The far from *perfect* Mum! Chat channel
The far from *perfect* Mum! Chat channel
The far from *perfect* Mum! Chat channel
I set up this second channel just for all of my chat videos to keep them separate from all my other content.
I am a Mum to four big kids and have been through a lot in terms of the pressures that society dictates to us about how we should raise our children and how 'perfect' everything should be , we should be and how our homes and lives should be and I think it's unnecessary and putting far too much on ourselves causing stress and sometimes ill health whether that be physical or mental, so I thought I would try and get my thoughts out there and hope to help other people in the process.

Take care, Helen xx

Also, if you're interested in shopping hauls, meal plans and cooking videos check out my other channel!

Instagram: The far from *perfect* Mum
@Zoe-dr5ps 6 месяцев назад
You poor thing. I live in exactly the same circumstances. 2 teenagers one with autism. Constant fear of losing our apartment and everything broken, too afraid to tell the landlord. Have 2 cats I'm terrified of having to rehome. One is very old and difficult. I'm awake all night most nights worrying. I'm absolutely praying you find somewhere soon. I know you will because you're a good person. It's a very difficult world to live in at the moment. Try to look after yourself the best you can ❤️❤️❤️
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats 6 месяцев назад
Zoe, I'm so sorry you are in this situation too. I completely understand the worry and it keeping you up at night. The worry for our pets and children is paramount and it's stopping us from complaining and asking for the work to be done. I didn't ask for years, except the heating and boiler problems and he was bad enough getting those fixed and it caused me so much stress that I didn't ask for the other things to be fixed more than once. But then it's become so bad, I had to ask him and we had many conversations about it and it still hasn't been done. We shouldn't be in this situation, no one should. It affects our physical and mental health. I really truly hope you are able to move or get your place fixed up without any repercussions. So that you can be happier and have less worries, you deserve that. Thank you, im trying to keep positive as much as I can, it is hard but I'm trying and hopefully it won't be too hard a journey for my kids ❤️❤️❤️
@Zoe-dr5ps 3 месяца назад
​@@ThefarfromperfectMumChats oh my god I'm so sorry I've only seen this now and never got a notification. How are you don't now did you get sorted? ♥️♥️
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats 3 месяца назад
Hi zoe, we are doing ok thank you but no further along with the housing situation! We are still stuck, hoping to get things sorted. I hope you and your kids are doing ok?💜🩷🩵
@dinnerwithdonna 6 месяцев назад
Sending you love Helen ❤ hope you find somewhere to live soon xx
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats 6 месяцев назад
Thank you so much Donna ❤️, I'm sure we'll find something soon and then we can settle down xx
@angeline3194 6 месяцев назад
Hope you feel better soon hun. Share as much as you like. Moan as much too. Always hear to listen. ❤ Fingers crossed you will find a home soon. Always move up to Scotland 😂 As my mum says what's for you, isn't going to go by you. Take care of yourself and your kids. Xx.
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats 6 месяцев назад
Thank you so much Angeline 💓 You are all so wonderful, I am thankful for you all and your support xx Haha, that is very far from London lol but I would never say never! I love that, another way of saying what is meant to be will be which is how I try to think of things! I'm trying not to worry too much, hoping that things will all work out well and the way they are meant to 😊 I will xx
@stephaniehook1032 6 месяцев назад
You have such a big heart, you are such a lovely lady. I honestly believe this is the start of a new chapter and your dad is looking out for you. Moan as much as you like I’m always here to listen if you need to chat. I really wish I lived closer I’d say I’d help pack but probably would watch Brooklyn 99 eat snacks and have a bit of Terry time 😂 stay strong you got this xx ❤
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats 6 месяцев назад
Awww thank you, I just take on everyone's stress and emotions on top of my own lol but I can't help it, it's just me. I think that too, my dad was a doer, so I know he's up there organising and fixing things for us, trying to make a better situation for us. Ahahahaha! Yes, we'd totally be distracted from the packing 😅 those snacks and Terry be calling!! Thank you and thank you for always being there and the chats 😊❤️ xx
@stephaniehook1032 6 месяцев назад
@@ThefarfromperfectMumChats I’m so excited to see where the next few months take you all xx
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats 6 месяцев назад
@stephaniehook1032 I'm not looking forward to the in-between bit if I'm honest lol but yes, I am excited too, really keeping positive that this will be a good thing and work out for the best xx
@stephaniehook1032 6 месяцев назад
@@ThefarfromperfectMumChats definitely. I’m sure you dad will guide you xx
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats 6 месяцев назад
