means that people who do not follow God's rules will be punished. So I who saw this, thought, although it is clear that both books are lies, but Christians now consider both (the old testament and the new testament) to be true. Then this incident made me aware of Amitabha Buddha who had forbidden me, namely according to the writing I wrote yesterday, chapter: PASSCODE, namely when my mind flashed a little sense of awe at the book written by the Arahat but which had fallen into the hands of Christians, but when a glimmer of awe arose, at that time I thought of the Christian female shaman (as her story can be read in that chapter), so He forbade me not to be amazed or glance at them, because it has the potential to bring danger to myself, so after seeing this dream and knowing all its meaning, everything was in accordance with His advice.
@irisnov11 Месяц назад
返你們的教會危險嗎? ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ZOTwhcwlAxE.htmlsi=Cn52IjWOVYLeK2mE
@corstartfung9778 Месяц назад
@jackcohenigan7940 Месяц назад
_____The following writing is just a few paragraphs that I quoted from chapter 1 that consist dozens of pages_____ (Translated by Google translation, and a little correction from me.) ... ... ... Then, (also at that time) namely in the time approaching the morning, at that time I found Amitabha Buddha talking to me a lot. He said that Jesus used to be..., that before Jesus existed, there was already one "???" (maybe I can use the word, maybe it can be interpreted as an English word, namely: Cult) which he said was the greatest of all. And he said there was one person, by putting a candle on a wooden frame that was made to resemble a symbol, this wooden frame was as high as a cupboard, but not a cupboard and had no door, and this man was very feared by people, because this man was said to be able to predict many things... But most of their knowledge was from stealing from other people. Then what this man actually heard (n.b: Word or guidance), was none other than from the demon. It was this demon who taught so that someone would be made appear, namely Jesus. Then Jesus was chosen and made famous, similar to them (n.b: Christians) who made me famous, then after being famous Jesus did many bad things, and I also did bad things but Amitabha Buddha said that I am tens thousands times better than Jesus, because Jesus once thrusted a sword unto an innocent old woman, and Jesus also took women to force them to have sex. Then this demon called himself Yahweh, and many Christians (even in this day and age) who mention this name repeatedly, at night have dreams that seemed like prophecies / predictions, but many of the predictions are not proven to be true. Then, Amitabha Buddha explained to me that this demon want all humans to disappear from the earth, this demon know that the earth can still run for another 12,000 years, before encountering problems, but the demon think that humans who are so smart will definitely be able to save the earth so that the earth can finally be restored and not go to destruction, the demon then could not withstand to wait so long, because the demon want to inhabit this earth, so the demon intend for all humans to be annihillated from the earth so they can be the inhabitants. This demon has been around for thousands of years, what this demon really want is the body of a human, where they also really want a woman's body, while if they are seen from their appearance, the appearance of the demon looks very scary, very ugly, so they want a human body, but that can not be happened, and they can not be reincarnated as humans, because the elements of their bodies or their spirits are not compatible to be able to enter when the sperm fertilized the ovum. Then, it is true that in the past, it was this demon who taught mankind so that the Egyptians could build the pyramids, the demon thought that by doing good things like that, he would be meritorious, but the demon was wrong because he felt that their hopes were not fulfilled, as a result, the demon became very angry and want all mankind to be destroyed. The demon's ugly face was caused by their own karma, which like to harbor hatred for a long time. Then I saw Amitabha Buddha saying that this teaching would be 毁于一旦 (destroyed one day), Amitabha Buddha confirmed his heart when he said this word. Then, this earth was created by God for humans, humans are the ones who have the right to this earth, while the demon is a creature who is serving their time in punishment, they have no right, and I suddenly saw that Amitabha Buddha showed the demon that he (n.b: The demon's self) had been seen by Amitabha Buddha. Then the presence of Buddha is something very rare, and Buddha was born to this earth, because God loves humans. The presence of Buddhism in the midst of this world brings discomfort to the demon, because the world could potentially become peaceful, therefore the demon is not happy, and immediately sets off several flames of battle in various sides of the world. Then, in the middle of that vision, I also knew the strategy that the demon often used, which is to often use pretension, and the demon doesn't even dare to order his followers to kill me at the age of 53 even though the demon want to do so, because the demon thought that if he behaved like that, wouldn't the true face of them (the demon) be seen. Then, the demon told them (Christians) to spread their teachings. Then Amitabha Buddha said yesterday he wanted to tell me to cancel the action that I was going to take as a result of my meeting with a high-ranking Chinese military man, not because of what, but because in the past, the demon had asked this man, if they could stop me, what would they get?, then this man accidentally answered that he would give anything the demon want, and then it happened the case which I was harmed with a syringe by A Jin's strategy, but the incident that happened next was beyond the expectations of this one high-ranking military man, namely that China still likes Buddhism. And I also saw that the demon tried to influence the minds of his followers, by asking them to lie to the Chinese again about 1 thing (I don't need to mention it here, because it's public domain). Then in the morning following it when I started mopping the floor, I found Amitabha Buddha saying that the demon still doesn't know about the science of atoms and their particles. ... ... ...
