CardFightVanguard videos. Mainly on Standard (Overdress) and Dear Days. Deck Profiles, Pack Openings, Tierlists, Fights, etc.
Only Fights, No News.
What Will NEW Baromagnes Do?
2 месяца назад
Best Way To Flatten Sleeves?
2 месяца назад
Fated Clash! |DZ-BT01| Vanguard Pack Opening
4 месяца назад
How GOOD Are The NEW Dual Nation Cards?
4 месяца назад
DZ Set 2 Week 1 Lists!
4 месяца назад
1st Impressions Of Divines Set 2?
5 месяцев назад
EVERY DECK Reprinted In Triple Drive Booster!
5 месяцев назад
New Flameswordsman Deck! | Initial Thoughts?
6 месяцев назад
Week 1 Lists Of DZ-BT01 From Overseas!
6 месяцев назад
@thelostone2694 3 дня назад
What kind of sim for Vanguard is it? I thought Vanguard games were JP only with the exception of Dear Days
@zenahreon 3 дня назад
Great Tourney! Can’t wait to play in more!
@jerremybrown9937 5 дней назад
BROTHER I cant agree more smh, I love vanguard but Bushrod's digital offerings need to be as easy to get into as possible like you said. I managed to get majority of my friends into Vanguard but we were in 10 to 11th grade & my local card shop sold it. Currently I'm getting two more friends into it through Vanguard Pro because $70 USD is steep. One hasn't played it yet and the other one enjoys it but wants something "Smoother. (automated functions for Drive checks, Damage checks, Etc.)" so I only recommended Dear days due to a "celebration sail" ($48.99 USD) even though dear days 2 JUST got announced for 1/30/2025.
@CurlyHairedVanguard 5 дней назад
jeez, I wish y'all the best I really hope your friends can get to enjoy the game!
@comettcg8830 5 дней назад
okay genuine question. While having free official simulator like bigger tcg sounds like a tall wish, vanguard is in a better place than more niche game as they don't even have dedicated fan made simulator(need to go to something like TTS or untap), while vanguard has two of it. On theory fanmade simulator is great because they are free and usually streamlined the process of playing. But it sounds that cfa and vangpro is not there yet? what's the missing part to make them more relevant? (I know cfa overall experience is clunky and super dated, while haven't really tried vangpro). My personal guess For comparison yugioh before master duel has: - DB that easy to access, lack automation - ygopro that needs more effort but has automation
@CurlyHairedVanguard 5 дней назад
Even before master duel, even before Dueling book or network, Yugioh had a plethora of yugioh video games for players to be able to get a handle of the game. Vanguard had maybe 4 that were in released in Japan only and have no translation, and are most for very old versions of other formats that the standard one the company is promoting now. CFA and Vangpro have learning curves to how to operate them. They are great tools, but even without automation, they arent the easiest to pick up in the slightest. In addition you have to download an application on your computer, which many dont feel comfortable with. CFA doesnt even have lobbies and you have to connect via your IP address. Vangpro is a step up from CFA and even has a mobile version for android; but doesnt have the previous formats and has its own learning curve. The missing part to make them more relevant? I guess make the controls more intuitive and the UI cleaner. Add some polish to the presentation as they are more function over form.
@comettcg8830 4 дня назад
@@CurlyHairedVanguard ah when you mentioned those video games, that's super good point, come to think of it I also learned yugioh properly because ps2 game. so by your explanation abt the fan simulator is mainly how easy for the to access, DuelingBook but for vanguard would be super preferred then? (just go to web and simple yet effective UI)
@animemanga3284 5 дней назад
If only Bushi cared and released a f2p version of Dear Days, equivalent of Master Duel...
@jord627 5 дней назад
More structure-deck product is actually a really good idea and I'm just now realising how few Vanguard has compared to other TCG's. A bi-annual or annual structure deck cycle that focuses on reprints and under-supported archetypes with 1-2 new cards to help them out sounds like a really easy way for them to solve needing to shove support for so many ride-lines in every booster, it can also double as a way of reprinting cards that need reprinting. Off the top of my head I can already imagine a cycle of nation structure decks being like: - Dragon Empire - Eugene Structure Deck - Dark States - Baromagnes Structure Deck - Keter Sanctuary - Hexaorb Structure Deck - Stoicheia - Flagburg Structure Deck - Brandt Gate - B-Hero Structure Deck It doesn't even have to be competitive, just competent as a standalone structure product that allows players to easily pick up and play whilst simultaneously supporting those archetypes without needing to find ways to fit support for them in main booster sets. Heck imagine if the Flagburg structure deck had guaranteed Inlet Pulses in it, that shit would sell so easily. If you look at a game like Magic, they release preconstructed decks for their formats multiple times a year, I don't see why Vanguard couldn't also do the same.
@CurlyHairedVanguard 5 дней назад
Exactly. If Bushiroad doesnt want to invest in digital versions of vanguard, other than Dear Days, then they need to increase the barrier for entry in the physical game. This model has even work for bushiroad in other countries; as the I think Korean release actually have the Cray Cross Epic decks as deck products.
