Michelle’s Manifesto
Michelle’s Manifesto
Michelle’s Manifesto

wife, mother, and grandmother. I am also a registered nurse (RN, BSN, CCM); who sold it all to travel the world. My goal is to empower my subscribers and followers to travel the world on a tight budget and live the highest quality of life possible. This can be done by eliminating unnecessary costs, downsizing overhead, and using resources that will exponentially save money. Subscribe to my channel and follow me on Instagram for more tips. Wishing you health, wealth, and longevity. Namaste

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#maximize⏳ #mindreset #fallinloveagain #findyourpeace #fountainofyouth #live #existingdoesntmeanliving #massages #sand #finances #freedom #debtfree #serotonin #dopamine #natural #vitaminsea #optimal #meditate #yoga #qualityoflife #thisisyourtime #selflove #selfcare #startover🌎✈️🏝️☀️🐚
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14 часов назад
I'm working, Willa. I like you so much.❤❤
@allrisk7319 21 час назад
Very cool 😎
@billiondollarsworthofgame 2 дня назад
I gave 100% evidence proving existence of Jesus Christ and the shroud of Turin being re-examined on the history channel and my own Samoan eye witness first hand account of Jesus Christ. Also the books of Matthew mark luke and John all eye witnesses of Jesus all evidence undeniable evidence also the Old Testament is confirming the flood and summarian tablets are missing tablets for example chief Joseph carried the tablet that confirmed the purchase of the lamb which chief Joseph famous Native American had passed down from his ancestors. All irrefutable evidence that is 100% true and fact but still you won’t believe cause it’s easier to live in sin and you think there is no god so you can continue in sin but father In heaven I know you hear me because you always hear me but show up for these non believers not for me but so that they can believe.
@uft642 2 дня назад
You, my fine fellow, is an absolutely top-tier, gold-star-certified, five-star review of a Grade-A set of fuāmikis! You are a disgrace. 🇦🇸🇼🇸
@CyndieGawain 2 дня назад
So fun
@pete6769 2 дня назад
Thank you so much Cyndie❤
@noatuafale7845 2 дня назад
Clout chasers. You just want attention. Why do you need to put Samoan on your title. Attention seekers.
@pete6769 2 дня назад
@@noatuafale7845 thank you for your comment. You are free to express your own thought on this free platform. Thank you again.
@getfitwithdaz 2 дня назад
Nice one Michelle. Keep up the great tips👍👍
@pete6769 2 дня назад
@@getfitwithdaz thank you so much❤️
@getfitwithdaz 2 дня назад
Your welcome 😀 Take your fitness levels to the next step by completing some of my workouts 💪
@pete6769 2 дня назад
@@getfitwithdaz I’ve subscribed and will check it out. Thank you again.💪
@seanmelvin9101 2 дня назад
Oh MAN!!!@$%&>>÷++##^^+%%-!!!!😮😮😮❤❤❤ Nice!!!
@billiondollarsworthofgame 2 дня назад
Well he’s 100% wrong and I’m Samoan from w. Samoa 🇼🇸 and I live in Idaho and I’m Christian I fully believe in Jesus Christ and the trinity and we understand atheism just know we have a creator
@pete6769 2 дня назад
@@billiondollarsworthofgame thank you for your comment. Can you tell me why I’m 100% wrong? All you said was you’re a Samoan from W Samoa and a Christian who believe in JC and the trinity living in Idaho. And you don’t know what an atheist is. You didn’t say anything why? Why do you believe there is a Trinity? Since you would say the Bible says so..my next question will then be..why should I care what the Bible says?
@billiondollarsworthofgame 2 дня назад
@@pete6769 sure I’ve personally seen and spoke With Christ you said we don’t understand atheism’s and we do understand it not believing in god and I do because I’ve encountered Christ who is alive
@billiondollarsworthofgame 2 дня назад
@@pete6769 you can find our ancestor in the Book of Mormon and we are from Lehi or the tribe of Joseph who had a son Sam also Samoans read the Book of Mormon and pray and fast and Christ will show you the way
@pete6769 2 дня назад
@@billiondollarsworthofgame can you tell me why you believe that you’ve seen and spoke to Jesus? Meaning, how can you demonstrate it to someone who is not a Christian (eliminate the bias)?
