Welshie1, Nerdy Gamer, whom tends to ramble.

We stream regularly over at www.twitch.tv/welshie1

- Tabletop Games
- Simulator Games
- Management Games
- Horror Games

I also ramble over on X - twitter.com/DM_Welshie
Channel Update - On The Road To 150!
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@amarjamakovic1297 17 дней назад
They should have released it as a sandbox/RPG maker type of thing.
@Welshie1 16 дней назад
Actually, that sounds like a really smart idea. Could have been alright if the released in that angle and let the community build off on it.
@unalcankent8086 19 дней назад
Paradox has some of my favorite games/series out there in existence, but their practices made me give up on them long ago. I love Age of Wonders, Hoi4, Cities Skylines, Prison Architect, Magicka... and many more. But I simply can't afford/won't buy, those sloppy dlcs that can cost thousands of €s. Their news games are getting worse and worse too. In what way they are a better alternative to EA? They must have realized there is nothing of value in Life By You that they could milk in the future, they cancelled it.
@ErichRaeder 22 дня назад
I want to say that i am not surprised life by you was cancelled, basically the development staff for life by you that paradox assembled was not only questionable, if you look into the graphics, it was rough and character models did not do any favors either when people found out the character models and graphics were very similar to Gym Simulator 24, let this be a warning when people want a game to challenge the Sims, execution, graphics and the people developing the game matter. People who work in the video gaming development industry are also questioning whether the people who worked on Life By You were suitable for such a project
@Welshie1 22 дня назад
Agreed, it looked so rough and soulless. Not the biggest fan of the art style of sims 3 or 4, but at least it had style. But, Life By You just looked like everything was taken out of an asset store. Even when the game was in motion, it looked rough. Honestly, good call to pull the plug
@ErichRaeder 22 дня назад
@@Welshie1 Life by you is also a good teaching course on how not to develop a video game in 2024
@VisVic102 29 дней назад
Thinking about buying the game. I saw gameplay, reviews and it looks like a game that I am looking for. I spent a lot of time on hearts of iron IV and other paradox titles. I know that the complexity cannot be compared in the slightest but still.
@Welshie1 29 дней назад
Ah, a fellow follower of Paradox games! You'll be right at home with DF. Honestly, with Paradox games they're complex, but you can almost plan around it. When it comes to DF, you're left at the whim of the game, which can be make or break for some folks. So, if you enjoy complex games, where you can't go in with a real plan, you'll love it!
@VisVic102 29 дней назад
@@Welshie1 Thanks for the awesome response, you made my choice much easier. I really appreciate it, I can't wait to get to digging!
@BadgerFromOz Месяц назад
Happy Birthday! 🎉
@Welshie1 Месяц назад
Thanks! But wasn't for my birthday (I'm in Feb) Just wonderful friends that wanted to cheer me up XD
@GojiKaichou Месяц назад
Rogue Trader: it's all fun and games until you investigate a derelict voidship and find yourself in the film "Event Horizon". A ship full of chaos-infected Mechanicus that you weren't ready for.
@GojiKaichou Месяц назад
I'm loving Rogue Trader. If only they also did a Dark Heresy CRPG using the Fantasy Flight 2e rules. God Emperor knows how shit DarkTide was... Fortnite with 40k skins. What a disappointment.
@Welshie1 Месяц назад
It's a shame with Dark Tide thou, that should be an excuse to print money. "Thankfully" I didn't have friends to play Dark Tide with so I never picked it up, but I'll admit I always wondered. But, loving Rogue Trader and glad to see it getting so much love ^_^
@GojiKaichou Месяц назад
@@Welshie1 I admit that I was curious when DarkTide came out, and bought it on Steam. Two days later, I got a refund. Pretty graphics alone do not make a game good. It's persistently online, with no single-player story campaign. You're stuck with having to team up with people who will stab you in the back constantly, having no concept of what the word "teamwork" means.
@GojiKaichou Месяц назад
Co-op matchmaking in DarkTide was really bad. I got saddled with teammates that were either too high level, or shooter noobs.
