@Quick413 2 дня назад
Disclaimer, I am not a math major, I just remember taking my stats class in high school, so take some of this with a grain of salt. How I originally interpreted it is that you can get extra damage dice off of your extra damage dice. The wording in the spell description does say, “If you roll an 8 on a d8 for this spell, you can roll another d8, and add it to the damage.” That plus the fact it limits you to an addition of dice no greater than your charisma modifier makes me believe that is the intended definition of the spell. With that in mind, it makes it possible to get up to 5 extra damage dice even at level 1 (if you have 20 CHA), you just have to get extremely lucky. Since all of that is the case, I’d prefer to think about it like this: at level one the spell is 1d8 damage, but if you roll an 8, it becomes 1d8+8. If you roll a second 8, it becomes 1d8+16, etc etc. (It’s also how I coded it in my damage calculator for the spell) If you start thinking about the damage calculation like that, you can just find the average damage for 1d8, then add the damage of the amount of “bursts” that you succeeded on rolling. Since the average damage for 1d8 is 5.5, then the average damage with one burst is 13.5, two bursts 21.5, 3 bursts 29.5, etc. The only variables that change are the chances of rolling that amount of 8’s in a row. At level one, to roll one 8 is 1/8 (0.125), but multiple in a row gets a lot less likely a lot more quickly. Getting 2 in a row becomes 1/(8)^2 (0.0156), 3 in a row is 1/(8)^3 (0.0019531). At level 17 the statistics change drastically. Since there’s multiple dice, you can now roll something other than an 8. On your first couple dice the initial chance to roll an 8 with all four dice is 1/2 since there are four dice, each with a 1/8 chance to roll it. But for each eight you don’t roll, the chance to roll an eight goes down significantly. From 1/2 (4 dice) to 3/8 (3 dice), to 1/4 (2 dice), all the way back to 1/8. I haven’t done the math for that yet since I’m just writing this comment in a couple min(like 15 min since mobile RU-vid comments suck), but once I do, I too will put it into a spreadsheet and lay out the numbers to read easier than a RU-vid comment. Aside from that, good work man. As I said before, love the content. Keep up the good work. I do have a suggestion however: you should make a discord or something for these kind of discussions. It would allow for easier banter and discussion of these topics. It could also get more people into watching your content. Either way, have a good day man.
@Clepto_and_Co 3 дня назад
Produce flame should be at least b tier, druids barely get any cantrips so a two for one with each effect slightly worse but still comparable to pretty good wizard spells seems like a good deal. And the spell doesn't end when you shoot a fireball so you only need the bonus action once every 10 minutes, most likely meaning it's already out when combat starts
@redeyefire942 3 дня назад
Actually you are right, I though it still had the same text from the older version. Now you still need a Bonus action on the first round of combat if you didn't need to the spell for light.
@meat02 4 дня назад
Dancing Lights is a spell i use for RPing, you can make a doll that is a night light because its dim light or use it along side prestidigitation for example.
@redeyefire942 4 дня назад
That is a very cute use for it... but using the spell as a light source is so bad, I just can't over look it.
@daikatarokamegawa542 2 дня назад
I mean dancing lights is kind of a noob trap IMO. You give up your valuable concentration for something that can be similarly achieved with mage hand and a candle...
@brgessner 4 дня назад
Minor illusion is a utility cantrip. As a medium creature be able to hide behind a minor illusion 5 x 5 box or rock. Forcing the enemy to use an action to make an int check to see if said rock is real or not. Most mobs at least in early levels don't have great int stats. My arcane trickster got lots of mileage out of it.
@Quick413 4 дня назад
Great content man. You are effectively using the resources you have to your disposal and I applaud that. I look forward to any videos that you make in the future, and wish you luck in your journey. Side note, saw sorcerous blast on dnd beyond and thought it would go funny with my gambling character. Too bad it’s a 0.00003051% chance to roll max damage dice with 20 CHA.
@Klaital1 16 дней назад
Requiring Concentration isn't the only nerf to Forcecage, it now also consumes the 1.5k gold material component. It's now a pretty sad spell, just use Wall of Force instead. And the Wish loophole for Simulacrum isn't gone. The simulacrum can't cast simulacrum anymore, but it can still cast wish just fine and duplicate the effects of Simulacrum that way just like before.
@redeyefire942 16 дней назад
Wish "You don't need to meet any requirements in that spell, including costly components. The spell simply takes effect." Simulacrum's Effects "it can’t cast this spell."
