Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR)
Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR)
Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR)
The Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research supports research that informs economic policymaking while engaging future leaders and scholars. SIEPR shares knowledge and builds relationships among academics, government officials, the business community and the public.
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@rufusgoldstein2655 6 дней назад
Who is this brilliant young woman? Surely she will be remembered as one of the great world changing scientists.
@BestFitSquareChannel 10 дней назад
Dr. Li is a remarkable human being. Best wishes Dr. Li.
@MrWujie27 11 дней назад
thank you Dr Li for speaking up for immigrants in scientific research
@suminshen 19 дней назад
america is a great country
@arunavadasgupta2147 22 дня назад
Good day and Happy Saterday From Arunava Dasgupta Mrs KasturiDasgupta Master Debarshree Dasgupta India 25.04.2024 Our family Biography realsed By Former Governor and present Vice President of India Respected And Honble Mr Jagdeep Dhankar on 20.03.2020 In the presence of My Wife Mrs KasturiDasgupta Mr Sanjay Sengupta and Mrs Chiroosree Sengupta our close relative I had nice discussion with Mr Jagdeep Dhankar We have photo with Mr Jagdeep Dhankar We are blood realation of Desh BandhuChittaranjanDas Barrister from London and freedom fighter His newphew SR Das was Chief justice of India and Vice chancellor of viswa Bharati University Santiniketan West Bengal and closely associated with Rabindra nath Tagore Surname of Desh BandhuChittaranjanDas and SR Das was Dasgupta and I have evidence Global leader s voted in my Favour and My name is included in Indian Constitution Member International Court of justice peace place Hague The Netherland s Permanent member security Council International and veto power Member Council of Foreign Relation Member IMF USA Member NASA USA Next president of India Noble Commitee chairman And Nobel prize in science M+918017666980 M+918017047666
@heikkithecat6928 25 дней назад
In the context of bullshit, this is the shit.
@angstbeforebeauty Месяц назад
Question #1, non answer served up in her speciality- Gourmet Word Salad.
@nagatoyuki4786 Месяц назад
@s16er Месяц назад
I don't think Canada can do anything in AI. IRCC is the most unintellectual department in this country and they will eventually push every single intelligent out of Canada.
@maxykma4122 Месяц назад
Wonder if she still thinks America is her dream.
@acommon1 Месяц назад
In the Medical R&D Area, who the F- funds individuals with ZERO expertise in the field? Especially College Drop out? Really
@acommon1 Месяц назад
The Embarrassment of Rich & Powerful usually gets a pass regardless of how many lives at risk? Surprised the Board of Directors were NOT held accountable too! Very surprised more business partners were also NOT held accountable or opted to sue the leadership of this firm?
@billmoore7305 2 месяца назад
Stanford = Felon U
@KH-3414 2 месяца назад
So embarrassing I cant even keep it on for 3 mins.
@jeansun4378 2 месяца назад
Healthy mixtures of immigrants? Unhealthy otherwise??? What brings her to that conclusion???
@longhuynh-mz3ry 2 месяца назад
This didn't age well😊
@julianparrett9005 2 месяца назад
She says nothing
@heatherboughton5936 2 месяца назад
She could have been a politician. She has their knack of avoiding answering questions. She is full of B.S... blah, blah blah
@shonnguyen7509 3 месяца назад
Thank you for sharing your personal stories from a new immigrant to the professional experiences in America. I feel inspired. I am so proud of you and your work and accomplishments. Thank you!
@Greekhistoryyy 3 месяца назад
That girl learned madrin and worked for sars program.. im0ressive
@8dholland 3 месяца назад
She reminds me of the Chinese I worked with on the Ship. Humble and willing to get kicked around. This is the part a lot of people miss when looking at a Chinese person in academia. A lot of people who get on TV are obnoxious. They think they deserve not only Harvard but the bed you sleep in.
@bigman2352 3 месяца назад
What annoys me so much about this whole ‘scandal’ is that Elizabeth actually had a genuinely brilliant idea but the technology didn’t exist yet to make it work. One day in the future when technology is better her ideas will inevitably work. Her flaws were in the lies told to investors to defraud them, if she had have been honest with them they could have worked on the technology together and invented it together and changed the world . So sad.
@bigman2352 3 месяца назад
When was this originally recorded compared to Elizabeth being charged?
