@MandrelsChasingStencils День назад
*The Awful Truth About Angels* “Trust Me” Angels are merely those con artists who gave up their angles to create a vaster illusion. This is why the angels will win in the end but also why devils are immortal. What I wonder is what is so valuable? I really don’t see much of value. You’re delusional if life has a big value in it. Who hasn’t had everything? Take it. Take more. Angels are like advertising for a factory and devils like the truth of the factory. Who cares? For John Dee Lol😅 Haha haha “I’m melting!” -The Wonderful Wizard of Oz “Black arrow…” -The Hobbit
@kalimanbuda2389 2 дня назад
Don't be arrogant ? Said the gay-pimp pastor ...I thought he was addressing to his male-gay prostitute ...pastors make me laugh with their arrogance and their double standards
@ebrahimmehri 10 дней назад
I am dubious. Were Genghis Khan, Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Nero, etc religious?
@MandrelsChasingStencils 10 дней назад
RESTRICTED AREA! It’s true. Evolution has a third eye. It’s not my fault that some people only see with two eyes.
@kuyatalong9423 13 дней назад
I remember Ted Haggard, he's a hypocrite for condemning homosexuality, but he's a homosexual himself. He's also accused of being a pedophile.
@sarahblaquiere3121 14 дней назад
Nothing makes a man more arrogant than the belief that he's been chosen by his god.
@xavierv.7971 18 дней назад
Wasn't Ted Hagger or whatever her name was, getting f**d in the ass by gay prostitutes in cheap motels?
@firuzakishvarova3348 28 дней назад
Big fan of Richard, proud to be an atheist ❤
@indrekkpringi Месяц назад
What Dawkins doesn't. tell you and what you don't know is that science is also a religion. Very very few people who have studied the history of science know this because it takes a huge amount of research and knowledge about science in order to expose its many fallacies. The fact is you uneducated, ignorant drones believe in science just as others believe in religion. Why?... Because you don't understand science... Anything you don't don't understand that you believe in is a religion. You take it on faith what science says is true.
@MandrelsChasingStencils Месяц назад
I don’t believe in popularity. I believe in reality and the truth. Sales number are a good way to gauge idiocy. Ew. There is popularity intelligence of the meat of society. Intelligence itself is often popular like Medieval stories and writing styles. Popularity is like the middle of a diamond shape. Based on intelligence, which is always popular, are both those under and above the middle. Those under have no concept of the vaster arguments. You can’t have a society of elitist information because then it’s not elitist any longer.
@noviahemawatykalyana2526 Месяц назад
Is there any of videos where Richard Dawkins picks holes in about Buddhism? I am dying to see the videos.
@karlasouza6104 Месяц назад
This is one of the best documentaries ever.. I wonder if it could be filmed today in 2024, political correctness has increased the veto on reason, evidence and discussion of ideas.
@MandrelsChasingStencils Месяц назад
*Information Snobbery* “The Devil Returns to Heaven” The truth is that people only participate in an activity if there is a rush, a payoff, or some sort of exhilaration. It is the same with books and education. Only people who can tap into the rush ever get ahead. Education, sadly, is not about wealth or responsibility. It’s about the rush. Universities don’t have quality libraries or enough time to enjoy the rush between workloads. This is on purpose. I’m not attending their dumb universities. I can order power on the internet. People try and participate in information snobbery because they think it’s right. Hey, bullying is nothing but self defense snobbery. If you want to avoid it you need that book set. It’s the same with feminine truth. They act in accordance to their payoffs not to serve the male’s. When society breaks down there is no social aspect to people’s payoff and it turns into a game of Heaven and Hell. Without the crucifixion there is no power load in the books game or spiritual acknowledgement. These morons of scientific reason are pragmatic dullards. In fact, that is the nature of their game. You’re like Data from Star Trek. You’re not smart enough to run the ship. Note* The awful truth about WWII is that it was a power trip based on both situation and information. That’s a hard pill to swallow that both Jewish people and Nazis were working at that high of a level that it became a worldwide event full of death and calamity but that is the nature of power at that level. If there is power and payoff in anything people will do it.
