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@mattmorrow6915 48 минут назад
Where is the speackers room?
@butternutter9952 6 часов назад
How do i get to that room so i can claim my exotic auto rifle? Lol (aka ol'e reliable)
@antoine42 9 часов назад
Why do we need to get the legendary version of the khvostov can we just find the traveler vision and the MOTES ?
@CasualGamerYT 7 часов назад
The legendary version is required as far as I know, the chest will just say "You lack something" if you don't have it.
@antoine42 6 часов назад
@@CasualGamerYT OK tx
@4rj4n 15 часов назад
What shader dou you use?
@CasualGamerYT 15 часов назад
A mix of Superblack, Skele-ghaul and Abyssinian Gold. Abyssinian Gold turns most fabrics to black without making them look glossy like Superblack does. Skele-ghaul has a better effect on details than most other shaders too.
@4rj4n 12 часов назад
@@CasualGamerYT and what is the shader you use on the gun?
@thedrsamon3468 16 часов назад
Hey man, did it take you a couple off tries to get the mote to spwan for the servitor?
@CasualGamerYT 15 часов назад
Yeah, the Chimera took me a few tries - took my friend 6 to get it.
@thedrsamon3468 15 часов назад
@@CasualGamerYTPerf, ive got 16.... lets see where is the lat one :(
@kaptrap1405 17 часов назад
Great Video!Thanks this helped a lot.
@jasonhergert7573 22 часа назад
Thanks for this very helpful 😃.
@CasualGamerYT День назад
In order to repeat the Cysts if you've already done them is to either go to the area where the Cyst is located and find the bird that allows you to start it, or rotate through Micah's repeatable version of the quest until you get the right one. The bird will always be naturally set to the last Cyst you completed in the area (moving forward/following it will lead you to the Cyst), and the interact allows to you switch between them. Sometimes the Bird won't be there or it'll be the wrong one, the best way I've found to fix this is to either do a Micah repeatable quest or reset the area by heading to Orbit. Locations: Aerial Ace & Smothering Darkness - The Impasse / The Transgression Moth Cavern & Sword Dance - The Landing / The Refraction Slayer & Searing - The Blooming / The Seclusion
@cybertronizme6018 День назад
I got those chest and didn't get anything from them. What do I do now?
@CasualGamerYT День назад
The Region Chests (Gold)? If they didn't give Encryption Bits your best bet is probably to either try doing them on another character or waiting for Bungie to recognise and patch it if it's a bug.
@britishmadman_5 День назад
how do you start the smothering darkness cyst mission after completing all the alone in the dark quests?
@CasualGamerYT День назад
Going from The Impasse towards The Transgression, there should be a bird near/past the loading zone that lets you select the Cyst for that region. The other option available there is the Aerial Ace Cyst. The other, more annoying option is to rotate through Micah's repeatable version of the quest until you get Smothering Darkness again.
@britishmadman_5 День назад
@@CasualGamerYT whenever I approach the first bird it flies off and starts the Aerial Ace one, no other bird to swap like there is in the other 2 cyst locations
@CasualGamerYT 17 часов назад
If you replay the Aerial Ace Cyst, it should swap to the Smothering Darkness as the highlighted one.
@lukatosic09 День назад
It actually got nerfed
@siri9475 4 дня назад
Tencent has a reputation of creating soulless cashgrab MMO-Shit-PGs that are targeted for asian ppl that have no problem with dropping 2-3k usd a month for a game just to be top on the leaderboard or unlocking another skimpy outfit for their "waifu" thus making it acceptable in the modern society where real gamers that say no to p2w are called morons and other bad words or are simply told "DoN't PlAy It iF yOu DoN't LiKe It"...
@TheGokker1988 5 дней назад
You just hit the arpg jackpot, welcome!
@thelastofitskind3034 5 дней назад
It will be a dead game sadly
@TBONES 5 дней назад
If anyone wants to really get the max out of behemoth Titan on PVP I would recommend Cryo, Horror story, the slammer and the prophet as these can actually make multiple diamond lances with kills. I have killed others in PVP to have 3 spawn of that one kill. It’s just crazy to me that this only has a 0.8% usage rate in PVP. I love the kit as it is so unique for its aggressive play style it easily adopts.
@Shadowclaw25 6 дней назад
if they wouldnt do p2w and ramp up the difficulty it would be a really cool mmo. But it will be extremely easy and very very p2w from all the information players have after over 100 hours of beta, which is to be expetcted from a china company (thats also very known for lying al day).