@E-Kat 3 месяца назад
She was very jealous of other people's huge success, and she decided to be successful at whatever costs that might be. She wanted to experience being that enormously successful, even if it meant for a short time. She had no morals and didn't care about exploiting others. How she used old people is deplorable. She's the worst kind of person one can come across in one's life. Beware of people like her!! 😮
@janchangchou777 3 месяца назад
任何一條神經網路也是一個多變數廻歸分析,也是統計學迴歸分析的一環。我在40年前攻讀數理統計就涉及這些人工智能及多變量(含時間變量)的廻歸分析(向量/ 矩陣/ 線性代數/ 機率/ 取様….)。以便對一些事件做出精准智能的預測。所謂自我學習也只是用後面收集或模擬出的更新的資料去修正原先迥歸分析的參數而已。40 年前人工智慧就是數理統計的一大課題。馬斯克說得一點都沒錯-目前的人工智慧全部建立在數理統計的基礎上。從那時開始就不斷有各行各業的數據分析專業人士來我們數理統計這參與並學習迥歸分析。他們回去後就不斷建立了屬於他們行業內的多條神經網絡(行業內的迥歸模型)。在那時從事這類研究工作的數理統計的博士生全部被限制在晚上12 時過後才能使用國家級的超級計算機,否則我們兩三𠆤人一上線全部就大當機。我們那時也發展出一套類似挖礦機的方式,利用所有大量閒置的𠆤人電腦來提供其微小的算力,進而整合這些龐大的所謂分散型算力,但受限那時網路的不發達,很難把規模擴大。 近幾十年隨計算機能力不斷提升,目前市面AI 所謂大模型,主要是著力於面對”服務大衆需要”的所謂生成式/ 語言等等的智能協作服務。就是把百行百業各個領域等等數以千萬千億計資料進行迥歸模型的建立及修正(所謂自我深度學習)而形成龐大的神經網絡。因此也不用太誇大眼下的AI , 這些理論早在40 年以前都已建構了理論基礎,而智能恊作早在各專業領域都已發展的非常完善,只是因過去算力不足只能在各自專業領域進行中小規模(變量數較少)的神經網絡建構。例如氣象預報就是早期最明顯的利用氣象專用超高速大電腦發展為成熟預測能力(AI)的例子,股票買賣決策也是智能恊作(AI/CIC)的典型。”把簡單數學上使用即存的規模資料或電腦模擬資料進行所謂的㢠歸分析/模型建構並藉此模型做可行的智能預判或恊作,包裝成醫學上複雜尚未完全掌握的神經網路的機制及作用原理”,不但瓢竊了數理統計在AI 發展的絕對地位,實在也是在誤導整𠆤AI 的發展。也會造成眼下一般人的過度期待和焦慮。應將AI 改稱作” CIC:Computer Intelligent Collaboration , 電腦智能恊作, 更為恰當。 另外, 眼下AI 服務非專業大衆的大模型的各種數學理論及所謂的機器學習(參數修正)及深度學習(參數及變數的多層次增加及修正)。 早在40 年前相應的數學理論都已完備(但落實到實際應用上,如何解1 億 by 1 億的聯立方程組, 這需要極其龐大的平行計算能力,在那時期是完全不可能的) 。 其實AI 最重要最關鍵的是各行各業各領域的專家組,而不是這些AI 搞編程的公司( 他們只是依需求用已完善的數學統計理論加以電腦編程後,利用巨大算力去幫忙找出合適的模型並不斷予以完善)。 只有各行各業各領域的專家組才知道在茫茫大海中的資料及訊息中,那些因素才是其所涉領域的関鍵變數,那些變數資料才是可做為他們收集分析建立模型的。例如氣象學/經濟學/股票買賣智能決策/ 醫學/ 藥學/ 農業生產/ 基因工程/ 化學工程/自動駕駛/飛彈防空系統/圖像識別及處理/ 建築結構力學/小樣品模擬模型(核爆/飛機失事)………..等等。 此外服務大衆的語言學也是極度複雜的一門學課,其可能的變量變因會高達幾千萬𠆤, 再加上多層級過濾學習修正的模式,因此其涉及的變數算力就以億計, 所以才稱做大模型。 要取那些因素進行那一層分析,主要都是語言學家在主導。 而這些眼下的AI 應用的公司, 只是利用已發展完備的數學統計理論在不同領域專家組的指導下,去有效的進行數拈收集整理分析並進而建立一個特定領域的模型,作為該特定領域的電腦智能恊作工具。 另外面對服務大衆的生成式服務,也是要面對大衆各種不同的需求,因此其所需處理消化的資料也是天文數字的龐大,也要各行各業領域專家介入協助指導進而形成並建立大模型。 其實生成式AI 可以理解成升級版的超級搜索引擎,傳統的搜索引擎,用関鍵字/詞,從數據庫內匹配/找出並羅列出可能所需資訊,現在進步升級到如果你給出更具體規範的需求,系統就能從數據庫內拼湊出並提供更完整的接近最終需求的服務內容。這只是把過往已存在的數據庫(已長年經各行業領域專家組維護並梳理過的)更完善的整理優化後予以呈現。而這𠆤更完善的過程使用了大量多層次的統計數字分析的手段, 把這個完善化的過程誇大的比擬成人類的思考及智慧(其誇大的目的-圈錢),將造成極大的誤導。 其實生成式大模型, 就是用即存服務於大衆的大型搜索的資料庫,如google , Bing 等等,以數理統計為核心,結合資訊工程及硬體工程為工具,而進行更貼切於使用者需求的優化過程和結果。所以生成式大模型最終會回到過往提供搜索服務的大型公司的對決。 因此CIC 或是AI 是以特定領域專家組為主導,數理統計為核心,資訊工程及硬體工程都是配合的工具而已。 這樣的發展才會健康/ 不浪費/ 高效率/ 高精確度。 但目前的發展方式, 以資訊工程及硬體工程來主導開發服務大衆的大模型,只是因為這方面天文級別的龐大算力需大資本投入,這是一𠆤比較理想的快速盈利回報的營運方式,但這種情況就會造成眼下嚴重的誤導及錯誤的認知,沒有效率及喪失精準度,甚至如當下出現諸多以提供算力及編程服務的所謂AI 公司出面圈錢的亂象。 未來可能的發展模式: 1) 資訊及硬體工程提供集中算力設備及模型編程的開放平台,供各領域的專家組使用。 有點像當下晶片產業,各應用領域產業由專家組組成公司後,進行各領域的智能開發和應用(如晶片應用的design house,聯發科,海思等 ) , 而算力的提供及收費則由資訊及硬體工程提供(這需要密集资本投入,甚至國家力量投入,如台積電)。 2) 由於網路的高度發展, 另外一種提供龐大算力的方式,是由巨量萬家萬戶閒置PC 𠆤人電腦參與分散型算力的提供,並予以整合,這也是需由資訊及硬體工程來實現的。
@chayblay 3 месяца назад
Even if Theranos' Edison device worked, it was just a blood test device, yet this chick was touring universities, talk shows, and media all over answering questions like she cured cancer. Why don't we put the founders of actual breakthroughs in healthcare on the same pedestal as the silicon valley sociopaths?
@lisalim453 4 месяца назад
