Hi Guys welcome to my channel! My name is Natasha and as Indonesian living in Germany. I am gonna share all the fun, travel vlog, beauty and life! Also, we want to share things that make us happy and hope that you can gain something from it ^^. We want to share our sunshine with you "We sunshine you".
Please stay tune!
Transforming into My MOM
3 года назад
3 года назад
@hamiduu123 9 дней назад
3:09 It's sad that you always felt that way. It also depends on the city and state you live in. For example, the experience in Munich is good, and I don't feel that as often as in Halle/Saale.
@justinbeck4197 23 дня назад
Ah...that's all kind of sad and lame. I live in a very diverse bigger German city. Germans get worried about things that don't seem very German to them. Without the diversity here this city would suck. But..I've been here 14 years and I kind of have a couple German friends. Dunno ..Germans should be embarrassed to hear this video.
@hanipasha8859 25 дней назад
Germany is a shithole. My freezer is warmer than Germans 😂
@alvarani Месяц назад
Please reconsider the belief that any culture will fully integrate you. Integration can often be overrated. It is important to remember that people may not always be welcoming, especially when you are not one of them. Always remember that you are in Germany or any other foreign country with a specific purpose, whether for studies, a new life, or work.
@FrederikEngelmand Месяц назад
is she american?
@kumu2024 Месяц назад
This is the life here in Sweden as well. The same thing. I believe that life in the west is like that. After 23 years in Sweden, I have 0 friends .. ZERO!!! even if I tried hard to have.
@expatwill Месяц назад
You're a doll :) 🤩
@saniya7649 2 месяца назад
I have completed my generalistische Pflegeausbildung successfully and yes i am leaving Germany woahhhhh😂 never felt so happy! Germany broke me mentally and emotionally after living for 7 years here!! ☺️☺️☺️ Finally i am leaving Germany! The bureaucracy, red tape, racism , doctors appointment, poor healthcare system completely broke me!! I can't take it anymore.
@IshSh2468 2 месяца назад
I am from India and living here in Germany since last 5 years and leaving back to my home country India in June 2024. However, there were scenarios where I faced subtle discrimination be it in job interviews or while passing through some random people on the streets. In my opinion, Germans are not at all open minded and a lot colder. I also speak fluent German language up to C1 level. But Germans have always saw me as an outsider. I tried every method to make German friends however they considered me as their friends and I was always sidelined for whatsoever reasons. Moreover, another reason why I am leaving Germany permanently is because the lack of digitisation. India was lacking in terms of digitisation 5-6 years back but I can now proudly say that India has been much more digitised than Germany and it feels like living in Stone Age era in Germany.
@hanipasha8859 21 день назад
I lived in Germany for a year and it was a living hell. Low salary, Lazy Germans Germans are very racists and are cold hearted. BTW good decision of moving out of that hellhole.
@AndiBraun93 2 месяца назад
50 y.o. house in Germany's ugliest urban area: 600k€ Beatiful modern mansion at the costa blanca: 200k€ someone talk me out of it
@saniya7649 2 месяца назад
I hate to say this but the overflow of arabs- immigrant in Germany has led to increase in crime rate in Germany. Feeling sorry to say that Germany hardly feels like Germany and more like arabs. These people behave like hooligans and are so violent. This is another reason that made me not so fond of Germany.
@user-oy1wn3gg5x 2 дня назад
Yes we are the problem before we came to Germany everything was just fine 😂
@FarmerSchinken 3 месяца назад
The biggest cultural difference might be that having acquaintances might not mean as much in Germany as in other cultures, probably because German mentality is more self-sufficient / independent whereas in other cultures, having a big social circle is more important, e.g. if you live in a corrupt country or one without (efficient) social security. Don't come to Germany to party unless you know what you are doing and you are going to Berlin. Come to Germany when you are sick of superficial interactions or if you are looking for a good work-life balance and security
@Dariush_Iranban 3 месяца назад
Guys please help edujacted people who are traped in Germany and want to leave! I am one of those and after living 12 years here I want to leave
@FarmerSchinken 3 месяца назад
Then why don't you?
@Dariush_Iranban 3 месяца назад
@@FarmerSchinken I actually did 2 days ago, got a Job in Olso and until now it seems to be better than Germany. People mind their own bussiness and no body say my country my country
@user-yr4vp1jk7j Месяц назад
@Jallohsehkiss_41 3 месяца назад
Worst country ever😢
@zerophyte 4 месяца назад
It's the opposite for me.. I was born to German parents in Germany in the 80's, but mostly grew up in Canada for the last 35 years of my life. Fast forward to the present.. I'm 40 years old, still single, never married, no kids, no real friends or any lasting connections with anyone. Lived on the west coast (B.C.), pairies (Manitoba), Ontario and now Nova Scotia. Canada is big and expensive, and depending on where you live, can be quite lonely. Everyone I know lives to work, are super stressed and living paycheck to paycheck (as do I). No one has time to spend with you. Everyone just lives in their own isolated bubble or inner circle. But maybe that is more of a universal thing.. I figure I don't want to spend the next 20 to 30 years in Canada, if I'm just not happy and content. So I'm selling everything here and planning to move back to Germany permanently. At least I already speak German fluently thanks to my parents only ever speaking in German at home, so integration won't be as hard.