@redeyefire942 16 дней назад
Your right about me forgetting, how ever a level 13 Wizard should make about (39,000g) for there whole career, every level just gain more gold it's not that bad of a gold sink.
@Klaital1 16 дней назад
@@redeyefire942 Except you already need to spend quite a lot of gold to add extra spells to your spell book, and you probably also want to make a back-up spellbook in case your original one gets lost or destroyed, which ain't cheap. And even then, the point remains that now that it has concentration, there is very little reason to cast forcecage over wall of force, the only benefit you get is the fairly situational anti teleport effect.
@Klaital1 16 дней назад
Summon Greater Demon and confusion are both great spells, how do you have those listed among worst 5 4th level spells? Summon Greater Demon lets you summon a LOT more powerful creatures than any of the other summons, and Confusion is one of the best control spells in the game. Losing control of the demon isn't even that big of a deal if you positioned it correctly, because it specifically attacks the CLOSEST non-demon when it is out of control, so just put it on the other side of the enemies from the rest of your party, and then even if you lose control of it, it will still keep attacking your enemies (as long as your not fighting other demons).
@Klaital1 16 дней назад
Jump is a great spell now, it's basically misty step every round for a minute without needing to use your bonus action.
@redeyefire942 16 дней назад
Yeah I just miss read jump, your right it's a +20ft movement speed.
@Klaital1 16 дней назад
Water Breathing is a ritual so wizard can cast it without having it prepared anyways.
@Klaital1 16 дней назад
You can't use twinned spell with dominate spells, the upcasting on those just increases their duration, not number of targets. You completely missed the HUGE nerf to both Aberrant Mind, and Clockwork, which is that you can no longer swap your bonus spells around. Chromatic Orb at best is just Fireball with extra steps, and at worst, does nothing, it is not really all that powerful.
@Klaital1 16 дней назад
Assassinate was heavily buffed, not nerfed. Previous it did nothing unless the target was surprised (which happened maybe 5% of the time if you were lucky), and even if they were surprised, it still didn't work if you didn't beat the enemy in initiative, now it works every combat. Supreme Sneak is really mediocre ability, at the level you get this, you already have reliable talent, which means you can just hide again as your bonus action with guaranteed success anyways, and not waste the sneak attack die. How did you give Rogue, the best skill monkey in the game that can have expertise in social skills with reliable talent from level 7 onwards, a 2 in social category?
@redeyefire942 16 дней назад
I'm actually doing a video on Rogues at the moment. I feel as though the Arcane trickster or Soul knife is going to end up having a higher DPR than the Assassin. Thieves want to save their bonus action for fast hands. The reason why they have low Social marks is they don't have enough stats to invest into charisma and their expertise normally needed elsewhere. In general I find that Rogue players aren't participating as much in the social aspect of the game though this statement is made entirely with my own bias.
@Klaital1 16 дней назад
Dual-wielding beast master is literally the highest damage martial in the game, their damage is completely off the charts, especially at high levels, and even at like level 5, your already doing 4 attacks per round (most of them with advantage) that do equivalent damage to great sword, you get 5th attack at 11th level, and when you get share spells at 15th, your damage becomes actually ridiculous since you can cast conjure woodland beings on both yourself AND your beast companion at the same time, which alone is 10d8 damage to everything nearby every round, before even counting in the damage of your actual attacks.
@Klaital1 16 дней назад
Ranger's spells prepared were never tied to Wisdom, they always had fixed number. Just like Paladins, rangers can swap their weapon masteries on long rest.
@Klaital1 16 дней назад
Paladins can swap weapon masteries every long rest. You completely left out the biggest buff to devotion paladin, which is that sacred weapon no longer takes an action to use but is just used as part of the attack action now. You got the glory oath spells backwards, they lost commune and flame strike and gained legend lore and Yolande's Regal Presence.
@Klaital1 16 дней назад
One thing to note about monk is that while they did get proficiency with hand crossbow, it is not a monk weapon, which makes that proficiency rather useless. Also, Deflect Energy does NOT let you reflect fireballs or breath weapons, only ATTACKS, which means anything that requires an attack roll. But you have Evasion to deal with fireballs anyways. Elemental Burst is not around you, its 120ft range, basically like a fireball.
@Klaital1 16 дней назад
The change in great weapon fighting, while technically a nerf, is such a minor change that you will barely notice it, as the difference is less than 1 point of damage on average. You should never have taken the old great weapon fighting anyways since it was total trash to begin with, so now you can just instead not take the new one and nothing changes.
