Girl Savor Screen
Girl Savor Screen
Girl Savor Screen
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@JerellJones-z9t 4 дня назад
I wish you had full reactions
@MyenaVT 4 дня назад
The gas in the helmets are a stimulant to heighten their senses and keep them awake. A lot of armies in WW2 did this especially Germany the most well known is “panzerschokolade”. Since it’s the Umbaran home planet it’s not toxic for them.
@marshalllatta2073 5 дней назад
This is the best are ever made i watch this all the time so happy you're finally watching it 😊
@girlsavorscreen 3 дня назад
it did start with bang
@Howzerct2546 7 дней назад
If only you know the he'll we want through that planet.......
@girlsavorscreen 3 дня назад
I starting to get an idea
@Howzerct2546 3 дня назад
@@girlsavorscreen you have no idea let's just say never trust anyone
@aitipsea3909 7 дней назад
The Umbarans ARE the natives and they are Separatist troopers, these are people fighting to protect their home Their suits are not to survive but to pump them full of experimental drugs to boost their senses and stamina
@girlsavorscreen 3 дня назад
are they weapon makers?
@aitipsea3909 11 часов назад
​​@@girlsavorscreen kinda, see because of the way their world works they are very secluded and untrusting, which is why they would rather make their own weaponry than buy it from some megacorporation They do make weapons but they are almost exclusively for self defense and they don't actively profit from them (unlike the Geonosians who created things like the Battle Droids to supply to other people to survive before the war)
@aitipsea3909 59 минут назад
@girlsavorscreen kinda, see because of the way their world works they are very secluded and untrusting, which is why they would rather make their own weaponry than buy it from some megacorporation They do make weapons but they are almost exclusively for self defense and they don't actively profit from them (unlike the Geonosians who created things like the Battle Droids to supply to other people to survive before the war)
@aitipsea3909 7 дней назад
Remember senator Deechi? The pale stock up dude going against Padme last season? If you remember him you'll also remember that he got assassinated by Lolo His death led to the umbarans to distrust the Republic's ability to protect them so they joined the Separatists, which leads to the invasion you see now Worse still is that you'll hear the clones and jedi talk about how they've never been to the planet and how the umbaran tech is unknown to them, showing how negligent they were of their allies This is space Vietnam and the Republic is the USA
@Max-vu2uo 7 дней назад
"this is gonna be a bloodbath" yes....
@girlsavorscreen 6 дней назад
yall are scaring me
@hehu4025 7 дней назад
The best clone arc for me. Let's start with the reason for Umbara joining the Separatists. The planet was relatively neutral during the war but had a strong pro-Republic political stance. Umbara's senator proposed a massive increase in war spending. So, what changed? Umbara's senator was assassinated. Many who sympathized with the Republic now leaned towards the Separatists. On Umbara, the senator's proposal to increasing spending on war was considered madness. Furthermore, it came at the worst time, right after the crisis on Rodia that could have influenced Umbara. Rodia wanted to remain neutral, but due to two massive battles, the Republic forced various concessions, essentially making the planet "non-neutral". Umbarans might have feared that the Republic would do the same to them, motivating them for a coup. After the coup, even if Umbarans wanted to remain neutral, they knew they couldn't. Umbara held a strategic military and trade position. Whoever controlled Umbara controlled the entire region. So who is the aggressor here? There are no droids on the planet because Separatists were only able to send a fleet to help. This only shows that Republic did not even consider the option of negotiations. Why did Palpatine want Anakin to stay away from that battle? Look at this battle. This is Vietnam. And notice who’s there: Kenobi Rex Ahsoka Barriss All the most important people, except for well Palpatine and Padme. (In the book, Ahsoka was almost killed here.) The actual battle is very developed. For now let's start