@GojiKaichou Месяц назад
Admittedly, I'm not into the tabletop minis flavor of 40k, as it seems like I'd go bankrupt just building my first army, then buying all the rulebooks and codexes I would need. I love the Tabletop RPGs of 40k, however. They allow me to explore the deep grimdark and hilariously absurd future that is Warhammer 40k lore. For tabletop minis, I will always go back to my first love, Battletech.
@Welshie1 Месяц назад
Oh man, yeah you've just made me glad that I didn't try going solo there. It sounds like "maybe" it could have been good if I could wrangled mates into it, but at the time I think it Final Fantasy Online and Monster Hunter World that was taking our time. Shame, because Dark Tide from the trailers looked like it could have been a great time
@Huntanor Месяц назад
Nothings really changed though. This is the normal tree tier structure with the same precentage increase by tier that has exsisted for a decade or more. The inflation gouge is the prblem here, because the base edition now costs a stupid amount the tiers cost a proportionally stupider Games have avoided inflationary gouging a long time due to being a historically niche industry. Thats changed, it big corperate now wich means when we see inflation they expect us to not get more money, cover tge inflation and take extra inflation as a tip. Do this three times in 10 years and prices start to look awful. Industries usually only correct when people cant pay not when they shouldnt. Asking already struggling people to give up their remain pleasures volentarilly doesnt really work. Outliers will quit yes but the mass of the market will find a way to biy the game because they need the pleasure of playing to feel normal. Eventually they may price out the market. Thats when it will change, but it will crash, not adjust. Right now these top end prices are looking real bad but they cost the companies nothing so they dont matter. When people can't buy the standard editions that when the wider market will fall appart.
@Welshie1 Месяц назад
I mean, I'm showing my age here. But in the simpler time we had either regular edition of a collectors edition. Got a nice metal tin case, maybe the sound track and statue, usually for an extra $30 bucks. But, never in my life would I imagine to get a complete game, because let's face it the "extra" cosmetics and missions are stripping the base game, that we'd be looking down the barrel of buying double the cost of that of the basic version. I think in the last three years, BG3 is the only one that has done different editions and costs correctly. Hopefully people will push back and not buy for them to take a hint.
@PixelMurder Месяц назад
If they want me to install the Ubislop launcher and eat shit, it's 25.95 bucks an hour. Subscribe now.
@Welshie1 Месяц назад
Oh sorry the 25.95 model doesn't allow you to keep your shoes, that's the 50 bucks per hour pack! - Ubisoft
@TUKMAK Месяц назад
Sucks. Vote with your dollars
@Welshie1 Месяц назад
Hope everyone does!
@verde5738 Месяц назад
I don't even bother pirating these games anymore, they're crap anyway and I wouldn't want them for free.
@Welshie1 Месяц назад
I feel like with most of Ubisoft, Like A Dragon hurt, I was looking forward to that, but that price was just outrageous. The Star Wars fan boy in me is screaming for me to turn a blind eye, because I'll admit the kid in me wants a open world Star Wars game. Assassin's Creed...I think I'm in the majority camp, loved Black Flag, everything else has just been meh...
@zombiejesus7445 Месяц назад
Blizzard has always had shitty different "editions" of each expansion, basically since MoP (I believe)
@Welshie1 Месяц назад
Not sure myself, I dipped outta WoW after Cata and then dipped the toe back in for Warlords. Honestly, I think I'm getting numb to the whole thing XD
@zombiejesus7445 Месяц назад
@@Welshie1 around MoP it became a daily treadmill. You didn't miss much
@Welshie1 Месяц назад
Oh man, that's so sad to hear...least I left on a high note I suppose, looking at it from a glass half full sorta way.
@Huntanor Месяц назад
​@Welshie1 Yeah, this is a common model we've seen for ages in mmos. It used to be normal, digital premium and colectors edition. Usually mounts and cosmetics for the middle and physical merch for the collectors. Eventually they stared making a digital collectors edition with more cosmetics and mounts. Diablo 3 used this model too. So did 4. This has been around a long time. I feel like the first game I remember doing this which had early access was the Warhammer MMO.
