@joseluis.colungag 4 дня назад
Believe it or not. 90% I know about this movie is because of the game. I watched it like once or twice in my life, and I was a kid, about 24 years ago; I forgot almost everything about it, but I still kinda get a grasp because of the game.
@sleepypajamas2544 13 дней назад
This is actually pretty good. This has no right being this good what the heck lol
@the_epic_memer553 14 дней назад
How tank fights feel without Molotov
@aikadebaudin1992 28 дней назад
The Survivors Have Escaped. In Memory of Coach and Ellis. You will be Missed
@bromfoureleven5811 Месяц назад
@erickmarquez9064 Месяц назад
I wouldn't be surprised if the developers actually took some inspiration from this 😂😂😂
@SD-R_IC-0nSimp Месяц назад
Ok,who woke up the tank?
@xXNikeSGameRXx Месяц назад
Not me
@bruthedynamite7017 Месяц назад
Nah the ending bro 😭 looks so wrong
@Grimace82 2 месяца назад
I really wish I saw this movie first before i played the game as a kid. Would've made that level a lot easier.
@Derk_Studios 2 месяца назад
I always come back to this classic
@IgnisclowVT 2 месяца назад
@フィッシュラス 2 месяца назад
That is one bad tank
@UltimaKeyMaster 2 месяца назад
Wait if Bond smacks the shit out of Renard mid-Wham Line, he won't know his connection to Elektra, hahaha.
@UltimaKeyMaster 2 месяца назад
It's so funny how both games have to have briefings and Q gadget explanations, but the PS1 version using a bunch of FMV's leave in the fact that M chews Bond out for his investigation going off the rails enough to outright abandon Elektra despite his protection order. Which makes it at odds with *the rest of MI6 willingly supporting his plane-hopping and Renard chasing.*
@puppet4978 2 месяца назад
Man, this vid was months before l4d2
@donaldrose1857 3 месяца назад
@crummybunny777 3 месяца назад
GUYS PRAY FOR SAM AND COLBY THEY BEEN DECEIVED BY DEMONS AND ARE IN DANGER THEY ARE RU-vidRS❤ God wouldnt allow souls to be trapped on earth, its umbilical and never happened all souls belong to God, so you cant sell your soul to the devil❤ And not everyone is a child of God jesus said it himself youre of your father the devil and your desires are to do his will true children of God are the ones who have been born again spiritually and repented from sin❤ So many people say they love God, but most of them never repented from sin and have a personal relationship with him, and love isnt just a feeling love is doing❤ Familiar spirits are demons well if I'm wrong I wasted nothing because I got peace and joy from him, but if you're wrong you wasted your entire life!! ❤️🎉 And demons love when people believe that lie that God doesn't exist and they love it when people don't know they are there ❤I copy n paste this everywhere❤ And no one talks about repentance, God will never lower his standards to be okay with your sins, sins is very serious in the eyes of God hes holy and righteous and it seperates us from him❤ Demons exist, and the devil comes to steal kill and destroy and uses people to do so❤ Btw telling the demon to stay doesnt do anything unless you have the holy spirit you arent safe. People: okay please stay this is your place❤ Demon: okay People: **leaves** Demon: **Goes with them anyway** Demons arent gonna make it obvious they are there so yeah. Demons are fallen angels that uses the form of our passed away loved ones to make us believe ghost exist and the souls of the person we knew still remains here❤❤ Astrology is demonic before my relationship with God I would always do zodiac signs literally just a bunch of sins put into each one I bet if everyone was sinless zodiac signs wouldn't make sense and literally a cover up for demons❤ Hearts are deceitful above all things, listen to God❤ Depression can be a demon you may need deliverance❤ God said unless you're born again spiritually u will not enter the kingdom of heaven also God doesn't judge us by our good works he's judging us by our sins Gods standards are so high he's that HOLY saying oh my God is using Gods name in vain it's called blasphemy ❤ To get to heaven you must believe with all your heart that Jesus died and rose again paid full price for your sins repent and receive his Holy spirit. RU-vidrs I recommend Impact videos ministries David diga Hernandez IsaiahSaldivar Mapalo DLM christian lifestyle Billy garham Danial adams Living waters Mike Signorelli Okay now pray this to be saved and to get to heaven pray out loud Jesus I confess that you are my lord and savior I believe in my heart that God raised you from the dead I ask to receive your holy spirit and I repent of my sins with your help❤ by faith in your word I receive salvation now Thank you for saving me! I am now reborn a christian a child of almighty God I am saved thank you Jesus! *Be genuine when praying this* Watch videos on how to receive Gods holy spirit on YT God creates Jesus redeems The holy spirit changes Now our good deeds and works we think are good are like filthy rags in the eyes of God Things to get rid of in your home 1sage 2dream catchers 3crystals 4crystal ball 5ouija board 6 tarot and angel cards 7religious statues 8demonic movies music or video games 9soul times items 10pornography Now like a theif robbing a store, demons won't make it obvious they are there unless they have to. Now know you can't save yourself Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life You have insurance on your house if it ever caught on fire which rarely happens but when it comes to your soul, you play with it like you have forever to make your choice which you don't 150k+ people Die everyday and you never know when