with the space battle. There, Luminara achieved a massive victory, and thanks to Barriss and Ahsoka, the planetary landing became possible. (We see them in the introduction to the arc.) I will talk about all perspectives in later episodes. And regarding Barriss, it's worth mentioning her character growth. Well, this battle was too much for her. Barriss as Force Heler had to decide who would die and who would live. There were thoughts about leaving the order. This quote speaks volumes and perfectly represents her logic similar to Qui-Gon's: “They stood together on the edge of the battlefield, watching the smoke and rubble clear from the devastation of the last battle. Barriss stared with a heavy heart at the horror that was everywhere. She looked tired and defeated, her once-bright eyes dulled with internal conflict. "How long do you think we'll keep fighting like this?" She said calmly. Ahsoka turned to her with slight confusion. "What do you mean, Barriss?" Barriss turned her gaze to the destroyed Umbarian Tank Walker. She noticed many bodies around the vehicle. Both the clones and the crew were desperate and fought to the end. She looked at Ahsoka, her eyes full of doubt and criticism. "Does what we do really make sense? Does our fight actually lead to something good?" Ahsoka sighed and calmly replied. "There is much that is not going according to our plans, but we must fight for what we believe in." "But do we really believe in what we're doing? Doesn't our fight cause more damage than good?" Her voice tone sped up, doubt clouded her face, her eyes searched for answers. Ahsoka felt helpless as she tried to find words to calm her friend down. "There are many things that are not perfect, but we must do what we can to protect innocent people and try to keep the peace. We must fight for what we believe in." "But what else can we believe?" Her voice started to filled with an emotional struggle. "All I see is death and destruction. How can we fight for something that seems so hopeless!" Ahsoka took Barriss' hand in hers, feeling her friend's pain. "We have to believe in each other, Barriss, and the good we can do. We did what we could. We fought for good, to protect the innocent and defend justice. We can't control the outcome of this war, we can only fight." Barriss nodded slightly. "I know," she whispered." It's also worth noting that all Ahsoka says are empty Jedii definitions. She doesn't see a problem. Barriss ultimately decided to stay for several reasons: -Ahsoka - Well, nothing needs to be added here. -Knowledge - She wants to help, and with more knowledge, she'll be able to help more effectively. -And my personal potential argument: Would the Jedi leave her alone? I wouldn't be surprised if the Jedi would spy on her and didn't leave her alone because a few Jedi joined Dooku after leaving the Order.
@girlsavorscreen 3 дня назад
I would like to know what Ahsoka or any of the jedi's think their fighting for
@hehu4025 3 дня назад
@@girlsavorscreen Well Anakin taught Ahsoka that she has to fight to survive so her logic is similar: "I fight to survive so that my loved ones will not be harmed so that nothing bad will happen to the Order which is like family to me." As for other Jedi, everyone has a different opinion about the war and the purpose of their fight, but most often there are just empty words “in the name of peace.” - so they don't know or even care. There are few who, like Barriss, will look at the battlefield and ask themselves: what is it all for?
@girlsavorscreen 3 дня назад
@@hehu4025 it's a good question, I am starting to ask too.
@girlsavorscreen 8 дней назад
REX 🎉🎉🎉
@girlsavorscreen 11 дней назад
An oldie but still a goodie!!!
@erwilson25 11 дней назад
Thank you!! I'm so glad that someone else said the same thing I said when Johnny was talking about the whole situation with Tory. Like dude when has fighting with rage every worked out for you. Or your son. Or Tory herself. If he understood her so well he could have talked to her and tried to relate to her but now instead he seems to want to just argue with Daniel.
@girlsavorscreen 11 дней назад
yeah, Tory is angry and needs to release it but it shouldn't be with Sam, he could have done one of his crazy trainings with her. I really wish they did the death in episode 1.