@RB41979 6 дней назад
Nexon version of EA's Anthem No thanks
@weedlander 7 дней назад
ohh u still need to discover the online fun :)
@weedlander 7 дней назад
@weedlander 7 дней назад
Just map hack your mind hahahah translated : get rly rly high and u wont care about being lost xD
@weedlander 7 дней назад
picking sorc as first .... ahh the sad rookie mistake that is known to chase people away... sorc is difficult af to lvl up .but after 70 ... its worth it :D
@weedlander 7 дней назад
as sombody who was born in 1992 and played d1 when it came out .. and d2 when it came out .. etc.. i can give u one pice of advice... dont look up online builds.. do ur stuff.. have fun .. experiment .. :)
@weedlander 7 дней назад
<3 im on europe server :) holla if u wanna play .. althou im on d4 more now xD
@weedlander 7 дней назад
u dont insanity untill u get ur frenzy barb to lvl 99 :D
@tigerhead85 7 дней назад
DLC... Wow
@billy_cross5580 7 дней назад
On the radio, they haven’t fixed that either. It’s a big sparrow arena with no aesthetic value whatsoever. It’s just a bunch of blocks giving you you know cover and obstacles and things to jump up on, but it’s going to get boring really really quickly and you’re going to have to grind back most of the endgame is going to be grinding those bosses in the same fucking environment over and over and over againall let’s not forget spending your money to buy food to get your crafting done fast so you can try a new hero
@billy_cross5580 7 дней назад
Anyone and Destiny two are 16 player instances that have actual world events that’s why the tank doesn’t spawn because people walk out there. It’s bonded out a fucking timer and it’s a world event and people come to it to do it regardless of who’s there because it’s a world event that dropped flute. Nothing going on in this game is a world event. They are all missions spawned by interacting with the total Just start commission you can literally have four different missions going on at one time because unless I actually see you out and join you with you’re already running mission. I have to find you and come join you in your mission. That’s not an event you’re talking about like big world collaboration and it’s not it’s a foreplay co-op. We’re not even actually on a team
@billy_cross5580 7 дней назад
Well, party system, dude it’s like when you’re dropping the destiny into the world you’re just in the world with three other players in that game they couldn’t be bothered to have a decent number of people in that fairly large zones. I mean, they are deep inside open or zones, but they couldn’t bother to put more than more people in them, which was one of the gigantic complain about the free roam area on anthem it was just too big. I’m not people, there are multiple events going on at once and it was not frequent but one person at each event nobody working collaboratively together and some events could not be done solo and the way they did the I mean the instances you don’t even have to work I can join an instance go to my thing start up a mission somewhere on the map while other people are doing a mission elsewhere. There’s no forced collaboration, not a team it’s like they made a poor player. They tried to make it into a four player MMO. It’s not good that they fixed it so the world is populated or are you still again in a dead world and you actually start a mission can you run around and click without fighting anything, that was one of the big complaints from the last beta that the world is not alive unless you turn it on
@billy_cross5580 7 дней назад
Well, party system, dude it’s like when you’re dropping the destiny into the world you’re just in the world with three other players in that game they couldn’t be bothered to have a decent number of people in that fairly large zones. I mean, they are deep inside open or zones, but they couldn’t bother to put more than more people in them, which was one of the gigantic complain about the free roam area on anthem it was just too big. I’m not people, there are multiple events going on at once and it was not frequent but one person at each event nobody working collaboratively together and some events could not be done solo and the way they did the I mean the instances you don’t even have to work I can join an instance go to my thing start up a mission somewhere on the map while other people are doing a mission elsewhere. There’s no forced collaboration, not a team it’s like they made a poor player. They tried to make it into a four player MMO. It’s not good that they fixed it so the world is populated or are you still again in a dead world and you actually start a mission can you run around and click without fighting anything, that was one of the big complaints from the last beta that the world is not alive unless you turn it on
@billy_cross5580 7 дней назад
Present that the dad came anthem is still played by. A fair number of people is because it was innovative in way in front skeleton, arbor suit and great movement and reversal abilities. It has good shooting and good gameplay. It isn’t the game itself that failed it the way it was put together that failed And descendants while it also has good movement and all that it’s basically a base four player co-op game where the entire purpose is to sell you new characters or sell the tools quickly craft new characters. Everything in it is just a good part taken from James like Warf frame and destiny too, literally every idea in it is stolen from another game. It will be an immediate success from a gamer real point because it’s new with an ear. It’ll be dead unfortunate because when I played the beta, I was hoping for something to replace destiny and Warf frame I like or frame but I like Luder shooters or frame is not a Luder shooter that’s well put together got an awesome story with grades cinematics, great gameplay great movement great Trevor everything about it’s good but it’s not loader shooter right what your loot isn’t gun or armor? It’s been in pieces to make gun armor. I want endorphin you know those the dopamine rush, chemical concoction that goes off in your brain when you get new item that you know of a high rarity, it’s exciting getting a piece of a war frame that you need a bunch other pieces to craft that’s not that exciting or piece of a weapon exciting formula that made borderland even though they really aren’t you know millions of guns there’s just a few brand names with the normal art types with loads of variations on each of those types but it’s still fun when you get one in your comparing stats and deciding is this better than what I’m using that fun Shooter fun and it keeps going because five minutes later you pick up something else that’s going to be better than what you’re using because of progression and it makes it fun. The first descendants isn’t going to replace any of that because it’s not anywhere near the quality game, but that’s or Warf are not even close.