@stephaniehook1032 thank you. It's funny, I've been dreaming about him a lot recently, sure he's just letting me know he's around and trying to help xx
@hed_geho 6 месяцев назад
Hope all your dreams come true for you and your family. We have been going through a move that's dragged out 2 months. Been very stressful I too have pets and autistic daughter. Love your honesty n how u say you feel is how me and partner feel with this move totally drains you. We are lucky ones as we have managed to get a council property but know what u mean about making a home it's tiring then ur packing up and doing it again. I hope for you all the blessings and strength to work this out for u all and your dog. Wish landlords wernt so cruel when it comes to our pets. Sorry for going on but all u say rings true with me right now xxx
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats 6 месяцев назад
Thank you so much, I am so sorry you have been going through this 😩 it is awful but I am really happy to hear that you have got somewhere to live now, that's fantastic news! It also gives me some hope that we will end up in a positive situation too after all the stress and upset! I hope your autistic daughter coped OK with all the change and that you all as a family can start to settle down into your new home and be happy 😊 We just don't want to loose our dog. She's been with us for nearly 8 yrs! I wish it was easier to find rental housing but it is a terrible market right now for everyone! You can start healing from the stress and hopefully we will be in the same situation soon, thank you xxx
@cclose8007 6 месяцев назад
Sending you lots of love for all you’re going through. ❤
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats 6 месяцев назад
Thank you so much, really appreciate the kind words ❤️
@uglenddalejones2 8 месяцев назад
You are so right I had a wonderful childhood.we didn’t have much,I remember some had so much in comparison but I felt I had no less- there was plenty to eat,especially turkey- we’d have it for at least three days- Xmas and Boxing Day dinner and then we would have cawl (chunky soup) and my mother would be cooking in afternoon,putting a table full of sandwiches sausage rolls homemade trifle for the family and I remember that stopping as well. It’s this time of year we become very reflective because we have lost people who meant the world to us,has gone- some of them,we start and finish the year without,some we finish without. And it really hurts and aches. If we have love,love of family and plenty in our stomach- we are made up. Have a wonderful Christmas dear friend. I hope you be ok. 🎄🫶🏼🎄🫶🏼🎄 Xxx
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats 8 месяцев назад
Absolutely amazing 😊😊 sounds perfect 👌. Yes, we'd have leftovers for days lol and one of my favourite memories was my parents letting me have chocolate for breakfast haha The loss and grief part of Christmas is so hard to deal with! I thought last year was going to be the worst with loosing dad so close, I wasn't expecting to have another loss this year and was thinking it would be a touch easier but I'm trying to keep positive and it can't be as bad as last year! Wishing you a very happy Christmas , Lots of love and hugs xxxx
@uglenddalejones2 8 месяцев назад
@@ThefarfromperfectMumChats sometimes,it’s that other loss that will trigger a lot more because it’s dealing with more pain and heartache. I lost dad,mam and father in law in an eighteen month span and I was a complete wreck. I couldn’t come to terms with it for five six years.even now I’m acutely affected. Christmas as a kid- we were all going back to bed at seven am . Chocolates coma lol They’re the best memories xxxxx Love is forever.you will be rich in getting same off your kids. Maybe not the same but they’re still young enough…xx
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats 8 месяцев назад
@uglenddalejones2 oh bless you, that is so much loss in such a short time, it's not easy to cope with that and as you were so close Christmas I suppose is never really the same again but gets easier over time. Big hugs 🫂 Chocolate coma haha yes, all that Chocolate was too much but lovely. We always used to get a packet of mint matchmakers in our stocking so we'd eat that before we even went downstairs lol be 4 in the morning and know we daren't wake anyone up, so would have a munch and wait for the hours to go by 🤣🤣 xxxx
@stephaniehook1032 8 месяцев назад
I love your chatty vlogs xx
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats 8 месяцев назад
Thank you so much Stephanie 😊 I would love to get back to doing them more often, hopefully next year will be better for that xx
@stephaniehook1032 8 месяцев назад
@@ThefarfromperfectMumChats I for one would enjoy that. I agree with what you say there’s so many you tube and instagram that are lovely but just so unrealistic. We should all do as and what we want without the pressure we see online. See this is why I like your channel you keep it real. I never thought to do what you did and reduced there budgets. I still give them a big pile under the tree, they all have the same amount I don’t know how I’d feel if they weren’t all the same. Maybe I should address this next year. I mean I’ll think about it but I’ll probably do what I’ve done ever year.