@sophiarevel6952 2 месяца назад
NO! The elephant in the room is homosapiens not religion. After all religion is a product of human creation. 😄
@juliehowe3 2 месяца назад
I can’t watch Haggard - his lips are very off putting, not to mention everything else about him.
@dragonofthelake 2 месяца назад
22:21 Ted Haggard is such a psychopath, it's obvious by his demeanor and his position as leader of the church. Psychopaths seek positions of power and tend to be charming. He paid for gay sex and did drugs. I didn't know it, I found it out when I searched for more information about him. It further demonstrates my point; psychos need very aggresive stimuli in order to feel something.
@rachelmyers8043 2 месяца назад
#Richard Dawkins for prime minister of Britain 🇬🇧
@stephenhoward6335 3 месяца назад
Ironically it would seem to me that the original sin is nothing more then specious judgement.
@PrecariousPorcupine 3 месяца назад
I grew up wanting to be a scientist, I was the kid that saw Jurassic Park and wanted to be a paleontologist. I watched the Discovery Channel documentaries about dinosaurs, and Stone Age people, and I marveled at how far we’ve come, how ancient the earth is, and I wanted to learn more. I always accepted evolution as being true, it was never a question for me. I didn’t really get into religion until I was fifteen, after my grandma died. After a little study I realized I didn’t like Christianity, so became a Wiccan instead, and I knew I didn’t seriously believe it, it just looked “cool” and “different” and I was in a punk phase. I didn’t take religion seriously until I was raped. After I was raped I had a mental breakdown and ended up in the psych ward, I lost my job and insurance, I needed some kind of counseling so my sister set me up to talk to her pastor who would only see me if I became a member of his church (independent Baptist). I ended up getting baptized. I was in a very vulnerable state and I got pressured into joining a religion. It ended up taking over my life, I was giving them a lot of my money and my time, I was very afraid of hell. After about a year I decided to leave the church and the pastor called me and said he was “afraid for my soul” 😂 It’s been 10 years now, and I’m only now back to a place where religion doesn’t bring me anxiety. After reading the early history of god, and misquoting Jesus, I remembered that the claims christians make aren’t founded in any sort of reality. Jesus and Yahweh are just one more god among many and aren’t worth taking seriously
@gillessurprenant 3 месяца назад
While Mr. Dawkins is to be commended for his obvious sincerity of concern for humanity, for progress, and for the integrity of science; like all of us, he too has a "blind side" or peripheral vision which remains unacknowledged. It is, namely, that materialism is a philosophy often held by scientists which also acts as a "radical religion" in its selective search for evidence which is agreeable and avoidance of any evidence to the contrary; notably in this instance, the sources which undergird such a faith as Christianity. For example, Pope Pius XII in publishing the encyclical Munificentissimus Deus (November 1, 1950) on the Assumption of Mary into heaven; he did not sit in his isolation to think up this doctrine, as Mr. Dawkins imagines, thinks, or believes. Throughout this "documentary", Mr. Dawkins makes considerable use of these verbs, which have nothing to do with scientific investigation, but everything to do with materialist philosophy and world view. In the case of the assumption of Mary, for example, Mr. Dawkins should actually read the encyclical by the pope, and if he did, he would discover that Pope Pius XII made an extensive consultation of all the bishops of the Church who replied almost unanimously that the Church had always believed that Mary did not remain dead but was assumed into heaven and, secondly, that throughout the history of the Church, the faithful have consistently held to this belief and conviction. There were many reflections and sermons by those called "fathers of the church"; as well as church art. We remember that two thousand years ago, much of testimony was transmitted orally long before anything was written down or recorded as church art on church walls. If Mr. Dawkins had done a thorough investigation before making his confident criticism that Pope Pius XII made this declaration irresponsibly, or without regard for the truth, he might further have discovered that there are nowhere on Earth any relics of Mary as there are for most of the other saints: particle of bone, or hair, or clothing. Catholics have almost always been so passionate to venerate and even to possess relics of the saints; that it remains strikingly unusual that none have claimed to have a relic of Mary. Similarly, for all of his claims, Mr. Dawkins seems content to state that he is a scientist, and upon that basis, makes a long series of gratuitous declarations about religion and faith without investigating the sources very seriously. We can only conclude that this video presentation is not a documentary at all, but rather a fervent "religious" declaration of materilist philosophy and, on that basis, to dismiss any and all "religious" views to the contrary.