@jackcohenigan7940 Месяц назад
_____The following text is an excerpt of just several paragraphs from chapter 2: PASSCODE..._____ (Translated by Google translation, and a little correction from me.) ... ... ... Then, Amitabha Buddha told me that the secret of the universe seems to have not been solved, and he said that He could not even contact God, He was only a 觉悟者 (n.b: The Awakened One), and He said that when in the past there were people asking Sakyamuni Buddha about God, Sakyamuni Buddha gave various explanations, and all of them can be read by fellow Dharma brothers and sisters in Buddhist sutras. But I want to add that He said this because He wanted to "guide" my thinking so that I could get the answer. And also in my opinion this 觉悟者 is already extraordinary beyond compare. Then the thought continued, about when humans eat beef or buffalo, the spirit of the cow or buffalo which is the incarnation of this demon will influence the human mind, wouldn't it be that many humans are influenced by this demon? ...., then I saw Amitabha Buddha thinking about a "sieve" tool, which is usually used to sift flour, so this is intended to reduce the sieve mesh hole size , so if there is a human who eat beef and in him such traits appear (n.b: Demonic traits) then he cannot escape from the sieve, and will be caught to undergo the punishment. Then, when I sat on the sofa, suddenly, due to communication with Him, I knew that these retinue of the demon, or let's just say the demon in the past, wanted to "seize the power" from the Lord of the Universe, therefore, demon experiences punishment like this. Then, when I was sitting on the sofa, I thought why there was…, because I had seen a video showing a very close and affectionate relationship between a cow and a little girl, then I thought that a cow like this would easily be reincarnated as a human, but not like this, then (as if He was asking me), why is a cow like this will still be reincarnated as a cow?, then suddenly an arrogant thought arose in me and then it was as if I was being impolite to Him, but I immediately went to the toilet and gave myself 3 slaps on the cheeks, then, when I came back from the toilet I sat back down, I thought about what I could learn from a magician, which was that he and most magicians, all were not arrogant, not 狂傲自大, then I heard Amitabha Buddha tell me: not only about one thing you (n.b: I) should not be arrogant, but about everything you (n.b: I) should not be arrogant. Then while sitting on the sofa, I was cornered by the question, then because I was cornered by the question, which made everything incongruent thus a feeling arose…, then Amitabha Buddha said that everything must return to what He said earlier, about…. Oh yes, He had told me earlier, that there is a “passcode” in the human body, which modern people might call DNA (maybe my assumption is wrong), but actually this “passcode” can never be opened by anyone. So He said that it returned to what He said earlier, about the passcode in the human body, and apparently these demons “have one innate attitude” and as long as he has this innate attitude in his body’s passcode, then he will never be able to escape the punishment of being reincarnated as a cow. And the passcode to be reincarnated as a human is like a lock and key that has a combination number, and what I saw was that there were many combination numbers, as if it was between 9 or 12 numbers, and this combination number cannot be hacked. This is like the saying 魔高一尺,道高一仗 / If the Devil could be one foot tall, then the Dao or righteous power would be one fathom tall. Then suddenly one thing appeared, namely I saw through my inner eye, something so real that it cannot be described in words, namely I saw that the spirit in the meat that I ate, the meat inside my body, that spirit which is the spirit of a cow, the cow spirit gave rise to a feeling, in the face of the cow, the look in its eyes, gave rise to this feeling, which is this feeling that made God send this punishment to them, and I cannot explain this, if I explain it is like it is so very little that can come close to what I saw from the feeling of this cow spirit, namely it gave rise to a feeling, if you want to say it, then it can be simple, just say with the word "dissatisfied", but the thing I want to explain if explained with words like this is as if only taking 1 millimeter of hair or fur on the body of a furry animal, it is not enough just to explain it, then I thought at that moment that in the Buddhist sutras it was written that demons are always dissatisfied and full of hatred. ... ... ...