@pete6769 2 дня назад
@@billiondollarsworthofgame I’m truly interested with this ancestor from the Book of Mormons. How did you conclude there was a “Samoan” in the book? Can you point to the “connection” from when Smith found the plates in NY? I’ve got some former Mormon friends that could also explain it.
@derric828 3 дня назад
So u guys are ok to tell lies so u don’t hurt anyone.. but won’t stand up or fill good or safe to talk about what u believe in… ur willing to talk about not believing an how bad it thing god made are but won’t back what u say up. That means u don’t believe anything u say! Ppl should just stop talk if they don’t know or don’t want to learn . I’m commenting cuz I see a car wreck happening an I see u pushing the gas saying . See what u did god? Help ur self please
@pete6769 3 дня назад
@@derric828 I’m starting to think I got a troll here. I appreciate you commenting but please speak of what you know and not what you think you know. If lying meaning not telling my mother who I am, then I’m guilty. Her peace is worth more to me than my happiness. You have your opinion but that’s all it is. I’m not sure why you’re triggered because according to your religion, God will judge me and not you. Can I ask you why you believe in your God? Let’s stick to this thread going back and forth.
@pete6769 3 дня назад
@@derric828 btw, how can I be in a car wreck and yet I’m carrying a “gas” ????lol
@derric828 3 дня назад
@@pete6769 I’m a troll for asking u a question?
@derric828 3 дня назад
@@pete6769 so it’s ok to lie to someone u love? I don’t get why ppl thinks that’s what love is. Plus u can’t even stand up for what u think is real?
@derric828 3 дня назад
@@pete6769 I’m asking again. How can u explain a “good world” ???
@derric828 3 дня назад
See his words!! 6:34!! “What do I have to gain!!” Ur selfish an self centered! What’s is the point of being happy ? If everything is about u? U don’t care about happiness u want control? That’s sad
@pete6769 3 дня назад
@@derric828 I have no idea what you’re talking about since it shows you have no idea what kind of person I am. Here’s a question for you. Can you name one moral act that a believer can do and a non-believer cant do it? Just one…
@derric828 3 дня назад
@@pete6769 believe Jesus died for our sins!? It’s sad u believe in something u can’t even answer. I just want u to get or believe that me or u don’t have all the answers but why try a make a case for being atheist!
@derric828 3 дня назад
@@pete6769 u seem like u have read some books and it seems believe those books ( Karan ,Bible,Torah) be them turn around an say it’s not real as u use them to justify what u say! Why do u do that?
@pete6769 3 дня назад
@@derric828 what exactly do I believe in? What sins did Jesus died for? If Jesus died..rose up and became God again…where’s the sacrifice? I appreciate it if you would answer any of my questions because I want to learn. Thanks
@derric828 3 дня назад
@@pete6769 u use god when u want to blame someone for something bad but then when good things happen he is not real!!?? wtf
@derric828 3 дня назад
How would u know about good and good things or beautiful things..if good is all u know? Please explain this.
@pete6769 3 дня назад
@@derric828 thank you for the comment. It depends on what you mean by good? And if good is all I know? Weird hypothetical…
@derric828 3 дня назад
@@pete6769 how is it a hypothetical? I’m asking u if u got to make a World “good” how would u teach someone that “good” ? Or what things to do or not to do? .. I would love to hear ur answer.
@pete6769 3 дня назад
@@derric828 I’m still not sure what you are asking but here’s my take. I’ve realized that everything good that I used to do thinking I had to do it because it was good plus God is watching. Now, I just do it without thinking a God is watching. Here’s why? My idea of goodness is anything positive that makes my life better and can make the people around me feel happiness and their lives better. I give to charities every month anonymously. I try to donate to anybody that I encounter in daily life who I feel needs some assistance. I try to live a peaceful life as much as possible and I don’t interfere in anyone’s business until they permit it. I hope this helps..
@derric828 3 дня назад
@@pete6769 ur way on life is selfish and only what u want.. u can’t even tell ur mom what u believe cuz she might push back or not like what u say! So u don’t! The way u think is selfish but u still thinks it’s right. So what ur definition of “good” like I asked before? U can’t define it cuz u need good an bad!! An that’s the free choice we have ! That god gave us!