@jojogarlin8369 12 дней назад
You know I appreciate you reasonable outlook, because you’re the one of the few reactors to actually look at this reaction and see what Johnny was saying about Tory is ridiculous. I know he was coming from a well meaning place but the girl was clearly NOT working through this. And I’m glad you brought up her brother because I was thinking that she hasn’t even dealt with the situation at all, the last thing she needs to be doing at that moment was fighting for the top spot. I’m convinced nowadays that people just want hate Daniel and even his whole family. Because even when Daniel’s being reasonable people still find a way to make seem look bad. Fans are willing to accuse him of playing favorites for stopping the fight when Amanda herself told him to stop it, some even accuse Amanda of being biased even though she’s the one person here who doesn’t care any of this. I’m also tired of the back and forth that Daniel and Johnny had to go through I loved the last season because for the most part everybody was together on this, but now we’re here on the last season and these two are still going back and forth, at this point like you I’m over it. I just wanted them to be a team but they are so on and off again like some kind of high school couple that I don’t care about them working together anymore. I just want it to be over.
@girlsavorscreen 11 дней назад
I think they think we need Johnny and Daniel's back and forth to make the show more interesting but we don't, there's a lot of things happening, and a lot of stories they need close, we did not have time for this. I am looking forward to the tournament and I do find Daniel annoying; but I think he comes across that way because Johnny is funny and he's not, and Daniel has his life together and his complaining comes across more annoying.
@jojogarlin8369 11 дней назад
@@girlsavorscreen Yeah I would’ve thought they gotten past that mindset with season five since that was the only season we’re Daniel and Johnny didn’t have any conflict besides that one scene and we’re pretty much on the same side and actually acted like friends but for some reason that they throw that out the window and bring back this back and forth. I like Daniel a lot, I’m not gonna pretend that he can’t be judgemtal, impulsive and even downright stupid, but Johnny can be those things two and a lot of people are willing to play Devil’s advocate with himself because he doesn’t have his life together as much as Daniel, which I think is unfair outlook. Johnny’s not a child so him being ignorant for things I can’t chalk it down to being young like I can for the kids. Yeah I find Johnny funnier but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna give him a pass for his shenanigans and it’s the same for Daniel. And the thing that bothers me the most is that fans are so willing to lean into “Daniel is the real villain” that there willing to create their own narrative accusing Daniel of sabotaging Tory so his daughter can be captain. Like I know this man is annoying but i dont like how Johnny gets a pass because he’s stupid funny sometimes and they are willing to make Daniel’s actions sound worse than they are even when he’s being somewhat reasonable.
@matheusbeletti457 12 дней назад
i love robbie, the goat
@Rorieking 13 дней назад
The situation with Tory is just saddening to see, but it makes sense why she would fall back to Kreese, not for cobra kai or for kreese but for her mother, and tbh both sides Johnny and Daniel make a point when it comes to Tory.. but we have two months to go until the next part! I can’t wait for the tournament.
@girlsavorscreen 11 дней назад
I get Johnny but he should have said it in front of everyone, it added to what Kreese told her. She can go out and break something and release her anger, but she shouldn't have fought Sam.
@nicko6773 13 дней назад
Just found your channel, glad to find someone reacting to this show! The pollination scene is so strange and intense, the sort of thing that haunts you.
@girlsavorscreen 11 дней назад
Welcome aboard! the show is amazing and I hope more people get into so they can do season 2.
@girlsavorscreen 14 дней назад
Will Julie be a judge in the sekai taikai?
@animelife8596 15 дней назад
It's funny to see this episode again 😂. Now the next episodes are gonna suck. If you know, you know 😔
@girlsavorscreen 14 дней назад
😨😰long arc never go well
@marshalllatta2073 16 дней назад
This episode was so funny 😂😂😂
@Howzerct2546 16 дней назад
Very unhinged flanker adventure
@girlsavorscreen 14 дней назад
everything happen!!!
@Howzerct2546 14 дней назад
@@girlsavorscreen I meant clanker
@aitipsea3909 16 дней назад
Yes Grievous is a jerk to others because he got it rough, that's pretty much his character lol Is why he became a cyborg in the first place! The Jedi blindly aided his people's enemies, so he went on to get enhancements to fight them and make them extinct
@girlsavorscreen 16 дней назад
@hehu4025 21 день назад
1:14 Dooku is not a dictator. Ok, he is the leader, but the Separatists also have their own government. And yes the Separatists also carry out humanitarian missions. The Separatist Alliance is nothing more than the Alliance of Systems that were disappointed with the Republic's actions and seceded. It is obvious that since they themselves were victims of corruption and passivity, they will not want to let others suffer. In practice, it is more complicated because of Dooku and the Separatist Council, but just as Republic has Padme and Tarkin, it is the same with the Separatists. There are good and bad factions.