@gillessurprenant 3 месяца назад
While Mr. Dawkins is to be commended for his obvious sincerity of concern for humanity, for progress, and for the integrity of science; like all of us, he too has a "blind side" or peripheral vision which remains unacknowledged. It is, namely, that materialism is a philosophy often held by scientists which also acts as a "radical religion" in its selective search for evidence which is agreeable and avoidance of any evidence to the contrary; notably in this instance, the sources which undergird such a faith as Christianity. For example, Pope Pius XII in publishing the encyclical Munificentissimus Deus (November 1, 1950) on the Assumption of Mary into heaven; he did not sit in his isolation to think up this doctrine, as Mr. Dawkins imagines, thinks, or believes. Throughout this "documentary", Mr. Dawkins makes considerable use of these verbs, which have nothing to do with scientific investigation, but everything to do with materialist philosophy and world view. In the case of the assumption of Mary, for example, Mr. Dawkins should actually read the encyclical by the pope, and if he did, he would discover that Pope Pius XII made an extensive consultation of all the bishops of the Church who replied almost unanimously that the Church had always believed that Mary did not remain dead but was assumed into heaven and, secondly, that throughout the history of the Church, the faithful have consistently held to this belief and conviction. There were many reflections and sermons by those called "fathers of the church"; as well as church art. We remember that two thousand years ago, much of testimony was transmitted orally long before anything was written down or recorded as church art on church walls. If Mr. Dawkins had done a thorough investigation before making his confident criticism that Pope Pius XII made this declaration irresponsibly, or without regard for the truth, he might further have discovered that there are nowhere on Earth any relics of Mary as there are for most of the other saints: particle of bone, or hair, or clothing. Catholics have almost always been so passionate to venerate and even to possess relics of the saints; that it remains strikingly unusual that none have claimed to have a relic of Mary. Similarly, for all of his claims, Mr. Dawkins seems content to state that he is a scientist, and upon that basis, makes a long series of gratuitous declarations about religion and faith without investigating the sources very seriously. We can only conclude that this video presentation is not a documentary at all, but rather a fervent "religious" declaration of materilist philosophy and, on that basis, to dismiss any and all "religious" views to the contrary.
@epsyuma 3 месяца назад
Mr. Dawkins, please don't confuse Roman Catholicism with Christianity. Most Roman Catholics don't know what it means to be a Christian.
@samuelmyers5084 4 месяца назад
An American taliban your absolutely right professor I for one am sick of people pretending that religious extremism is only a problem with islam well I've got news for you all 100s of years ago if you went up against the catholic church you'd get burned alive has anyone considered that if islam never egsisted then that would mean ananother religion would replace it? think about humanity
@humayunbaig4545 4 месяца назад
As long as the problems of the poor are not radically resolved by rejecting the absolute autonomy of markets and financial speculation and by attacking the structural causes of inequality, no solution will be found for the world’s problems or, for that matter, to any problems. Inequality is the root of social ills.
@warrenkemmer1307 4 месяца назад
All religions are delusional but man Islam fundamentals are evil idiots
@ARFirstRaptor2011 4 месяца назад
I think for normal working brain, ignorance is the root of all evils. For the rest, the root of all evil, is brain/psychological condition which we simply can't understand.
@joecurran2811 4 месяца назад
@badnewsjp 4 месяца назад
Gotta hand it to that Pastor he foresaw the Islamification of Europe
@phillstanford6036 5 месяцев назад
That pastors smile is my new Halloween mask. 😨 A mix of scary and odd lol also now hes being accused of using methamphetamine and behaving inappropriately with young men
@phillstanford6036 5 месяцев назад
"afflictions can be cured by dragging their poor bodies up to a pool of water where the Virgin Mary made her miraculous appearance in reality they're probably more likely to catch something from the thousands of other pilgrims who've wallowed in the same water" i laughed out loud but its so true
@jeffreyhearn8930 6 месяцев назад
That ‘Yussef/Joseph’ person…. what a nasty and thoroughly detestable person indeed. He offends me far more than any scantily clad summer time lady ever could… talk about obnoxious and nauseating - he is one of the worst… Bravo for (almost) staying calm Mr.Richard!