@modestassassin9074 22 часа назад
@@derric828I thought god already has your life planned ? Why are you coming off rude ? Not everyone has to believe what you believe but got said respect each other
@derric828 3 дня назад
All I hear is poor me… as u talk about these bad things u are wearing Nike suit. Ur contributing to those kids dying . We all are.. so it’s not just gods fault! It’s sad that u would rather believe in nothing then in to books that have been here for thousands of years. There is proof. U even use it as a source . But says there is no god! U sound like u don’t know ! U should learn more and just be a good person an if there is nothing after life then, ur right and be glad u were a good person! But instead u jus want to complain about things
@pete6769 3 дня назад
@@derric828 sorry I just saw this. Dude, why are you so triggered? Why are you angry? Calm down because it’s not a big deal. Do you know there are about 150k people dying every day. About 25k from starvation. Around 5million children under the age of 5 die every year from illness, disease, starvation, murder, rape, etc. What do you think about those stats? Did God have a hand in it at all?
@derric828 3 дня назад
@@pete6769 yet u do nothing to help those ppl or anyone else? Right?
@derric828 3 дня назад
@@pete6769 ur talking like u care an u wear a Nike suit? We all know china is making all that cloths with little kids an pay them small amount.
@derric828 3 дня назад
@@pete6769 why are u blaming god for those problems. But I thought u said u didn’t believe in him? But u want to blame him?
@taylanamalieitulua638 3 дня назад
I’m curious - when he states “immoral” what exactly does that mean?
@pete6769 3 дня назад
@@taylanamalieitulua638 something that is not moral. Like slavery or committing murder.
@jacquelineangelastokes651 3 дня назад
Good grief!!!...I'm NOT going to wonder what they think about this American lady.... all I can think about is...SHES NOT representing me!😵‍💫 CRAZY LADY ON THE LOOOOSEEE!🙄🧐😲🥴😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
@witsatjawkavee2188 3 дня назад
I follow you from Villa Market staff
@pete6769 3 дня назад
@@witsatjawkavee2188 thank you for subscribing and yes..been to Villa market twice today..😀
@PaleTagaloa 3 дня назад
Sorry,he is not a Samoan
@pete6769 3 дня назад
@@PaleTagaloa thank you for your comment. Just one question, what was a Samoan before the missionaries came to Samoa?
@mojoejojo6675 3 дня назад
The concept of 'Samoan' as a social construct can be perceived as subjugating those it encompasses, not solely due to external influences but also through internal dynamics. The notion of white privilege is believed to exist in the consciousness of those who consider themselves inferior to the 'Papalagi'. The literal translation of the term is quite revealing.
@pete6769 3 дня назад
@@mojoejojo6675 well, history may challenge that. But i completely agree with you. When the white man came to Samoa preaching the Bible, did Samoans consider them to be of higher statues? Why was it so easy to convert Samoans and for that matter, all these poor countries around the world. Was it because they thought the palagi were superior humans because they had more intellect or was it all superstitious thinking? We can go on and on but i dont think im well versed in the history of Samoa to go further.
@letsgofast6859 3 дня назад
Just wondering.. has he always been an athiest or was he bought up in the Samoan cultural way?
@pete6769 3 дня назад
@@letsgofast6859 thank you for your comment. I was Catholic until I hit the age of reason..for myself at the age of 36. Used to attend mass every single day, Altar Boy, Baptised and all. So yes, I followed religion just like everybody else in Samoa without questioning anything. They call it Indoctrination because if I was born in Iran…I’ll most like be Muslim without question..you agree?
@mojoejojo6675 3 дня назад
@@pete6769 I'm a Gen Xer and growing up I knew all us Samoans to be church goers. Never knew a Samoan that didn't believe in God. In my mid 20s I left the church and started meeting others that did the same. When I attended art school my eyes were opened by the pioneers that led the way Sima Urale, Albert Wendt, John Pule, and others.
@pete6769 3 дня назад
@@mojoejojo6675 thank you for your comment. I’ve met some other Samoans that don’t believe either. It’s hard to express ourselves openly (but I don’t try anyways) without criticisms from believers. But I welcome the conversation because I’m not trying to force my views on anybody other than talking about epistemology and critical thinking using reason and logic. It took me 36 years and I’m still looking for evidence without being biased. Once I applied skepticism towards religion, it wasn’t hard to see that my reasons for believing was flawed and weren’t good reasons at all..eg, indoctrination.