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats 8 месяцев назад
@stephaniehook1032 thank you. I agree but I've always been one of those people that is more realistic, says it how it is and isn't afraid to show the imperfect or sadder parts of life. I don't want to nor do I have the energy to make everything 'perfect ' all the time. I don't buy into it. Let us all celebrate being individuals who do things that make us happy and those things are often different. I just knew that realistically my income would decrease over time and I couldn't afford to spend like I have been going forwards and also, kids grow up get partners, have children, so if I didn't reduce the budget then I'd potentially be spending multiple times as much than I already was! And it's just not doable for me. It's also how I was brought up, I left home at 17 and had a baby. That year I got a lot less lol but as my parents said they had my partner and grandchild to buy for aswell. I just thought by reducing it at 18 for each of them, it made it fair, they've all had the same then. I still want to buy them something or a few things they'd really like and I have still got them some chocolates aswell. Like I said, we have to do us ....whatever it is we believe is the best thing or what we can afford or are happy with! Xx
@stephaniehook1032 8 месяцев назад
@@ThefarfromperfectMumChats maybe I should cut the budgets at 25. I think I don’t realise that they are that old. I think once the move out it’ll hit me. My youngest daughter has applied for an internship in London. I really want her to get it but also I don’t for selfish reasons. You know your right I think I need to realise there grown up and maybe change the way we do things. My husband is always telling me to not go overboard. I do it with food and drink too I get everything. I get extras just incase. Thinking b about what I’ve bought now it does seam an awful lot. I also go a bit nuts for there birthdays my youngest is 21 on Wednesday and I’ve got him 21 presents and having a party at home and again I’ve gone overboard. I will make a conscious effort to calm it down. Wow I’m sorry to waffle
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats 8 месяцев назад
@stephaniehook1032 not waffling at all! It's lovely hearing how you do things. I can totally understand how you want your daughter to get the internship but not. I think that's what motherhood is all about. The conflict between wanting the best life for our babies but not wanting them to grow up and leave us. It's something that is totally down to you. No one says you have to change the way you do things. I have had to, many people are having to but not everyone needs to if they don't want to. I can see it brings you immense joy! I don't want my video to come across like everyone should be calming things down, it's not that. More that it's perfectly OK if you need to and how I have achieved that, when I was a big spender and crazy overboard person. Imo, your kids know exactly how much they are loved without tons of gifts. I'm sure they are grateful for everything you do for them and give them. And no one says you have to get less food even if you did reign in the present budget a bit! So many people celebrate with food, show their love through food. Also, If you put the budget down for Christmas, no one says you can't spoil them for their birthdays, as for being 21....thats a special birthday and deserves being spoilt!