@Huntanor Месяц назад
​​​@@Welshie1Far a personal reality check I looked at the WoW one, the only difference between this one and the last is the up shifted the 3 days of early access to tier 3. The High tier also includes a 30 day sub. It's always been a terrible model but it doesnt fit here since you have to buy a wow expansion and sub. In the wow model the highest tier is usually only a bit more expensive if you deduct the free sub month. In Canada the difference minus the sub you pay anyway is $8. For the extra days and other stuff it more the middle tier that's the trap. Your giving up so much lure items and benifits to save 8 dollars. If you can't spend the eight dollars you may as well just dump the mount and cosmetics and grab the basic one and save 20 bucks. Edit :Looking back this has been the case for Ubisoft games for a long time, its industry standard to offer 3 editions. The big strange here is the inflation robbery were the price increase for the other editions is huge. The sub thing is not new either, most sub models give you the "best" version of the game. Just looking up Assasin's Creex the last 4 games used the three price point structure. The sickness has been around a long time it just inflation showing how shifty it always was.
@zombiejesus7445 Месяц назад
Funny.. because Madden and NCAA has multiple tiers of "releases" and they are doing the "early access" I haven't bought a game Day #1 since BioShock Infinite
@Welshie1 Месяц назад
Honestly' you're doing the smart thing, never buy day 1 and never pay at full price
@zombiejesus7445 Месяц назад
@@Welshie1 the steam deck is amazing because I can emulate all of the great games from the past. No need to buy skull and bones ever
@dnd-cartog8128 Месяц назад
The mines! I crave the gems again. My aim will be truer than ever.
@StrangeTripNH 2 месяца назад
Oooh man, now that’s a fun one. It’d be hard to look at any of the end users in the eyes for a while however.
@Welshie1 2 месяца назад
In the early days, yeah, it's hard to look'em in the eye. But, you sort of become "numb" to the stuff and things that happen. Never a dull moment XD
@caterpillar1936 2 месяца назад
Google 'soy face'
@Welshie1 2 месяца назад
I accept that my actions have consequences 😆
@dacomputernerd4096 2 месяца назад
Fun fact with the cat story: The reason the cats were dying was that the cats were soaking up a full mug of beer onto one paw and drinking it in one tick, triggering all 5 layers of alcohol poisoning it simulates, so they just limited the rate cats clean themselves at. So even today, that means any cat that wanders through your tavern will be a bit buzzed for a while after
@Welshie1 2 месяца назад
Only Dwarf Fortress 😆
@clint4527 2 месяца назад
In Guild wars 2. You can directly open a wiki page via the gnrl chat. On holding and cliquing the item. Df should have that. Edit: best review of the game. My go-to for describe dr is to explain that you can see tears in the eyes of dwarfs if they cried.
@Welshie1 2 месяца назад
Ah yes I remember that from my brief visit into GW2. I think that would do wonders for new players, though I imagine some purists would be screaming "That's not how you play DF" But, for us new mortals that haven't hit the grindstone, I think it'd really help newer players out. Thanks for the kind words, honestly, meant a lot. Love the way you view drs XD
@dacomputernerd4096 2 месяца назад
It's probably not a tough thing to mod in, honestly. With the level of things people have done with mods, it's probably doable. It could even be done as a DFHack script, a command that reads selected item, and opens the system default browser to the wiki page
@simsim0228 2 месяца назад
Great review, it has been long past that I should try the game
@Welshie1 2 месяца назад
Thanks! Time to get back into the mines! ^_^
@unexpectedproton8253 2 месяца назад
awesome stuff! perhaps I'll try the game once the classes here let out...
@Welshie1 2 месяца назад
Honestly, you won't regret it...well maybe getting sucked into it, but it's worth it!
@ionlyswimfree9387 2 месяца назад
Maybe I'm just not super familiar with the market for AAA games, but I feel like if they just sold the entirety of the game for 60 bucks, so many people would buy it, that it would counter them doing this move of selling some of it for a lot higher.
@Welshie1 2 месяца назад
It's just so bizarre, I'm putting my tinfoil hat on firmly, I have no proof. But I honestly think it's a plan by Ubisoft to get people to subscribe to their Ubisoft Gold Program
@skyhunter2816 2 месяца назад
The fact that Day 1 DLC even exists is a joke.
