Marlene Dietrich 1901-1992

Avatar: René Robert Bouché
Background: "Manpower", 1941.
@user-nu7zs9zb4h 20 дней назад
@renzorighi5633 Год назад
Unfortunately he doesn't feel very well... if someone good soul wanted to summarize it all <3
@bjbinmke 2 года назад
Thank you for the translation. It made the video so much more for us.
@azerethroth5761 4 года назад
I would kill for some translation please! I love Marlene ♥
@dazed-darling 3 года назад
Today I would like to talk to you about my great friend Marlene Dietrich. She has a passion for France and french people. She did so much for us during the war. For me she was a true friend and when I had troubles in America she never left me. One day, she was in my dressing room while I was getting ready for the show, she would open the door and was like my secretary, if could have seen the look on people's face! She would say "I'm Mrs. Piaf's secretary, what do you want?" People couldn't believe it. Someone said "Why don't you take Chevalier as your driver?" Marlene has got it all, she's very beautiful, more beautiful than ever. When she came to my wedding, she radiated charm, beauty and intelligence. I'm very proud to have her as a friend.
@azerethroth5761 3 года назад
@@dazed-darling Oh my goodness, Thank you so much. ♥ "and when I had troubles in America she never left me." That definitely sounds like Marlene! <3 Much love, Have a great day!
@dazed-darling 3 года назад
@@azerethroth5761 you’re welcome❤️
@mariagalante821 4 года назад
Marlene Dietrich... lindíssima ... glamourosa... Atriz e cantora ...
@jjhh3224 4 года назад
Those were the days, when gentlemen were chivalrous, ladies were ladies......
@BruceMerwin 10 лет назад
Wow!, thank you.
@elizabethabrantes4450 10 лет назад
How nice to see those magazines' covers! All before my time! They were so beautiful! And I loved Marlene and Tallulah's chat, so funny so witty they were! Thanks!!!
@rockferryluv66 11 лет назад
It's John Davis Lodge, her costar from The Scarlet Empress. c: To the uploader, thanks for these! This makes me just fall out laughing! Ha! :>
@LilyMarleneDietrich 11 лет назад
Merci beaucoup !
@vegoh 11 лет назад
please translate
@allahsslave32 12 лет назад
Who is the man in the photo at 3:16
@allahsslave32 12 лет назад
who is the man in the picture with her at 3:16
@jasminvictor9194 12 лет назад
Je suis très heureux d`avoir trouvé le channel - les amies de la Dietrich en youtube - merveilleux merci merci beaucoup
@giavannira 13 лет назад
God she is beautiful i could just stare n admire her all day but theres something deeply personal about her beauty it seems 2 shine from the inside out n just makes her glow it amazing xoxoxoxox
@giavannira 13 лет назад
Wow thanks for posting..some of these pictures i have never seen..what an amazing human Marlene is! she is truely my hero..i can only hope and keep trying 2 accomplish great things in my life and do something useful as she does! these pics brought goosebumps 2 me xoxoxox
@Kasbahkabaret 13 лет назад
Thank you for this. I have loved Marlene since I was a child (I'll be 50 this year), and she was an amazing star and entertainer, the likes of which no copy cat can ever reproduce. I love Noel's intro, so spot on and fun.
@MarleneInterviews 13 лет назад
@giavannira Thank you, Giavanni, I like Hitchcock and love Marlene!
@giavannira 13 лет назад
thanks fro posting stage fright is one of fav movies of all time!
@MarleneInterviews 13 лет назад
@CuteCatFaith Je suis d'accord avec vous, Marlene était humaine, avec ses qualités et ses défauts, comme nous! Le livre écrit par sa fille, Maria Riva, est parfois terrible, mais il ne parvient pas à nuire à sa légende. Merci beaucoup!
@MarleneInterviews 13 лет назад
@MarleneDietrichVideo Thank you, my friend!
@MarleneDietrichVideo 13 лет назад
Thanks for sharing!
@CuteCatFaith 13 лет назад
@MarleneInterviews Oui, je vous jure, malgré le fait que je connais quelques choses un peu "negatif" vers Dietrich, je suis très "pour." Elle était complexe. Rebelle. Humaine.
@MarleneInterviews 13 лет назад
@CuteCatFaith Merci beaucoup pour les intéressants renseignements! Vous avez eu de la chance de connaître Henry Alter. Von Losch était le beau-père de Marlene. Marlene consultait Carol Richter avant ses voyages, pour savoir si elle pouvait prendre l'avion! Elle défendait l'astrologie. Merci beaucoup, amitiés, Fabrice.