@alicechia580 Месяц назад
@Maria-h1n4j Месяц назад
@revowithin Месяц назад
There is no need of such interviews. What are you trying to prove ? Belittle other faith? Faith is very personal and should all should pursue what he finds is peaceful
@小馬兒-c3b Месяц назад
翻了聖經,也只有亞伯拉罕的僕人「求印證」,但他是去幫老闆的兒子帶老婆,他哪知道老闆兒子喜歡怎樣的女生,求神清楚指給他看是哪個女生(但他們夫妻也意見不合啊,老婆喜歡雅各,丈夫喜歡以掃,太太還騙老公)……其他根本沒看到聖經有誰為自己的婚姻求印證啊。你不了解自己,不敢選,不敢負責嗎?都選了還在想自己有沒有選錯….. 現實是,就算正巧有印證,也不保證會白頭偕老、不會外遇、生得出孩子、不生病。
@anisawu8709 Месяц назад
@@小馬兒-c3b 我以前也以为前夫是神为我准备的,结果我们还是离婚收场。 婚前我觉得前夫很爱主虔诚,婚后我发现他慢慢的远离神了。
@isabelle1260 Месяц назад
@小馬兒-c3b Месяц назад
@100kwhys Месяц назад
@anisawu8709 Месяц назад
@吳尐妞 Месяц назад
@thesmartjennifer Месяц назад
一定會的 聽完也更新了我 像Allen說的 禱告 等候 相信
@anisawu8709 Месяц назад
@paulwu1301 Месяц назад
@Stella-wz1sh Месяц назад
@Gloria-ping Месяц назад
@cybergate Месяц назад
@CYWang1989 Месяц назад
@of8ightandse7en16 Месяц назад
but jesus is buddha. all deities are manifestation of the same divine source and energy. einstein said all is Energy.
@曾小姐-w8s Месяц назад
@100kwhys Месяц назад
@yeebub5608 Месяц назад
@Soul-nl4fl Месяц назад
@PanhaAnn Месяц назад
@@Soul-nl4fl 有啊,我在柬埔寨。
@wievangeline446 Месяц назад
​@@Soul-nl4fl 🖐🏻️ 我在马来西亚
@alanhew2207 Месяц назад
@joycefeng650 Месяц назад
@100kwhys Месяц назад
@junpengsshen-mq2ec Месяц назад
@jinchristine9821 Месяц назад
@leolok2632 Месяц назад
There is only one religion, the religion of love❤ When you know yourself, you know God. 無論信奉什麼宗教都OK隨順各人業力因緣。感謝分享,恭喜您找到心中的神! 終生追耶穌基督足跡榜樣,活一個充滿智慧愛心關懷充滿動力喜悅的人生!有一個小點提出: 建議Eric盡量不用討厭這個詞語,對自己對世界的人事物都以愛包容諒解代替!
@klsooner5554 Месяц назад