@kemikkal 7 лет назад
@ThirtyfourEC 8 лет назад
I like it.
@gengpan 12 лет назад
some combos are just for show. never think make it easily during real match.
@FGCJDon 12 лет назад
Just want to point out that it's generally unwise to combo into (or even use) Roundhouse Rolling Sobat (Double-Kicks) as they leave you at a severe disadvantage on block (and a minor disadvantage on hit, but I guess if you like SRKs...). The only rolling sobats worth using are short and EX, with short being safe and causing knockdown, and EX sending them to the corner and beating out fireballs.
@JusRed48 12 лет назад
@TetraCortica It's just the raw concept he's showing. Combine it with an assist or condition your opponent to expect it one way and then you know the trick to being good at fighting games. You don't want to just throw all your cards on the table and show all the possibilities in a real match. Like many pros would say, use it until it stops working and when that happens, do something else.
@pokeshark 13 лет назад
@TetraCortica until you get hit by it
@Dadflaps 13 лет назад
@PimpWilly Ahh I see, I don't actually have the game (or want it, didn't like 3 much and have pretty much lost faith in capcom fighters) but I still enjoy watching tournament/combo/new tech videos of it so I thought this was the only thing you could do after.
@ThirtyfourEC 13 лет назад
jump tech up
@PimpWilly 13 лет назад
@SqueeksoAo Yup, however you can go low or also into his overhead kick into rekkas. The overhead doesn't 100% with no meter, but still does solid damage. You can also get really tricky with cross under/uncross unders thanks to his insane dash. This is just a simple demonstration that it is at least feasable; down the road if Iron Fist stays a viable character, you'll see people come up with some nice mixups. But at least he makes a solid battery
@Dadflaps 13 лет назад
looks easy enough to block on reaction tbh
@PimpWilly 13 лет назад
@stopsignpeep It doesn't work, the startup on Objection is too long. However if you XFactor with IF right after the crumple hits, you can tag in phoenix and hit objection, but that's the only way I got it to work
@EndlessComboz 13 лет назад
I have so many things to test out when I finally get my copy lol.
@Zeronum2 13 лет назад
wait is dmg reset?
@doctorfantastic00 13 лет назад
oh. my. god.
@KingZeal 13 лет назад
Viper should be a pretty good choice for following up, too.
@LeftyHangsLower 13 лет назад
@spikeyguy777 Any character that doesn't use a wallbounce in their combos would be perfect for that team.
@theboligrafo 13 лет назад
@spikeyguy777 13 лет назад
Awesome! Doom+Iron Fist looks pretty good! Hows this for a team.... A good point character that can benefit from Doom's assist and Iron Fist's assist (almost anyone) then Iron Fist and then Doom anchoring.....nice or what?!
@OmnipotentO 13 лет назад
Some good info here. Thanks.
@LuckySevenSamson 13 лет назад
Makoto = RUSHDOWN.
@WORLDZfamous2 13 лет назад
I was already good with her and now this is gonna make my game so much better thanks
@DjayJohn 13 лет назад
Its a waste if you can get only 280 points damage on a 3EX move
@Mathman1ac 13 лет назад
@HardRuisu Not really. Although you can create situations where it is almost certainly NOT going to be cinematic, its a mitigated control.
@GardioxNebilim 13 лет назад
Very good tricks for makoto in this video. I really liked that tick throw punish at the beginning.
@sprinter223 13 лет назад
lol i got deejay to C rank for that achievement using only his vortex and slide. that stuff confuses noobs like mad
@IAmKingHomey 13 лет назад
Please reupload this showing the inputs.
@IAmKingHomey 13 лет назад
@JayVeeReloaded And that's a good thing.
@schwazala 13 лет назад
You tournament junkies are silly. I love Ibuki because she is a NINJA, not because she is good. ^_^
@jmachine2 13 лет назад
The barrels never go without a fight
@JohnnysSaloonHB 13 лет назад
With the new upgrades in the arcade version coming out, will anything be different for ibuki? I know their even considering changing bisons's second ultra input and have it be a charge move again. She shouldn't be messed with anymore, because despite her amazing infinites and combo options, her health is way too low to be taken seriously in tournament style.
@Zoular 14 лет назад
3:30 Ryu's stun is 1440 is that cuase of the ultra?
@PimpWilly 14 лет назад
@TheDimsh Yes, it's on auto block. The timing is tight, make sure to set the dummy to crouch because it makes their hitbox a little wider, and also any opponent who gets hit by that move is probably crouch blocking
@mooched 14 лет назад
zerg player blows terribly
@TheDimsh 14 лет назад
@RushDownTV Just wanted to ask if all this is into Auto Block since im having trouble connecting LP after the LP/MP Oroshi even in training mode ... is it even possible ?
@Centimetro6 14 лет назад
@urtoosmall Actually, whether Zerg's timing is off or not, at those positions on Metalopolis, if the Zerg goes hatch first, a fast 2 gate from Protoss in those start positions is/was (even faster before the recent patch) almost guaranteed to take down the expo and do sick damage. among other builds This wasn't even that quick of a 2 gate, as it was reactionary
@MrNaughtyHands 14 лет назад
@Santiago125a hold jump forward while she's doing the combo then when she jumps mk.tsurugi then ex hayate
@Fuddulous 14 лет назад
Scrap Station, not Metalopolis :p
@RainbowRandolf 14 лет назад
Counter to Zerg Early Expand = Zealot + Probe + micro. Really solid.
@HaruKodama 14 лет назад
I like the part where she punched the dick
@MrNaughtyHands 14 лет назад
what karakusa strength do you use on the smaller sized characters that it works after i fp hayate?
@HardRuisu 14 лет назад
Is it possible to make it a cinematic or not cinematic Ultra at will?
@redsomister 14 лет назад
the juggle queen haha
@Drizzydid 14 лет назад
The combos are great. However the combos arent the problem for me....getting inside is lol
@unnstopable 14 лет назад
Why in the ballz...
@littlerain72401 14 лет назад
you must like makoto mostely all you uploading lol
@n0vast0rm 14 лет назад
Wow i didn't know Makoto did so little damage....ultra and 2 EX hits and Seth still far from dead =\
@djgeki 14 лет назад
@maaden00 This is actually pretty tough to time. I've spent a good few hours in training just practicing this particular kara. When you hit forward plus light kick, Makoto moves towards the opponent. If you Karakusa IMMEDIATELY after she starts this animation, she will move forward quite a large amount and grab. Being able to consecutively time Kara Karakusa also allows you to repeatedly grab the opponent after the previous kara Karakusa. Doesn't do much dmg, but it's fun :)
@kupidzheart 14 лет назад
now thats beast
@maaden00 14 лет назад
noob here... i dont get kara f+lk into karakusa? & how does that extend the grab?
@Gang3rs 14 лет назад
awsome vid, now i can possibly beat people with him. hey, are you gonna do more vids like this for other chars?