@girlsavorscreen 16 дней назад
The separatists would care but Dooku's main focus would be the war, I don't think he would worry too much about it especially if it's not going to make him look good.
@Max-vu2uo 22 дня назад
i have a love hate relationship with this aec, its filler but also kinda fun
@kevingt7777 25 дней назад
They say the grand inquisitor has 2 stomachs lol on to kenobi series, wondering if you seen the movies it seems like you only maybe seen phantom menace?
@girlsavorscreen 23 дня назад
yeah, I have only seen the phantom menace and the clone wars movie
@kevingt7777 23 дня назад
@@girlsavorscreen interesting way you're watching them lol have fun
@girlsavorscreen 25 дней назад
Figure Video: Dust- Reborn: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ZfaoMmoqRWc.html I can't escape death this week!!
@kevingt7777 26 дней назад
The actor for kino Loyd is actually snoke lol for the sequels
@girlsavorscreen 25 дней назад
nice, I didn't know that
@kevingt7777 26 дней назад
Love this reactions lol to andor and in the process of watching the rest lol
@girlsavorscreen 25 дней назад
I am glad your enjoying it, can't wait for season 2
@hehu4025 26 дней назад
What is this necklace? There are many possibilities. It could be simple technology that controls a person. Well such technology exists and is in every clone. However, it could also be an artifact from an ancient civilization that had some connection to the Force, such as the Zeffo, who might have come from another galaxy. It could also be a Sith artifact, and it might have enhanced the person wearing it, but it would have to be a dark side user, a powerful one, or else the artifact could control or even harm the wearer. As for what the Gungan Prime Minister showed, it's the so-called "Mystical Gungan Magic." Unfortunately, we don't know exactly what it is. It could be the use of the Force, an illusion, or some kind of trick. Personally, I think it's a trick or illusion created with the help of some technology. This was probably one of Grievous's biggest failures. After so many successes in the Core Worlds, he withdraws and gets captured by a Gungan. Well, if it were Mandalorians, it could be publicly justified, but in this case, if this information became public, Grievous would be a laughingstock for a while. (Gungans are clumsy, but the truth is that before the Clone Wars they had one of the strongest armies.) As for infiltrating Naboo, guess who was a senator when Padme was queen. As a complete coincidence, it was Palpatine who still has a lot of influence on Naboo because he's from there. Palpatine and his people in the Senate decide about everything on all planets, especially Naboo. So Padme can do whatever she wants when it comes to Naboo's safety, but in practice, Palpatine holds all the cards. (It is important to remember that this war is for nothing and the only winner is the person who controls it. Ironically, Palpatine swore that he would not allow the Republic to split in two and he kept his word.) Regarding Anakin and Dooku, It's important to note that Dooku had bested both Anakin and Kenobi previously, and even in Revenge of the Sith, he had the upper hand. Sidious ordered Dooku to surrender, orchestrating the fight in such a way that Anakin would win. Dooku's plan: He was supposed to testify before the Senate and reveal all the Separatist secrets. Then he was to help finish the war on the Republic's side, then Order 66 and after that Dooku planned to build a new reformed Jedii Order, in practice, a Sith Order. However, Dooku had no intention of losing his hands. So what happened? Dooku was indeed more powerful than Anakin but not Vader. If Anakin use the dark side, Dooku has a problem. In Revenge of the Sith, Dooku provoked Anakin, and outdueled Kenobi, so he effectively passed a death sentence on himself. When Anakin cut off Dooku's hands, he was in shock because he lost the duel, and then Palpatine told Anakin, "Do it." We can only imagine how shocked the Count was.