@Welshie1 2 месяца назад
Day 1 DLC or as we call it "Cut content, sold back to us at premium"
@Ben-ry1py 2 месяца назад
The volume is super low. I have my laptop all the way up It's still pretty quite. I like the content though!
@Welshie1 2 месяца назад
My apologizes! I must have overcorrected from last couple of "too louds"! Appreciate the feedback!
@FloatingOnAZephyr 2 месяца назад
Is that an Aussie Geordie accent? That’s a fine blend! It’s a shame this game is in Ubisoft’s clutches, it looked half interesting. Ironically, instead of raking in the cash, a lot of us will just wait for it to be pennies in a year or so like Valhalla. Compare that to Helldivers, which every guy I know paid full price for happily.
@Welshie1 2 месяца назад
Oh...my god! You have no idea how much that made me smile, you are the first person in nearly 10 years to guess my accent right! Just to mess with you more, left the UK when I was 4 to come straight to Aussie...this is the result. But, on the subject that is Ubisoft and Outlaws, I wanted this game, I've been wanting this game for nearly 20 years An open world Star Wars game, where you're a smuggler? Even if it was just an Assassin's Creed reskin, this is a game I dreamed of as a kid. I know I'm not the only one that wanted this, but just seems like Ubisoft have gone outta their way to make it so unappealing. Maybe Skull and Bones had them needing the cash bad. Maybe on a sale, I might give it a look. But not a day 1 for me.
@brucecampbellschin8632 2 месяца назад
A year of gamepass costs this much. Just go get that instead.
@Welshie1 2 месяца назад
I mean I'm thankful for that being an option for those doing it hard, imagine some parents would look at the prices. But those prices feel like it's been done to almost force you into subbing. At this rate every dev has a sub option, it's getting a little outta hand
@MajesticDweller 2 месяца назад
Great channel I agree
@Welshie1 2 месяца назад
Thanks! Truly Appreciated! ^_^
@hasuramapa4639 2 месяца назад
Theyd still make a billion bucks off it 😅 like they did with valhalla. They wouldnt stop until we stop giving thrm money. Money is the only language they speak
@Welshie1 2 месяца назад
Everyone is mad and yet I know its going to make gang busters
@michaell8000 2 месяца назад
not gonna go anywhere near this game christ it's going to be such a huge time-sink. nevermind any sort of modern AAA gaming issues outlaws is just gonna be post AC:O except with a more boring combat system.
@Welshie1 2 месяца назад
As is tradition with all Ubisoft 😆
@shawbag11 2 месяца назад
Dont forget the trash known as skull and bones. id say its time to start a drinking game every time ubi dose something slimey but id probs die if i did they legit do something bad every other week at this point.
@Welshie1 2 месяца назад
Oh lord, if we started that no one would survive the week
@HighNoonTex 2 месяца назад
I too hate the trope of not establishing characters, but merely having someone else say "you're such a badass". I notice it a lot with female characters (Starfire from Titans for example), which just tells me that they couldn't actually write the character interesting on their own, so they'll just have to pretend that they are interesting. Great video btw, I hope more people will see this. Especially before they go out and buy the bloody game.
@Welshie1 2 месяца назад
Glad I'm not the only one, soon as they started that scene in the trailer, I just groaned and sighed. I think the only time they've made someone we've never heard of or seen sound cool, is John Wick. But the writing in that scene was masterful, this...was just lame.
@hamsters1320 3 месяца назад
I'm honestly suprised that there are so many people defending this. Did we learn nothing at all from the past? Like at all?
@Welshie1 3 месяца назад
I can "maybe" meet them halfway for free to play...maybe, I'd still feel gross about it. BUT A $100 FULL PRICE TRIPLE A GAME?!? Nah, no way
@hamsters1320 3 месяца назад
​@@Welshie1the good thing is that there are people who have woken up and are basically going against this stuff. But there were some people who were originally against this stuff but now they accept in a way. They say they dont endorse it but that doesn't matter, because money speaks louder then words in this case. So if we dont want gaming to be worse then we have to vote with our wallets, which alot of people seem to misunderstand, and years later down the line they would get angry that gaming has become worse but really they shouldn't be angry. I mean we warned them where this was going to go, they didn't listen, and are now getting mad when it's too late. People don't understand how the modern world works.