it may be you God spent 9 months shaping and forming you before you were born but only 7 days on earth you're fearfully and wonderfully made beautiful in the eyes of God❤ Don't waste time Hearts are deceitful above all things ask God for wisdom and understanding we are just tiny humans with a 3 pound brain and our imaginations cannot go beyond what we already know❤ Your souls is so valuable both Satan and God want it but it's your choice who you will serve You serve the devil when you Lie Hate Blasphemy Disobey Lazy Gossip Gluttony Wanting what others have cause what God has for you is for you he will never deliver your male to someone else's house Hate And unforgivness And cussing murder and more And once you die, you're locked with your choice of where you're spending eternity God doesn't care about you doing more good then bad cause he's not judging that God never said that's the way to heaven So who's lying you or God? Be serious about this❤ God is holy and righteous God is love So either you would play around because you don't believe hell exist or you don't believe you're going there but the bible makes it very clear The path to destruction is wide and easy many are on it the path to eternal life is hard and nerrow very few find it and to get into heaven u can only enter through the nerrow gate❤ You dont have to wait until you die to know if youre going to heaven you can know right now 100% where youre going❤ Satan doesnt rule hell this is a myth when lucifer known as satan now became prideful and rebelled against God he took many angels with him Demons are fallen angels we live in a spirital and physical world so hell was made for punishment for satan and his angels and the reason why people go there is because they Align themsleves with the devil in SIN! Sin separates us from God and the wages of sin is death if youre found guilty with one sin on judgment day you will not enter the kingdom of heaven so the thing is We us humans broken Gods law and jesus paid the fine! So the good news is you dont have to go to hell if you accept him as your lord and savior! God offered us eternal life as a free gift and you receive it by faith! You dont have to work for it you dont have to pay all you have to do is receive it by faith❤ Don't expect Gods best when you always give him your least don't reject him anymore let him come in and change your life❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@santiagouseche8321 3 месяца назад
1:07 a funny part 1:10 THE BEST FUNNY PART
@MrHorror93700 3 месяца назад
After all these years, I still wonder if jigsaw030109 knows that his idea become popular and appreciated, nobody seems to care but it's actually sad that he is not aware
@crummybunny777 3 месяца назад
GUYS PRAY FOR SAM AND COLBY THEY BEEN DECEIVED BY DEMONS AND ARE IN DANGER THEY ARE RU-vidRS❤ God wouldnt allow souls to be trapped on earth, its umbilical and never happened all souls belong to God, so you cant sell your soul to the devil❤ And not everyone is a child of God jesus said it himself youre of your father the devil and your desires are to do his will true children of God are the ones who have been born again spiritually and repented from sin❤ So many people say they love God, but most of them never repented from sin and have a personal relationship with him, and love isnt just a feeling love is doing❤ Familiar spirits are demons well if I'm wrong I wasted nothing because I got peace and joy from him, but if you're wrong you wasted your entire life!! ❤️🎉 And demons love when people believe that lie that God doesn't exist and they love it when people don't know they are there ❤I copy n paste this everywhere❤ And no one talks about repentance, God will never lower his standards to be okay with your sins, sins is very serious in the eyes of God hes holy and righteous and it seperates us from him❤ Demons exist, and the devil comes to steal kill and destroy and uses people to do so❤ Btw telling the demon to stay doesnt do anything unless you have the holy spirit you arent safe. People: okay please stay this is your place❤ Demon: okay People: **leaves** Demon: **Goes with them anyway** Demons arent gonna make it obvious they are there so yeah. Demons are fallen angels that uses the form of our passed away loved ones to make us believe ghost exist and the souls of the person we knew still remains here❤❤ Astrology is demonic before my relationship with God I would always do zodiac signs literally just a bunch of sins put into each one I bet if everyone was sinless zodiac signs wouldn't make sense and literally a cover up for demons❤ Hearts are deceitful above all things, listen to God❤ Depression can be a demon you may need deliverance❤ God said unless you're born again spiritually u will not enter the kingdom of heaven also God doesn't judge us by our good works he's judging us by our sins Gods standards are so high he's that HOLY saying oh my God is using Gods name in vain it's called blasphemy ❤ To get to heaven you must believe with all your heart that Jesus died and rose again paid full price for your sins repent and receive his Holy spirit. RU-vidrs I recommend Impact videos ministries David diga Hernandez IsaiahSaldivar Mapalo DLM christian lifestyle Billy garham Danial adams Living waters Mike Signorelli Okay now pray this to be saved and to get to heaven pray out loud Jesus I confess that you are my lord and savior I believe in my heart that God raised you from the dead I ask to receive your holy spirit and I repent of my sins with your help❤ by faith in your word I receive salvation now Thank you for saving