@faceluckcell9484 4 месяца назад
With generous welfare state SOCIALIST,,, i must say great decision goverment canzelour anaLis cast fLow, fery nice huMAN,,,, i. Love gER ' 🔛 maney. JER ' manized
@mimimi230 4 месяца назад
i recommend to everyone who thinking germany is a cool great country dont come here! i left for good as well. its the most boring and deeply depressed country in europa. dont waist your gorgeous study times in germany if you coult had go to italy spain or french go anywhere else but dont go to germany. you will be dissapointed about the dry culture.
@FarmerSchinken 3 месяца назад
You can only be disappointed when you have wrong expectations. Where did you get the idea that Germany is fun and open as maybe spain is?
@thegardenranger 4 месяца назад
I am sorry for you and for all others who had bad experiences with us Germans. As a person who grew up in Germany I can say that you need tough love here. I always had the feeling that Germany is still struggling with depression and guilt from the dark past, even though Jesus forgave all of their sins already. They need to learn to love from a pure heart. Love you all.
@Feliz831 6 месяцев назад
I'm mixed myself. My mother from Latin America and my father is German. I grew up here but I don't have a single german friend. All my friends are also mixed or have anoher background. And I am also thinking to migrate back to Latin America. I understand you. Wish you all the best.
@user-kx8lt7nd2l 2 месяца назад
Damn migrate back, thats savage. Wish u the best bro
@longphan5695 6 месяцев назад
In general, given the same effort, you will be better/ easier integrated into German society if you're white people.
@lisbon2407 6 месяцев назад
After 4 months, ciao Germany. Moving overseas. Deutschlehrerin, German C2, IT job with high salary, but: bureaucracy and mentality are way back to my country, and I am from Serbia 😂 I.e. car registration: every Behörde gave me different instruction. Germany efficient and organized?! Have you ever lived there? Munich is overrated.
@user-oy1wn3gg5x 2 дня назад
How is it going now?
@oietube 6 месяцев назад
Everything you said 100% correct, and more!
@serpentlaw5961 6 месяцев назад
GERMANY IS *VERY* COVERTLY RACIST! Get to the point - don't beat around the bush! Germany is a former colonial no-no that got wealthy of spilling blood in Africa and other countries and they have started every world war on earth and lost every one...they shrunk in size because of their wars. They cannot change and will go down the way they rose up.
@TheKks143 3 месяца назад
They never have colonies. You confusing Germany with France
@FarmerSchinken 3 месяца назад
Sounds more like you are the racist one
@TauRus-cj1yj 6 месяцев назад
Much respect to you. Because that is one their aim. Is to make you blue and jobless. But ,You are overcoming that.
@TauRus-cj1yj 6 месяцев назад
Is a subgroup created to stalk and slander someone who is determined and conscious minded. But with all the masses believing their leaders no matter what. Who would believe such a story? Oh! But We will watch Movies centering such mishaps, but don't believe it is really happening. They condition the minds of these people to sway them on other topics . Because I know what you were close to going through. I Understand You.
