Monika | she/her | Poland | Nov. 28th

Thank you for all the subscriptions, likes and comments, it means a lot to me!💕

Do not repost my videos without my explicit permission.
@kissmrule 18 часов назад
Such a good video it so good and sweet.
@sashal1493 5 дней назад
“How much do you remember” “I remember you were there” There’s so much between them I can’t deal 😭
@tiago.costa2024 6 дней назад
@zooweemamah 7 дней назад
i love this movie so much carpe diem!!!!!
@sarahyilma9157 8 дней назад
Mary's scream after Francis dies killed me
@Ctrl-XYZ 9 дней назад
@backtothestart02 17 дней назад
@thisisfofy8498 20 дней назад
after Robbin Williams has taken his own life, this movie is not the same.
@rosangelafreitas7041 27 дней назад
Olá! Está é a melhor série que já vi,revi e não canso de rever. Por favor! RETORNE ATUALIZADO. Casados o grupo retorna junto com os filhos, será SUPER!!!!❤
@theheirsdaughter5776 Месяц назад
That look in Neil’s eyes when he said “I was good…I was really good” my heart sank to my stomach. Him opening the window and looking out and taking a deep breath, he’d knew that was his only way of truly being free.
@user-vj3ld8st5y Месяц назад
We're gonna die in Season 3
@blueberry0903 Месяц назад
best thing i have seen on the internet
@moonreverie Месяц назад
they really won the great alina ships war and i love it
@moonreverie Месяц назад
0:10 just kill me already
@moonreverie Месяц назад
0:01 i love him SO MUCH
@moonreverie Месяц назад
SIEMAAA it's me hi i'm once again back here
@Yazmingrant7159 Месяц назад
They are the best
@wildxheart Месяц назад
This is incredible
@esthers_21124 Месяц назад
Erik my belved, you were just a child. You deserved so much love and care, not to be used as a weapon.
@Redhoodexe Месяц назад
This movie made my brain think so differently
@mikl12354 Месяц назад
No truer words.. Shows with S5. "Know whats the worst thing about actually getting what you want? When its not good enough." We got another season.. but at what cost 😢
@CaptnJack Месяц назад
I love the Q character, and I understand people have issues. I also believe that society turns normal people into people like Q. Societies expectations are unrealistic, and when people think they fall short of these expectations, they mentally and sometimes physically hurt themselves as punishment they think they deserve.
@KatherinePulkrab Месяц назад
I was thinking of texting you in the groupchat and then I realised I could as well write this damn comment before I put it on my to do list and it will stay there forever I haven't written long comment in a while, this is the first one I am sort of checking from my to comment videos so excuse me I already know I won't be able to capture with my words the utter beauty of this collab! I am going to try anyway because damn I could not be more in love with what you created! To start on cheesy side I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I still remember when I was really struggling in 2018 and you made something for me just because I was your friend and in one of the darkest moments your friendship was truly one of rare sources of light in my life. I know it sounds awfully poetic and cringy but it's the truth. I am mentioning it because it's been 6 years and I appreciate your friendship every day more and more. Whether we interact daily or not, whether we share the same hyperfixations or not, I would always put this tradition and our friendship on very high position of one of the best things that ever happened in my life. I will go on and freak out about your chosen scenes and how much they killed me but I want to say that the thing that always means the most to me is the effort you put into creating something for me. I'm gonna use lyrics of song every vidder knows which fit so well: I don't deserve your love but you give it to me anyway. So yes I love all the couples you used, all the scenes you used, all the parallels you found but to be honest none of it matches your thoughts of making something for me, your friendships and your kind words! So no matter what you make thank you the most for your presence in my life. But because apart from your presence you also have strong intentions to kill me I am going to proceed with commenting on all of the emotions you made me feel with this collab Obviously it's great to get gift on birthday but to get it so unexpectedly has its own magic too cuz i was not prepared to die last week. I was not in the best mood last week but this video once again lighted up my mood! You really did choose the best timing! Some parts I can tell little bit who made what some not at all so let me just take it as whole and focus more on the scenes than on who is the culprit! First of all, did you even think before you chose this song? Don't you have any kind of mercy with my poor heart? You didn't think right? cuz if you think you would not choose my most favourite nickleback song? you, your talent, my otps and nickleback song??? it must have been so clear I would not survive all of that at once nfjdsafnjkdsnjfskfnjsa 00:00-00:07 - Okay so the beginning - allisaac and I'm already gone! i miss them so much, this comment will seriously be endless cuz i want to comment on every single couple, let's say there is not a scene i would not start internally