The Gospel Coalition
The Gospel Coalition
The Gospel Coalition
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Overcoming Our Ahistoric Age
9 часов назад
@jareddoddtheblessedfamily Час назад
Very sad testimony. Parents, please educate your children either at home or in a private Christian school. The statistics are overwhelmingly clear. Public School offers the lowest education while also stealing the souls of most of our children. Much love and blessings.
@Duskrunner 2 часа назад
Paul "suffering no woman to teach" is an extension of the address towards public worship. Teaching and "usurping authority over the man" are connected in relation to how these individuals carry themselves in public. "The man" in this case is the husband - you'll notice that Paul says that "I suffer not" and not simply "suffer not" - this is often overlooked. Paul is saying that he himself suffers not a woman to teach, nor should any woman seek to usurp authority over the man - usurping is the woman acting in her own interests without any consideration for the man. You can usurp authority, which is unlawful, or it can be given to you willingly by the individual that holds authority. Case and point you can even look to Harris being given by Biden the blessing to run against Trump, as of this writing. There's of course debate as to whether this was Biden's true wishes or if it was made to appear this way for public image, but it holds to what Paul is discussing. HE doesn't suffer women to teach, and he recommends that men follow suit in their own homes, based on the natural structure of the household. This is why he also brings up salvation through childbearing. Men can't earn their salvation through the process of childbearing - men must earn their salvation through owning their role as fathers and husbands, protectors and guardians of their homes, and they had better get this right, because elsewhere, Paul and others are very clear that a special level of punishment awaits those who wrongly lead others astray. The spiritual leadership of a household isn't a right of the man - it's the duty of the man - and just as in secular warfare, where the men went off to battle because they were expendable and societies survived through the protection of women and children, in the realm of spiritual warfare that responsibility falls upon the man in the same way. Paul wasn't saying don't teach at all, women. Paul was advocating for the severity of the teacher's role in the church, and why it was the man's duty to take this responsibility on. A man must own this role for his salvation, and that of his family, and the greater Christian community. And they should treat that responsibility with even more sobriety than they would if they were asked to take up arms, because we don't fear those who kill the body, but him who can destroy both the body and the soul.
@beliciaat 2 часа назад
One of the most beautiful sermons that I have ever heard. Thank you for this sermon Pastor John, may God continue to bless your ministry.
@scottdakin7449 3 часа назад
Appreciate this talk. And Ray's comment about first order, second order issues.. It would have been good to hear application on the elephant of Covid opinions which we all came through and how there lacked grace and respect toward unvaccinated people in churches.
@saragyulakian5426 4 часа назад
@Oneffunes 15 часов назад
The corn. The foolish virgins, will follow as the identity to God, is the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit, as being God, but the wise virgins, will follow as the identity to God, is the Alpha, and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last as being God. The trinity cannot lead you to a perfect understanding of God, but the Alpha, and the Omega, the beginning, and the end, the first and the last, can lead you to a perfect understanding of God. Welcome to the dispensation of The Spirit Of Truth.
@christinencube3068 17 часов назад
@daschuhow 19 часов назад
The Bible is both descriptive and prescriptive.
@foreversingle1975 22 часа назад
Got nothing to live for
@MrTheedmister 23 часа назад
Lets see. Homeschooled all four children. Each graduated from high school. Each have a college degree. We have many cultures intermarried into our family. We have Asian, Hispanic, African-American, and Caucasian. They are doing well in life and did not have to face the "public school" pressure. They are social. I am confused about any push back toward homeschooling. I would not do anything differently. All are faithful believers. As far as the "missionary" perspective. Really? They are not supposed to be missionaries. They are children still developing. I think people send their kids to public school mainly for convince. Usually one parent has to stay home so there is sacrifice in income. Also the social stigma.
@The_skY-2015 День назад
I hope god will accept that im not straight i hope he will accept that im lesbian in the future when grow older
@SteveHohman-y6e День назад
In arguing that the Church didnt create the Bible, he shows us that the Church created the Bible. He says that there was general agreement in the CHurch that these books went in the Bible, from very early on. So he is saying that the CHURCH agreed on these books. If the church didnt agree on these books, there would be no Bible. Who does he think this "church" is that agreed on these books?? It is kind of like the fact that many Catholic doctrines werent officially defined until centuries later (i.e. the immaculate conception), but since the early church, it was generally accepted, just not formally defined. He is essentially saying that this is also the case with the books of the New Testament. But if there was in fact agreement on these books, who exactly was it that was agreeing- well, the CHURCH
@Necrovantic День назад
You guys have no idea what u are talking about lmao! You do know that king Solomon smoked weed right ? I mean why do u think he was so chill ? Really though Marijuana helped me find god and helped me stop drinking which is real killer, seen that shit ruin so many lives. Also there is such a thing as a high functioning high, it happens when u have a tolerance. Marijuana loses the intoxicating effect and acts more like anti anxiety meds. U guys need to smoke before u judge, because again u have no idea what u are talking about. Honestly Jesus would probably rather have u smoke and joint and read the bible other then drinking that fucking poison. that booze is
@getwititwright2490 День назад
In this world we will have many trials and tribulations. But we must take hope for God has overcome this world. We all go through something, something harsh and bad in life. No one walked through this life untouched without some form of pain and suffering in your life, but we have to remember that Joy truly comes in the morning. In the midst of all that struggle, the sun still shines in many ways in our life. We have to truly pay attention and focus on those things. I can't tell anybody what to do what their life. But I know that you must have hope. Hope that brighter Days are available and warranted and supposed to happen in your life, but removing yourself. You'll never get to enjoy those days. I pray for peace and comfort and a brand new start for everybody whose suffering and struggling with something. I pray for happier days for you. Amen
@mchevalier-seawell4438 День назад
Slavery is still slavery. God never said He gave Eve to Adam. he never designed roles. He never punishes children for the sin of a parent…the curse of Eve. Believing men are born to lead is a Greek idea. Slavery is still slavery.
