Welcome to MASSIVE!

We’re building the world’s most connected community of artists and fans. (Previously known as Ocean Floor Music.)

We're on a mission to empower artists like never before, providing the essential toolkit they need to grow their fanbase, simplify their digital presence, and forge meaningful connections with their audience. Through our innovative community platform, we are redefining how musicians navigate the ever-evolving music landscape.

Our platform fosters an environment where artists can flourish, backed by a dedicated community who truly appreciate their craft.

Visit our website at www.massive.fan to learn more.
@alandearing8380 Год назад
'Promo sm' 🙂
@CoraSchuppe Год назад
"promo sm" 🙃
@kadafichannel5032 Год назад
When OceanFloorMusic
@tobiaswonderdog Год назад
Cool af 👊
@w3bgh0ul Год назад
@Diazgrimm Год назад
Ready for this!!!
@MassiveFanHQ Год назад
@eaglesanointing Год назад
OFM taking over. So unique use case.
@slowrespond1043 2 года назад
Aw esome
@doomityrecords 2 года назад
Bring it! Ready to feed the beast from Senggigi Lombok! 🔥 Keep on keepin on!
@tobiaswonderdog 2 года назад
Quality TV 🥰