screaming about! and all the voiceovers nfakdsfnjskdanfj i am getting distracted i need to be less abstract and more concrete sorry! I happy you inserted isak/even there at the beginning cuz all the other non-endgame couples were smashing my heart into dust too hard! fnasjfdnskaj 00:08 - 00:11 - MY DRAMA COUPLE njkfdsanfjkdansjfdsakj I love all my otps! I swear! I am happy for all of them! but to see your vidding something you don't know just because I love it just makes me feel so special and happy and I can't help and freak out about it a little bit more. and the parallel to tenrose are you kidding me??? fnjkdanfdjksa and another drama couple girls you are killing me nfajdsknfkjdsanjfdsa 00:12 - 00:22 fdajfndsajkfnjsda seriously commenting this is so hard cuz I am feeling too much at once ndasjfndjksaf I love that as soon as Isay I started liking mike/will you use every chance to vid them and i am not complaining nfjkdsnjfkdsaj how did they not make me feeling anything before i don't understand and ofc cherik cuz I would immediately called 911 for both of you if you hadn't used cherik nfjdafnjkdsaf but like the broken heart parallels nfkdjfna EXCUSE ME that just hits so hard I don't even know what to say... probably one of the best parallels I've ever seen and yes it might be because of the couples cuz my heart just loves to be in pain side note: I just noticed you put names there so i can actually tell who vidded what, I swear I've seen the edit like 10 times but i noticed that only now nfkjdsanfjkdsa never mind
@KatherinePulkrab Месяц назад
00:23-00:33 - okay I am going to speak directly now that I noticed the name but I am not going to rewrite the beginning of the comment just bare with me ajdfnkdjas monika all the period drama couples (idk if that makes sense but you get me) how dare you to use them like this next to each other, that's so nfjkdafnkjdsanjfksanjf and anfjdnfkjdsafnjkdsaj and mainly nfjdnfjkdsanfjkdsafnjdksanfjds 00:34 - 00:45 - the stydia kiss with the beginning of the chorus, I seriously don't have words and then the i love you parallels, my heart is too weak for this oh how i miss ted/robin nfjadskfnjdsa and benvi njfdnk my babies! another side note: i can feel my comments are getting shorter, please be aware i love all parts of this video the same way I just really suck at commenting and finding things to say so I would not repeat myself too much 00:45 - 00:55 - can i just say i am utterly in love with the way you follow beats its so aesthetically pleasing nnfdkf I am obsessed also I forgot to mention it but the text is soo freaking pretty! You are seriously the vidding queen monika! and all the miss you VOs my heart can't, my brain can't, my eyes can't Kat left the chat nfjadsfnjkdasnfjdsa and my drama otp inserted i am here kicking screaming and making a fuss because of how pretty it all is and how many feelings i have andnkjfdanfjkdsa and the henry/alex/drama otp dancing parallel is top notch, 10 out of 10 Kats approve dnfjdafnjkdsa 00:55 - 01:07 - omg spallen fndajkfnd i was not ready for that, you attacked me out of nowhere Elo! I see what your intentions with my future are, you want it to be short and my death to be soon! fkdafnkdsajf and like the ted/robin quote with johnlock and my another drama couple plus Penrose how do i even comment on something that's just simply pure masterpiece! this is so good it can't be even put into words! 1:07 - 1:16 - LITERATI FNDSAFNJKDS i miss them so much i just got reminded of that and seriously the scene choice and the way you follow the beats nfjkdanfjsadnjf i can't its too much it's too beautiful! siri start playing again: i don't deserve your love but you give it to me anywaaaaaay! 1:16 - 1:27 - ................................................................................................................................................ that's my heartbeat right now, I died on having too many emotions ndfnjdasfk the way you followed lyrics excuse me???? rude! all my otps next to each other nfjkadsfnjdkasfj nick/charlie, steve.... and the dance parallel I AM NOT OKAY I AM SERIOUSLY NOT OKAY JFDNAFJKDSFNJDSAFNDSFJSADKJ together or not at all but without kat because kate just gave up nfdasfnkjdasj 1:28 - 1:38 - i did not expect sam/eileen from you fnajfnkjdsafnjds and then all the gays, gay panic suddenly got completely different meaning nfjdfnjkdanjfdsa i love the scenes so much nfdajfnkdsa no im literally obsessed and the VOs with the lyrics like just no because I can't it's too beautiful! 1:38 - 1:48 - the way your mind words I am speechless, how does the scenes work so well together like its just so aesthetically pleasing to look at this because the way you combine the couples is pure perfection! I'm missing all these couples so much! 1:48 - 1:59 - omg that conrad/belly and jo/laurie parallel??? are you kidding me... yes I am probably the most excited about all of the dancing parallels you both found BUT HOW CAN I NOT THEY ARE SO GORGEOUS AND THEY MAKE ME FEEL BUTTERFLIES FNADSJFNKJDSFNJDSJK and i love the leyton/literati parallel its so painful and Kat loves a big dose of pain! plus it works so well with sophie/kevin vibe like all the three fit together so well! 2:00 - 2:10 - the way you followed lyrics??? hallo???? how and never stop please fnjkadnfkjdanfjs i am soooo completely in love with the way you edit elo you have no idea nfjskdafnjkdsa and the drama couples parallel with lucien/allen i was not ready, i should have been sent notice about this because this is not something that can one just survive out of nowhere okay???? i was attacked and that's not fair!! and steve/nancy - hello pain??? again??? how are dare you???? plus another drama couple, like I could not love the parallel between kalagang and them more!!!! so perfect! 