@migz9932 7 месяцев назад
I want to leave daily. But i lost everything to get here. I grew up with the belief that if the environment isnt suitable and non of our efforts make life happy, then change the environment. Im still a firm believer. The only problem is.... Where do i go now 😔😔😔😔
@raedardiy2661 6 месяцев назад
❤❤ you will find your happiness don't be so sad
@barneyy6942 Месяц назад
Hi. What did you decide? I'm in a similar boat as you
@migz9932 Месяц назад
​​​​@@barneyy6942 I installed some dumb friendship apps... Still absolutely no luck. Sadly I was dumb enough to have surgery here to fix a simple ligament problem. Surgeon RUINED me. I'm now disabled with a degree of 30 since hands don't really qualify for much. This has forced me to live in limbo over here. Job agencies tell me to come back when I'm healed... When I go to doctors they tell me to "live with it". Being a foreigner and injured... Well.... Bottom of the food chain as you can imagine. Unlike the locals here I don't book of sick for every tiny thing. I just want to work, have a career, friends and be safe. If I could leave tomorrow I'd leave within a second and leave all the stuff I spent a small fortune to bring here but I have absolutely no idea where to go. I travel 10-20 hours across Germany to doctors to try find someone who can reverse what a German surgeon did to me. Pretty soon I will loose all hope with this country. I can't understand how third world countries have better surgeons... Who cares, have a heart and don't leave you disabled after simple surgery... I want to start mass applying for work world wide. Not sure what else to do. Trying hard to find remote work because then I can use text to talk and find ways to get the work done without bothering people or traveling. I can't cycle due to my hand... And I'm now broke because I been living off my savings to get by... If I knew what Germany was like I'd not have come here. I'd never have surgery here... Or I'd have just left the second the surgeon destroyed my life, all my talents and hobbies, career and employment opportunities. I'd have at least been able to make a plan to fix my hand with cash. I have always been motivated and hard working and strong. Life was so hard many many times but things always worked out. No matter where I moved I found friends within a week... I found ways to earn money and so on.. This place BROKE me... From an extremely fit person, exercising daily, highly motivated to buy a house and have a clean break and positive start to a new life... To someone who doesn't even want to leave my tiny room to attend a physiotherapy appointment. I am on different forums.. and found a woman that's been here 20+ years (from my country), speaks fluent German... Stuck here due to marriage etc... and she has not made ONE friend since she got here. I hear these stories more and more and more.... And people from where I'm from often go back home... And yet we ran from that place. To be honest... If I had the opportunity to leave id prefere my old life back. Maybe adding to the statistics due to crime (being a victim again) and being happy until that day is better than feeling so dead every day here. But there's no way I can get my car back, furniture back , job agencies back, etc. I can't arrive there with nothing... After selling/giving away everything at a loss. I lost so much for a better life!!! Just don't know what to do. What I do know.. if this year is just as bad as every year no matter the effort I try and try and try... If there seriously not a single surgeon here who can fix what a GERMAN surgeon did to me... I just don't want to grow old here. I'm struggling as a younger person to get help.. this is a nightmare.. this is hell. How can I do this in my 60s+??!!! I actually don't give a dam about all the "benefits" Germany has. I have paid for pvt security, pvt medical etc all my life and never once got I employment money.... If rather be happy with a career and pay for everything. Then be miserable nobody that nobody will even notice if I had a heart attack in my flat or slipped in the shower. So what will I do... Mass apply everywhere other than here... And stick to English countries. If that doesn't work. Don't know. Mass apply to whatever tops "most happiest countries in the world". If that doesn't work then reach English in Asia somewhere. Anywhere BUT here.
@Criminal1channel 7 дней назад
I'm leaving too I'm just waiting for the German passport. As refugee I could stuck here forever without this passport
@user-oy1wn3gg5x 2 дня назад
​@@migz9932I'm sorry to hear that, I hope that everything will work well for you, where do you live in Germany?
@The_Harylaba 7 месяцев назад
Music is louder than your voice
@kevinpilch5557 8 месяцев назад
Am German, grew up in Germany, lived here all my life and I feel the same. After school, life gets hard. People in Germany are miserable and unhappy, and even for Germans it’s hard to bond or find people who actually care when moving to a new place, especially large cities like Hamburg, Berlin or Munich. After spending some months in Valencia, these things got so evident that we planned to move there for good. The best case scenario is a remote job in Germany which pays really well (you most probably need to speak German) and live somewhere else where the climate is good and the people are happy. Take care y‘all!
@izil1fe 5 месяцев назад
Last real friendships 90% of Germans form were in High School. After that Germans have work colleagues and acquaintances.
@wowapalooza 5 месяцев назад
​@@izil1feI think that goes for every country.
@n1516-qk4vb 4 месяца назад
That's a great idea in theory, thing is laws in Germany do not allow for that. The best you can find is a job that lets you work a few weeks a year in another EU Country.
@kevinpilch5557 4 месяца назад
@@n1516-qk4vb Sure it is possible. Either via an Employer of Record provider like Remote or WorkMotion or as a freelancer, just to name some options
@exoticblondestripper 15 дней назад
Big respect 🙌 to u for speaking the truth! Good luck to u as well dear ❤
@jaejae9605 8 месяцев назад
I lived in Germany since last summer but i would like to say it also depends on which states you live. For example people in Baden-wütenberg which i live are very kind and warm but when i was in hanover they look like more arrogant and rude as you speaked
@hasana.3078 8 месяцев назад
I can only whole heartedly agree. I am half German like from my roots and been born in Germany and have been living for my whole life already there but still feel not welcomed often times and not at home. The other half of my roots is so much stronger because I have been never treated as one of them throughout my whole life almost. It was better in Uni times because again there were lots of multicultural people from all countries and people were very open to everyone however later in life this feeling again starts and you have almost no friends because you culturally just don’t fit in. Having said this I am slowly considering moving to my second home as I feel so much better over there.