@Welshie1 3 месяца назад
Well, he's hoping everyone keeps the pressure and votes no more! We got rid of loot boxes. We just need to get a win over Battlepasses and surprise micros!
@Welshie1 3 месяца назад
Update - They've just patched in a Endless mode! Good job to the devs, glad to see the continued support! So, one criticism down! =)
@dkdebest 4 месяца назад
Seems like a fun game, wish i could afford it but im from somalia
@Welshie1 4 месяца назад
For the cost and how much time you get out of the game, it might be a bit steep at the moment. I'd say wait for a sale or more content to be added. As I hit the end of the game pretty quickly. Was enjoyable, but felt little short.
@dkdebest 4 месяца назад
@@Welshie1 bless you son
@Youraveragesalteen 5 месяцев назад
I respect your opinion but I think that dbd is in the best position it’s ever been with the recent camping denial mechanic and all.
@Welshie1 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for the comment! I respect your point of view and agree to some stance. Mechanically, DBD is in a fantastic spot (Which I mean after 8 years of updates we'd certainly hope so!) But, growth of the game and player retention is in trouble. I think with the failure of the player numbers to jump up with the likes of Chucky or the Xeno, I believe old & new players are looking for something more. Again appreciate you taking the time to watch and jump into the comments to add to the discussion!
@Youraveragesalteen 5 месяцев назад
You bring up some great points and you are 100 percent right on majority of what you brought up but the fact that behavior is actually listening to us and making it known that the community opinion matters by essentially making a wellness chapter thank you so much for responding like a normal person and not freaking out I love having discussions with people with different views then me and you make great content never change man!
@Welshie1 5 месяцев назад
Oh man, if they made a wellness chapter I'd think they'd win a lot of good favor back. No problem at all! Same to you, thanks for not jumping into the comments just to tell me I'm wrong and to jump off a cliff or something XD Always love having discussions/debates =)
@holyw5478 5 месяцев назад
Honestly hopefully we get a dbd 2. Making fundamental changes to the game like more game modes, better killer balance and multiple win objectives and more
@Welshie1 5 месяцев назад
Agreed! I've always had this feeling with how spaghetti the code has been with the recurring bugs with certain updates, that BHVR didn't think in OG days DBD would take off as it did. It's mostly like so badly coded that a clean slate with something like a DBD 2 would be needed to build on it and add in major changes.
@totallynotlordemperorstars9531 5 месяцев назад
honestly man, some really good points and I love the channel. keep up the great work
@Welshie1 5 месяцев назад
Thanks =)
@pyroboplayer962 5 месяцев назад
It's not
@tedturtle5032 5 месяцев назад
Tell that to the lower player numbers even with big dlc like Alien and Chucky or the fact that bigger content creators feel wary of the current state of the game or left the game.
@Welshie1 5 месяцев назад
It's not the end of it as I mentioned at the 2:15 mark, but it's definitely end of the "Add a famous IP and the players will flock to the game" I mean if Xeno or Chucky failed to spike the numbers, then I don't know what would. Clearly the players are wanting something more.