@girlsavorscreen 25 дней назад
@marshalllatta2073 26 дней назад
Shadow warrior was a great episode gungans defeating general Grievous was so incredible and so embarrassing for him 😊
@girlsavorscreen 25 дней назад
I am going to make fun him every single time
@aitipsea3909 27 дней назад
Grievous being defeated here is his lowest point for sure, but its not too bad. His boss told him the gungans were his allies, and they betrayed his trust, not to mention he's a mechanical warrior on his own fighting against an entire army with EMPs designed to disable mechanicals Don't worry though, his failure here will have a comeuppance later on in this season, but its not gonna be in a way you expect (or enjoy considering who your favorite characters are 😏)
@girlsavorscreen 25 дней назад
@aitipsea3909 27 дней назад
"Where's the Republic?" a question that summarizes this entire era, this is why the Separatists exist in the first place Also I really like how Anakin and Grievous mirror eachother, not caring about the rules in order to achieve victory, being defeated here because of their arrogance and being essentially the biggest monsters that the other side of the war fears, and even then they won't meet until EP III at the end of the war 😅
@Max-vu2uo 27 дней назад
is it just me or would this episode make more Sense before the underwater war arc?
@aitipsea3909 27 дней назад
In the underwater arc the gungans aid the Republic but lose a ton of their people while getting literally nothing in return This leads to the gungan citizens to be questioning of the Republic and the naboo once again, something that Dooku takes full advantage of here
@girlsavorscreen 28 дней назад
sometimes your brain takes a nap in the middle of doing things😆
@girlsavorscreen Месяц назад
RIP Levi!!!
@haneby1114 Месяц назад
You have to qualify for the sekai takai not as easy as the all valley
@girlsavorscreen 28 дней назад
I think she's a sophomore, she has some time
@Kayoss13212 Месяц назад
I sometimes wonder how much Kenny actually should be in the tournament compared to other people? I mean, the dude just started karate, and we’re really supposed to believe that he can take over Cobra Kai, go toe to toe with guys like Miguel and Robby, and even stand next to them to fight the world? Especially when the show has made it a point to keep saying that most of his opponents have held back against him?
@girlsavorscreen Месяц назад
The main four are obviously the best but Kenny should be apart of the six, he is good and Him and Hawk can hold their own.
@marshalllatta2073 Месяц назад
This was one of the most underrated Arc in the clone wars and one of my favorite Am so happy you enjoy it 😊
@girlsavorscreen Месяц назад
thank you, this was good but I see it getting lost, there has been a lot of great ARCs.
@jojogarlin8369 Месяц назад
To be honest I don’t think Daniel was that bad. Yeah he was bias towards his son but at least he recognized it. It was his idea to have Mike as a neutral decider. And yeah he was rooting for his son who was not cut out for it, at least he didn’t argue and start a fight just to make a case for him.
@Kayoss13212 Месяц назад
It is funny how people say that Daniel was showing favoritism, but I wasn’t exactly seeing him trying to show Anthony off like Johnny was trying to show Devon off and literally starting a fight for her. lol.
@Rorieking Месяц назад
I hope Devon faces some consequences for costing Kenny a spot they did him wrong 😂 and I agree she is doing a lil too much especially with Kenny thinking Anthony did it, can’t wait to see your reaction to the next episode.
@girlsavorscreen Месяц назад
I want everyone to know what she did, and Kenny feels like the Daniel and possibly Johnny won't believe him or don't care about him so anything can set them off.
@girlsavorscreen Месяц назад
This team is awful, two of them are just there, no offense to Demetri.