@aleksandra1210 8 месяцев назад
You should next time turn off the music, it distracts from what you are saying, it annoys
@noirfidelity 9 месяцев назад
Germans are fucked up.They are miserable and they are jealous of other cultures,but they hide it well under their robot masks.
@dantesparda7719 8 месяцев назад
Why would they be jealous of other cultures. They have a very great one. But I agree life is miserable living there. I am also going to leave as soon as I can.
@MCPCMD 9 месяцев назад
Good luck to me then 😂 next yaar... esp for people who are born with warm personality... If I was a sunflower here I'd be a cactus there 😂😂
@BlissLovePeace 9 месяцев назад
"If you chose to be happy, nothing can make you miserable, and if you chose to be miserable, nothing can make you happy"... that said, life is full of surprises and we are free yo chose our experiences. I have lived over 20y outside of Germany and returning back to Germany I couldn't be happier! Sometimes a detour takes us right back to where we are supposed to be.
@Apricot90 8 месяцев назад
German people will suck the life out of you very successfully. After all they're known as racists world wide for a reason and nothing has changed. Cold ass motherfuckers, they don't even like their own children or parents.
@FarmerSchinken 3 месяца назад
@@Apricot90 You sound incredibly racists - how come you didn't fit in with the Germans?
@yy-ex2il 3 месяца назад
leise sein sie hat recht@@FarmerSchinken
@sblbb929 9 месяцев назад
Germans have very exclusive social circles. If you didn't grow up in that kind of social culture it's very hard to get in. Basically, the treshhold for friendship is very high but once you're accepted in, you got loyal friends for life and all of their friends will treat you the same (by recommendation from your first friend). It's hard even for germans who move to another city. Many foreigners get the cold shoulder and think "Oh this person doesn't like me" "The germans don't want to be friends". But the reality is that there is a kind of a "warming up"/ try-out period and everyone gets the cold shoulder for a while first. Doesn't mean they hate you at all. One day suddenly they open up to you, like you're their long lost sister. Of course if you're from a very open place like latin america or parts of asia, you'll get a huge culture shock and might never see the ice break.
@paullin178 9 месяцев назад
Who gives a shit about German friendship anyways.
@crabLT 9 месяцев назад
@@paullin178 People in this comment section apparently, who cry and moan about not being accepted. No one has to accept you.
@yy-ex2il 3 месяца назад
@@crabLT he is right
@annao1827 10 месяцев назад
Sadly i felt same with chinese and koreans .i had kots of racism. I think its bc i was white. So i am not surprised bc germany is an ethnicity.. Germans is a long history. Even japan is hard to live.. good luck.
@ckye736 10 месяцев назад
Spot on from someone who was born and educated there in top humanistisches Gymnasium. It’s the toxic atmosphere. Just leave if you don’t want to feel miserable.
@Rose-Butterfly22 11 месяцев назад
Can't wait to leave Germany. Most unfriendly, xenofic and cold people in the world. It's a very organized and clean country with a very good economy, but the citizens ruin it for me.
@pinkimietz3243 11 месяцев назад
After 34 years in germany they killed my soul, my happiness. I felt worthless. 34 years and they're still racist towards me, 34 years and I still made no friends because people here are mean! Payment is bad, bureaucracy makes no sense, government is out of touch and the smell! I'm sorry but germans have a hygiene problem 🤢. I'm leaving in a couple of month. My mom is trying to make me stay by telling me I wouldn't have anybody in Portugal where I'm going to live. Bitch brought me here and didn't even learned the language. Since I was 4 I managed the whole family life. If she wants to stay she can die on that hill. Alone. Just as you do in the is disgusting country.
@dantesparda7719 8 месяцев назад
Where are you originally from?
@alexandrupop6154 Год назад
I love your videos. You have such a soothing voice. 😘
@northstar12389 Год назад
I was an immigrant too and I endorse this girl. You will never grow your carrer in germany.
@holasoyfrancis2717 Год назад
You forgot about the teenagers in germany but the foreigner teenagers there are so rude
@berkdemi Год назад
I can absolutely relate to you dear, thanks for making this Video. I grew up there and left as soon as i received my first payment from my online work :D. Thanks to God, i dont have to go back :D :D im living in Portugal now. Berk
@TomTomson81 Год назад
I wanted to watch the video but then this terribly annoying music played.
@ediceberg1200 Год назад
please make a video of your fluent german
@aperson2730 Год назад
Isn't it similar in Japan ? Yes? No?
@TheShmrsh Год назад
Take care!
@kimpham7846 Год назад
I experienced racism too. I think racism is everywhere in any country.
@ArdaSReal Год назад
Germany has a big problem with itself and it results in many people being miserable.
@jamescarvajalacosta9816 Год назад
Beautiful song but it's to loud, i can barely hear you...