@layzee3810 6 месяцев назад
This is my favorite feature in the game lol
@Welshie1 6 месяцев назад
I have a love/hate relationship with it XD
@snonyabeeswax 6 месяцев назад
ngl i lowkey ship astarion and halsin i can see them being f buddies lol
@Welshie1 6 месяцев назад
Ayeee! I see you too are of high culture! XD
@bolo6062 6 месяцев назад
Just want to give some feedback on the video. The audio volume was very low so had to turn it up a lot, and then at one point you make a very loud sound bursting my eardums 😅
@Welshie1 6 месяцев назад
Thank you for the feedback! And sorry to your eardrums! ❤️
@loverisIand 6 месяцев назад
okay so first, there is no battle pass, the shop is entirely cosmetic only the only exception being mounts and a masters datacron. tutorials are outdated yes, but most of them are viable such as combat/movement/crew skills/pvp etc. 3 difficulty levels were introduced for different levels of play. the welcome menu, gives you the option to jump into pvp or galactic without having to go through the individual menus and functions to find them. the store at the bottom shows you the deal of the day, which some players are interested in especially traders. login rewards well are login rewards
@Welshie1 6 месяцев назад
Thanks for the comment! =) I'd hate to disagree, but SWTOR does have a battlepass or as they call it Galactic Seasons, is indeed a battlepass. Not as brutal as others, but it's 100% a battlepass. Glad you agree with the tutorials being outdated, they just need a pass through to bring up to speed, there's good info in there, but with out-dated screenshots or lack of keyboard shortcuts, it's quicker to just Google it. Agreed there's some good in the Welcome screen, but I still think it's a bit too "aggressive." Good to have it there, but maybe dial it back or hide it till level 5 or something. But still, fanastic MMO, still recommend it to others, even just for the solo adventurer. But, thanks again for watching and taking time to comment =)
@zombiejesus7445 7 месяцев назад
@Welshie1 6 месяцев назад
Thank you =)
@Morpheus1984 7 месяцев назад
Me and my wife started playing two weeks ago, i had it in steam for 4 years or something with 20+ classic star wars titles i once bought in a holiday sale. I am a huge fan of Kotor 1 played it back in 03' when it came out, and kept coming back. I recently finished the restored Sith lords mods and thought "o well, why not?". And it's an incredibly fun ride so far.
@Matej_Sojka 7 месяцев назад
"It will never be..." - Dude, have you checked out the publicly available player Strongholds with terminals on fleet? You can see those owners opened for public and they have them most decorations. Some of those houses are really inspired. Each of my characters has their own hideout, home, military base, whatever fits their background. It is one of my favorite parts of the game to tweak them while waiting for group for any content. Great video, thanks for checking out this game that I have played on and off since launch. I have purchased account wide upgrades so even if I do not pay I do not lose any features except Operation access even if I stop paying and it was not that expensive given the monthly Cartel Coins from security key. But I like to support what I like and BroadSword seems to be serious about doing more than just upkeep of the game, so I am optimistic.
@Welshie1 7 месяцев назад
Thanks for the praise and watching! =) I have checked it out some other players housing, which is impressive and the housing in SWTOR is still leagues above others. With Palia, if you ever check it out just has a nutty level of item/furniture placement that is just next level. Grid-less free form placing, placing items on shelves or on top of other bits of furniture....I swear I'm not sponsored by Palia haha SWTOR in the housing department is definitely up in the top tier and I can see being player's goal to grind out, it's super rewarding. I'm glad to see that BroadSword are doing right by the players and I think I'll be like yourself, continuing to come back on/off =)
@ubiwrongcomeatme3452 7 месяцев назад
You can get lost in the combat if you're playing the right class for you. It's not a bad game. I'm going to be going back to it when sod is no longer interesting.
@Welshie1 7 месяцев назад
Definitely! I think this with most MMOs, but SWTOR is also a victim of this. I think (Might just be me) especially when you're leveling quickly and the game automatically grants you new abilities and combined with the combat styles, you can easily feel like you picked the wrong class
@ubiwrongcomeatme3452 7 месяцев назад
@@Welshie1 It wasn't like that in the beginning, I know you remember. Good thing we got that experience so we're not quite so overwhelmed XD.
@damianmoran1512 7 месяцев назад
Audio told you there was at least 5 zs behind it
@Welshie1 7 месяцев назад
Yeah, I need to use audio queues more often, but between my stupidity and getting easily distracted might take awhile XD
@HamieExtra 7 месяцев назад
no one is safe
@Welshie1 7 месяцев назад
Except yourself XD
@DeathToAllHamsters 7 месяцев назад
crying over a 1m sale is just sad o.o and bashing someone for wanting money for doing a job just shows how out of touch he is
@Welshie1 7 месяцев назад
Reading it his early responses and knowing his background, you can kinda see how he got to his conclusion, still isn't right, but you can see it. I'm just glad he apologised and didn't make excuses