@billy_cross5580 7 дней назад
Present that the dad came anthem is still played by. A fair number of people is because it was innovative in way in front skeleton, arbor suit and great movement and reversal abilities. It has good shooting and good gameplay. It isn’t the game itself that failed it the way it was put together that failed And descendants while it also has good movement and all that it’s basically a base four player co-op game where the entire purpose is to sell you new characters or sell the tools quickly craft new characters. Everything in it is just a good part taken from James like Warf frame and destiny too, literally every idea in it is stolen from another game. It will be an immediate success from a gamer real point because it’s new with an ear. It’ll be dead unfortunate because when I played the beta, I was hoping for something to replace destiny and Warf frame I like or frame but I like Luder shooters or frame is not a Luder shooter that’s well put together got an awesome story with grades cinematics, great gameplay great movement great Trevor everything about it’s good but it’s not loader shooter right what your loot isn’t gun or armor? It’s been in pieces to make gun armor. I want endorphin you know those the dopamine rush, chemical concoction that goes off in your brain when you get new item that you know of a high rarity, it’s exciting getting a piece of a war frame that you need a bunch other pieces to craft that’s not that exciting or piece of a weapon exciting formula that made borderland even though they really aren’t you know millions of guns there’s just a few brand names with the normal art types with loads of variations on each of those types but it’s still fun when you get one in your comparing stats and deciding is this better than what I’m using that fun Shooter fun and it keeps going because five minutes later you pick up something else that’s going to be better than what you’re using because of progression and it makes it fun. The first descendants isn’t going to replace any of that because it’s not anywhere near the quality game, but that’s or Warf are not even close.
@billy_cross5580 7 дней назад
Talking about war Raymond destiny I mean destiny two is aggressively and the consumer monetized with micro transaction or and micro transactions about the Wu the difference being everything that you can buy you can also earn but still they both have serious micro transaction. Denver says that and more frame are both high quality shooters. The descendants is not Texan doesn’t develop good game. They develop games that are good for their cash shops I found the first send fund the way there’s nothing about it. That’s in anyway innovative there’s nothing new. It’s not really question unless they’ve made serious fucking changes since the last open Beto that game is not going to be a big hit it’ll be a novelty for a while and people will play it but when they find out that it’s really just about selling your shit in the cash shop they’ll go back to play war frame or destinyor God or whatever else they’re playing it’s not a good game
@seafoambunny5609 7 дней назад
I think the game is very promising. I think people also need to remember warframe and destiny have been around for quite a while. So I’m sure this game will become even better along down the line.
@CasualGamerYT 7 дней назад
Just mentioned that in another comment... It's tough to compare something new to games that have been around for YEARS with massive player bases. I think most people are worried about the aggressive monetization that Nexon is known for ruining the game early on and preventing it from becoming accessible enough to build longevity in the player base.
@n3rgal166 8 дней назад
Looter shooters can be boring untill endgame, almost every game in tbe genre had a boring, uninteresting story, so lets hope that the endgame is good its where the game could die or live
@CasualGamerYT 7 дней назад
Fair enough... but the lore potential is very, "meh" from what we've seen. We're not feeling "invested" yet. LOL.
