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The media industry is in the midst of a sweeping digital transformation as advances in technology especially when content and information are in it's highest peek. As JK CONCEPTS TV put the public in suspense with our numerous jobs ranging from latest Nollywood movies, Documentaries, Spotlights, special reports etc
@Freeindeed8065 22 часа назад
If they were here before Adam, they would have died im the Flood. They are decendants of Eririe, son of Gad.
@baysolbenson362 4 дня назад
Another igbotic lie from hell. If they claim they exist before Adam their father is the lying one the snake. No wonder they claim in one of their lie series that Lagos was developed by igbos. They will soon know the truth when gbe chips are down.
@JessicaJordan-us6ti 5 дней назад
How do you know were you there? Where did you get your info the bible which one there0 are many so called bible which one is correct?
@benedictchukwudi2697 6 дней назад
@michaelc.1920 7 дней назад
Could you tell me if you are serious? "IGBOS LIVED BEFORE ADAM" You are directory saying to God, he is a liar. I feel very sorry for you, the biblical account below tells otherwise see below, Adam was the First Human God created. how then could you made up search a lie that IGBOS lived before, when the Word of God says... from one man and woman all humans came into existence. Chapter 1 [1:1] In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, [1:2] The earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. [1:3] Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. [1:4] God saw that the light was good and separated the light from the darkness. [1:5] God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day. [1:6] And God said, "Let there be a dome in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters." [1:7] So God made the dome and separated the waters that were under the dome from the waters that were above the dome. And it was so. [1:8] God called the dome Sky. And there was evening and there was morning, the second day. [1:9] And God said, "Let the waters under the sky be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear." And it was so. [1:10] God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good. [1:11] Then God said, "Let the earth put forth vegetation: plants yielding seed, and fruit trees of every kind on earth that bear fruit with the seed in it." And it was so. [1:12] The earth brought forth vegetation: plants yielding seed of every kind, and trees of every kind bearing fruit with the seed in it. And God saw that it was good. [1:13] And there was evening and there was morning, the third day. [1:14] And God said, "Let there be lights in the dome of the sky to separate the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years, [1:15] and let them be lights in the dome of the sky to give light upon the earth." And it was so. [1:16] God made the two great lights - the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night - and the stars. [1:17] God set them in the dome of the sky to give light upon the earth, [1:18] to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. [1:19] And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day. [1:20] And God said, "Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the dome of the sky." [1:21] So God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, of every kind, with which the waters swarm, and every winged bird of every kind. And God saw that it was good. [1:22] God blessed them, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth." [1:23] And there was evening and there was morning, the fifth day. [1:24] And God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind: cattle and creeping things and wild animals of the earth of every kind." And it was so. [1:25] God made the wild animals of the earth of every kind, and the cattle of every kind, and everything that creeps upon the ground of every kind. And God saw that it was good. [1:26] Then God said, "Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth." [1:27] So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. [1:28] God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth." [1:29] God said, "See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. [1:30] And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food." And it was so. [1:31] God saw everything he had made, and it was good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. Why did God create two sexes? Procreation. Firstly, God created us with external and internal differences so that we can make children. The biological differences between men and women serve procreation, to “fill the earth” (Genesis 1:28). But that's not the whole point.
@Komfo_Adu 5 дней назад
Your Christian god is not an AFRIKAN god. Take your Christian god and bible elsewhere. We Afrikans existed long before your Christian god created whatever he said to have created.
@jabezireal1085 7 дней назад
Africa need to unite and stop thinking one is better than the othe Acting just like the Whty man won't you to.
