Monsieur Z
Monsieur Z
Monsieur Z
"The last honest historian."

Bringing you the truth no matter how bad it hurts. Since 2016.

Why Americans Keep Wanting to Secede
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Biden's Last 100 Days: The Final Act
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Why Brazil Looks Like 5 Different Countries
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How Does The 2024 Election Go Without Biden?
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What Always Causes Civilizational Collapse?
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Why JD Vance as VP is a BIG Deal
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The Real Struggles of Gen Z
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Does The World Need A New British Empire?
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Why Conservatives Can't Unite
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Why Conservatives Don't Understand War (2024)
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The 5 CULTURAL REGIONS of China Explained
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What Does Monsieur Z Actually Believe?
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Why John Brown Really Wasn't A Hero
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How A Second American Civil War Could Start WW3
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@e.t.theextraterristrial837 36 минут назад
We need a union or something close to it. Europeans are turning to nazis and yes, Trump is right, apart from some Eastern European ajd Baltic members of the NATO they're delinquent. Russia and China are forming their own strange zone of influence where other autocratic states have a hard on for them.
@RAPR117 39 минут назад
You think the rural conservatives will be “hesitant”? 😂
@dunecat8538 Час назад
the Ai images are annoying because they are inaccurate
@ryanance9871 Час назад
Project 2025 has been debunked and denounced so many times. But yet it still keeps coming back up, like a cockroach that won't die. Look up Agenda 47. That is what he actually runs on
@ajalmada3 Час назад
short answer. no. scholarship shows less than 1% of politicians switched. That’s not a “party switch” the racist are still the democrats.
@glundgren2097 Час назад
You are delusional! The cities are not violent nonpartisans, they are unarmed woke clown that don't know where food comes from. The rural conservatives are heavily armed and raise food. Come get some!
@kelleren4840 2 часа назад
I mean, as an ardent, "liberal extremist", I'm majorly concerned about this not because I like the administrative state. I'm completely opposed because the current Republican party has demonstrated time and again they are dedicated to institute policies that are wildly unpopular, corrupt, and harmful to the core rights we have enshrined in the Constitution. So simply removing administrative obstacles (which should be done) without also instituting other protections for american's rights is wildly terrifying. The way I see it is this. There are two drivers fighting for control of a run-away train carrying high explosives and headed straight for a heavily populated town. Both drivers are often obnoxious and dishonest and incompetent. But one driver has recently gone into a psychotic episode, and completely disabled the wheel breaks in his most recent turn as conductor. Now, the only thing slowing the train down are engine breaks and the psychotic driver is screaming that they need to stop using the engine breaks because it's bad for the train engine to use those in the long run. Yes, the administrative state is slowing down both parties' ability to quickly enact their agendas. Yes, that was never the intended, long-term purpose of administrative agencies. But until we get the wheel breaks enabled again (robust protections for the rights of the American people), the fact that one of the conductors is trying to remove that stop-gap altogether is wildly concerning for me. TLDR; I'd rather both parties be less effective until we have institutional protections in place to preserve our core, constitutional rights than engage with a much-needed administrative reform only for a party which has recently been frothing at the mouth to strip away American's rights to then have even less stopping them from doing so.
@GaryBickford 2 часа назад
I recall reading back in the 1970s about the contempt natives of eastern colonies for the useless, oppressive, arrogant Muscovites and government. During the USSR era vast regions of the east suffered ecological catastrophe in addition to economic exploitation. The Aral Sea, Lake Baikal, vast areas where nothing grows because of mining.
@nathanw9770 2 часа назад
This would be the biggest crashout since ww2
@TreyC68 2 часа назад
Oh yeah I remember learning about that in SC history
@Inuit-n3j 3 часа назад
You know genius, every one of those soldiers (and their families) LIVE amongst those evil Republicans (who won't be wearing signs). They all go to the same Walmarts. You see your problem here. Additionally, I notice that a band of 7th century goat herders drove us out of Afghanistan.
@Brisco_County_Jr 3 часа назад
In the 90s and early 2000s the Republicans were the war mongers and now it's the dems. We are at the point of governors signing bombs. Yeah this isn't the democratic party of the 90s in any way.