@pete6769 3 дня назад
Here’s another thought provoking scenario. Let’s talk about earlier writings that were there before the Bible. Writings that were talking about a talking snake and the flood and ark encounter. We can start with that…
@JayIowa 3 дня назад
Hey guys i want to start making content. Can i interview you... About life etc
@pete6769 3 дня назад
@@JayIowa thank you for your comment. Would love to accommodate you if feasible..
@JayIowa 3 дня назад
@@pete6769 over zoom or something.. ok that's weird, normally samoans are highly religious.. I'll organise and prepare my channel n let u know
@pete6769 3 дня назад
@@JayIowa whatever is easier. We’re also overseas at this time too so it will be tricky. It’s also weird that the majority of Samoans never looked into the history of the Bible. You would think that if you base your life around a book, you would try to find out the truth behind it. Right?
@taylanamalieitulua638 3 дня назад
@@pete6769as a Samoan myself, it’s a very complicated issue to discuss because there are so many facets to the religion/belief that Samoans have. But I look forward to listening to this discussion. Would even be interested in participating as well @jayiowa
@pete6769 3 дня назад
@@taylanamalieitulua638 thank you for your comment. I see it a little different because it seems that there are not many facets at all. Just my opinion but religion in Samoa is a given. I grew up just following what my parents and rest of family did without questioning anything. That was it and it was an eye opener for me when I paid attention to how people at mass would kneel and just following different actions without asking WHY. It looked like a cult to be honest. But it wasn’t an easy decision at all. I had to explore and use the brain that we have to question things even if I was uncomfortable. Anyways. Hope I didn’t bore you already. We can explore more if interested. Cheers!
@pete6769 3 дня назад
Just a quick comment here. And I’m just trying to find the truth. Can anyone produce one verifiable evidence for Jesus Christ? Or for Yahweh too? No personal experience because you can’t prove that to anybody else.
@mojoejojo6675 3 дня назад
I asked the same question to a Bible bashing coworker and all he had was anecdotal experiences. He couldn't understand that the blessings or freedom that he seeks and longs for can be experienced without Christ. I told him heaven and hell is a state of mind in this life not the after world where one lives a miserable existence in their head waiting for salvation at the end of their lives.
@pete6769 3 дня назад
@@mojoejojo6675 I appreciate the comment but what does a Bible bashing coworker have to do with anecdotal evidence…of what? Btw, how do you know those blessings are from God instead of you “thinking” it’s from God? When you say heaven and hell in this life, are you interpreting this differently than theologian scholars? If you are, how did you come to the conclusion that your interpretation is the correct one?
@lemigaofaatoafe7298 3 дня назад
Praying for you guys to know the truth about our LORD JESUS CHRIST. John 3:16 John 14:6
@pete6769 3 дня назад
@@lemigaofaatoafe7298 thank you for your comment and for your concern. Have you read about Exodus 21 where God gives instructions on how to procure slaves? Which is followed up in Lev 25 on where you can “will” a slave to your children just like property. Have you read those verses and what do you think about it?
@bbmb622 3 дня назад
I’m a Samoan guy… The bible is made up of various written recordings from various people back in the days, which means these writings are interpreted before being compiled into a version like the bible. Over the many thousands of years of interpretations, the compiled versions may possibly changed over thousands of years.hence, why throughout the Bible , it’s readers sense some passages feel incomplete or skipped over. God created all people , the difference between people is how people use their minds, the way people think! This is why we have Good people and Bad people! People have a choice to believe in God and his son Jesus Christ as our saviour,or be a non-believer! In my own life I’ve experienced trauma, bad times as well as good times, but I will never lose my faith - yes , there will be times I will have doubts and my faith tested, that’s part of being a Christian, but I will never give up my faith, as I’m a firm believer and have experienced the many wonderful experiences in my own life through being a Christian!
@pete6769 3 дня назад
@@bbmb622 thank you for your comment. I totally understand where you’re coming from. All I ever wanted was to believe the truth. I grew up literally going to mass EVERY day and not counting daily prayers at home. As I look around, I realize something is messed up. Why do some people have better lives than others. Why are countries that have the MOST faith are usually people that are struggling in life and if there is a loving God, why is their faith being tested every day and not others. If you find one immoral action in the Bible, would you consider the Bible an immoral book? I’ve found many immoral actions in the Bible so I consider it an immoral book. Have you ever consider the idea that you could be praying and worshipping the wrong God? Don’t you want to know if you are going to the correct afterlife? And how did you eliminate all the other Gods?