@Concobhar 5 дней назад
I wish the 3ds games were in english
@allen2reckless676 5 дней назад
If they never killed vanguard zero and let it just rerun through all the seasons. At least then they can play a simplified version of it. But they had to kill zero
@AquaStyles 5 дней назад
There's also Untap a browser based card simulator but the game play is very janky
@peacechan4500 5 дней назад
Its genuinely feels like bushi didnt want to grow Vanguard. They managed to not attract any customer because they are to expensive for beginners, and extremely not worth it for veterans who want another clan because no crossplay. So if you in pc you in bad luck my guy. They dont even have a ladder system ffs. The fact that in Yu-Gi-Oh if you being asked if a new guy wanna try the game where should they go. Most went to master duel. Vanguard didn't have this. Vanguard is literally unknown for most people now because of bushi incompetence. And to make it worse. This is when bushi themselves said that they is trying to promote Vanguard. Where i dare asked?
@creepyasgramdpa9916 5 дней назад
Honestly, now that shadowverse evolve comes out. Bushiroad should have no excuse to but to made cardfight vanguard be playable on mobile and not creat garbage that was vanguard zero.
@peacechan4500 5 дней назад
Eh. Before doing any of that they gonna make new TCG really Vanguard exists genuinely without bushi intervention. When bushi intervenes usually it's bad for the game.
@yuseifudo7987 5 дней назад
Here is where we all agree that Konami did better with Master Duel and we still have CFA and Vangpro being better and free but its manual actually they did have its called Vanguard Zero but they f up hahahahaha😂 wasted 1 or 2 months till they said shut down bye bye 😂 they could have even just updated DD1 if they wanted to but no they just went and said here's a sneak peak of DD2 out of nowhere.
@venenders170 5 дней назад
I’m glad you interspliced a slightly more in-depth reasoning into the video because I kind of find the original (stream?) take a bit facetiously hyperbolic. You say the barrier to new players is high and say having to learn to the rules/mechanics,pick and build and learn to play a deck is too high but even if there was an official Vanguard Sim new players would still have to do that and jump through these hoops anyway. I agree with your point on the ludicrously overpriced game and dlc but your using Master Duel as a point of comparison, a game that is notoriously horrible at teaching new players how to jump on and play yugioh. A game that either requires you to keep bashing your head against the wall or have an experienced veteran tutor/mentor new players because the Sim itself does not. The reason being that the way Yugioh is actually played is entirely different from the game Konami advertises and shows to all its customers, mechanics and playstyle far more dense yet you continue to use it as a comparison a problem Vanguard doesn’t really have. Also as to the discussion/comparison of players from yugioh coming to Vanguard and asking of structure decks and you lament on the starter deck products (which I agree should have abilities and be better) but don’t acknowledge or cite that 90-95% of starter or structure decks of yugioh aren’t viable /playable again because the oceans size difference between how Konami advertise’s and makes these products and how the game is actually played. A new player would be lucky not to get wrecked turn 1 or 2 with such products. It feels very much like your knowledgeable about all things Vanguard and looking at other TCG’s and saying the grass is greener over there but as someone who’s knowledgeable on other TCG’s like yugioh the grass isn’t as green as you make it out to be. Also why not point new players to the Divinez sets, isn’t that a new era and jumping on point perfect to onboard new potential players? If pointing consumers to a perfect set to pick up and start their journey is too much of a barrier to entry then maybe they were never going to play in the first place. Again I do agree with some of your points about dear days pricing and starter deck product and it would be great to have an official sim but I guess I feel your propping up the other TCG’s/products while also pushing down CVF a bit much, like there are really only 3 official Sims out there (MTG Arena, Master Duel, Pokémon Live) and any Pokémon fan will tell you the Pokémon Sim is ass and Master Duel is horrible at onboarding and inducting newbies to the game. Sorry for the long response.
@minokalu1682 5 дней назад
DBZ Fusion world has a sim Duel Masters too but only in JP
@venenders170 5 дней назад
@@minokalu1682 true but it only has what 1 set and 4 starter decks out. Plus its longevity is put in question being a Bandai TCG and with Bandai constantly putting out a new TCG that canabilize’s their own market.
@hiroeze9101 6 дней назад
I enjoy playing this game. But I’m bout to not put down $70 for dear days. I don’t know why they don’t follow master duel and make it free
@ntarontaro 6 дней назад
It's genuinely so upsetting how hard it is to onboard players at times. Dear days 2 could've been so good for this. Make it a master duel clone, fill it up with disgusting micro-transactions even, if you have to, but we should have a way to let new players have a taste of what the game feels like before we ask them to drop obscene amounts of cash...
@CurlyHairedVanguard 6 дней назад
My exact thoughts. I dont understand how they can see their competitors do something thats works SO WELL from them and go "Naaaaaaaah lets do the opposite of that " 😭
@peacechan4500 5 дней назад
It's like they see artifact and they want that flame wreck, twice now. God bushi why are you like this? Is this when you actually cared for Vanguard you do this?