@oluwaseunomotayoayeni821 7 дней назад
Not only igbos we African av been exiting millions years even before Adam, we black people are not from Adam
@debradaniels6123 2 дня назад
News Flash! TMH Holy Abba Almighty God created the first of mankind in TMH's own image. Therefore, the ancient Adam and Eve, all the biblical patriarchs, and TMH's chosen Hebrew Israel people were highly melinated dark brown to copper brown skinned people. The original ancient biblical time Hebrew Israelites absolutely were not pale pigskin pink Europeans such as the European Ashkenazi illegitimate by both blood DNA and Coo Coo Birdlike theft, false imitation, and false claiming of a nation of people / culture not their original own who are the descendants of ancient converts to Judaism--the J_w-ish imposters throughout Europe and the USA, in Israel, Caribbean, South America, Africa, and elsewhere globally. Wth do you all think helped finance Trans-Atlantic African Slave ships, bought/sold African slaves, American and Caribbean slave plantations from which they became rich enough to fund the development of big NYC banks, financed NYC' Wall Street stocks and bonds exchange investment firms, are the evil wizards/witches primarily owning, controlling, most heavily profiting from/promoting satanic Hollywood Movies, Music, Mainstream Sports, News Media, and the Alcohol/Drugs entertainment industries people, the deliberate heavy subliminal, blatant, and destructive evil psychological racial social engineering separation of black men and black women from one another, the severe and disturbing mind division/dilution of the melanin-rich Negro American/African bloodlines/dna, the heavy insidious promotion of abominable homosexuality, destruction of moral values/ heterosexual black families all of which are evil/deliberately destructive tactics, which are part of the social engineering strategies paid for and pushed by the extremely wealthy rich and supported by their high upper to lower middle income European Ashkenazi Jew-ish Immigrant American brethren. Evil social engineering strategies not only including procreation of very confused children highly useful to the Anglo Saxon Greco-Roman / Jew-ish Gentile sh_t politicians, judges, hollyweird, music,/sports moguls. The so-called "Jew-ish" people exterminating the Palestinians, long stealing for pennies paid on diamonds, gold,/many other extremely valuable minerals resources out of African countries / are responsible for creating poison pharmaceutical drugs, genetically modified food/agricultural plant seeds, snatching Negro, Caribbean,/African children/young adults for organ harvesting / satanic rituals, deliberately creating then spreading certain diseases for biological genocide warfare / also dropping bombs onto Negro neighborhoods in the USA/onto Caribbean/African countries to kill leaders and destroying black race sweat equity built home and business environments. To Negro/Native Americans, Caribbean/African Immigrant Americans, Continental Africans,/To The African Diaspora worldwide do not ever in your life completely trust neither the Europeans no matter where they come from nor trust their allies of any other race including those Negro, Native, Caribbean, or African Americans or Continental Africans tightly aligned with our enemies. Do not ever cast your pearls (your Great Holy Almighty Abba given DNA, melanin, brains, hearts, souls, spirits, strength, endurance, knowledge, talents, gifts, miracles, etc...) together with swine! For as it is written in holy scriptures swine are unclean to eat or touch. Because the swine will eat anything and will also likely do anything beastly cruel and vile to get what it wants. Sound familiar? Sounds to me exactly like the crazy sick minded, melanin-deficient, melanin-envious, and murderous Europeans. 😮
@wenbakeneadam3466 8 дней назад
How could that be so Contradictory with our holy books?
@ikechukwuikonne8248 8 дней назад
We are Biafrans and speaks igbo
@donpetemounini7390 9 дней назад
So you meant that Cain's wife is an Igbo woman, a very goos answer to those asking for where did Cain's wife came from.
@OlufemiAribaloye 9 дней назад
Is anybody saying ANYBODY was alive before the FIRST MAN GOD CREATED ?
@egonwaiwu1131 9 дней назад
Igbos are a very ancient people that's true 💯 because in 1970 when me and my immediate younger brother visited home just after the Bíafran war to see my mother and my three siblings that went home, and we and my father were stranded in Lagos and couldn't make it home before the road were closed . I came out from our Ibari on one afternoon when no one was at home and was standing Infront of the Ibari when a voice told me that the land I was standing on was very old and that it was more than a thousand years old. I was shocked and I couldn't tell anybody what happened when they were away to their farms!