@rah4822 3 часа назад
Conservatives will have the advantage in that Russia, China and North Korea will support them with arms, food, medicine and maybe manpower. Conservatives will finally be free of those bad liberals!😂
@nikolasaurus6458 4 часа назад
This is completely irrelevant but its been oddly distracting me. Why are there little changes to the borders; like China getting bits of land in Southern Mongolia, Myanmar loosing northern lands to China, and Japan being shifted far more south than it actually is? Its really dumb to care about but I’m curious 😅
@msh441 4 часа назад
Brought to you by 🇷🇺🇨🇳🇮🇷🇵🇸🇰🇵
@msh441 4 часа назад
This is based on the idea that the military and citizens will be perfectly fine with nuclear, bio, chem, conventional bombs, and drones used in the US against American CITIZENS. People who are brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents, cousins, friends of those attacked, just standing by and watching the government wipe out the ‘flyover states’. This is a kindergartner’s interpretation of what ‘Civil War’ would look like. No one who’s seen this type of conflict up close would suggest it’s that simple. So ask yourself: Who benefits from making it look so easy?🤔. Hint: 🇷🇺 🇨🇳 🇮🇷 🇵🇸 🇰🇵
@msh441 5 часов назад
Tell me you’re a foreign agent, stoking division w/o telling me you’re a foreign agent stoking division. Anyone suggesting this has never seen urban combat, or is selling you a load of BS to make you think tris BS might be a viable option. Don’t be suckered. If you want to see how ‘cities’ fare under medium-moderate hardship in the US, go binge Katrina docs, or look at Ashville NC RIGHT NOW following Helene. Looting. Empty stores. Shootings in line for gas. Predatory crime skyrocketing. Most people quickly stop caring about POLITICS, and start thinking PERSONAL SURVIVAL. Don’t fall for this warped Civil War fantasy being pushed by those who want nothing more than to pick up the pieces, and ultimately take control. Cities also become primary targets for bombing, terrorism, and eventually urban combat (think eastern Ukraine/Gaza strip/Syria levels of destruction). Cities become the LAST place anyone wants to stay/live for DECADES after war. Believe me, if we choose to go that route, cities will be deathtraps, full of heaps of cover/concealment versus sustainable locations in which ANYONE wishes to live. Beware those that suggest otherwise.
@Jojokicksass2 5 часов назад
Crazy how the left is now pro authoritarian federal government
@Jojokicksass2 5 часов назад
You’re out of your mind if you think the military is going to fight like minded right leaning states, especially since most of the military is from those states.
@Lee-xf7bk 6 часов назад
Democrats have always been racist.
@geisty 6 часов назад
The Dem Party has simply become full blown Orwellian. It's arguably always been so, now it's just more blatant.
@SKhorse85 6 часов назад
The spears as African American ethnicity id killing me 😂
@jakebocskovits7426 6 часов назад
Finally, someone who doesn’t lie about history.
@Forsthman64 6 часов назад
You're missing Islam, Christianity, Zoroastrianism and Judaism.
@angloaust1575 7 часов назад
South africa withdrew their Support causing its downfall! Israel too would have fallen If the usa withdrew their Support but wealthy jews Kept it going You can have apartheid in israel but not africa!
@thestrongseminarian 7 часов назад
What a fool
@adamtheangler 7 часов назад
Lol. Rural America is not divided nor hesitant. I think you miscalculated a little bit. CHAZ worked out really well in Portland.
@Mark1es233 7 часов назад
Hmmmm your giving me an idea ima go ask congress if we can conquer the Middle East and use your ideas mr.z .
@vod96 7 часов назад
This is horrible, the decision is between a technocracy or a dictatorship. Both are shit. Im genuinely afraid for the future of the US
@Snowy_is_sad 7 часов назад
Classical liberalism better
@relenltlessgoat7603 8 часов назад
few things, i would rather have a gun then not. 2nd would the us military want to use 100% of its capibilities agianst its own citizens if it wont even use it on thier enemies. 3rd majority of the enlisted and military personell are conservatives. 4th how many military members would be willing to support a goverment that goes against its values. 5th equipment and bases are typically close to or filled with conservatives. and lastly id think no matter what the government conservative or liberal the military will be split and assests will be siezed, kinda like the firat civil war.