@Crow1093 8 дней назад
I would recommend to go with Liars Handshake and Caliban for Higher Level content for the healing on the counterpunch and the Duskfield Grenade for more add Control. And for lower Tier instead of Liar the Spirit of gyrfalcon and have a weapon with Repulsar brace. To make this build more universal. Also the facet of Ruin increases the ignitions of calibans Hand.😊
@bfrfoxtrot 8 дней назад
Does this game have more challenging content than warframe?
@CasualGamerYT 7 дней назад
It's hard to tell from beta releases and playtests. When it launches in the next month or two, we'll see... Warframe has a long history and pedigree, so it's hard to compare anything to that.
@fabioc.9682 8 дней назад
D2 is the GOAT of the franchise (:
@gibster9624 8 дней назад
You and I have identical thought processes on prismatic Titan. A while ago there was a very good gm consecration hoil build but you didnt really get much use out of the grenade or class ability and your survivability was pretty meh but it put in work and you constantly had the melee up. Now you have a melee with a nice cooldown and the 3rd charge charges twice as fast as the 1st. New Strand rocket side-arm ought to be a beast with this as you can swap a fragment out for facet of bravery so melee final blows grant unraveling rounds and combine it with Facet of Courage to get even more juice out of consecration.
@KillahX669 9 дней назад
The abilities are so bad. Barely any animation weight
@CasualGamerYT 7 дней назад
We thought the visuals and animations were ok, but that's a matter of preference, I suppose.
@KillahX669 7 дней назад
@@CasualGamerYT it just doesn’t have that oomph or satisfaction from using ability like Warframe or Destiny, it feels more like a soft fart.
@tranquildragonsden5640 9 дней назад
What's intriguing me at the moment is their " Special announcement " which is on the 7th of June, and as many may know, that's also the date for Destiny 2 and its Final Shape expansion. Could it be coincidence, possibly. But D2 over the last several Months have also done colabs with different Brands. It just seems odd and counter productive to use a date that another looter shooter, with an extremely hyped and long awaited expansion is releasing for a marketing announcement of some description. Yes I know not everyone is a D2 player, but within this genre, there will be far more than less.
@CasualGamerYT 9 дней назад
Final Shape launches on June 4th. From what we understand, Nexon will likely be announcing the official launch date of The First Descendent on June 7th.
@Dragonours 8 дней назад
June 7th is Summer Game Fest. Everyone will be watching so obviously they'll announce their thing there.
@My_F8 8 дней назад
Yeah highly doubt it
@user-nl8ni3xw9v 9 дней назад
I felt like latency was a bit off but overall felt enjoyable, special ops difficulty scaling were not optimized.
@CasualGamerYT 9 дней назад
We noticed a bit of lag in places as well and there were some frame rate dips as well. But again, that’s just an optimisation thing before launch.
@marksaris9742 9 дней назад
They must charge their business model and make it like warframes and i am saying copy paste warframe model...that everything can be acquired by playing the game..even slots can be earned on warframe through the nightwave...or chanfe the BP and give materials like descendant slots,energy activators,and useful things that helps to progress furthermore....i will play it and i will buy BP if it helps progress but i am no skin player and color...but i have seen that throughout BP when you reach level 50 it has free skins as well and from the BP you acquire 300 calliber for spending on descendant slots! But my suggestion is to change their business model so it has a further future..
@CasualGamerYT 7 дней назад
I think it's reasonable to be sceptical of Nexon based on past experience, right... But at the same time, let's see how this one plays out. The actual developers of this one seem pretty committed to doing a good job, but in fairness, a lot of monetization decisions will be above their pay grade. We'll do a video when it launches in full about how far you can get in the game without spending money.
@WhatWillYouFind 9 дней назад
NEXON. Thats all that needs to be said, this is a big nothing burger and a side of nope sandwhiches. Every single Nexon game becomes a money siphon firmly affixed to your wallet, with a suction so firm that it would actually be cheaper to deglove yourself making love to a pool than it would be to play this game in the very near future. Do Not Pass Go. Do not allow them to Collect your dollars. Why give them money when games like Warframe or Deep Rock Galatic have a free battlepass? No
@Cultwave 9 дней назад
Deep rock Galactic is garbage lol
@CasualGamerYT 7 дней назад
It's like anything... You don't have to spend money if you don't want to and if it makes it "not fun" then just don't play. We're going to make a video when the full game releases to see how far you can get on just a pure F2P account without getting limited.