me! I am now reborn a christian a child of almighty God I am saved thank you Jesus! *Be genuine when praying this* Watch videos on how to receive Gods holy spirit on YT God creates Jesus redeems The holy spirit changes Now our good deeds and works we think are good are like filthy rags in the eyes of God Things to get rid of in your home 1sage 2dream catchers 3crystals 4crystal ball 5ouija board 6 tarot and angel cards 7religious statues 8demonic movies music or video games 9soul times items 10pornography Now like a theif robbing a store, demons won't make it obvious they are there unless they have to. Now know you can't save yourself Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life You have insurance on your house if it ever caught on fire which rarely happens but when it comes to your soul, you play with it like you have forever to make your choice which you don't 150k+ people Die everyday and you never know when it may be you God spent 9 months shaping and forming you before you were born but only 7 days on earth you're fearfully and wonderfully made beautiful in the eyes of God❤ Don't waste time Hearts are deceitful above all things ask God for wisdom and understanding we are just tiny humans with a 3 pound brain and our imaginations cannot go beyond what we already know❤ Your souls is so valuable both Satan and God want it but it's your choice who you will serve You serve the devil when you Lie Hate Blasphemy Disobey Lazy Gossip Gluttony Wanting what others have cause what God has for you is for you he will never deliver your male to someone else's house Hate And unforgivness And cussing murder and more And once you die, you're locked with your choice of where you're spending eternity God doesn't care about you doing more good then bad cause he's not judging that God never said that's the way to heaven So who's lying you or God? Be serious about this❤ God is holy and righteous God is love So either you would play around because you don't believe hell exist or you don't believe you're going there but the bible makes it very clear The path to destruction is wide and easy many are on it the path to eternal life is hard and nerrow very few find it and to get into heaven u can only enter through the nerrow gate❤ You dont have to wait until you die to know if youre going to heaven you can know right now 100% where youre going❤ Satan doesnt rule hell this is a myth when lucifer known as satan now became prideful and rebelled against God he took many angels with him Demons are fallen angels we live in a spirital and physical world so hell was made for punishment for satan and his angels and the reason why people go there is because they Align themsleves with the devil in SIN! Sin separates us from God and the wages of sin is death if youre found guilty with one sin on judgment day you will not enter the kingdom of heaven so the thing is We us humans broken Gods law and jesus paid the fine! So the good news is you dont have to go to hell if you accept him as your lord and savior! God offered us eternal life as a free gift and you receive it by faith! You dont have to work for it you dont have to pay all you have to do is receive it by faith❤ Don't expect Gods best when you always give him your least don't reject him anymore let him come in and change your life❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@Night.League 3 месяца назад
do thje whole movie
@NLBusiness391 3 месяца назад
So glad this was recommended to me, 11/10 content. This is all I want from my RU-vid feed.
@deliapenales5830 3 месяца назад
Patrick perfect lip syncing: need some help! 1:12
@notfreeman1776 4 месяца назад
The editing makes this feel like this scene is from a timeline where fights in films are expected to be way more realistic and brutal
@user-hv5cd4ii4c 4 месяца назад
the tank
@sonicx2.0577 4 месяца назад
If squidward was in that moment, it would sound like nick saying "shooting each other wouldnt gonna help us for nothing"
@gooberuploadsinc 4 месяца назад
hood classic
@athreetoeds1oth21 5 месяцев назад
0:21 - 0:28 It looked like Buzz was fucking Woody.
@214Frankdragon 5 месяцев назад
Favorite 0:40
@sebastiangl3328 5 месяцев назад
this video was my childhood
@just-user196 5 месяцев назад
This is more like charger
@str8outtacamden 5 месяцев назад
holy shit I remember watching this episode
@JoseCarlos-xe8uf 5 месяцев назад
@luigivoncheeseburgerjenkinsiv 5 месяцев назад
1:09 ⚠️ Ellis incapacitated Coach!
@ZenithLegend 6 месяцев назад
My friend Tomi will like this video. I'm gonna show him tomorrow!
@xXNikeSGameRXx 7 месяцев назад
Cast: Woody as Francis Buzz as Hunter
@eaglescout1984 7 месяцев назад
@taitpro2909 7 месяцев назад
expert realism in a nutshell when a tank spawns
@angelic_disappointment7889 7 месяцев назад
@Menfiz 7 месяцев назад
Certified hood classic
@gee7180 8 месяцев назад
Arab dads be like😂
@silverstar5202 8 месяцев назад
00:13 Taaaaaaank
@zero9462 8 месяцев назад
I just remember this meme randomly in my head and HOLY SHIT ITS BEEN 14 YEARS?!?!?!?! AAAAA
@anderj.r3410 8 месяцев назад
Cuando era niño no sabía de dónde venían las voces hasta que busqué el nombre y descubrí el L4D 2 ya que pues solo había jugado el 1 xd
@LifeOfKaiUK 9 месяцев назад
I hear the chopper come in and all i think is big head Natayla
@WillOfConquerors 9 месяцев назад
Wow, 12 years and this is better than a lot of videos these days. Great job 👏😀
@Flamgeir 9 месяцев назад
reliving my childhood
@clayharris7740 9 месяцев назад
@clayharris7740 9 месяцев назад
@MVGMoe 10 месяцев назад
That loading screen got me but i was waiting for some BOND IS HERE 😅