@abadvanguardplayer1277 6 дней назад
Stride deck sets are probably the best reasonable option for new players (Assuming you can find at MSRP)
@CurlyHairedVanguard 6 дней назад
Yea but even then its like 60-100 dollars, and you now we're at the point were their upgrades are 100-300 dollars competievly. But yea its the only valid option. Just wish there was a way cheaper option that offers a deck that actually gets supported in D.
@immortal_blank 6 дней назад
Bro I was so embarrassed someone tried getting into vanguard they had bought and sleeved one of the Trial Decks but had to be told: Your deck is illegal its missing 4 cards and doesn't have an energy generator but here borrow this deck and let the community teach you. I could see the confusion on their face. God I wish we were still in G cause those start decks where the best
@CurlyHairedVanguard 6 дней назад
Seriously its such an awkward moment that can be easily fixed and avoided...Idk if its cause Japan maybe has like a high number of shops that have pre-bult decks (the store made to sell) that bushi doesnt see the issue or what. Cause even with their urban dentisty and 1000000+ shops in the country; they should have the issue too.
@ChunniTensei 6 дней назад
Man, I can't even tell my new friends I play Vanguard because if they ever want to try it out they would need to buy Dear Days or use CFA. God, it's very embarrassing.
@CurlyHairedVanguard 6 дней назад
so embarrassing T-T
@TrinityTCGArchive 4 дня назад
@@ChunniTensei untapp exists as well and the anime
@haneefimranahamed63 6 дней назад
Vanguard zero was once a good way to advertise the game. But it's now been more than a year since the game servers shut down and there is still no news if there is anything similar ever coming out. Dear days had been fun to play, but as you said, it is a high wall to climb to even get it with the game. And to get into the physical game, like you said, at the moment we lack a good entry product. And once you do get into the game and feel like upgrading your decks, getting the cards are a huge hassle since the cards that you want could have been printed 2 years ago and you can't find them because those cards haven't been reprinted.
@zaquhe 6 дней назад
@@haneefimranahamed63 When it comes to physical Vanguard, my biggest problem is finding a place to play. Where I live, if I want to play in person, I have to get up early and drive at least a couple hours one way to the nearest store that has locals.
@Zarugoza5969 6 дней назад
The tutorial is also an embarrassment
@CurlyHairedVanguard 6 дней назад
Yea i mentioned this same point about Vanguard zero in the original stream, but I might have cut it out of this video.
@dragocrafterr8286 6 дней назад
Love the board visualizations!!
@CurlyHairedVanguard 6 дней назад
Thank you! They are a lot of work sometimes so I appreciate it!
I use yellow ot on gandeeva to farm my bind ❤😂
@AvesAster 8 дней назад
Love me a pack opening video with a cool dude that reads and explains the cards for me Good food 🍿Devoured
@CurlyHairedVanguard 6 дней назад
@elin111 8 дней назад
Kinda funny that Kohtiblaze is on the cover of the set.
@CurlyHairedVanguard 6 дней назад
Star of the set
@kuradostrifegaming 8 дней назад
I leave a like before i watch because I know this video is a banger
@CurlyHairedVanguard 6 дней назад
thanks bruthaman
@zarthas6082 10 дней назад
I'm curious, who is the third one of the big three? I'm only recognizes MLB and Tsukuyomi
@Maverick_Lau-515 9 дней назад
dragonic overlord the end
@zarthas6082 9 дней назад
@@Maverick_Lau-515 Oh thank you! The shadow was kinda weird to me so I'm didnt recognize him
@ohellyea23 10 дней назад
We want more of this. Perhaps going set by set?
@warwickdavies5171 8 дней назад
@GlimmyGlam 10 дней назад
bruh watching you play the turn you called berserk dragon had me screaming. you could have used conroe then alephs skill to counter charge then use berserk's skill. Cant let a royal player have free board.
@truesdale7388 10 дней назад
15:35 this was the greatest moment in Link Joker
@Bravebird9 10 дней назад
Blaster Blade needs his own anime card game
@LightTCG 11 дней назад
crazy when Conroe and Barcgal are banned
@zyro7756 11 дней назад
What game/simulator is this?
@luciastreamz7100 11 дней назад
Watching this game is bringing me back to the moment I first watched the anime with my little brother...aaahh boy bless you for this Curly. 💜
@chriscaineadventures 11 дней назад
Curly and I will forever duel in multiple card games
@elin111 11 дней назад
The early days where they still hadn't figured how much CB is worth spending on effects.
@elin111 11 дней назад
Here's another fun fact about Set 3 Dinos: The Savages + Gigarex paint a clear picture that you're supposed to eat a lot of dinos at once to get a big power buff column, BUUUUT, short of overcalling your own board manually you can only ever eat 1 rg per turn, meaning the savages are 7k-9k vanillas with extra steps.