@noticemesenpie69 9 дней назад
game in final test was a bit laggy compared to the last beta, dunno if its just me tho, hopefully in launch its not like that
@CasualGamerYT 9 дней назад
We noticed a bit of lag in bigger groups that wasn't there in the previous beta, but that's likely just a server optimisation issue as they're getting ready for their production launch.
@Silverized84 9 дней назад
@@CasualGamerYT i noticed that they patch while the game is running, could be that too
@CasualGamerYT 9 дней назад
We also noticed the frame rate at 1440p was a bit lower than in the earlier betas, so I think they have some last minute optimisations they need to make.
@jimjones-zx8ih 9 дней назад
Short answer no absolutely not needs cook time of 1yr flush out the world add more patrols remove melee animation lock and cooldown remove that second useless melee u get while main is on cooldown add tooltip on drops so u don’t pick up a ton of useless things constantly inventory management need i say more love the concept but i know pc ppl who were 1 hit killn things iykyk so im sure that will still be an issue as well although its not a bad thing😂
@CasualGamerYT 9 дней назад
I think in 2024 with the way the games industry is, I don't think we'll see games getting pushed back six months or a year for more refinement. We'll see them drop it and go through the usual cycle of, "We hear you and we're fixing things..." That's the way the industry is now.
@fahadmutairi8704 9 дней назад
Gameplay is good and fun but i have a feeling that the game is gonna be a grind hell and very heavy on paying to progress
@CasualGamerYT 9 дней назад
The "pay to win/progress" thing has come up a lot in the comments as you've no doubt seen... It's Nexon so that fear is going to be there until they prove otherwise.
@partyboy1076 9 дней назад
Game is not gonna last long . Knowing it developed and publish by a company that has predatory Monetizations. Knowing how F2P Asian develop games are structured they are all the same . Very long grinds / Pay to progress faster/ super low RNG mechanics / loot boxes .
@CasualGamerYT 9 дней назад
The mechanics of the game are pretty good and it was admirable how during the development cycle they not only switched engines to improve the visual quality, but also implemented XeSS as soon as it launched. It feels like during the development, they wanted to build a "good" game with solid craftsmanship. The issue of P2W is going to be there with Nexon until they prove otherwise, so that's a fair point.
@nateallen9436 9 дней назад
Its crazy nobody cause warframe a cash grab its the biggest cash grab
@Splincir 9 дней назад
except it's not, and you can easily play hundreds of hours and not spend a dime and enjoy pretty all the game has to offer. If you are spending money on warframe, you're either rushing or doing it wrong, or both.
@nateallen9436 9 дней назад
@@Splincir inolaaye the game it's boring S shut and grind S hell
@khanghua966 9 дней назад
Imagine playing the most f2p friendly game ever
@Buttz2Buttz 9 дней назад
@@Splincir Paying for color palates says high
@Cultwave 9 дней назад
Never go full derpy potato lol
@CasualGamerYT 9 дней назад
Once TFD drops, we're gonna do a full video detailing how far you can get on a F2P account, make sure to subscribe so you don't miss it!
@johncarver357 9 дней назад
biggest red flag : the devs and publishers themselves; Nexon...aka one of the most greediest asian publishers in existence...and if you look at their porfolio of mostly gacha games with only 1 or 2 notably 'kind' games in the roster like Blue Archive (even then theres no pity system outside of a 200 pull selectable on featured banners and the progression is a time gated slogfest), its no surprise you see the same greed manifesting in TFD... overpriced battle passes...Destiny style shader system mixed in with abit of Halo Infinite cancer (seriously, we went from paying 10 dollars for the color blue to paying 10 for rng colors)...a dead world (literally) and a sloppy story with characters that exist for fanservice only, it wont last outside of Korea with so much life service slop infesting the market at this time edit - the thing i dont get about all these games that attempt to copy Warframe is how much they keep trying to ruin the formula by introducing 'micro' transactions and other live service nonsense into the mix...is how they keep conveniently leaving out the method to earn premium currency for free, think Helldivers 2 with the SC being found in game...or Warframe; where theres a player market you can always sell something in to earn platinum... sure; you can copy Warframe's modding system, the gunplay, the traversal system, its everything even. But if you're just another soulless copy existing for the sole purpose of being an overpriced 'micro' transaction mill; why even bother...
@CasualGamerYT 9 дней назад
I've played a little Blue Archive, their gacha pity system is awful. We're hoping that the game will still be relatively enjoyable even without paying for anything.