@cclose8007 8 месяцев назад
Sending love for your grief and differences for your Christmas this year x
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats 8 месяцев назад
Thank you C, much appreciated 😊 x
@Zoe-dr5ps 11 месяцев назад
That looks so great you did so well ❤️❤️ what's your other channel called? I found it and subscribed 💕
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats 11 месяцев назад
Thank you so much 💓 💜😊 And thanks for subscribing! Welcome Zoe ❤️
@dinnerwithdonna Год назад
You’ve done a fab job Helen! Love the bright and airy lounge and your bedroom looks super comfy and cosy. I think the curtains look lovely in there ❤
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats Год назад
Thank you so much Donna 😊 💓 I'm loving these rooms so much, very chilled out vibes now. Thank you about the curtains, I really wasn't sure but the more I look at them the more I think they look good in there 😊
@cclose8007 Год назад
Great work it all looks amazing x
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats Год назад
Thank you so much 😊 x
@uglenddalejones2 Год назад
Wow,looking spectacular with you. Not lost on me how much blood,sweat and tears this took you. Revamp successful 🙌👌☺️👏🏻💟 Xxxxx
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats Год назад
Thank you so much Glenda, honestly, that was seriously hard work 🙈😂 this is why I wasn't able to cook properly or look after myself, why I ended up feeling so awful but, it was worth it! I love what I've done and it just feels nice again, the vibe is better and I'm more relaxed in general and so are the kids. That's what I needed xxxx
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats Год назад
Oh and watching my kid sit outside in the swing, relaxing, doing uni work, chilling out there, reading, when they haven't been able to access the garden very easily is just wonderful 😊 worth every penny xxxx
@uglenddalejones2 Год назад
@@ThefarfromperfectMumChats awww xxxxx It’s very difficult,sometimes impossible to do it all but truly paid off xxxx
@uglenddalejones2 Год назад
@@ThefarfromperfectMumChats priceless hun xxxxx
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats Год назад
@uglenddalejones2 it is certainly hard, thank you 😊 xxxx
@stephaniehook1032 Год назад
Looks like you did a fabulous job. Garden seating area looks lush but you’ve been enjoying the sunshine sat there. Love the black furniture in the front room. I have photos all over my walls, if there’s a space I’m putting a photo there lol I have the family of elephants too. I have at the moment 5 shelf full of elephants in my front room 2 in each alcove and a long one above the sofa I also have elephants in my bedroom hallway bathroom and kitchen 😂 that poem for your dad was beautiful, my dad is very poorly at the moment and will be going into a nursing home this week. I think you’ve done a great job you should be very proud of yourself. Xx
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats Год назад
Thank you so much Stephanie 😊 I am really pleased with how it's all turned out and proud of myself for what I've achieved. The garden has been perfect to sit out in, that area is the only place we get any shade and it's just perfect. Ahaha you love Elephants too! Yours sound amazing! I have a gorgeous elephant in my kitchen called Effie, she doesn't go with the colour scheme in the front room so she'll stay in the kitchen but I love my elephants. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go all black furniture in the living room but I wanted a drastic change....it was all oak before so it's definitely a huge change and I absolutely love the black units against the grey walls. Thank you about the poem, i wasn't sure I was going to read anything for the funeral, I didn't think I could do it but a friend sent me that poem and it said everything I wanted. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad, big hugs for you, it's such a hard thing, seeing them so unwell, stay strong and look after yourself xx
@stephaniehook1032 Год назад
@@ThefarfromperfectMumChats I have a big elephant canvas in my front room she’s called Nelly 😊 your bedroom looks so cozy. Do you let your dogs sleep with you. I have to share my room with 4 doggies and the husband luckily he doesn’t mind it being pink. I’m saving up for an egg chair, will have to be a double so there’s from for the dogs too. Thank you xx
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats Год назад
@stephaniehook1032 ooooh beautiful! 😍 I have some elephant art in my hallway where all my animal art is, I should've shown a pic of that but I did that during lockdown so it's not new lol. My bedroom is just what I wanted, a cozy little sanctuary and the colour is so calming. No I don't let the dogs upstairs, they shed so much and we're all allergic to the fur! So we wanted upstairs our space to get away from the fur and sneezing, besides they would keep me awake all night getting up and down and scratching. Our egg chair is a double one, if one of us are sitting alone the dog will jump up and sit bless him, or 2 of the kids will sit in it and he'll try and get on too 😂. I got mine in the sale from the range and it's fantastic! Xx
@stephaniehook1032 Год назад
@@ThefarfromperfectMumChats ahh no dogs upstairs is a good idea. My bedroom is downstairs so they just follow me to bed. I’m hoping to get one in the sale, there’s on in Homebase I like. My hallway is full off dog prints I got from the range. I fell in love with them so had to get the full set. There above all my doors. Probably to crowded for some but I love them. Actually my whole house probably isnt very fashionable or insta worthy but it’s my home and I love it. Your bed looks so comfy and relaxing x