@egonwaiwu1131 9 дней назад
Igbos can't live before their father Adam. He was the first man that GOD created. There's things we are forbidden to say in Igbo land, and I am saying Ta meshie onu gi nwaa!
@titiayo1509 9 дней назад
Lilith 😂😂😂
@titiayo1509 9 дней назад
No wonder God destroyed the world because if all that is happening now has happened before i now understand why too much ritualist in Nigeria 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@elizabethgoodwin6158 10 дней назад
i wonder why we comparer anythig to the bible this shows how much we are deeply enslaved
@elizabethgoodwin6158 10 дней назад
Adam is a ficticious figure adam not real
@Pastordanci 10 дней назад
Igbos are in the eastern region of Nigeria not in the south east as the Nigerian government and the British planned.
@franciscokoli965 11 дней назад
Igbo is a special people God bless to help others
@godwinumeh4319 11 дней назад
Stop contradicting and complicating issues, you claimed, that you are descendants of Abraham, that is, Abraham born the children that born you, how can you now claim that you live before Abraham, you are confused in your brain
@azukaego6455 11 дней назад
If Igbos lived before Adam, then who created them because Adam was the first human created by God. Then Eve, his wife next.
@akpanassanama4717 11 дней назад
Your headline is so untrue.
@abolajiibrahimaa 12 дней назад
Please do research well, so that other people would not be laughing at African history. You said you are from Jews and you have been existing before Adam, which one to believe. Bible and Quran let us know that many people had lived in different locations of the earth and gone before the present inheritant people.
@zj2164 12 дней назад
Not true. Nobody lived before Adam and Eve. From the beginning God made Adam and Eve period.
@iam_bantu-eh3bz 12 дней назад
@apostledavidnwagbosoma 12 дней назад
DIVINE TRUE MEANING of IGBO: The divine sovereignty, beloved and blessed meaning of IGBO (I-G-B-O ) as the heavenly ordained name for special beloved and Conquerors’ race in this our Earth even over other planets/kingdoms and for their language is - “ Israelites-in-GOD- Before- Others”. Whether you believe it or not and never you challenge it, know now that His WORD or First and Original Name never fails rather endureth till eternity, so it is all that He have decreed and commanded from Himself by our Sovereign over-all-Creator GOD to remain also reign with Everything Whit-wholesomely to His most precious glory must be till eternity, Amen-selah. Inspired and Declared by Apostle David Nwagbosoma, (a.k.a. David EL-Zion).
@henrykongnyukoyoh3333 13 дней назад
May heavens be your limits bro
@ulunmaadanta891 13 дней назад
Yes our name Hebrew, from there to Heebro/Heebo to Eegbo/Eebo to Igbo/Ibo. All are the same. As time passes people begin to mix with other people and miscalling or misnaming begin to take place but it's still the same original igbo people, umuchineke.
@vibezonetv 13 дней назад
This band just made the job difficult. And it was a tough crowd. But Klintz is a professional. He killed this regardless.
@freephone1498 14 дней назад
Did the people call igbos have sense at all ,How can you people exit before the first man Adam created by God Himself. You can see is madness.
@TwinamatsikoDaniel 20 дней назад
Loving the talent man
@MbahAbang-zb1be 26 дней назад
Thier problem is bigger than your talent bro
@eternalchilofgod3 29 дней назад
I just found out this is my people and I'm about to dive as deep as possible into their history.
@user-je3jx4sj2l Месяц назад
Great one
@ambuyamrdikuentertainer Месяц назад
This man is Talented
@enisanajigbade5722 Месяц назад
Hahahahaha before Adam ?