@alexandervelez9507 Месяц назад
interesting you said “why get close to him if you’ve been through this thousands of times before?” when the same could easily be said for those trying to find love. lol
@girlsavorscreen Месяц назад
🤔that is true and the heart fits
@Howzerct2546 Месяц назад
Well finally the Republic got a victory thanks to the sacrifice of all those troops clone and aliens alike
@hehu4025 Месяц назад
8:08 Fisto will be killed in *Revenge of the Sith* by Palpatine. As for his people, I think his species is neutral, but I'm not sure. Well, the Gungans were the closest. 18:05 Don’t worry, kids will show up too. "Republic is always unprepared." Well, considering that this war is controlled by one person, it makes sense. The truth is that before the war, the Republic didn’t have any army. If Palpatine hadn’t been controlling both sides, the Separatists would have won the war in the first few months with their initial offensive. They had an army and were ready. What’s worth mentioning is the Mon Cala Rebellion. This planet will be the first to rebel against the Empire, spurred on by a surviving Padawan who had a vision of the Empire's downfall. He spoke to Lee-Char about it. Unfortunately, the Padawan didn’t tell Lee-Char that the planet’s rebellion, according to the vision, was supposed to inspire other planets. Lee-Char was convinced that his rebellion would trigger the Empire’s collapse. He was deceived. Empire wiped out the rebels on the planet, and Vader himself paid a visit. King was imprisoned, and the Padawan was killed. Leia tried to rescue Lee-Char, but he was killed. He managed to say his last words to the people through a droid: "I am Lee-Char of Mon Cala, and I am dying. But we are all dying. The question becomes, how do we wish to live the time we have? What kind of life do we wish to leave for those who follow us? I have been an absent king, and I am ashamed. I wish I could have been with you through this Imperial hell. I was with you in my heart. I have never forgotten you. The Fleet is Mon Cala's pride. Mon Cala knows the Empire's evil. Their atrocities are burned on our flesh. We know what wrongs they have done... but we can only guess at the horrors they will do next. If we are with them when they do so, all our pride will curdle to shame. It cannot be so... Goodbye, my people."
@girlsavorscreen Месяц назад
I did spoiled myself about Lee-char death, but I didn't know it was this sad, I don't blame the padawan I wouldn't have told him either, but no more spoilers I want to watch the movies in order. my dread for seven is just getting worse.
@hehu4025 Месяц назад
@@girlsavorscreen His death is in the comic. No spoilers from me :)
@Max-vu2uo Месяц назад
5:20 i dont think so😜
@girlsavorscreen Месяц назад
@aitipsea3909 Месяц назад
As you saw Dooku ordered Riff Tamson to force civilians into slave labor, which has no practical use because droids could do the same tasks more efficiently This is needless cruelty, making the Separatists look like monsters in the eyes of this neutral world thus leading it to join the Republic, thus making it ripe to stay under the Empire's control once the war ends All by Palpatine's plan, it also allows him to use people like Grievous to create fearmongering for Republic citizens but it's secret enough for the Separatist citizens to not know about it
@girlsavorscreen Месяц назад
The always wonder what Dooku was think during this time, apart has to think Palpatine's plans are insane.
@aitipsea3909 Месяц назад
​@@girlsavorscreen Dooku started out wanting to do the right thing for the people that the Republic's neglect and corruption was harming, that's why the ideals of the Separatist Alliance as true and just at a base level However Sidius corrupted Dooku's ideals, now as Darth Tyranus he sees the evil he's doing as necessary to bring an end to the Republic and the Jedi from the inside. As evil as he is now Dooku never gave himself fully to the dark side, which is why his body is mostly intact and his eyes aren't Sith Yellow all the time unlike Maul or Vader
@girlsavorscreen Месяц назад
@@aitipsea3909which is sad, I feel he lost his ability to see the actual problems, and focus on the jedis and what makes it worse is that he could have done some good.
@girlsavorscreen Месяц назад
long live king Lee-Char
@iambravvo Месяц назад
Kwon is goated
@Rorieking Месяц назад
This Miyagi story seems very open ended and I feel there’ll be more to it in the coming episodes and I feel Kwon will prove to be a challenge to our boys, also I think the reason why they can still compete is probably cause of Kim as she was with Silver when Cobra Kai got the spot for the tournament.
@girlsavorscreen Месяц назад
He will, but I am hoping he turns on them or at least Kreese. good point about Kim, that makes sense.
@chosenvader Месяц назад
I mean Kwon was already bad in the beginning and now he will be ALOT worse. Looks like we found a new challenge for Miguel & Robby lol