I feel like people take more advantage of triangulation than we even realize
@nevertheless123 5 месяцев назад
Great job Elizabeth. How are you spending time in Jail?
@toddschulte3421 6 месяцев назад
@xebechemorpheus8814 6 месяцев назад
Nationalism is really going to challenege Artificial Intelligence application in the futrue
@pauljennings4587 6 месяцев назад
Imagine if Elizabeth Holmes and George Santos had a baby!
@1Live2Love3Thrive 6 месяцев назад
Now she can sell all her information back to the CCP per request.
@paulgeorgia8013 7 месяцев назад
This didn’t age well
@dcauninaivonarck5266 7 месяцев назад
Stanford, an institution for fraud creation.
@paulfee135 8 месяцев назад
Giving people something for nothing breeds entitlement, and removing it breeds resentment. This is a ridiculous experiment, with plenty of existing evidence from every progressive nanny-state policy ever enacted. It hurts people, demeans them, and enslaves them! It’s stupid!
@JigilJigil 8 месяцев назад
Stanford should explain the Fei-Fei Li 's connections to the Chinese Communist Party.
@AnterGaming 8 месяцев назад
Why the demand for so many policies and regulations?
@JB-uq5nj 8 месяцев назад
Elizabeth has a new address and it is at a Texas Federal prison.
@animeshtiwari9385 8 месяцев назад
lmao...goes to show how easy it is for a good looking woman to con people for billions of dollars 💀everyone who invested in her company without thorough research..deserves to lose that money...the innocent people who got wrong test results didn't deserve it..PS , i hate her voice
@steveshea7725 8 месяцев назад
Her real power move was getting extremely powerful people, but who had no background in to medicine, on her board. Hence she was able to translate their power over to another field, yet avoid a lot of the scrutiny that would come from those more knowledgeable of and socially connected to medicine.
@steveshea7725 8 месяцев назад
This is too painful to watch
@Sashabooboo 8 месяцев назад
If she took better care of her hair you people would support her through her struggles!!
@beechua 8 месяцев назад
I’m inspired ! Thanks for sharing your experience Dr Li
@Mike-again 9 месяцев назад
“So the market works.” This from a guy who worked for a President who slashed regulatory agencies authority and power to regulate industries like this. Georgie got what he deserved.
@terrestrialaccessnetwork8456 9 месяцев назад
Although she meant it as a compliment, I'm surpsided someone that high up at JPMC would classify a secion of analysts as "on the spectrum"
@vyacheslavgolikalg 9 месяцев назад
Just 812 views🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
@maxsamson4751 8 месяцев назад
People are stupid//Best, The Market Spook...
@davidderidder2667 9 месяцев назад
One can believe how silly and unbelievable this story is.
@davidderidder2667 9 месяцев назад
I notice she is a word artist. She used her speaking skills to game the system and the rational thinking processes of many people, including some pretty smart ones.
@illyam689 9 месяцев назад
There should be a disclaimer in the description of the video
@bon12121 10 месяцев назад
I didn't know much about Kenneth Arrow but now I feel I know about him better. Thanks for the post.