@Timothy271279 3 дня назад
Bro you cannot call yourself Samoan and not believe in Jesus. Its part of Samoan culture. Deny it is denying your culture
@pete6769 3 дня назад
@@Timothy271279 thank you for your comment. Samoa wasn’t always a Christian country so I’m a little perplexed that you would say that about Samoa culture. Can you tell me the difference between Mormons and Baptists or Catholics and Methodists? They all have different doctrines of the Christian faith. Why are you not Mormon and if you’re a Mormon, why are you not Jehovah’s Witness? Do you know the difference because there is?
@esautalo3027 3 дня назад
Hey guys, I can help you with your concerns, first thing there is no Samoan Atheist because every Samoan found God after John Williams the first Missionary who brings the (Holy bible) to Samoa for the first time. Remember your first love in spirit I'm talking about. Jesus is talking about our spirit, not physically, we already have this beautiful life we have blessed. But the Lost souls that's the reason why he sacrifice his own life is for our souls to be saved. I hope this helps a lot and I will love to talk more about God if you want and don't forget satanic use technology through social media it's so fast now to take our minds away from God. God bless ❤️ 🙏
@pete6769 3 дня назад
@@esautalo3027 thank you for your response. 1. First off, why didn’t Samoans know about the Holy Spirit before a missionary landed to “bring” it? Is it not written in our hearts when everybody is born? 2: when you say “this beautiful life” we have, does that count the approximately 25k people that die from starvation around the world EVERY DAY? 3: if Jesus sacrificed for the lost souls, why are their still lost souls? 4: so you are using Satanic technology right now and it seems fine to me..right? Can you elaborate on those questions? Thank you and would love to keep talking about your God…not Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, or any other Gods but Yahweh.
@MrFaavevela 4 дня назад
Samoan? Samoa is a 100% Christian Nation
@pete6769 4 дня назад
@@MrFaavevela 99.99%😎
@pete6769 4 дня назад
@@MrFaavevela but you do know that’s not true…right? Just want to make sure
@MrFaavevela 4 дня назад
@@pete6769 constitutionally, yes it is a 100% Christian Nation though there is a minority of otherwisers. Cheers.
@pete6769 3 дня назад
@@MrFaavevela constitutional? What does that mean in regard to how many Christians?
@Timothy271279 3 дня назад
Even before Christianity the original religion was similar in ideas
@frederickarp3917 4 дня назад
I would like a friendly debate, light conversation, whatever you want to call it
@pete6769 4 дня назад
@@frederickarp3917 awesome! It was when I began to have an open mind about my faith that I’m just fasting for more knowledge. If you can convince me that there is evidence for a God…I want to be correct. Thank you.
@pete6769 4 дня назад
@@frederickarp3917 maybe this could be a starting point. I can understand that you would have to point to the Bible as your source. I grant you that but I want to base it on why the Bible is the source of God. So let’s focus on why I should believe the Bible is the verified source for God. Or if you have another point, we can discuss that too.
@benmaugaotega 4 дня назад
I’ don’t know how to Help You guys, but it’s a reciprocity relationship in general with the spiritual aspect endanger if You guys believe. Godspeed for Your search! ✝️🕊️❤️. Manuia mai le Lagi!
@pete6769 4 дня назад
@@benmaugaotega thank you for your comment. But, what is there that we need help from?
@benmaugaotega 4 дня назад
@@pete6769 ) like I stated. You guys are mature enough finding answers to You’re inquiry. You absolutely find it online or RU-vid where experts in Theology and Philosophy Phycological theory pages and make Your critical decision. certainly no one on planet earth is nihilistic,whoever makes such claims is fooling his/her intellect. You certainly don’t have hold over Your life! Manuia le lua sa’iliga mai le ‘FESOASOA’ sili 🕊️spirit. ✝️🕊️❤️🇺🇸🇦🇸🇼🇸!
@JLAXIN69 4 дня назад
ROB is a lucky man 😛 I think he needs a drinking buddy 😛
@pete6769 4 дня назад
@@JLAXIN69 more like a smoking buddy..😁
@JLAXIN69 4 дня назад
Rob gonna get the jandal from dad lol
@pete6769 4 дня назад
@@JLAXIN69 better the crocs..🤪 or a sit down is better😇
@allaboutrelaxation6651 5 дней назад
Hopefully, the holy spirit will guide you back to the light.