2:11 - 2:20 - and you continuing with all the water parallel - this really should be illegal! as well as the literati quote with those lyrics... this collab is the exact opposite of painkiller its the paininducer!!! and I could not be more in love! I CANT NEVER LET IT GO NKJFDFKNJDANFJDASJFSKA 2:20 - 2:30 all the leaving parallels and you even used caskett i hate you elo i hate you the most you have absolutely no mercy with my heart!!!! and you even followed it with kalangang and katniss/gale I want to be okay! I really want to say i am fine but i am not fine and Katoby??????????????? EMOTIONAL DAMAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!! NFKDSJANFJKDSANFJDSA 2:30 - 2:39 - not the iconic hand scene nfasfndskjaj that should be part of every single video for how iconic it is! and alex/henry and victor/benji - gay panic once again nfjdkafnjdsafnjsnjfds seriously tho how are you so talented everything you make is a blessing for one's eye fdansjfkdsajf 2:40 - 2:50 - DRAMA COUPLE fnjadfndsjka you don't know but this is like the most painful scene and you just put it there like nothing is happening and here one small czech girl is dying like Juliet in romeo & Juliet nfjkdfnjkdsadfdjka and sun/mum also were not on my bingo card but I'm so freaking happy you used them nfdakfnjkdsafnjkda with caskett again? ruder than rude! Kat is no longer here, Kat went straight to heaven due to the beauty of your editing! 2:50 - 2:59 how dare you to follow it with such a perfect parallel njkfafnjkdsjfdsa AND CAMSTEN NFDSAKJFNDJKASNFJKSANJ my babies aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I have so much to say about this part but I can't force myself to type because i keep rewatching it, I always go to the end and then my brain is like no once again, once more, once more... its so perfect! I have too many feelings for every single scene you've used in this part njafnkjsadfjdafnjkdnsa 3:00 - 3:10 omg not these forgive scenes and these lyrics like nfjdfnkjdfnjdkas i can't I'm giving up this deserve so many beautiful words and i am too emotional to find any! the progress of the part, like the forgiving scenes, then the leaving and then I can wait with the hi scene SERIOUSLY elo you are a brilliant genius! I'm obsessed! its so satisfying to watch i can't nfjaksnfjdsanfjdsanfjksa 3:11-3:21 how long am i going to love this collab??? FOREVER TOO! I can't get enough of it, each part like fresh stab into my heart bringing tears to me eyes and i am here for it all! you two are villains in this story okay! cuz you completely destroyed soul of one innocent human being!! all the scenes you used in this part monika I seriously don't know how to describe the beauty! 3:22 - 3:31 IT'S REALLY NOT OKAY fndsjafndjsakn none of this is okay! I AM NOT OKAY, YOU SHOULD NOT BE OKAY! HOW CAN ANYONE BE OKAY AFTER THIS COLLAB! the whole world was altered with this collab! and the hug! that was flawless njfaksfnjdsaj how but also yes also noooo i can't also never stop also love you to the moon and back! 3:32 - 3:40 I NEED TO BE ALONE CUZ I AM CRYING UGLY TEARS! YOU ARE BOTH TOO MUCH FOR ME! also i am definitely not breathing now after this part the kisses and the hugs... I WILL NEED HUG AFTER THIS PART TOOO!!!!!!! and who is going to hug me when you live too FAR AWAY from me! and i forgot but ALLLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAC MY BABIES!!! 3:41 - 3:58 - omg th forehead kisses - they will always be superior parallel i don't make the rules! and then the head touching with my drama couple AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH this collab could not have a better ending, Elo you really outdid yourself with the scene choice they fit together so well and I am done I AM ACTUALLY DONE WITH YOU! I feel like this comment does not make a single sense and i am sorry for that it's been too long since i properly commented on video and you really outdid yourself with this collab, each year you find new innovative ways how to destroy my soul properly! there should be research on how you can make things more perfect each year! Seriously thank you so much for your love and effort you can't even imagine how much I appreciate it! Thank you so much! I love you the most!!!!!!
@almamikkelsen3460 Месяц назад
i regularly return to this beautiful video
@GiladPellaeon Месяц назад
Mr. Keatings philosophy and view on life and literature have somewhat shaped my own perspective on literature, life and teaching. I read the novel and saw the movie for the first time when I was 16, I am now 34, I am myself a teacher now and I too teach literature and language. And I think that the novel, the movie and Mr. Keating made an impact on my journey and my daily teachings. Thank you for this wonderful tribute.