@questionresearch8721 День назад
I always felt a way about the book of Esther. Esther was kidnapped and the prior queen was protecting herself by saying no when the king ordered her to parade herself around his friends. Men have preached on this and made the prior queen look like she dishonored him. It was too much when I read this as a kid.
@KM-ez7pd День назад
I would be interested about correcting Christians on incorrect biblical doctrine when we have that knowledge. I want to be able to do it in a loving way and especially when they're a leader of a small group so they're teaching incorrect doctrine to others. But also it's not necessarily a salvation issue.
@yunique777 День назад
This verse comes to mind as I hear this discussion: "If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men." Romans 12:19
@DarylWilliams-t8n День назад
She doesn't have a clue about what Christianity. Just sad.
@ortiztony67 2 дня назад
Wron!!! If you commit suicide you going to be lost if is wrong for no believers is even worse for belivers so don't be desive by false doctrin that give you licenses to sin
@gybx4094 2 дня назад
What do you expect? The Church is a very lonely and depressing place for singles of all ages. St.Paul writes at length about how blessed it is to remain single. That's not my experience. We are ostracized for having never married or having children. Of course we will be lonely, anxious and depressed.
@brandonwilliams9085 2 дня назад
Fools. What about coding ethics ?
@rachelleroberts4290 2 дня назад
Jen is maligning Christians who choose to homeschool or send their children to private school at the same time asking to not be maligned for choosing public school. Oh the hypocrisy!!!
@rachelleroberts4290 2 дня назад
Is there any chance Jen has some bias based on her history with family being heavily influenced by career educators? PSA: Public schools were founded to teach the bible. Public schools in order to get federal funding HAD to teach the bible. Public schools are so far from its orginal founding purpose. Jen also mentions that she has trauma from her own mothers experience teaching in a private school. Again, any admitted bias there on her part?
@DarthTwilight 2 дня назад
I found it interesting how everybody likes to quote Paul instead of Jesus. Jesus said if you love me, keep my commandments
@doglover-sv4zi 2 дня назад
Paul says I, where does Jesus say
@willrosie4789 2 дня назад
I’m English, so I’m guessing that there is so much emotional attachment/outrage to the issue of circumcision in this thread from Americans?
@ms.caroline2008 2 дня назад
As far as the talking piece I think there were women gossiping in the church which I think is still a problem today.
@tintinismybelgian 2 дня назад
The chorus reminds me of "If I Had a Heart" by Sugar Ray.
@amospan14 2 дня назад
Amen. John 15:15, NKJV No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.
@ArthurMagoola 2 дня назад
The very last sentence by the get on the right (sorry, I didn't catch your names in the video) is the thing that really got me into Christ. Viewing His commands as a privilege for us to work out what He has worked into us gives it a very different and unburdening perspective. I was speaking to my son earlier today about trusting God: essentially, in each situation, the renewed mind asks "How does God get glory in this?" and then proceeds to obey Christ's command. Even when the command is difficult to obey in the flesh, once the heart is set to obeying it, His grace comes in and enables us to carry out his work, and God is then glorified. It is an untold privilege.
@fnhfal 2 дня назад
@theway77744 2 дня назад
I agree, however, I believe that in heaven, every word and the proper perspective will take place for the believer. In other words, there are some things that won’t sit right or be clearly understood in our present state.
@primodernious 2 дня назад
people who advocate for gay or are gay need to read the bible before they talk about christians.
@johnflorio3576 2 дня назад
The last 500 or so years have been an epic failure. Protestantism has involved into a cacophony of competing theological brands and personality cults. This must end. Read John 17:21 and Ephesians 4:4-6 until you understand.
@naeemaamina972 2 дня назад
She’s on here lying about scripture
@naeemaamina972 2 дня назад
But Lot did not give his daughters to them. The angels stopped it. Her saying that is in correct and it does not portray that event accurately. The very thing they are talking about she just did.
@dtauala 2 дня назад
Western culture refuses to recognize the plant was introduced by the Scythian to the Hebrews. The Israeli Museum transferred the Temple of Tel-Arad (King Hezekiah-reign), the Incense altar has remains of cannabis, which was used during temple worshiping and drinking parties. The plant Kanne Bossom = cannabis was one of the five components of the Holy Anointing Oil, which is also used as medicinal purposes, textile, clothing, ropes and such. The bible speaks of a time and place in the middle east, two millenniums ago. I believe in the Almighty God, and not man's perception of what it infers from what it can relate to as an outsider looking in and saying otherwise, to their way of life.
@pinkysands 2 дня назад
I miss Dr Keller so much. Thank you, Jesus, for his life and ministry!
@joshuahouchins9923 3 дня назад
This is probably the best version of this song I have ever heard!
@harrylime9611 3 дня назад
The answer is Yes, it is ok. I just saved you 5 minutes of your life. You're welcome.