DA reiners
DA reiners
DA reiners
@krist6074 3 года назад
His style is very hard to copy, which is why he's been the best for decades!!! I can't get enough of watching him show!!
@dariocordero5083 4 года назад
@ArekSm7 10 лет назад
Jesli porównać to do Amerykaskich Rodeo to to jest słabe, ale jak na Europejski poziom, to chyba całkiem nieźle skoro uplasował sie na 4 miejscu.
@LopeForestLope 11 лет назад
This horse is incredible!!
@ROPEFAST06 11 лет назад
This was one GREAT ride...77
@ginnaminna8950 11 лет назад
I saw this horse live for many times, hes a big champion and the spins are some of the best ive ever seen
@awestrop3789 12 лет назад
he has the best rollbacks i've ever seen
@mewequine 12 лет назад
Shawn is actually a really nice guy! I've been to one of his clinics and he was very, very helpful! Definitely teach each of my horses, regardless if they're a reiner or not, some of the things that he taught me
@MrTinkerrider 12 лет назад
Ist halt ein Tinker. Der kann das. Gibt es außer Tinker noch was besseres?
@elcoleador123 12 лет назад
que buena rienda tiene ese mocho
@hero8526 12 лет назад
@spudth Also, he's got some pretty nice and helpful videos to talk about how to start your horse doing things like this if you're really interested. It's good stuff.
@hero8526 12 лет назад
@spudth He's just taking a few steps to get set up. It would be much much different if his horse was already in the lope and then he broke gait (2pt penalty), but this is just getting the shape down. If he didn't get his horse's momentum moving forward, then he doesn't take the time to get him to shape that way and be certain that he will depart in good form. Granted, I'm certain that Fappani could get him to lope from a standstill, but it's not required or more credit earning necessarily.
@spudth 12 лет назад
@hero8526 I don't understand scoring of reining but it just seems that when he cues for the lope departure with a trained horse it should not take four steps and swing his butt 2 feet to the side. Moving to the side a bit I understand but walking before he departs I don't. Is this okay? It's like in a flying lead change. Breaking to a walk for a step or two is wrong. Just curious, thats all. If my little mare can learn to do this stuff it will be way cool....
@hero8526 12 лет назад
@spudth This is pattern 10 :]
@hero8526 12 лет назад
@spudth He's cuing with his left leg to get his hip over to the right for the lope departure. He's just setting up correctly so that he'll have a soft form in the circles and the correct lead in the hind end.
@TheRobin2007 13 лет назад
Wohhhhhhhhhhh <3 <3
@spudth 13 лет назад
see the horses butt swing to the right at 1:24 when he asks for a right lead? Kinda cool but kinda not....
@spudth 13 лет назад
Got it pattern 10. Although pretty perfect Flaridas ride was better to the untrained eye.
@spudth 13 лет назад
4200 views and no comments? no one likes reining? Which pattern is this?
@maxsermar 13 лет назад
Genny it' s wonderful. The best, my friend.
@maxsermar 13 лет назад
Genny it' s wonderful. The best, my friend.
@dareiners 13 лет назад
Hello, I was only able to capture the first 13 runs. So I missed the Top 3 runs :-/ At the moment, I can't help you any further. I hope someone wants to share them with us.