@user-ec2vx2hq1p Месяц назад
We must have heard this man say that the Igbo fought with Rome who tried to change their beliefs. They tried to destroy what the Mother had you can see the map of Africa with the head and face of an African woman wearing Igbo native head tie no one can deny that figure only the blind, pretenders and liars.. The Igbo, are the first human to be on this earth everything is here i have said it many times cause i know it. Yoruba always talk about Oba-ta that is Igbo God of wealth the Jew itself. The Europeans were not able to reach (la) because it is not stable it comes and leaves for such the invaders stole Oba-ta and have been progessed killing the owners to whom wealth is entitled for, since 3000. La, does not stay in mist of dangers, confusion or killings La, is the Alah liars told to Muslims to name their God, they call him Allah ti twist things. You heard them talk about the knowledge of good and evil in the bible if the European had met La, forget about peace in this world, see what they did to Oba-ta. Rv: 12 was the arrival of the Europeans Rome that destroyed Igbo land and drove the keepers of these lands away. They were not dead they only relocated to somewhere and life continued till date. Amadioha out of kindness, relocated to Owerri and now perminent in Cross River state as home. And they have been merciful to us in the world because if their children. They can not come to rescure us by hand they keep sending people you need to ask what is going on, on the earth today? They are tired and ready to put an end to all that lies. The Europeans are liars. They modified all that they got from Igbo people but (La) keeps revealing itself mirrored in 2012, Malachi 4 the voice of Nnamdi Kanu on the air Radio Biafra, many started taking a DNA test. Europeans archaeologies dug and lied about everything they did not tell viewers that they were lying, pyramid here and there in Egypt and the Egyptians do not know that such thing happened in that land because the Europeans do not want to mention a black man. When did desert became a home of God to harboured a person we think have saved the world is that not all the ambush Igbos have faced to save their skins in hiding places. 2 things might have led the the European to lying, they are at shame, pretence or not being sure of what they are doing. What if we knew that the meaning of that plank like cross, Roman Catholic turned to cross of Jesus was a sword the Igbo use to place on the chest of a strong man's grave, he could, a seer, eyes of God priest awaiting his reincarnation? Any of these sword could be removed when found that he is the real man that is reborn. Every black person came from here before seen other places. Who were the people that chased the son of the woman to the wilderness? The Europeans. Uturu are everywhere written in the bible as the Levite they are traditional men priest, chief preist and high priest. The name can differ depending on the people we took their language sometimes it is called Otulu by Anambrians state, Nnewi it could be written as Oturu-Ugwu Eke in othe place. Ofor: is what the liars called the 10 commandment= law that guards a peoples, liars called it dead sea scroll. The laws are more than 50 when analysed and none of one is greater than the other in the eyes of the Most High. Don't bring Jesus here it has nothing to do with the Igbos. Before the European Jesus came and invaded Igbos Ndi'gbo has been existing. Did you ask that man if they knew about Jesus birth place or that one imported by the Europeans? If ever a man existed as the story tells it must be this people. Igbo are the most hated and persecuted in this world. they were the people exported from their verious locations to slavery. The word Igbo was corripted in the word Hebrew.
@smithjohnson4254 Месяц назад
🤣🤣🤣🤣... Igbo people stop abusing mkpuru Miri drugs... It's not good for your mental health. Igbo lived bfor Adam! Oh my goth 🤦 na him be say no be God create Una ba... So how INRI come become son of Gad who was a son of Jacob? You guys are confused people. No history, nothing nothing
@martodedan Месяц назад
@kuka03 8 дней назад
Stage matters
@JoleeTasari Месяц назад
Error nataba string band
@JoleeTasari Месяц назад
Error nataba string band orprovince
@femiakinyede86 Месяц назад
Ageless comedy
@BABASOLAOKUNEYE-te4zr Месяц назад
@remymartinezz Месяц назад
@EzeigweChidubem20 Месяц назад
God bless you Daddy.
@agu1407 Месяц назад
The first man created by God is Adam, how can Igbo was before Adam?
@VasNektar 2 месяца назад
Have I seen mama kadaga the former speaker Uganda parliament 😊, wow
@JohnsundayJohnsunday-ze4db 2 месяца назад
Two much telant
@ObichukwuAbiama-ui9gs 2 месяца назад
@Rita-hr7xr 2 месяца назад
Africa we are Great
@johnmpelule7558 2 месяца назад
The best of the best