@Klaital1 16 дней назад
You are way off base with all the wild shape bashing, I have played the new moon druid and they totally rock with wild shapes, and every other subclass gets a good alternate use for wild shape, so no matter what subclass you take, you have very solid uses for wild shape. Also the one thing your completely missing about the hp is that the old moon druid could only ever have 2 wild shapes, now you have a number of wild shapes equal to 4 + all your spell slots, which will translate to lot more overall hit points even if you get less at a time. As an example, the campaign where I am playing the moon druid we are currently at 14th level, which means that I can every round gain 42 temporary hit points with my bonus action, which combined with the buffed AC for wild shape, makes me super tanky. And you do SO MUCH more damage in wild shape now than you used to, with primal strikes and improved lunar form.
@redeyefire942 16 дней назад
I was more so talking about Non-Moon Druids Using it for animal shaping in combat for a durability boost.
@Azktor 16 дней назад
I think it is fine for non moon druids to have Wild Shape be an utility/exploration tool instead of tanking tool. To be honest i think they got right the balance (monster manual pending) of Wild shape both for moon and non-moon druids
@Klaital1 16 дней назад
What are you talking about with the trickery domain? Confusion is miles better than Hypnotic Pattern. Here is why, first, Hypnotic Pattern relies on the charmed condition, which like 90% of monsters at higher levels are immune to, Confusion does not rely on any condition and thus nothing is inherently immune to it. Second, Hypnotic Pattern ends as soon as any damage is done to the target, or anyone just pokes the target, Confusion lets you keep doing full damage to the affected targets without breaking, and only way the effect ends is if they make the save.
@onionknight7995 16 дней назад
I found that the 'update' just added either meaningless changes (race and origin), changes that I myself have already been using (rule changes), bloated content (the majority of stuff added), or insane power creep to the classes (chromatic orb). also fighter is kind of trash compared to what it was and its my favourite class so I'm sad now ;( this isn't to say it's a bad update, I just find it a meaningless one. to me and my players and the people I play with, dnd 5e provides just the building blocks for the game we play, and then we pick and choose what we want. with this update, we found ourselves excluding more stuff than including stuff, and thus found it redundant and unneeded. also chromatic orb is so fucking busted when you break it down... sorcerer with empowered spell + elemental adept = playing glorified yahtzee with chromatic orb and possibly deleting an entire horde of undead with a single spell. And I'm sure theres many more busted things you can do. like I said, it's not necessarily a bad update, just me and my group really don't like it because of its power creep, bloating, and every race apparently getting fey touched lol
@Klaital1 16 дней назад
Chromatic Orb isn't even that good, it looks good on a white board, but in actual game play it is pretty meh, in most cases, you are better off just casting fireball. Chromatic Orb for one, needs you to be fighting lot of enemies to even be worth casting, since it can only hit each target once, which also means it's damage is really split, and usually the best strategy is focusing one enemy down at a time. Then on top of that, if you miss even one attack roll, it stops entirely, and you need to upcast it all the way to 7th level until it's guaranteed to bounce, otherwise you have that additional rng factor of not rolling doubles (even though missing is the bigger issue, as even with advantage, you do miss every now and then). Also the new fighter is just objectively better than the old one by a wide margin, not sure how you can even claim it isn't when it has literally everything the old fighter did, plus lot of new toys.
@jackala2783 15 дней назад
Right there with you. And I bought the PHB, both physical and digital for D&DBeyond. The only thing I'm finding useful is the changes to the monk.
@redeyefire942 17 дней назад
I didn't expect this many views on the series so here are all 3 parts for you to check out: Part 1: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-j2W4oIPLBgE.html Part 2: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-_2aTtu9Xnhc.html Part 3 and final tier list: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-RqUNVPcSsIk.html
@redeyefire942 17 дней назад
I didn't expect this many views on the series so here are all 3 parts for you to check out: Part 1: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-j2W4oIPLBgE.html Part 2: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-_2aTtu9Xnhc.html Part 3 and final tier list: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-RqUNVPcSsIk.html
@redeyefire942 17 дней назад
I didn't expect this many views on the series so here are all 3 parts for you to check out: Part 1: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-j2W4oIPLBgE.html Part 2: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-_2aTtu9Xnhc.html Part 3 and final tier list: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-RqUNVPcSsIk.html
@meep107 17 дней назад
Good video hard to hear you at times
@redeyefire942 17 дней назад
Yeah I need a new Mic, but hey thanks for watching.
@MatheusGDAndrade 17 дней назад
I just agree.