@CuteCatFaith 13 лет назад
J'ai connu Henry Alter, qui était le chauffeur du voiture quand Dietrich a fait son retour triste et celebre pour revoir Berlin. Elle n'a pas du tout pleuré -- tout ça, c'est faux. Henry était le secrétaire privé de Paul Henreid à Hollywood, et la famille de Dietrich était connu par sa famille la-bàs -- je crois que son père était la dentiste pour la famille von Losch! Il m'a montré l'horoscope fait à l'insu de Dietrich par Carol Righter (sp?). Tout ça, j'ai connu par hasard.
@CuteCatFaith 13 лет назад
@MarleneInterviews Je suis américaine, en france, et peut-être je peux vous aide avec un traduction vers l'anglais. J'ai quasiment connu Riva et Dietrich, grace à ma longue amitie avec Henry Alter, tout par hasard. Je suis facile à joindre ici. Merci pour le poste.
@MarleneInterviews 13 лет назад
@MarleneXtreme Thank you for your kind comment, Irene :-)
@MarleneInterviews 13 лет назад
@cyrilconnection Ils ont eu de la chance de ne pas se faire prendre par les nazis... Merci Cyril!
@LilyMarleneDietrich 13 лет назад
@cyrilconnection Si, à la Hollywood Canteen réservée aux soldats.
@MarleneInterviews 13 лет назад
@mydarlingfilms Etrangement, Marlene a beaucoup aimé sa participation à la Guerre et le retour à la vie civile a été pénible... Merci aussi pour avoir accepté l'invitation.
@MarleneInterviews 13 лет назад
@MarleneXtreme Marlene was a brave! Thank you Irene :-)
@MarleneInterviews 13 лет назад
@cyrilconnection Les photos de Marlene pendant la Guerre la montre si différente de son image glamour et sont des témoignages intéressants. Merci à toi Cyril :-)
@MarleneInterviews 13 лет назад
@mydarlingfilms Marlene était splendide! Merci beaucoup :-)
@MarleneInterviews 13 лет назад
@iiiiiccccc I wish my English was not so limited to translate my French videos! Marlene thought Mamoulian was not able to give her the magic she wanted. Maria explains how Marlene prepared with Sternberg the lights during the night for "Song of Songs". The day after, she told how they had to film her, she wasn't supposed to do it, it is prohibited by the unions, but when they saw the result, they aplaused. ..Maria was so proud! I hope you've learned something, my friend!
@MarleneInterviews 13 лет назад
@MarleneXtreme Marlene speaks always with love and respect about Gabin. Thank you, Irene ;-)
@MarleneInterviews 13 лет назад
@marguitar1 She explains she couldn't play "the girl next door" (in "Martin Roumagnac") because people can't believe she is not a spy or someone mysterious. Thank you ;-)
@marguitar1 13 лет назад
I can't understand a word but I love hearing her!! And those are some photos that I've not seen which I love!!
@takokvrivishvili9180 2 года назад
thats why im here as well,i didnt understand a word but that was hot lmaooo
@MarleneInterviews 13 лет назад
@MarleneDietrichVideo Malene was friend with Hemingway, Cocteau, Remarque (very friend!), she was not an actress like others! Thank you ;-)
@MarleneInterviews 13 лет назад
@marguitar1 You are always so positive: thank you so much!
@MarleneInterviews 13 лет назад
@marguitar1 Marlene's voice is so magic! Thank you ;-)
@MarleneDietrichVideo 13 лет назад
STUNNING video -- thanks for sharing with us!
@marguitar1 13 лет назад
I do love this video!!
@marguitar1 13 лет назад
That's a great clip!
@MarleneInterviews 13 лет назад
@MarleneXtreme Jean Cocteau and Edith Piaf died the same day...very sad day... Thank you, Irene :-)
@MarleneInterviews 13 лет назад
@MarleneXtreme Yes, I agree with you, she was older but the magic is alive... Thank you, Irene ;-)
@MarleneInterviews 13 лет назад
@Carochoupi Merci beaucoup, Caro! Marlene lit les réponses, cela s'entend un peu...
@MarleneInterviews 13 лет назад
@marguitar1 Marlene is so attractive! Thank you ;-)
@Carochoupi 13 лет назад
Love this interview so much! And awesome pictures too! Vive Marlène
@marguitar1 13 лет назад
I love the video! It has a lot of very attractive photos of the great Marlene!
@MarleneInterviews 13 лет назад
@PreuschoffPerrier Yes, I agree! Thank you, Inge ;-)