@MiaWinchester794 Месяц назад
your parts were more than worth the wait, they're absolutely stunning I'll never get tired of watching this
@lostbirdx Месяц назад
@autumnmoonlight_2.0 Месяц назад
This is amazing, I love this song ❤
@CCHJJ Месяц назад
This is so beautiful and so many great couples🥺❤️
@pandieex Месяц назад
omg monika i miss your vids 😭😭 and this is gorgeous ❤️
@lostbirdx Месяц назад
omg thank youu🥹 i really missed vidding ngl, i hope i can get back into it a little more🥹
@backtothestart02 Месяц назад
this is so so beautiful.
@moonreverie Месяц назад
god i miss s1 darklina
@lostbirdx Месяц назад
we could have had it all playing in the background
@moonreverie Месяц назад
@@lostbirdx emo again😭
@moonreverie Месяц назад
hello i am back here 🥺🤧
@polinagoldenberg9655 Месяц назад
I ❤ them as a couple. Cute. So so sorry how it ended. Tragedy!!
@hannahmendonca7045 2 месяца назад
1:51 and 2:15 please?
@user-lo4eh1rn8m 2 месяца назад
i need a relationship like them ❤🏳️‍🌈
@jordanclarke1680 2 месяца назад
For me it was the subtleties that spoke so loud in the acting that made it so heartbreaking. I mean you hear the plot and sure it sounds sad but the acting was out of this world. The best performance i think came from the woman who played Jack's mother. She said so much with so few actions and words. I never thought the words "you come back and see us again" could make me bawl so much. Both she and Ennis knew he'd never be back but (to me) she was saying "i see you. I know you were the love of my son's life". Then there was the moment she put her hand on Ennis' shoulder and of course the silent way she and Ennis communicated about him taking the shirts. I could go on but this is long enough.
@davidmcaninch4714 2 месяца назад
Neil’s father didn’t pull the trigger, but he 100% killed his son. And why? Just because he wanted to be a stage actor and not a doctor. And, what’s more? He had *NOT* a single regret about what he had said to him, but because his chances of living vicariously through Neil were gone!!!!! His chance of using his son as a meal ticket were destroyed.
@snowspirit7670 2 месяца назад
This was amazing!!!!!!!!
@BacklogList 2 месяца назад
happiness is made not found
@AkutagawaAtsushi-ed6vq 2 месяца назад
The story of Nick and Charlie is so beautiful, so pure and shows how things are not always bad, in a homosexual adolescent romance there are many risks of homophobia, but here They show that every problem can be solved, in its own way and in its time, like Charlie's insecurities, that he needs the support of his family, Nick, his friends and a psychologist. Here they show you how you can live in an environment of love, respect and empathy, my respects to Alice Osman!!💞. PS: I'm excited that they're going to release the third season in October!! :3💞😻
@hassanabdullah6742 2 месяца назад
Well in the end It was actually a dead poets society.
@sofiavitale9399 2 месяца назад
Oh my God this song is perfect for them and they’re so cute. They’re meant to be together. You cannot and I repeat cannot convince me otherwise.🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️❤️❤️🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵💜💜💜💜💜💜🌸🌸🌸🌸😍😊
@nuller- 3 месяца назад
im sorry but 1:11 is so funny💀
@shydia1982 3 месяца назад
Beautiful video. Perfect editing. Here i am, so emotional, crying again...
@userinaUserova-xu4jv 3 месяца назад
She didn't even know you were sick, she didn't know who you were, she didn't know who she was talking to, even so, she helped you, and today?
@userinaUserova-xu4jv 3 месяца назад
No, never, you will never lose her, Go after her ❤️❤️❤️❤️YGod bless you , she love you ❤️❤️❤️
@cosettagianfranchi1688 3 месяца назад
Film magico, attori splendidi e un ricordo speciale a Robin nato in un importante 21 luglio e andato tristemente in un giorno d'agosto 🌻🪻🌻 Solo la Poesia ci fa vivere la profondità delle cose, lo affermo con il ❤
@IllusionKittyy 3 месяца назад
the title is so true- he wants to love clary but he can't figure out how to, because no one has taught him how to love. no one really has shown him love. so he has no good example of what love should look like. he knows he cares clary, he just doesn't seem to know how to show it or what to do with that feeling. i dont ship them, but it could have been so so so nice if clary had helped him and show him how to love her as a sister. i love sebastian ❤ poor guy was broken by valentine. he might have turned out fine if he had been raised by jocelyn and had grown up with clary i have the "i can fix him !!" mindset about sebastian
@jemwhisper 3 месяца назад
This was so beautiful 😍
@starflyer3219 3 месяца назад
"Two hearts make a universe"