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats Год назад
@stephaniehook1032 it's just the way we had to do it and good job really as the allergies have got worse as the years have gone by so we definitely need that pet free zone to recover lol. I'd love a downstairs bedroom ❤️ we all want to have a bungalow actually, would be so much easier for us. Your prints sound amazing. Who cares if something is 'Instagram worthy' or not....as long as you love it it doesn't matter! I've just put half my house on the Internet lol and it's far from a show home or insta influence style but I like it and it's an improvement on how it was! But it was super budget and I didn't go deep and fix things and make loads of nice bits, it's just simple things I could do to a rented house to make it more livable. I love my bed! It is the comfiest bed ever and once I'm in it I don't want to get out, it's a fight everyday 😂 xx
@dinnerwithdonna Год назад
You’ve been super busy! Sounds like a good move for the kids and lovely for you to have a well deserved master bedroom! Hope you’re doing okay now ❤❤
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats Год назад
I have!! Thank you 😊 it was an awful lot for me to do with how I am which is why it has taken so long but it's working wonderfully, so worth every second ❤️ I'm loving being in my new room and having more space to move around it as that was the problem in my old one, so it's great! It has taken me time to recover too and I'm still recovering lol, that's the thing with chronic illness, it could take me weeks if not a month or two to get back to normal but I'm starting to feel it now and just want to enjoy what I've done and get my routine back!! I hope you are doing ok Donna ❤️
@stephaniehook1032 Год назад
I didn’t know about this channel. Glad I found it. I do like the chatty vlogs. I agree you need a calming bedroom, mine is pale pink luckily my hubby doesn’t care lol enjoy your new big bedroom x
@thefarfromperfectmum Год назад
I'm glad you found it too! ☺️ I used to do more chatty vlogs in the beginning but it was causing issues with the algorithms so decided to separate the two and it works better but not everyone nows it's here lol Absolutely!! Definitely need a bedroom to be a calming space 😊 Mine is now a neutral colour but has a hint of dusky pink and I totally love ❤️ it!!! I did my youngest's Lilac and a green, sounds terrible but they compliment eachother so well and both are very calming colours, that was her choice . She particularly needed the calming colours. I'm loving my room and being able to get down both sides of my bed 🙈🤣🤣 its a bigger room but more awkward for putting furniture in as there's a fireplace in there x
@josmith4173 Год назад
Wow you have been busy! I’ve not been getting notifications for this channel 😢
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats Год назад
I really have! It's been great but exhausting, hence not being able to do my usual things. Oh no! Push the notification bell and hopefully you'll get all notifications. I haven't posted on this channel lately but you don't want to miss them when they come up 😊
@angeline3194 Год назад
Looking forward to seeing all the lovely stuff you have done to your home & garden. Might give me some ideas 😂 . Hope you enjoy your me time and the kids are having fun with their dad. Take care of yourself. Hope pup is OK xx
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats Год назад
Thank you so much Angeline 😊 It's nothing special or amazing but it's a lovely and welcome change for us! I'm loving the transformation. Honestly, the egg chair is a huge recommendation, it's super comfy and it looks nice too. Thank you, kids are having a lovely time and I'm lost without them!! But I'm trying to recharge my own batteries now while I have no one to look after except myself and the pups. She seems so much better this evening but she has good days and bad days but right now she's curled up on the sofa. Have a lovely week 😊 xx
@angeline3194 Год назад
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats Sometimes it's just a bit of paint or changing your pillows on the couch that makes all the difference 😉 Glad your taking time to look after yourself since kids are away. I am always lost when my lot aren't around. Glad pup is feeling a bit better. Enjoy your week Helen xx
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats Год назад
Absolutely! You don't have to do much to make a room feel different or new, I wanted to totally change ours but on a budget, it's harder obviously but I've done the basics and we go some new colour up and it's made everything look alot more fresh, that was what we needed. You've just reminded me, I'm still looking for new cushions for the couch, I had forgotten about it in the hustle and bustle lol. It's hard isn't it!! But we all need some me time 😊 I'm enjoying my time xx
@deborahtaylor5888 Год назад
I have hypermobility/ehlers danlos which leads me sometimes physically incapable of doing anything. X
@thefarfromperfectmum Год назад
I have eds too, so I do understand, it's what I struggle with and that's why I like to try to make my life as easy as possible and find things to make life easier! Big hugs x
@deborahtaylor5888 Год назад