@jeffreyhearn8930 6 месяцев назад
Why do so many hapless humans give credence to this man… who enjoyed drugs and the ‘pleasures’ of young men equally?? What a religion and religious mockery!!
@jeffreyhearn8930 6 месяцев назад
Look at the eyes if ‘Pastor Ted Haggard’… they exude evil. Look at the curling, rounding lips of his huge mouth… you can feel it sucking in the dollars of those crazed and deluded tens of thousands…
@mj200 6 месяцев назад
Ted Haggard has since been taking drugs, sleeping with young male prostitutes and spending his money in pretty hedonistic ways.
@Maynards_so_blue 6 месяцев назад
42:16 shows how evil Islam is and how they want to take over every country
@Y-_s-dt6vf 5 месяцев назад
I know, I heard they teach their children to respect their parents! What a vile religion 😢
@tinatieden8499 6 месяцев назад
that religious nutter is the arrogant one. WOW ! not surprised by it at all though.
@CarlosRodriguez-kc9ku 6 месяцев назад
I love the way Ray Comfort tried to debunk this with "The Atheist Delusion" - and failed horrendously, unless his aim was to discredit himself
@user-cc1rm4wr6h 6 месяцев назад
12;44 Seconds I totally Wild mayhem disagree With what such states Are said it's not a nuclear reactor exactly It's a Generator to supply life and source Energy primary a Nuclear reactor is the equivalent of a nuclear Distar and Devestation
@varnavaa 7 месяцев назад
This is only the first part.
@redskinStu 7 месяцев назад
The shots of tacky religious tourist booths in Jerusalem...can you imagine being some poor fool being paid $1.50 an hour seeing Richard Dawkins walking up to you
@aldolink 7 месяцев назад
@krishnantampi5665 8 месяцев назад
Great video about a great contribution to rational thought and action -Richard Dawkins but his interview with George Coyne was very informative and interesting, that's God works through evolution was a close catch than distance dusty dust Most of humans are not scientists they want comfort zone that's Religion🙏🙏, India is secular nation but there is ethnicity and hot prejudice brewing despite democratic election🗳️ Anything can anywhere that's all, All humans are arrogant to a certain degree because no body to accept other man's opinion all are equals but some are more equal said George Orwell @Eric Blair in his book Animal farm, a satire on Rus communism, the struggle between Napoleon and snowball indicatioing the fight between Trosky and Stalin that's all, no man is holy free and holy slave said Bertrand Russell. That's all sky. ❤❤
@tonywitdasauce1968 9 месяцев назад
Lord I pray you show yourself to these people like you have done to me. Amen
@leonardjohnson4404 9 месяцев назад
Science itself says Evolution can Never happen by chance: The Science of Energy - The second Law of thermodynamics - Genetic Entropy: ALL systems rush to Disorder but Never order. When work is applied there is always Energy Lost in the form of Heat. Evolution can Never Ever happen by chance - per the second Law of thermodynamics. Thanks, David Johnson.
@marcelstankowski9475 9 месяцев назад
Watching this in 2023, when another holy war in spreading in middle east. Some things just never change.
@buggulugs 9 месяцев назад
Every stench of religion is the same. It is about the destruction of the human soul. Every religion aims to get inside your head, destroy everything they find, and fill you up with themselves. And they then cauterize your soul.
@nils740 10 месяцев назад
Oh my what blatant a liar. Amazing. But: on the contrary the biblical view on the origins of life earth and universe is overwhelmingly CLOSER to what scientist can observe. Darwins theories is nowhere to be found in real life, just THEORIES. Learn from christian scholars and get truth. Im Jesus name Amen ✝️❤️
@kendavies945 10 месяцев назад
Religion is a severe mental illness.
@official.sleepless.dreamers 10 месяцев назад
his patience is the only miracle here
@EyedCrown 11 месяцев назад
I'm an atheist but sometimes I think Richard Dawkins is kind of a dick isn't he 😅
@KYROS-YT 10 месяцев назад
Yeah, Dawkins made atheism into some kind of cult. It's simply an absence of belief in gods/deities (and an indifference towards most of "religious" anything) "Irreligious" is a better term, than atheism, since there are also religious atheists.