@pete6769 5 дней назад
@@allaboutrelaxation6651 what is the Holy Spirit? How do you know when the Holy Spirit is there apart from you thinking it’s the Holy Spirit?
@allaboutrelaxation6651 5 дней назад
Alrighty i knew you are gonna come back with a question. I guess your husband Rob who study the bible and went to Sunday school didn't tell you. The spirit is God. Part of the trinity.
@pete6769 5 дней назад
@@allaboutrelaxation6651 oh no. That was my understanding too so I was asking about how you can detect it. How can you tell the difference between you thinking it and it being real. How do you tell the difference because you can’t detect it?
@pete6769 5 дней назад
@@allaboutrelaxation6651 and can you explain the trinity? Would love to hear your take…
@elifrac 12 дней назад
smoking is a human right and your views are one in a bilion
@pete6769 12 дней назад
@@elifrac appreciate your comment and the time it took to post your comment but when the signage says non smoking and you all are at the door smoking that is affecting my health. And as far as an opinion. I’m a Registered nurse and share the same opinion as many other health professionals, as well as the science that has proven that ciggs/tobaaco kill. I’m sorry what was your point???? I’m waiting….Please follow the rules and smoke in designated areas. That is all❤️🚬namaste
@jacquelineangelastokes651 13 дней назад
Looks yummy...what's the creamy drink?
@pete6769 12 дней назад
@@jacquelineangelastokes651 lemon juice
@tanyaschuster6502 14 дней назад
@tanyaschuster6502 14 дней назад
Hellooo A Me ri ca 🤣
@pete6769 14 дней назад
@@tanyaschuster6502 back to Thai..gotta save some $$$..lol
@americanmonster4983 14 дней назад
Michelle its the first video I liked & enjoyed watching.....Nat😘
@pete6769 14 дней назад
@@americanmonster4983 means a lot coming from you. Any feedback good or bad is always appreciated. Gonna be adding what’s it’s like to be married to a Samoan atheist so please give feedback. Much love to you and T❤️😍😻
@kufner12 19 дней назад
@davidmorais2394 20 дней назад
Lotus root
@pete6769 20 дней назад
@@davidmorais2394 🙏
@alanlynchireland1590 24 дня назад
So white lol
@dannyyoung5299 26 дней назад
Asian people put nothing in Green or Black Tea.
@dannyyoung5299 26 дней назад
Italians do not drink Cappuccino after 11:00 am.
@pete6769 26 дней назад
@@dannyyoung5299 now we know..
@tanyaschuster6502 Месяц назад
lol at your Nigar hehehe..Keep well and safe..love yous
@pete6769 Месяц назад
@@tanyaschuster6502 she be trying to wake up the Mandingo spirit..🤣
@rastastoner Месяц назад
@ciaraltaccount1526 Месяц назад
What a 💩vlog
@divinelightind4404 Месяц назад
your form is not correct but you are doing it and that what matters. you are active and you are beautiful and cute . much love and respect
@pete6769 Месяц назад
@@divinelightind4404 thank you so much🧡🩷
@michaelperkins739 Месяц назад
I applaud you, for doing something vs nothing. But get a trainer, hate to see you get hurt from improper form. And, your results will come much faster.
@pete6769 Месяц назад
@@michaelperkins739 thank you for your advice and my husband started today assisting me. Will be changing how to do burpees too.
@samuelYtMgmt Месяц назад
Hey Michelle, Love your content. I provide services related to Video Editing, Thumbnail Designing and RU-vid Publishing with SEO tags to increase reach and traffic on channel. I can provide a free sample if you are interested, Thanks.
@baron7755 Месяц назад
Why did you go to Qatar?
@pete6769 Месяц назад
@@baron7755 it was just another stop on our way so we decided to spend a day. We only book one-way trips so it’s easier to adjust however many days we need.
@user-cs3rx1ue8y Месяц назад
Omg 😊😊you make very good job with these woman 😊😊 So sexy So hot 🔥🔥 body 👅👅 Unbelievable beautiful balloons Amazing hot back view I jealous of your partner 😭 Very lucky 😢 I'm melting You are a volcano 🌋🌋 Many hot 🔥🔥 kisses everywhere 😘😘 from Greece -Hellas
@americanmonster4983 Месяц назад
Beautiful what nature offeres
@pete6769 Месяц назад
Thank you for your comment and support to my channel