@@thefarfromperfectmum my 6 year old daughter has it as well my mum was diagnosed with it in 1951. It's an absolute shit show of a condition to have as all they can do is basically throw painkillers at it. My 23 year old son has the stretchy skin but I've always gone on the if my kids want tested for it that's their choice and he saw the struggle to be taken seriously by the main so called specialist so he's not bothered about being tested. I see the struggles my 6 year old goes through and it's like why did it take so long for them to pick it up with me but I played sport until the age of 16 and then the pain got too bad. I know I'm heading for a wheelchair but I said to my ex husband on the phone I have 9 years until my youngest is out of school and until then I will do everything in my power to stay out of it as its hard to be the child of a parent with a disability especially eds as its still very misunderstood as some kids can be brutal. They are still trying to find the right pain meds to help x
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats Год назад
I hear you. I can't believe your mum was diagnosed in 1951!! Thats amazing, they didn't seem to know anything about it then. I wasn't diagnosed until I 25 despite all my symptoms but I also was very active and played sports, even though I was in awful pain I just carried on and having children makes you worse too. I have 4 children all with eds. It is extremely hard to be a disabled parent and to have disabled children as well. It's constant fighting for what they need. I have made myself so much worse by trying to do everything as a single mum. This is why I wanted to share how I take the pressure off and help myself, it's not perfect and it's not enough but it's helps xx
@cclose8007 Год назад
Thanks for sharing and sending lots of wishes that things get a bit easier for you. Thanks for the reminder we don’t have to be perfect x
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats Год назад
Thank you so much my wonderful, supportive friend, always being there. No one is perfect, you do you, I do lol x
@glendadalejones3753 Год назад
*You are without doubt a very brave,stronger than you realise mum* I’m here for you as you are here for us,to boulster each other up. From previous chats, I totally empathise with you. Am shocked they haven’t bothered to mri you,not even in a+E. I think that is certainly proof of the mess the nhs is in. Trust me though,unless you are totally off your feet and your given a grim outlook,don’t get spinal surgery,as desperate as you may be otherwise- they can give you spinal steroid injections,refer you to chronic pain nurse,give you decent pain relief etc- I did initially have 7/8 months of hydrotherapy but they wouldn’t expand on pelvic area,acupuncture and a second physio too,manipulating my pelvis,as it had moved. I tell you this from experience.i was a stroke/neuro rehab nurse and I have looked after and rehabbed post op spinal surgeries and I tell you,you won’t want to be there. And now,I’m there. The fatigue is horrendous. But,I genuinely think that what you have gone through the last five months has compounded and impacted your health- the effects of massive stress and grief have excacerbated your pre-existing illnesses and bless your heart,you are going through it. I am sending a comforting hug ,I know how heartbreaking it is and I genuinely understand xxxxxxx
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats Год назад
You really are a wonderful human being Glenda. So supportive and caring. Your words have reduced me to tears! Thank you for your constant support. I will always try to avoid any surgeries because of the risks of surgery with my genetic condition, although one of my brothers has had spinal surgery and it really did help him and he recovered well but for me it's so much more than just my back, my entire body is affected by my Ehlers-danlos syndrome and I have issues with my hip, pelvis and si joints in all that area but also other limbs too. So I think, trying to fix one area won't work, it'll just put on to another and make it worse. You would've thought they would give me an mri. I did have one about 5/6 yrs ago one time when this happened and I lost the feeling in my leg and had saddle numbness but it took weeks to get it done and they said there was a lot of wear and tear etc but couldn't see a prolapsed disc but again. It felt like it was a bit better at this point, I could move and stand again. So it feels like the mri needs to happen when this happens to my back really! I've had physio on and off since I was 13 and started having problems with my back, I've been to pain clinic, pain management, therapy, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy. You name it, I've probably done it and I've given up with all of it but when my back is like that I literally can't even go to the toilet by myself and I don't like that. I'm sorry what you have been through and I really sympathise with you. Massive hugs for you. You are one caring and so strong woman 🤗😊 xxxx
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats Год назад
You being a nurse is obviously where your lovely caring nature comes from. I know how bad the fatigue can get too and yes, I know that all this stress and upset has made me so much worse it really impacts your body so much, its affected my allergies, my body, pain, fatigue, mood. All of it! I'm getting there and by taking that pressure off it's helping xxxx
@glendadalejones3753 Год назад
@@ThefarfromperfectMumChats you are truly up against it, you really are. Inescapable. Your bro was lucky. You and I have pretty much tried it all. We have intractable pain.caused by different issues,independently. Mine is widespread inflammatory arthritis I believe,but I’ve yet to be followed up by rheumatologist,whose supposed to get me off steroids and onto anti disease drugs. All I know is,I’ve had this ten years and nobody has questioned why,because I’m fifty,and been this way a while. I have lost two and a half inches height which a dr friend told me is bad for the age I’m in. I have been offered brain decompression surgery to alleviate some of headaches,due to worsening symptoms of a congenital condition in the back of my brain.get vertigo too. I’m not going for it. Again,it’s risky af ,chipping a tiny bit off skul and neck. I will put up with headaches unless or until I have no choice. My back is identical to you,including the toilet,if I’m honest,pain is so bad,can’t even cut food,it’s too painful to pee and poo and end up with enemas. As you say,it’s so so much more I think we all need to be shown understanding,empathy and support. It’s lonely doing life.and I know this very well xxxxxx
@glendadalejones3753 Год назад
@@ThefarfromperfectMumChats as time passes,you will regain your equilibrium and be back to more or less where you were. I remember when dad passed,i was having bad toothache and I couldn’t stick it anymore and as a daughter that went home to look after him,my duty was done,he was finally at peace and went to the dentist the following day (even though dentist said you shouldn’t be here) what entailed was three episodes of complications,out of four,three teeth out,dry socket,failed extraction due to infection and abscess which destroyed my root nerve and three stone weight loss in three months following his passing. Then mother fell I’ll,took her to dr,X-ray,then ctscan and weeks later she was terminal lung cancer and so again I was chief nurse for three months,three months again,away from the husband and we lost her eleven month and one day after dad. And after mam, I eventually had to go on pills for blood pressure. I’m a believer that stress is a massive trigger and I know your struggle is real lovely. Time is a healer. But only you will be able to dictate the when and how.not what people tell you to.our coping mechanisms are different individually.so,please don’t rush it to conform,you have to heal your way. Xxxxx
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats Год назад
So much there that you are going through. Massive massive hugs for you. I can relate, I know how it feels and at times it is a miserable existence. I also get horrific headaches and migraines and it is coming. From my neck, they won't investigate it though. I will go private for that at some point as its best done with an upright mri so would never get done on the nhs. Will cross that bridge when I come to it and when I have saved the money up. Keep going Glenda, you're a bad ass!!!!! As hard as it is, we do it and we push through, that makes us amazing 😊😁. I saw the dr today, she is sending me for mri and wants me to have physio xxxx
@dd1984d Год назад
You’re so right Helen and I’m so glad i listen to this because sometimes I feel so bad that I can’t do things that other people do and I feel it’s my fault and I’m not doing enough. As a parent you want everything for your child but just like you said and I couldn’t agree more, kids will remember moments. Thank you for the reminder xxx
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats Год назад
Dana, please don't feel bad, take that pressure off of yourself, you are a fantastic mother, you make so much effort with Skyler and she's happy, so already you are doing an amazing job. My advice to you because she is still so young, is think about what is important to you, what you can physically and financially do and carry on as you mean to go on through the years 😊 Unfortunately, it's the competitive or 'perfect' parents that make us feel like we are under achieving but actually, we are not, maybe they are over achieving and if that's what they want leave them too it but doesn't mean you have to do the same if you don't want to. Make yourself and your heart happy, your child will follow in that happiness 💕 They remember if their parent was happy or sad or stressed. At the end of the day all she actually NEEDS is love, shelter, food and water, anything else is a bonus. Do what you can, do your best and be content that that is what you have provided and it's enough 😚 xxx
@dd1984d Год назад
@@ThefarfromperfectMumChats Actually, that’s all my good memories about…a happy mom, backing, playing and dancing with us. Thank you so much Helen, thank you for all your kind words xxx
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats Год назад
Exactly that Dana 😊😊 You're welcome, I hope it's helped take a little bit of that pressure off and I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas xxx
@cclose8007 Год назад
So much sense! X
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats Год назад
Thank you so much lovely 😊 just trying to share my thoughts and experiences x
@josmith4173 Год назад
As always you talk a lot of sense xx
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats Год назад
Thank you Jo. I'm just sharing my experiences and things I wish someone had told me years ago xx
@annandersen3185 Год назад
Great advice
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats Год назад
Thank you very much Ann 😊
@dd1984d Год назад
Found youuuu!!!😋
@ThefarfromperfectMumChats Год назад
I didn't see this comment! Glad you're here 😁